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Orono Weekly Times, 14 Oct 1970, p. 7

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---ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER l4th, 1970 See Milison Insurance Agency for Ail classes of personal and Commercial CoveraLres Office: Main St., Orono 983-50,32 Res. 983-5754 ,~Gord Simpson PHONE 983-5808 Orono, Ontario PAINTING CARPENTRY REMODELLING GENERAL REPAIES laterier, Exterior CHARLES REID> Oroztô's Licensed Auctioneer and Valuator Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales Consuit -nme for terms and dates PHIONE ORONO 983-5914 Monuments -and Family .Memorials Our quality and service leaves nothing te be desired Ask the person. who bought front ms, a neighbour, friend or relative The RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE Largest display in Southenli Ontario 'WATSOûN'S Marine and Cycle' Orono Phone 983-5343 j PRINCE CRAFT BOATS Alouette Snow Mobiles I McCulloch CHAIN SAWSj Repar st al makes of Lawn! Engues ALLOUETTE SNOWMOBILES gPUMPING OUT gSEPTIC TANKq Bert -Tompkins Phone 786-2552 Clarke Public LI B'RARY BOURS OPEN: Tuesday 6:30 8:30 Thursday 6:30 8:30 Frlday 2:30- 5; 6.,30- 8:30 Saturday 10:00 - 12:00 am. 8YAMS PLUMBING and HEATING ISales and Service lZ4 HOUR BURNER SERVICE1 iGULF FINANCING ILow lntereit Rates *I6,ln Phone: Tyrone 263-2&50 iOrville Chatterton. cElectrical Contracting IElectrie lleatinz and Servie-P !PHONE 983-5546 or 9 83-5940 Orono. Ontario i ORONO ELECTRIC Herb and Gerry, Duval 983-5108 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING ELECTRIC HEATING BLECTRICAL APPLIANCES T.V. - COLOUR T.V. RADIO - HI1-FI FRIGIDAIRE - R.C.A. DOMINION ELECTROHOME INGLIS - THOR -GUARANTEES SERVICE - Hlamiltons fInsurance I Service I&uto. Pire, Package Policies Fidelity Bond. iLiabillty I Pi-st Mortgage Loans ISadie Hamilton I I Phone 983-5115 ! BOX 133 Phone 668-3552j Staff ord BrothersI Limiteti jManufacturers of ICemetery Memorials I318 Dundas Street Eastj WIIITBY, ONTARIO iBuilding a bouse? j e for remoderning your presentf * one, then contact Floyd Nicholson ephene 983-5049 RNj FOR SALE MacIntosh -Appiles $1.50 a bus. Mr. Reinstra, Orono North. Phone 983-5081. d-41-c LIVE GEESE FOR SALE TouIons,,anti Chiness. Phone 983-5606. t-f FOR SALE First quality sweet table turn- ips,- waxed if per bushel.. Ruta- bagas. Also eggs - 3 tiozen $100 andi up -b41 A Van Hattum, 8th Une. Phone 983-5267. flOUSE FOR lIENT OR SALE lient $100. per month wdth two months deposît. For sale: $300. clown anti $135. monthly. A four- room bouse in Port Perry , Scugog st. Fully service,(i, fuil baisement b av wirog.Insul brick. -nneandi large1lot. Pfone9n53386. a- FOR SALE Onec pair of Boy's S Ale.sze 1L Prione 983-5,111. Hoc] key G-p FOR SALE One Babyv', Car Seat and Mat- ernity ýskit anti top. Phone. 983-M 32.a- FOR SALE 199Volicswgo, less nitor. Phone 983-5937. G-P NOTICE Sewing ntrain~I.repairs. Pione 983-5193. d-43-c Wanted Dead or Crippled Farm Stock PICKED UP PROMPTLY Telephone Coîlect 263-2721 MargwiX Fur Farm Licence No. 258-C-70 NOTICE Duck Shoot. At the Acres Rest- aurant on Otober l7th at 2 p.m. 12 guage shot gun only. Shells supplied. Everyon'e welcome. b4lc FRED'S FRUIT MARKET SPECIALS, Cortland, ýMaclntash land Del icilous Apples. 1/2 gai. Ice ream .79c llighway 115- South of Orono t.4 W43NT.ED Sýcr?,nwanited. Oshawa, Prime paiti at Newcastle. Calli Newcastle Salvage. Phone 987-4741. d-44-c WANTED ,WiC.reseýs manted. at "The COadh and Fýour". Prefenabiy 21 ytýgxs and'over. Pione 983-5560. a-c WORK WANTED Mý,arried wonn *oud like, a ,baby sittiing job 5 days a week. Plense appiy to Wh>ite's apart- mients, middle dloor, in the alter- moon. a-p WANTED A good-oak Diffing Boom Suite or Bining Room Table anti Chairs. Phone 983-5673. - SEMI DRIVERS NEEDED Extpewience helpful but no;t nec- esiary, for local anti over-the-road hîauling. Ylou oan c'arn up, to $10,000 to $15,000 per year if you' ýare wilfing to learn. For applica- tiýon, caWll 416-362-4002, eýr write Sefeity Dýept.. Triansport Training Systýems of Canada, Ltd., 207 Queens Quay West, Toronto 117, >ntardo Canada. b-c-42 FOR RENT Brght, compact one betirooxu Aparflment; ail services. Electrie heating and private parking in- cluieti. Affer 6:00 p.m. 983-5511. t-f NOTICE Art Class for chiltiren. 6:30 Weduestiay evening )at Amyv Van Den Heuvais. Phone 983-5210. ti-41-c Orono Lantiscaping, for Gardten Sel-vice, Plantiug, Sotiding aud SeedinW Phone 983-5598. tf ICaHlyolir licensed Plumblng & Mechanical Contractor Who se ils, instails 1 j Jpguarantees CARMAN PLUMBING AND HEATING OPPORTUNITY Man or Won-an - Earn up to $5 an lheur in youïr spare time. Part filme or full time Rauwlàiglh Dist- rIclt 'now open. Wnite for FREE CATALOGUE, Rawleiglh, Dept. J- -138, 4005 Rieheiieu St, Monitreal 207, P.Q. NOTICE OF MEETING The next regular meeting of the Northumberland -sad---Durham fCounty, Board of Education wil be held at East Northumberland ISeconda-y Scho.ol, Brighton ýon THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1970 at 8:00 p.m. b-c-42 COMING EVÉNTS General Meeting, Orono U.C.W. will be held in Main Hall of Or- ono United .Church on Thursday, October, 15'et 8 p.m. Red Cross proignami with Mrs. Roy Spry as gue'st., Films and other items, of in'terest. Corne and bring a fiend. b-41-e Thr 'llNOTICE Thee wlllbe a.,sale of sprays, cossand wreatbs by the Can- aian Le.gion, in tihe Orono area within tihe next week. Proceeds; for thre Canadàlan Legion Poppy ~und.a-c COMING EVENT You are invited to attend St. Saviour's A.C'.W., Afternoon Tea, Sale 'of Home Baking, Penny Sale Table etc. in the Parish Hall, Saturdiay, Oct&ber 17th froni 2 p.m. on. b-41- HORTICIILTURAL MEETIN Pla~n to attend an enjoyable evenin'g on Tluii-day, Ootober 22nid, wohen the Horticuilittuval So- This ineludes PAIl Arge ment-, macle with dried materlals. Check your %year book5. AirDo sldes entered in the Phot- egahi ompetition wàl be ghown andi resultts giNen. Everyone welcome. a-c DANCE Ponitypool Ohamber of Com- mnerce Hall, Saturday, October 17 uacby Pay Adams and "The Country Hits" Bar prdviïlege-,. $300 per couple. Couples onily. Special Spot Dances Dancing 9- .a-p TENDERS Tend'ers for Hlardware for tihe ,addition et Roseneiath Cenîtennial Puiblic Sdcho.ol will be recleïved un- fil Weýdinesd(ay, Oitober 2list, 1970 athrce p.m. Spec~f celinnay be obtùadneti fiom the Office of Hovitch anti BlEiAýrchuitert, 1200 Lawrence Avýe. EccIst Don Mills, Ont. TendCers 10 be deliVered Vo: M. A.. MàcLeoti,., Business Administrator anýd Treasurer Northumberland and Durham ('ounty Board of Education, 335AKingSt.East, EMIN MONEY IN ýsPPRE TME lVnor Wom,ýen t io rý- ý;ocand colleect money fo e Type high oU-aliity conoHr~ddspen- sers in your area). Nosctllg.To qn"lIfv ma 1-hve car, reiferene- es, $750. Vo; $3,000. cesh. Seven to twcle li ours weekly can net ex- celieril-,n -mc. ore full timne. We invest with you--ýanid estiab- lishý yotir route. F-orý personal in- terview wrdte.:, B. V. D'ISTRBEITORS LIMITED, p48O Tecumser Road East, Wind- sor 19, Ontaio_. Include- phone number. a-p ENGAGEMEOT Mr. land Mrs. George Burtis, Oroniýo ish Vo ennounce the eu- gagemenit of their daughter Mar- lene lsobe-i Burîtis to Mr. Warren Stepsen WVTithe,poon, sou of Mr. and Mm. E. G. Witherspoon, Bow- manvl-le. a-c FOR' -SALE APPLES Mcîntosh, Tolman Sweet, La Salle, Spys, Red Delicious I Snows Attractive Prices. Bring containers. R., Rienstra SPHONE 983-5081 JIACK REALTOR 99 King St., E. BOWMLAN VILLE When Buying or Seliin.gcaI WILF HAWKE YOUR OROINO AREA REPRESENTATIVEI 983-5274 Member of Oshawa and Dis-' triet Real Estate Bourd tA

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