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Orono Weekly Times, 14 Oct 1970, p. 2

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14th, 1970 CAMPING FEES IN LINDSAY DISTRICT PARKS 'Camping f ees in siome of the Provincial Parks in the Lindsay District wil ontinuie to be chürg- ed up Vto and îneluding October 12, 1970. Camping flaclities, nor- naly discontiuued in anîd Sep- tember, wti1. also be continued to thils date, so campers will have such f aciâities avalabie as wash- roonis, running water, garbage collection tand, in IJarlngton and Býakam Lake Parks, trailer elect- Énical outiets. Those par~ke cotinuing cblang- ing for-cmpn will be Balsoni Lake, FJ ,r!sngjan, Serpent Mou nds and Presqu'àle. Vehile entry fees, however, wll fot be rharg- Staples-Tamblyn Miss iSharon Laureyne Tamb- lyn, danghter of Mr. ani Mrs. Carlos TanMbIyn of Orono andi Mr. Dlavid Lawrence Staples, non of Mr. andi Mns. Lawrence Staples of Bethtanîy were unitcd in inarriage ,on &atùiaxlay afternoon, Auguait 15 1970 at -3:30 o'elock ini Oronjo, Un- Rted Churcih. For the ceremony lovely floral arrangements of or- ange, white and yellow g1adý!oli in taIl standtards e'nhanced the church, and yelluw, 'munis wth yellow ribbon streamers marked Vue guest pews. Tall tapeiIs in candelabra cat thie soft glow of candfleight on the setting. The officiditiflg clergyiman was 1Rev. Basi Long !and the weddîfng ,nusc uaplayed. by Mr., .JgMes 'Wilsio. 0*ae soloist, Mr. Robert Tompkins, sang O Peeiet Love and The Wedding Prayer. Given in marriage by hèr fath- er, the bride wore a formai, A- line gowsn, an original creatiôni of wiite crystal orgafiza. The em- pire bodice, full bouffant sleeves gathered to cuff s, and the itand- up colar were iadorned with Gui- pure lace trim in a fecm andi daisy pattemn. 'The long, detachable daUwhdal tain was aaws outkned wth mnatchling, lace. Her ful length veil of pure silk illusian was caulgt Vo a headpece of miin- iature white flowers and, bows. She oarrlied )a casoade bouquet of wvhte carnations, coral sweet- beae iroses andi stephanotis. Mrs. Rüoger Nagiarajan of Kn- asha, Africa, was matron of honor and the brid'esqmoids were Ms. Oarl Kimmetît, Orono; Mrs.*-Barry Staples, Oshaw~a and iMiss Eyel- ene Brown, Orlono. They were identically .attircd in floor-lengitih, empire-ýstyled gownls with- full- length bouffant sieeves gâtheresi to cuffis. The gowns were made of floral patterned, blue flockcd or- ganza with highiights of orange and yeâlow and m'atching-rosettes Contfinental Sauna and STEAM BATH GENTLEMEN ... We have a Sauna and Whirl- pool ready for your use. Drop in and give them a try Group Rates Available Mon. to Sat. 1 p.m. - 1 am. Sun. 8 a.m. - 1 pm. 16A ONTARIO STREET 728-2460 OSHAWA ROG'ERSONI ORONO, ONTARIO ANTIQUEï e i at any, of the Undsay District Parks. We iare sorry to announce that EmiISs Provinelal Park, just noth of Highway 7 at Omemee lias been closed temporarily (since Sept. 23) because of thse work that às proeeeding on an under- ground central uater systern. This construction inivoives thbe use of some helavy equipment, plus a network of treches radiatîng throughout thbe park, wiceh coulsi prove thaajardQus for nîeiîbers ut thse public using the park. The pyark wà,,Iii bc opencd «gain for casuaai fall use when thse work is, eoenpleted to the less hazardous stages. circular bouquets wcre of ycllow 'mumîs centrcid with a custer of deep bronze 'nrnms. Mr. Barry Stapies was best man for bis brother, and the ushers were Mr. Howard Stuaple- ton, Mr. William Tamblyn, broth- er of the bride, ensi Mr. Norman Carr. The reception was helsi in Or- ono Unitedi Church Auditorium where tihe bride's motber recived wearing a mauve crepe dress wili lace tri-iimes bodice, white ac- cessories' andi corsage of yellow sweetlheart roses. The groom's mother >aji4c-,td Vo eceive and chose a pale pink crepe dress witdîi lace coat, white accessories ansi corqaae of deep punk'sweet- heart roses. Before -lcaving on iheir wed-, ding trip Vo the Eastcrn United States andi thIe Maritime Provinces the bride donnesi aqua-blue lace pantsut witlh scooped, neckline and, short, bellesi siceeves, andi white ?accesi'orics. A corsage of red swetheafrt r'oses complement- cd iser travelling enisemble. Mr. and Mrs. ýStaples arc esiding at PR 2, Okrono. An elemenbary teacher ýat Lord Elgin School, Bowmanville thse bride attcended Clarke High Sdhool and is a graduate of Peter- borough Teachers' Coilege. The groom, who attendedi Lindlsay Col- legiate and PetenhorougRih Teach- crs' College, is an Eýlementbary teaciher at Kirby Centennial