ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TItURSDAY, OCTOBER 22nd, 1970 O"'RONO WEEKLY TIME Fbâbm Vy uiq' t heOM e* bàdî DEMOCRACY NOT IMMUNE The whole nation hia been shocked over recent happeni- ing jiQuebeic instituÉted by the FronJtde Liberation dcu Que. bec resuRMng in kidniapipizg and murder. Many are- asking how,,oan it haippen i Canada w~here we do enjoy democratic freed>am, a fact whâclb we have enjoyed for well1 over ýone bundred years. 'Me fact now remains tihat we are confronted wvîth a force that, is afien te us even thongh it blas fe5tered wàthffn our boundalies for a number of yeurs wfth bontlngs and offier liawlesis events. 's naton cannot and shoud nhot condone sucT ac tions vlhere force, terror and deatih is used to fuarther an end. No end reuul't dan justify sudh methods. We cen' only ap- prove our naion's action in tiis time of exisia wheni freedom and demnocilacy miiýt be protected. 'lihere will always be withdn aur soc'iety radddal forces Whicih do net accept the c siraints of our democratàc 50- iety. Many of these forces have worked withàn,aur systcm andr have made ia conllructive contribution te the reform and progress of our socety. Th-ey pre.ss us to understand andi accent the chanffes that muont be made -in our ltaws artd hssittutionsto keep pace with tihe fantaistic chanesini the -wqirM about us. Our omrn Prime Minister may wdell bc one of theLe goups for he bias brbught about zore fiar rpiacl- in gchang~e. These forecsny weIceaux, cajole, demonstaute andi evený protes't te gain their point but thi5; s well withnr the law 0of Canada. IH fa fot mw!d(h1in Caradian law andi aur sys- temi of demorracy ta resot ta terror and violence. The latter we munt be protected fram. 1IM coulai well be tihat tihe PLQ will, by resorting te ter- rpr help to dectroy itseif andi bring about in Canada a more poetve understanding between the tivo foundin.g Peopes. Todiav isq a tdime te hiave faith in aur country for bath French and English have enjoyed phzalieal convîence, civie qeùurity, issiitual enîlgihtenment, liberty andi cultural priv- ilege. THAT TIME OF VEAR AGAIN -uepo Its thiat time of year again "4en mother natuepo *vides al t*use owners andi those with yards a blanket of leaves. It bimesabout a cuwstom that in itiseM adits te polu- tien. TIis pollution eomes &bout wfith the burning ef leaves. 1%qie Departmnent of Energy andi Resources Manage- nment states that one poid of leaves burned i n the open tlamws up 6w0 tiines the plktants released by burning a Poundi of cocalin l a furnace. Whîat 4ta do witihe s leaves that addite tothe poilu- tien party? Pile theni -in a heap and mulch theni and at a later date add them te the fiower garden to inierease the be'auty of your flower bloi. ilhe Depannient remindis us we anti our chilren have onliy ane pair oet lngs. '---- WILL NOT OVER-POWEýR STATES1* PATTERSON 11uniclipailleadet5 oltside the crity of Onhawa andies- pecially ini Uic more rural areas have been statînîg that 4hey leur domiiiance of an Oshawa based. regionaI area by the city of Oahawa. ------ Certiiinà,, an area witlh a greater populatiann utst re- ceive greater representiation and- in mat cases representation by population !s a f air faim of measurement. TMýs lbeing the ca se Oshawa witin a region w ould be favouresi wâih andi shoulti havegreater representation. We be1ieve this is one of the basis of a dennocracy andi that eadh electars vote sUoulti have equal poawer. Wilthout repreLsentatian bY popuation an înbalanice exists wih ils only aggr'avated furffher when a small perScntage of thc electorate exercises their votingi râghts. GeMtinig back te the local scene andi that ci. regiaiial governmnent repreeentatioii,_ it fs i>tesi that Mr. Paterson, 0mfazEo Goverinent repretentafive on the Regional Study Board han stated eta ihere neeti be no f car ef Oubawa cien- trolliig the rogioita1 governknent even- if it wanted te do so'. Hffe points out hewever the ifiterestng Ma& that altheugh poSlioal acces is ensier in tihe siler muriCiiPalties that su&h muniipahfties do provide a lesser qYalityof munieipal Seryicen.rCoiersely Iarger munitipalties wo)uid provide lb&ter mposlice but výoujd gactifice p*li"ti améecss. This poiný wo be&iiee is wen ltokon andi is anc in whiieh there is a, lot of trT%. AU palios involvet ini the forniation of a regionuli ar ea uet new develop a basts of txust betwecn tihemnselves fer withlout ibis ingrodienit, biceÊlng wll ,continue andi re- qMi l a d1sioîn whlh wilJ be leas than satIsOfactory. A regional area mut bc a fanîfly affair wâih tiho basia afde- vctopmenit andi conecrn c4ngdered for ail within thc dist- iiiet or'area. ý ,CLOCKS GO BACK ONE HOUR ON SUNDAY Museumi And Archives, Society Ube'Clarke Muaeum andi Airiclaves givou~p met wth V. xusewuu AdNUsor Branldi of Public1 Asthives, Province ansi Pauline Hall Branidh. . he Iodai grouip vàce.on the settin~g1 N. Styrmo, Iliistariel Recards andi of Ontarlo, -aliso of the recedvoed adi- up of a mua- euan and, were aiiown Pictures of aiplaya t t wouid be aitable for, a amail group. It was pointed Out thàt the Brandh would assist in doing the work ani arranging the diaplay. The two viaitora on Tuesday statei that a Theme ahouils be set. for thexmuseum ywhidh effort couisi then be directed towards. Mrs. H. Sehiid, who waa in at- tendance at the meeting saisi it was; poditesi out tTat a muaeum could be etbdhe almoat with- inan bu[dge"t Ottawa Report Russell C. Honey, Q.C., M.P. Northumberland Durham Northum berliand - Durham Member of ]Pariliament',RuseIl C. Heonéy spoke to the Rotary Club in Port Hlope on. Septeniber 2lst on' the wcaithof.-Northern Can- ada andi what it ràight meanatoi tho se ýwho lire here Gnti ta al Canadians. Mr. HoDney vus spealc- ing,on o ne aspect- ofbiUa respants- ibilitàes as P'arlimentary Secret- ary ta the Mfniiser af Indian Af- faira andi Noïthern Deveiapment. Mr. Honey aaid -that gas and ail exploratioen of the Canadian North waa net fear enough adv'anced ta, give a firm estimate 'of the re- serves. "It has been estiniatesi, again not dun any ýdegrce of exact- itude, that the American discov- cap at Prudhxoe Bay in ýAlasha clontain¶s b'tween à ansi 10 thous- and ainilidon barrels of ail. That la a figure beyond ail of aur com- prehýený-ian," Mr. lHoney Ëtated. "llwever", he continued, "us- ing Prudhce Bey andi other cx- pleired sedmentiary basinis as a guide, it Ia reasaniable- that Can- ada's norithland caulsi be the source of 55,825 million barrels of -oî.. Mat wou1ld bc 5 to 10 tîmes the aaunt'af cil in the Prudhtoe Bay field . . . an amount that none of us could begin te visuaize no matter liaw we might streteh aur imagination."1 "Canadianis as a ýwholc will ben- efit tran the wcalth ef the North . . . anid it ils nat jusit llmited ta "The Canadian people, through, gas oanti oil," MUr. Hon'ey stated. the holdings of the Fedierai Gar- ernpieut in Panarctic arc direct inverstorý. In addition te Panarc-. tic, other campaniles have rights in aur Nort'h. No niatter whot nu- tionaility 'the cowpany may be, the ail will be Capnaddan oailanti Canada's ntional wealflh w.111be vastly qnanced by paymvient ef roNalties, ilncieased foreign ex- change holdings andi ernploymend oppartuliaities," lie said. The transporbation ps-oblemn of getting the ail ansi gas to market bas nat, been sulvesi. The sea raute -pionce-ret by the Ivanhat- tan, an AIlaskan pipeline, iansi-a pipeline up the )lMackenzie are three means naw being research- ed. "We have ail been toisi that ail or gas Unes would devastaite the Northcirn ecology. There have been a lot cdf soare toies about tuila anti they have creat-es a great deal ot feair. The answers te suci problems lie an resear-ch not rhet- onic, It is net sensible ta naise great fears when research is go- ing on ta determine the reai sUt- us4ion," Mr. Houcy stateti. Mr. Hioney sai4 that noupipeline waih bo buttwithout Governnent ap- proval. The reeenily- announced pipeline guidelines màke that'- bulantly cîcar. An Une is ta be builit witahin a designated pipeline corridor. Mr., Honey qubteti tram the recent guidelines ta the effect that, "Any certilficate igsued i wtll 'be, tictly canditianesi in respect of preservation of ecology and. en- vâronnient, preventon of pollu- tien, prevention of thermo ansi etiher erosion, freedeni af naviga- tiion andtheUi protection of tihe rights of Northern residenta." "The Government ansi aur de- partment are determinres that any idcveilapment will neît damage the ecolog9Y or ruuînthe way af itfe of those "ho live in thc Narth. On the dantrary, the develop4nent of the North must preceesi in such a way as ta benefit Northerners," Ur. Honey emphasiizesi. He dea- cnribesi-aa joint Government train- ing programMe wituh the ail cam- ipanies ta provide oppeDrtunities Protect Your Health We at Stutt's are dedicated to protect your health by filling your Doctor's prescriptions aceurat- ely and with the freshest of drugs. Proteet your health this fali and, winter and enjoy these two particular seasons. STUTTIr'S H ARNhMA Wvill'ianm C. Hallr, B. Comm.' Charterd Accoudaunt AI day Weduoeday .ad Ssturday DRUGS 'and SO'CIETY Guest Speaker: Mr. Grant Lowery Tirector Brug Addiction Centre, Toronto AT KIRBY CENTENNIAL SCHOOL Tuesday, Niovember 3rd AT 8:00 P.M. Sponsred by Clarke Citizens Conuuittee ani ]Rate Payer. mne. 100 Percent Prure Apple Juice VITAMIN C ADDED G..d News FOR Pipe Smekers in Orono' Wc are Authorized To Sdil Brigham P ipes Fiters and Smokers Acceasories Orono, Ont. Phone 983-5310