_________ORONO WEEKLY TIMeS, THURSDAY, OCTOBER l4th, 1970 Dr. W. R.KeUtDDS Bowmanville Professional Bidg. 222 King St. E.- Suite 106 Office Heurs: 9 a.rn. to 6 p.m. daily CIosed, Wednesday and, Sunda> Telephon e 623-7349 BOB YEOMANS PLUMBING AND HEATING 24 Heur Service New Installations - Alterations Repairs Specializing in Hot Water Heating Foeed Air Heating Septie Tank Work RR 1, Orono 983-5624 Septic Tank Service GENERAL PUMPING 24 HOUE SERVICE LORNE HARDY Leikard, Ontario Telephone 983-5728 or 983-5266 VENEZIA RESTAURANT Highway 115 and 35 1/ mile south of Orono Phone 983-5651 Open 1 days a week Spc-.ialJizng in W. FRANK REAL, 1ESTATE Realtor 21King Sý-t. VW 623-3393 Toronto 923-9174 Port Hope Office 885-4543 Fer prem pt, courteousi effici- ent service when buying or seling and fer the largest sel- ect4m Mofproperties ini the area Contact OroeoArea Bepresentativefi Roy Poster 983-5301 Ray Finnie (Bethany) 277-2280 Dane Pound 623-3965 -And y Sutchi 983-9119 M»Ry StrroýngI 52 ri Bethanv, Loccl Neèws I he crowd for the two h.liowings las't S'atuniday at tihe Oiono Fair Grourd Por the O hawa 1lell Dîîjv4, 'rs was very disapp'ointing to the Motor CIty group. H'ardiy any were in atteniance. - Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kîmmett vi.-dted on the 'weekcnd wý,th Mn. and Mr's. MVanly Krirnrett, Naplan- ce and on Monday, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Kimmett of Liindsay went on a scende trip irt h ,e U.S.A. Satutay guets with Mn. and Mrs is O4l Bîilimgs were Mr.and On Being Thakful (continued'from page 4) ly cultirafing the attitude of grat- itude. Like character, itbas to be built up through num'beniesýs cleisions for 1 good. 'Through number1esas decisions of faith. Through limes of the uplfted hcart praying. Till at last you have the habit, the attitude of thankfulnelss and gratitude. Now we recognize tbat even in god d'a)7S there are bad days. Andr otward, progpeiity does' not ee'mpt us froni t.he cyiýer of 1iffe lihere are ceutain things thot reipresenit tragedy an'd henartbreak that came to everyhody.. And whille we rnay, for a while sa cu,ýhion aurs-e]veis, against the un- plea',,ant and the unlcl,-'iiable thfit mie forget their 'emistevce.1 And wbie wc mav p'rbatr«Y. unorie- pre oursffe)lves ta face th'ei d rc experiences when they'1 corne, ie'rprt1he'he-i lliey-7corne. 'Pherp are bad days of brae mnt. ,here are dgvs of sarrow. Days wfen iliners gives us limifs ,oraur açtivitieg. -Dâys 'when there are catastrophes or 'traged- des or untoward h-ppenàigs. Just as lit séeena our welather is getlinig 'more violent and fre'Akcisb thie slavs when, we think thùatwe knoffw rniore about 'it than vl9b1jr Jr 't as in a centulry hnwe' l%1k about pelace mor 1th ie r te-cfore, we Ihave the ortw3Of edmit that ita the da a po -r jy we must be pnae o h bleak and the sbark andth drr aspects of Ille. They wviIl break in upon us. And yet we muGt bleczis the Lord- whole heartedly and give thanks 41ways in al thiflgs and at ail times if we foi- low the B4!buloal adanonÇ'ion, if w-e liiv'e this large spirýituhal wy ,B thow due's ane do it? Onie ma toid of tuýe differerice if had made ln, bis life. Wh'en he began t'o give expression to bis spiniit of tlianklulunes-s wlen'ever hie h'ad the opportunity. He wènf on to exprkain thiat if there was znnome good h'e saw in smebodv, lxe said or did sýometling about it. 11f there wmas some occasion ta ex- pres-s gratitude he exprcs,,ed it. If In some way lie could say a word of encouragement, or write if, hie id lt. Off en when pre sîng aýnd urgent business seemed to be denaan,-Pding eývery secor!nd'ofhig side tco writeL a no-te of frlen,ýdly encuraemet.IL wa-n't really necesaary and w'hich lie did net have to dIo at ail. But cultiviaing thlis attitude of gratitude, thîs spirit of thnnikfulness andi appreci- ation made hina a higger and blet- fer perýýon. It bas helped many. If oan help you. So-me tounists in Ireland 'came upon >a laittie girl carring a very hcavy bu-den and they offered tai hel'p 1ber. Wb'en they, were part-- mng she thanked the' and said, III canniot repny you for your kîndneos, but I oaa pasis it. on." We oiaa neyer rcpay God for His kindnees to us, but we can pass Mils. George Web'iter. Bow-man- ville, Miss Jaice Webster and Mn. David Penny, Ottàwa, Mr. and Mils. Carl-Kimmeit, Mies. Il. B'ailey, Mr. and Mrs., WayneBail- ey a-d Shawn. 