School. Post- Ridge Petemrneila Elizabeth Ridige andi Rolferlt Leslie Posit wcre joined ininiarriage by Rcv. J. Ocstreich- er at St. Andrcýws United Chureh i lVýilbrook on, 9aturday, Odtob- er 10 at 4 o'clock. The bride is thea dlaughlter of Mr. and Mrs. R. T.Ridge of Mil CavanCandy- MAKERS OF MAPLE, VANILLA and CIIOCOLATE FUDGE Available at MATTI BILLIARDS and ~Bruberskop Orono, Ont. Phone 983-5310 ORUeNO WEEKLY TIM E uuou n, OMM. -R"& rmm%" LISTERINE ($1.39) for $1.04 (Reg. $1.25) TRIAMINICIN TABS ---- .94e CAREFREE 12's (.54) for 41c (Reg. $1.49) BAND AIDS 100's---- $1.12 brook. The groom's;parents are Mr. andi Mrs. F. C. Post of Orono, 'The bride worc a long ol fash- ioncd style wedding dress, with lcg of mutton sieves andi stand up colliar. lleàdpiýece was made of the same lace as on the dess, w1th a shoukier kéngth veil. Dress and headpiece 'werc made by Mms. R. lokstma, a ,friensi of the bride's. family. The bride carried a bouquet of ýwhite carnations and mcd roses. MaRi ofihonor wus Bevwrîy PoSt and bridesmids were Pat- rieÈa ILdsge andi Bonnie Fountain. The rnaid of honor wore a long lavender colouresi dreiss, wbile the hridsnaids worc pale orange- ice shade. AIl three girls wore littie fIowcrs in their hair, the sainie, sade -as their dresses, pnd carried nosegays of white 'muros with pale yellow centres and loops of ibbon thse sanie color as their dresses, through theni. Bcst mnan Was, Donald Scott and the ustiers were Robert Crowe an.d Phiilp Olan. FQr her ,daughtcr's wcddÉng Mrs. Ridge chose a goid colourcd (ot and dress en semble, with of yellow sweetheaiIt roses. Mrs. brown accessories, and a -corsage Post worc a three piccc navy and wlite suit witds black accessories, and a corsage of rcd sweetheart roses. The receptiion was helsi in the *Mullbrook United Ohurch hall, with unit 4 of 'the U.fýC.W. group as caterers. For their honceymoon the bràde and groom are mo'toring through north-ern Ontanlvo, andi upon their rc{turn xviii res4de in Qronuo. Out of town guéists aIttendesi froni Ottaiwa, Cochrane, TLmmins, Iroquois Da:oRs, ,Westxvood, Peter- borough, Birdsia1, Sunderland, Otcono, Bowiianville, Pontypool and lTaIrQnto.'0 On Wedncsclç-day7, Sept. 2M, a shwrwas; held for Pe-ggy, in the ch bc all, by ber bndesiaids às"qisted [)Y, 31rsl Eva ,-Masters. Ferd'ay, Sept. 25, ainother.sbower was held. This onewas ini Orono at tise home of tise groomn'.s par- ents. It usas given bv the maisi of honor aqssistesi by M.s. Post. On the sanie night a stag vvais hcld for Bob, at the. Acres 11e u'a- uant. t was given by Mr. Art Young and assistei by Mr. Post. NOXZEMA (Reg. $1.35) for --$1.01 ATEIXO (Reg. $1.29) MAN DOTION for --- .97e SOFT 'N DRY ($1.89) DEODORANT for ---- $1.42 HALIBUT LIVER OIL CAPS 500s ----- $2.24 NICE 'N EASYl ($2.25) $1.69 LADY PAT (99c.) HAIR SPRAY for -----.66c TAME (Reg. $1.39) CREAM RINSE -------$1.04 Vicks <Reg. $1.12) VAPOSTEAM for ouly .84c Vicks Reg. 68c> VAPO RUB for ----i----.1 SACCHARINE 1/4 g, 500's -33c BENYLIN (Reg. $1.20) SYRUP for only ------ .90e BROMO SELTZER ($1.19) 90c, BUFFERIN (Reg. 88e) --- .66e Pardec Chewable VITAMIN with MINERALS 100's priced only ---- $2.70 STUTT'S PHARMACY Aduit Counselling Service Every Wednesday Evening 7:00 to 9:00 P.M. AT BOWMANVILLE HIGH SCHOOL In The Guidance Office The service is free, confidential and no appointment is necessary. Information regarding Correspo ndence Courses, Community College Program,. University Courses and Extension Courses in general can be ob- tained if the individual 'wishes to upgrade his education. William c.,Hall, B. comm. Chartered Accountant" Phone Newcastle 987-4240 Ail day Wcdnesday and Saturday (Reg. $1.19) J. and J. BABY POWDER .90e SAVINGS 'N, THINGS k The 1971 Min-Uo A smaller machine at a smsaller price. BUY VOUR NEW MOTO-SKI NOW WITH NO DOWN PAYMENT No payments until, the snow flues (December lst 1970) - no carrying charges if paid for within 90 days" Ask for details ONI Y (OOSKI GIVES YWJ 2-VEA'-R TRACK WARRANTY (One Cvl'nder Mode1l'> You can own this dazzling littie beauty for just. 595.6O (FO1.B. Flatoly) And tLat includes a track of rubberized, steel cleats, with a two year warranty. Contrai cables that virtually neyer freeze. A suspension system that makes big bumps littie bumps. And more safety features than you ever imagined. Bring your wife down and look it over. After ail, the l97lMini-Sno is just her size. We're tougher 7ways. SEE THE COMPLETE IRANGE 0F '71 MOTO-SKI MODELS ON DISPLAY NOW, AT ORONO, ONTARIO BOX 249 jýe ýw ý lm, . - 1 - - -- -, - - - --- -, - ----

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