ORONO WEEKLY TIMES,_THURISDAV, OCTOBER Ilth, 1910 Clarke High SLhooI luitiation 'Day at Clarke Ilgit Sc'hot on Fritlay, Oct. 2, vlaflied a Little from lasýt year la i4is r-gu- latiuni3, but the dre,ýs cd was just as ridiulous. Boys wore such items as black ltace bikini pontles;, '"bredided" mnis and 1970 Honda Motorcycles Priced $219.00 1970 Aluminum Boats 12 ft. $199.00 14 ft. $269.00 ATV Jigr, used ---- $495.0 1971 SKI-DOOS are here at fautastic prièes Ontario Sports, SKI-DOO SHOP HEWY 115 Orono Phone 983-5444 Leskard Wel ding AND FABRICATION Repairs Arc and Gas Welding Évenings and Weekends PHONE 983-5760 pantihbôse, .while ithe girlts were' attirepd in "loýng,-johni3" with news- paper or piliows insâde them to b)ifin tlijeir waistlines to an evea 60irh. We freaiturvd FcTtunbleweeds at our dl oewa and w'eglad to - ort .t-t tilie dance wa's a suc- cess - mis't of 'the kiýds liked the blanld and we had no trouble uroever. AIn-t l il of the grade 13%s pre filVni icet wurÇ'er i'y adlmic- -,;on rp7 <os.Thri-e-prescrit n wv deriiioi'î to rnany of the -ýudnts d- deisons that will ,,bblTheIl) to rncld Our fut- ursand seît us. onto different !!C1fe,_As3 one -gudince u-i'rad'vriss' . . univer-sitY i,, no place to a-k questions like suit arh Jwha4 ,arn I doing? 1 atno I sant?, ,ecic. Neverthe- lee, h~s hpptti lnd the chûîce we mrnik. is probably more ser- ~ur 4nwer-ealize. DpsCodes. Aithougli thère was some dis- ivi , o-er the dress code last year, we seem to hiave 'comçdetc' frcedom now. Grswciar everv- thipng froïm slacks to> minis, midCis anI rn3âxs. However. minis seemi to be the relignîig fashhon. Boys may we'ar their hair as long- as thjeylike - the administra- tion nvk-s no trouble and there- fora, bovys don'it weiar it long mer- elv to pro+est. I thînk the stud- ents a rcepat titrir privilège of 'frae,donV" maturel1Y. We also hiave rooms at lunch hotu-s niow, uh are the kids can go to do uhatever thýey want - ex- cept srnoke - tinere is absolutely nu "teachrer sperwisuoii"except Mr. Ru' herford (výce principel) popping in -every now and then to seý if the kids like titis new system Kaithy Morrow 13th ANNUAL ALL BLACK BREEDER and FEEDER SALE 600 HEAD 500 Stockers and rileders; 50 Purebred Breedig C.ws and Ileifers; 2 Complete Dispersais; 50 Commercial Cows and licifers Bred. PETERBOROUGH SALE BARN, sout of fiasbhing amber light on Hlighw'ay No. 7 11:30 A.M. Shar P, Saturday, Oct- ober 31. Lunch available. se conrlfimni&ng wýàth tlhe bree'd-' inîg cattie, onrsËting mostly cows wi caves at foot 'and 're4bred, openl and bred heifers, stockers anîd feederis, bcith steers anid heif- ers voll'be soki in uniform lots. Number of good 4-H Calves. 3 ser- vicoable age Buils. Malcolm Bailey, Man., Uxbridge, 985-7~583 Gordon Riley, Underwood and Ross Bailey, Uxbridge, Auction- eers. c-c-43 GoodwiII SEDCARS Al Cars Mechanically Fit - Safety Checked '63 CIIEV SD N$9M V-8, Automatic, radio, white wali tires Lic, N32741 165 METFEOIR 4-Dfwor SE DAN $993.00 V-S, Automafic, 4 new white walls Lic. No N39031 '67 RAMBLER AMBASSADOR1 $1397.00 2-door Hardtop, V4ý, Autinti pwer stij#g, power brakes, radio, white wralls wheel discs, Local one owner car. Lic. No. N36686 '66 COMET CAPRI' $1098.00 2-door Hardtop, 6 cylinder, Automatic, power steer- ing, radio, wheel dises, white walls Lic. N36212 '68 FORD FAIRLAINE $1995.00 2-door Hardtop, V-8, Automatie, radio, Wheel discs white wall tires. Lic. No. N46170 '64 G.M.C. 1-TON $1192.00 Cab and chassis dual rears, 4speed transmission, 292 6-cylinder engine. We alSO Lease Cairs Pioneer's 1200 Iightweight chaiïnsaw cuts Wood..sprays pa int pumips water. . .etc. if you need a potab4ê source of power, you need aPionueer1¶200 .The1200gives you fast-cutting and easy hand!i p!iuS optional attachments. The 1200 is the ightweîght muti-purpose chain saw1 Phone 983-5207 Ooo nas Orono Fuel & Lumber Phone 983-9161 A'aNNOUNCEMENT lichrn rs have seld their G~arage business in Pontypool and would hIke to take this opportunity te thank every- one for their patronage over the past years, We hope you will continue te patronize te new owners, Orville and Donald Challice who will bc taking over October 28th. Oronlo, Ontario Tn Blind H'OIP HeI p Themselives When you, support the work of the C.N.I.B. you support a rea1Estic prggram'of 'REHABILITATION, RECEATONRESIDENTIAL CARE and SIGUT CONSERVATION RESEARCH. The Bownianville West Durham Advisory Com- niittee is conducting it's campaign for Funds during October. Give Generously 'And Give Now ROLPH HARDWARE loci AIÎONEY OF dom Orono, Ontario