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Orono Weekly Times, 22 Oct 1970, p. 1

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1"lmmmffluemmo Imm e - wwïïwý ý qqýý 6 yý<*4yx î) 0)rono publie LibrarY Jan1.,16 Orono, TOLUME 34, NUMBER 42 Weekly Timeý OBONO WEEKLY TIMlES, THURSDAY, OCTOÈER 22nd, 1970 Health Unit Conducfing ~StuentDental Survey Circulation -Shows Big Mes, . Bcaucisamp, Carke 'Pùblic Diýbraian, reposted on Tuesday evening that during tise past menth. and a iaf memrbersisip iri tise Clarke Public Liirary had increased by sixty-four. Thse cie- culation reached an ail urne high witis 2141 bocks iseinug taken off tise siselves fcr the month cf Sep- temnber. This cornpared with 1556 fes- Septemiser cf 1969 andi is seme 400 ever tihe previous isiglis. Il was aise reposted tisat aduit non-fition reading ,ias greaily increased i sine tihe opening cf tise new ibrary with its euedeti ses-- vices iri tiis departinent. The librarian reperted tisaI it had beem necessary teo obtain ad- r'itior.ol bnp a n tie 'ibrary te as- si-t Ll tiiste large volume cf book-s being circulatied. It wa's beeoring tisat memabens ha t t wisit in bine te have bocoksc, ceck- cd in anti eut. Sise said this had mess been overcome anid that e- erycrie seeme-d quite satîisfded. Thse Ireasurer repoted tisat thse Beard is' depleted cf funds due toecapital and opeatirig ex. pendit-uses. Seek Approvai ..To Lease land For Parking Lot Tise Cla nke Public Libres-y 3oard met onu e-ayeveing srieri tiey enterl'lineti a delega- ~Ion cf Orono bsnsmnwý1se as-e intereited in le igla-nd ai aise scutis cf tiseliar propcrty te establisi a parking loi,.lise es- tajbishment c'f tise loi would be .for areia residesits and business eotaitblshinents who eare ncw with- jut parkiÈng. Tise greuip have agreed te pay ïiee tiseleu'e o f tise landi, te est- ýïblîsh thse lot andto tewmitain andi conts-ol thse venture. Tisey asked that tise Library Board gice sorme infilcalion cf wnuetiser or mt they would approce tise plan in principile. iSe majority of tise Board was of tise opfiion, tisaWt tisey weuld rather sec sucis a lot establshed along the cast siýde cf tise proper- ty. Menibers cf tise Bioard are te ment> witi tise businessmen Set- urday on thse sie to further dis- cuss thë proposa!.. I..w Rentai Housi ng Appreved Iv Ottawa For Cobourg Nortksuasberarid and Dus-ham IP., usseli C. Heney said s-e-, iently tisai appeovail hes been se- relve(t for a NHA Jean te Maner Home fer tise construction cf a lowý-ental isousirig ps-jcin asCe- bourg, Otario. Tise le-an is foc $570'000 wfth a tes-m cf 50 years et an mtesest rate cf 7 7/8 per To be buIt-ils a six-ýstes1-y 50 un- il reinforceti cenerete aepartaent 4,uilding wiicis wil ontain 28 1- lbedrcn, 17 2-betrocin anti fice -tire-e-bedrom -apeelments. The »ew building will be located csi S3pencer stseet wijtbin fuve blocks of tise' business cenitre. Al cern nsunity amenities are within syalk ing dutaiee of tise building. Raenis for tise-se apariments will range' from $123 le $153 per- mentis ,rn- ahuri-g families anti intividUels eerning frein $4,920 te $6,120 per yeas- te qualify for eccdupaney., This lean bsings te moe- than $85 million thse am ount cf NHA fnrda allocated fer similar ps- jeets in Ontarie tiis yeas-. Tise lean is mande uriter a tise National Housing Act wisicis proides long-tes-ms boans for tise construction or !tise acqjisitaoh and. conversion cf easting build- ings fer iesv-reemal iscusing ps- jeca. Ileather Rebekah Lodge Elect Julia Jackson, N.G. Heacither Rebekahs Lotige