1Mr. ansi Mrs. Thoa. Burnet ed fami1y of Oakviîlle wcre lYhnnks- giving guestis witdi ber parents, Mir. ad Mrs. ]m Id )a hrm Mr. and anid Mrs. Ganois Taimb- lyni, Mr. and Mes. EcettBirown Mir. aad Mrs. Norman AMin spcnt 0iea we'ekend ý at tiroir cottages. MiH. 'and M-rs. Ed Graihiam ne- turne"d huame li twek- afer speniding h-ohdcay's with- lier oiàster Mrs. Wm. Etchel, Mr. EtchýeJI and hm iyl Geargia, U.S.A. Sedyguests with Mus. M. H. Stîlsand Mr. and Mes. Donald Srpbsand ifamtily were Mr! and jMils. G Wiggins and family andi Mrs. Wiggin's Sr., of Do'h MiliHs; "Mn ,and Mes. A. Striko andi family Bownmaniv-ille and Miss Sta<pies of Port Hope. The Council Of the Muniýcipality of The Township, of Clarke NO0TI1C E The Council of the Municipality of the Township of Clarke gives notice that it'intends to pass a By-law to close or stop-up the Road Allowances'in, the Township of 'Clarke, in the County of Durham, following, that is to say: 1. That portion of the Lakeshore Road Aliowance from the westerly limit of> Lot 20, in the Township of Clarke, County of Durham, èasterly for a distance of One llundred and Fifty-six and eighty-nine one-hundredths feet (156.89') on the north- enIv limit of the Lakeshore Road and a distance of Three Hundred and Eighty-six and ninety-two one-hundredths (386.92') from the saiti westerly limits 4)f Lot 20, on the southerly limit of the Lakeshore Road allowance. 2. That portion of the Allowance for Road between Lot 20 and Lot 21 In the Broken Front Concession of. the Township of Clarke, County ef Durhamn, fron the solitherly boundary of the New 1,akeshore Road Allowýance to a southerly point ap- proxlmately Sixty-eight feet (68'). 3. The unopened road allowance betweeni Lots 18 and 19 in the Elghth Concession of the Township of Clarke, County of Durham, extending from the southerly limit of the said Eighth Concession to the northerly lirnit thereof. 4. The part of Princesa Street in the Police Village of Orono between MiýainS treet an1 Church Street on condition that the Municipality retaln an casernent ten feet oni each side of the centre line. AAin' Lane iii the Police Village of Or'ono betweenfýî Main Street and Chniirch Stretonconýdition that the Municipality retain an casernenit ten feet oni each side AND TAKE NOTICE that any intenested' party desiring to make daim on r to opp,,-,ose the said By-law will be heard Iýin ero o y.proxy at the meetinýg of the said Coundil to be held',in the Townsh J-ip ala rOtnon the Zlst ay o October 1910, at the hour of 7é:30 o'cloc n h atenon ]Easternn tnadTe Dated this l8th day ofý September 1970. H. DeWi7th, Clerk ofthe "Kraven Knits", 1001% pure wool cardi- gans and pullovers. Three different styles in cardigans, plairn or f ancy stitch. Pullov- esin cabLe desJiga have V-neck. Shades of bine, gold, arvocado and off-white. Sizes 34 to 46. Priced $10.95 f0 $1 5.95 Men's Caps A good assortment of mcn's caps for Fali and Winter. Cotton duck caps with caflaps and chamois lining. Chamois lin- cd hats with turned up stitched bnim. Sev-ý eral styles suitable for the hunter includ- ing reversible caps, chamois lincd nylon caps with bard pcak and turned up stitch- cd bnhn and vinyl hat with chamois lin.- ing. Shades of forest green, olive, grey, navy and fluorescenit orange. Sizes 63/4to 7%/. Prkced $1.60 t. 27 MnsvinylAite (Coats, syldby Taugh's mit pobied collai. and domesi front. B3eige Only. Zipplene- cri n case. Sizes , M n L N, Price each $3.98 me",' Slippers Cushiowel Leisure Tneads for men and boys. Coruruoy uppers in a combination of plain and plaid. Rubher soles. Made ini Canada. Black Watch or ned plain with navy. Men's Sizes 6 to 1l per 'pair $4.00 Boy's sizes 3 to 6 per pair $3.75 s: