ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER llth, 1970 kendal News A very enjoyable evening waG spenit in the Sundây Séhoal roora on Wednetsday last. The U.C.W. progliam for Octaber was in charge of Mrs. J. arscadden, who gave. the Sripture reading and Mms. A. Downes who gave a pray- or for Thanksgiving. 'flhnksgtvtng Hymas were sung. Our guest speuker was Miss Lois CGulis w.aho teaches ln Ohawa. She was introduced by Miss Catherine Stewact who pre.idced as aur President. Mrs. Stevens is stillinl DX Service Station Highway 35 and 115, just north o f Newcastle F eaturing: Premium Quallty Products Ai The Most Reasonable Prices Steve oil may be picked up in an> quantity 19.9e per gallon p Phonae 987-4215 lb . 67c Best BilYl - Kraft Feature - Kraft CHEEZ WHIZ Veleeta Cheose 16 oz. jar 73c 21lb. pkg. $1.39 Red and White or Brookslde BREAD 2 24 ez.loaves 37c Best Buy! - 100 x 2-ply Best Buy! - Bathroom Tissue Kleenex Tis sues WIT SWAN 5 fer 99C 4 relis 55c Cherry HMl Cheddar Cheese 3c off Pack 4c Off Pack 5e Off Paek MiId, 65c Medium 73c Old 79c Best Buy. - Bonus Offer of Best Buy! 10e off pack 2 Gen. Eýledàric "Best Buy"' Lamp Bulbs - 40, 60, 100 Blue watt when you buy Margarine Bonnt GAD GARBAGE 3 l1b. pkg. 99c $1.49c Tender, Juiey, Value Cheeked, Branded Bl1 0 rae Roas tSlb.55c Fresh Sliced BEEF LIVER lb.L 49c Save Twice with Tim and Prie Short RIb Roasts lb. 59e Juiey RIB STEAKS 8 lb. for $7.50 UORNI1sH4's Phone' 983-5201, Orono, Ont. We reserve the right to limit quantities ROÉY THOMPSON Orono, Ontario Phone- 983-5759 Al Carpentry Work Remodelling Kitchen Cupboards We biiild from the foundation Up. Albert's Texaco GENERAI, REPAIES Phone 983-5249 Orme England. YMis-ý uillis diad tjaken the Ob erver tour 'to Eur7ope 'tIîs suemmer and hIer piciturm s showe-d beuiflviiew,ýs of mnan~y historie ini'iYr , l glDad anxd Scot-~ I-knA. Shepase through Kemdial in E r-';1nnd end wis unable to get any pi'ctu;reý there bu~t she slfiowed two or three bjaken in aur Kendal. On Jhp c9cÈinenýt she travelled in P ImTTolland end Geormiany. la all'the pit'ures tt was int"rest- intg to sec lhow old building3 are pr-'pirvcd, even the ruînts of many cnItIcs a.r'l ca'the4dais. Tihe high T ' ~~erp the ictures of the "Pasion Play" which shavm-d the l'pict 'ýs'v's la nthe hf e of laur Lord. This Pliay is acted out by the. people of the -0illage of (Yberam- magiu ten yeari s snce 1634 wthen they made apie to Gad ta do this dn being d,.&,dvered from the 'scourlge of the plaigue. The audi- erec are flot allowed to take pic- turcs but thaise of the enitire play nvay be pure-hased. Thes'e pictures were very imapressive and made the(-ie cvenits in 'the life ýof Jesus vewr,% r!I- iJc. Mrs. Elîiott thank- ed MUiss Cfuhlis iand prcsented ber with a siyyiial g.ift of apprectiation. foreis~as f duhu; and coffee wcre served. Mrs, W. Mer- cer uuýin charge af the lunch. Y-or tbe Thank3giving Service ,the',Church was smitably decoaiated wi th flawers, fruit and vegetables The chlildren's iýtory xvas about a hittie boy cilled Billy who r-aid grnrp %flfer each course when hav- ing his mealis. Once he diid tliîs in a dîiner much to the surprise of some men who werle oating there. 'Phece men learned a les- ,,Inn rom thLis smnall boy. Rev. T. J. Snejrove preadhied on the text, "lb. is god ta, give 1'hanks." t"' co"ke 'f bbc ten lepers who were cleansed by Jesus but only onie returnced ta give thnks. The Choir oang " Can a Little Chi1d lhke IMe." Miss MaVrgacret SeenIs af Otiawa and Mism Glaina Seenis of Petter- borough speni Thianksgivàng wi th théir sister Mrs, . F- oVtand Reg. Mvr. Arihui onpo and iVis. Buim4ash fad Thankciving din- ner. witfh rirs. R. Ojaldwell ait Part, Hope. Guets with Mis atherine Stewart an Thanksgiving Sunrlay were Mss MaTlon McKelvey and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Keaone or Sear- borlough. Mr. Larry R{oy of Centennùalý Callege, Searborough spenit the Thanksgivdng wee.kend wibh bis parents,' Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Roy. The Women's Institute will meet at the home of Mrs. A. Law an TueDdýay, Oto'ber 20. Mrs. -A. H1. Dobsaon enterltained Mtr. and Mrs. Bd Ruthven, Mrs. C. Fonk Tanya, Peter and Mis Cathberinei Stewart at a TlDanks- giving dinýner on Manday, Thanks- givdng Day. Duriag the paýt week the trees have taken on their autumnal cal- ors and the vïew nartih and east of Kendal is most beautdful. Sa far we have had -no frast and the flowerls are still blouoming. RoIf, Steven and Andirew spent the weekend at the Stevens' tlarm and abttended churcli on Sunirjay. NErA VALUES MOALL OF SYOUi HANK'S BAKERY and-Snack ]Bar Phone 983-5203 SAVE ON Premium Quality * GÂSOLINE * DIESEL * MOTOR OIL Farm tanks and pumps available CALL COLLECT 668-3341 UNITED CHURCH Orono Pastoral Minister È Rev. 8 E. Long SUNDAV, OCTOBER 18, 1970 Special Anniuversary' Service 11:15 A.M. Guest Speaker -. Mr. Larry John- son- Topie "Positive Living in a Negative World" NOTE: Nursery accommodation is provided during the service for chîidren ages up to 3 years. Junior Congregation for child- ren age 's 3 - 7 years. KIRBY SERVICE: 9:45 A.M. CHURCH SCHOOL 11:00 A.M. DX OIL FOR IMMEDIATE, DELIVERY Oxford IM~ICKLAYERS STONEMASONS WILLIE J. SCHWA1TL Phone 983-5606 SPecializing in ail kinds of STONEWORK and FIREPLACES' We aise do chimuev Revairs Bulbs We have a splendid selection of top q4iality bulbs -for,-fail planting to produce spring time colour and beauty Glen RLe Prodicts Agents for Bowmanvile Cleaners Tu esday, Thursday, Friday Christie Bread and Cakes Middieoes Red and White - First Grade B U T T ER Fresh Minced - Burger Blond BEEF CHUCK lb. 79C Felowers by Van Belle phone 623-5757 I-lighway No. 2, West of Bowmanville ATTENTION FARMERS [ F WHY- PAY MORE? I whole - 10 to 12 lb. avg. Cut and Wrapped PORK LOINS IL.75c ST. SAVIOURS ANGLICAN Established 186e Regular Sunday Worship Servicece - 9:30 a.m. Hoîy Communion-, First and Third Sundjys Morning Frayer- Second and Fourth Sundays Holy Baptism by appointment with Rector 987-4745, trhe Rev. H. Robert Hayne, B.A., L.TII. Il