o- pened on Tucaduay, October l3ih wilih Noble Grand, ilazèl Staple- ton lastise chair ýassisted by tise Vice-Grand, Julia Jackson. Our new District Deputy Pees- ident, Sistes- Elsule Peits fecin Oshawa, No. 8 East, anti ier in- stauing staff were introduceti andi welcemed. Letige preceeded i-n eegular or- tier wiitlis io offices-s absent. Sistes- lia Marten reposted that we now have 85 menthes-s. Tise new officer-s cf'tise lotige were iristalieti and aie as fellows: NG. -Jula Jackson. V.G -Giria Todd. J.P.N.G. -Hazel - Stapieton. Was-den- Julia DePaepe. Conductor - Beriece Stark. Cler Bearer - Mas-g Grahsam. Cisaplairi Carole Boyd. Musiian- Miideed Rai-rey. Inside Guardian - Isabel Trini. Out- ide GuardIarn - Violet Sut- cliff e. R.S.N.G. -Glati Ga-msby. L.S.N-,G. - Vel Weitsen. R.S.N.G. - Betty Major L.S.V.G. - Violet Dunlop RuS. Past N.G. - iols Barre-bail. LS. Pasi N.G. RuthlliRebînsen R.S. Chaplain Leila 'Kennedy. L.S. Chaplain Jean Lewis. Financîl Secsetary lIa Mrlin Recording Secs-des-y -Mac Alun. Treasus-es - Irene Mureay. Lotige closeti acces-ding le tise ritiual. A ces-y nilce lunchs was sesved and a social bous- enjoyeti. St. Saviour's A verv suces fui. Baza'ar and, Tes wa-, h-id in St. Saviioir's Par- î,I h,1-i on Saturday afternoon, October l7th. The wclaiier was i- deial wieh breught eut a gocd crewd, We hope all enjoyed tisern- sels eos andi thank everycrie fer their p-atron(age. We ýaise thank oir frientis for ifheir (lonations cf food penny sale articles and aise mon ey. Plt'NNY SALE WINNERS Thse following is a Eist cf w6n- nrs at thse sale. Mrs. Joyce Cowari, basket cf snow apples; Mrs. Evelyri Cern- îsrh, tea infuser; Dennia Challilce, egg container; Joan Duviall, plates Donna Cisallice, tray; Mrs. Spcn- ce Cordon, adiresis bock; Mes. Ymtets, Nemweastle, tjirnket 'box; Deamma Tregunnn heati searf; G. Gain ,r ian; Mrs. B. Mujnneke, relish dàsis; Mps. C. Taylor, jain; Marylin Major, oven mittis; Mrs. B. 31'unneke, lice bucket; Sharon Dic7ison, pg 'saw: Ar.Chas. Wor 1,, piffk neeklace; Deànlua Ti- - ý ia It ,andi pepper; Mrs. 1 P 'sdp en ch(ip disis; M. Fl in puýinpkdn anti popéore' CiL G7sj71 Wood, oandies and h dî 5rs Ors Cas tirer, uhJte vase;, Mary Joncs, Newteriv.1ille, t 's 'tre!iidîi h cloth; ïhlrs. R. ~½a', ri uapin; Me- Chas. Stai an ji; 'Trs. R wacac- O S;liawa, jelly moiz'ld's; Meis. Chas. Stapleton milfis; Mrs. 13111 Tomlfin- son, hand ceeam; Mr. Robert Mer-- ton, cat pinceusiion; Mrs. Braricis, emis. pillewcasses; Mrs. Fred Vagg coffee pet; Elaine Vagg photo alb~m;Elabe<hSprybot SsaIs; lin Morton, niarnmaude; Mes. himxJig bowls; Oberyl Cor- Parknsen, cnt pricusihion; Mrs. B. nusi syrup jug; Mrs. Yvonne Car- ruthers faney cande; Alma Wat- son,,cacti pineushion; Cheryl Cor- nisish, glass disis; Maryln Major, croquet set; Ms-s. Calvin Hamin, tea tewei ýand 'disih cletis; M. Snei- d ens, brewn even iits; :Audrey Buckley, saiad miaker; Mes. Ev- erett Stapletor box cf canidy; Mrs G. Belsey, Newcaàtl', bMouse; Mrs Perey, Morgian necklace,. Ange] a ReÉd,- jeweliery; Mais. Gos-don Lcowery4 jigsaw; Mes.- E. Sps-y, Pin, cusihion; MT. W. Wallis, sain cry; Mirs. Gos-dom Lowery, tatted' dcyle; Mr. W. 'Walhiis, bisse bath towel; Mes. H.' Wàfllis, jam; Sani- dsba, Nelsey, Newcastile, box soap;, Ms-s. Rqynard, necklaee; Ms-s. B. Madul,11. balhtowel; -Mrs. Percy Morgarg pileowcases; Mes. I. Wisufls, flerwer arrangement. Auxiliary Starts 'Baby Reom' Tuhe Wemiec'isAuixî-liany cof tise Nortihum-ber-land - Dus-hem Cisild- -een'a Aid Society hais aigreedti t tise deccration cf tise niewly s-en- ativi-se tise board cf discelýtes-s on ovisted so-ciety's iseatquarters cn Wsitoîs Sireci t, Por t ope. At the ls,4t meeting cf tise aux- lias-y, A. B. immnnie, ireCes-of tise seciety and Jack vsam Zen,, chiisnsan cf tise prcperty coin- inittee, gave detaîils cf tise renova- t'eu progrisin. Tise building, wul-ch bas been incneased la size by 300 square- feet, lias been comple-ly gutieti and n-es intervtiew s-coma, a sms-Il playecoin anti a "baby s-e-m" bave beten, edtied. A spekes-man for lise auxiliary, Ms-s. Si.eLa-wom, sai-d tise "blaby s-cen" mniOs set up as a plae nisere parents ceuld sec a pros- pect-ive adopteld chilt. Tise pîcywecin wll he equippeti te ",en.tertain," preasholci iildren citdren wthdle Ihetir parents are irivolvel in counselhlng sessions. Tise past few' days have seen the efforts cf tise Heýalt.h Unit's Dental Director, Dr. Dennis A. Warsck, corne te fruition. Taken, on staff the first cf Muy cf tlis year, he was given tise formidêshie task cf onfginating a Dental Pub- li ie titis Pro grain fer thse four- Counities cf thse Di trict Hcailt'h Unit, DurPrain, Northsumberland, VfiCterTýa and HaYibi in. Eaci week apprcxJ<amately onee thouiand elementary schoolch drtn M rece&ve a Denltal ini.pec- ien and a, "Four-Lieaf Clever of JJen4aîI sh"c;3id te ictifv parents of tise findings. The pur- p, cof hi, n -I-t etiornis te en- c'iî'-çgc good o'al IN'fiene e"ý'niv' dental treatinent whera necessary and la. regflar recali prograin at the famlily dentdsit. Six part-fime DentiFît - Dential A ai teams are carrying eut these 'ins3pections ini thse elemqnbary and separate sdhocîs. Thse children in grades crie, twc and three are alise receivýilg the bemefit cf pecial Dental Health Educaition pregrams, which are beding cars-led crut by two part- time Dental HygieniEits and iwc part-turne Dentiaits. Grade one childrem are being introducedte a new cahrnpicn cf ,Dr. David Asi-cibali, maaging dWrector cf tishe ï(taiser J "y cf Mis- consan Arberetum, toki P, n t Hope ie:îe<heis lt a tenin t, o se- store -,one quality cf environ- meni ,ait this stage is like tryirig to change lise ccurise cf tise Queen 1 Mlary ien it's c iy a f ,-w yardsý away ,-freintisise as More tias 100 teachiseswho 0ast- tesadied ltise sessien at Tlrâity Geoi- lege Seiseol, liseard ]Dr. Archsibald say Ilo tat macmand'envneni iare con a ebILsýin eurse. '"But wblere, wisen and how gis-etthe colisions are stillil partly u te marii," hýe addcd. -hi laddfition te eoue exp-ledirig P0puIatII, -,We miust recogmize we is.,ve beecnse a geoia force. We nare cne oln ver 1,000,000 acs a yeas- frei f anas anwvild anýdiste isighsways and tbuilding sites in' thýe 'U.S.A. alone. 1"We' cantIlîterýaIly mccc meurt- ains >anti poison rivers, lekes anti evtëa-i-icreasing perlions cf tise océanis and atisoptsere," he .seit. One -cof tise meat igmificànt fshings use, space aticenture anid mnmýs.gcing te thse meen ihîad re- veadledWs t ilal carIs is a single, célc-sedeccleogical systeen. "But we arc deluideti by tise faëttisatili mari cari go le tise meri, ise must be a-bic te dccl wii thse Preblenas on. easthw" A lot cf techiigy cuiltibe us-ed te abate, pel-lutien, but teca- îo-lugy w as, ne geing te solve thse world's politien problean. Dental Heabis created by the On- mai i o Department' cf Health, -- 'IMurphy thse Molar." On the but- toms wlhids grade -cone children wi4l 'be given tc wear, "Murphy" carries. tie silogan "I'm INo Tocth Goof." "Murphy" encourages ithe practise of flive basicý ruils of good Dental Health., -brush your teetis regularly. ,d velop good food habits. -pictse tooth ssafety. viit - dur dentist regular1iï. -hiave fluoride protection. Grade Twc and TPhree children will receive the benefit cf thse Crest Sebhool Program in Dental Ifealtis education. Thàs prcgrîam prov~ides 'posters, projeet bodoks, teachers' Dental ileýalisth aching guides, tooitbrushing kits, etc, ail imiproving the Dentalilealtis cf cf wihicli arecof great value ins ehildren at this areceptive age level. Thse therne cf this new pregrani i s '-Preventien through educatÀicn. Prevenitive programs i, other, HeaIth Units have proved 'to ,be e3xtreraely wcsthwlhile in that cadih statistcaýI surecyýs have showss fiscere is an inca-case in tise n'urn- ber cf chbtdren free cf decéay and wthgood oral',hygiene. Dr, Archbald said tisai a series cf i6,oa-l or regiemal -collisis witistise enviroment have 'ai- ready eceus-reti, dating back-te tire time wseri mari movcd eut cf thse MesoÈitic ie ro tise Neolithie ce tise Stone Age, about 10,000 B.C. Clean air anti dean watcr arej nmi'-s twe me1]1st imprortantnau- ai esuc. Yet ioleokat w vie have dlone.te Lake Erie, crie'cf the wor1d'e great fresthuwatee lakes "Tileough mrism-anage-rent andi abuse, we have comverted a clean, b-ue Jlake mlean equate-des'e-t, listJesu ýanid rnurky green," he adi- deti. In 1900, lise w leUSseWage system ddiseiasget-.ieLcm than 10- mîuliieri poun-Is of phosphates an- nually. By 1964 tise disharge tel- alled 250.mÈilliuon,.,pouncls, witb. syntisetie detergents being a m- je- ccntibutor. "Ii ritise next 15 years, we ean muster tise, knoriuh-w anti inney te s-d tise -U.S:cf'tiseequivalent cf tise 1969 total effluient, we wl iili be pol1lultinlg thSe inilrontrneuk et. tcday'-s eate. . "It is, theeiefeere, tise socie1 e- sponsibility cf cve-y idvdsit help preserve environmental qual- ily fier otiers heure toda y, tomer-, ecw andtihie days 'afiter, because, tise cubahees cf -manland's surviaral tcmorrew can be measureti tise- ecibly in terras cf minksinti's ef- forts te preses-ve a qualty cf en- vireinent 'today," ise cmwaabided; Trustee s Authorize' Roand Superintendepnt ToDo, Wôrk Tise Os-euePclice Trustbees held a special session last week wisen they agein d iscussed possible re-ati work for tise orts ccd cf Churcis Street nerth. his niettes- has been before lise Trusteces on e nmnier cf occasions and tise- Trustees have seugisI advîee frein e nmber <of autisenitieýs. Il lies beecs equeesed cf tise Trustees tisaI some trees be rernoceti anti tise ectatiextentiedti thie noetis. Tise maolter s'as turricd oves- te tise Tewnsbip Reeti Superintenti- cnt witis au-loity for hlm te do sucis werk asis e feit nece-ssis-y le make tise s-ced serciceable. Trustees ýaise spcnd tur n r re- drafting tise- parking eeguhaticn by-lew. This by-law wili reelace tise ps-sent by'-aw andi is to he a cerrectetl version cf tisai which was presented to Ceuncil cf thse rFowsiiip cf Clas-ke et tiseir last meeting. MnI.. Wooetyard aiseo ste-led that tise Trusteesreviessedth ie Èise depas-imeni cestis wlsicishave in- creasced consideeahiy thîs yeer due le subrâtanîlial i-eeuses in fis-cfigitevs' eciunes-ation. fRe saiti liai lise presienut scisedule was on an experismentei ha-sis. Ilwa-s aise le-as-nedti tit tise Trustees hope te have lendscapin-g work completcd on tiseeat &ide cf tise lannery 11111 tuis year. Plans weee te inc1'ude a new side- walk but lt uses feut by Mr. Wocd- yard tisaIt els could net be-,doneý tht: yeas-. IncraseAt C rk LibaryBazaar Winners T P '1 0f No Return A I

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