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Orono Weekly Times, 22 Oct 1970, p. 3

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THfURSDAV, OCTOBER 22ind, 1970 Kenidail News Whâ,ele yur sczdIbe iras been onl tour, Miss CIathernie Stewart ,us been sendin~ghI the Kendal izews. We wtkah to tirank lier for keepinig you infôrmed. One of those we caMled on was Dr. Ge*trude Staples of ýGlendale, California, now 82 years of age and stilil ai ent andI active aithougli she retired recenly. . She was Miss Locklhart and taughlt ut, tllyduiff before coming to teacli intdhe sixtlh ine school. She saisI tbiat "lýlie teachMng at Baliyduf DX Service Station Highway 35 and 115, juat north etf Newcastle Featuring: Premiium Quallty Produc A# The Most Reusenable Pl -zStave ehl may be plckcd up 1 quantity 19.9e per galil 1Phone, 987-4215 First Grade Red and White Brand l b. 6î Clark's witÉ Pork iri.renGiant whiole kernel Tomato Sauce 19-oz. tins Faný,cy Quality. 12-oz. Tins, Clark's BEANS, CORNM 4 for 9c 5 for 99C Buy of the Week - Nortman's Strawberry JAM with Pectin 24 oz* 39c Red and White Evap. McLaren's Baby Dills, Sweet mixed, Shiced Difis mI1LK PICKLES Tlu Tins 6 for $1 15.0z,.jar 3-89c Aylmer Choice Quality - Vour Choice 14-oz. Tins PEAS or CREAM CORN 5 for 89c ]Fresh from the Bakery Pi, c Brand Mandarin Red and White 12 to Pkgs. Tanoad Sale Speelal O-oz. Donuts Orang~es 4for $I Austral Choice Sliced PEACHS 28 oz.tins 2' for 69c Home Style Date or New Crop - Florida Cherry Banded pack - 1-lb. TURNO VERS GRAPEFRUIT JT 2 for 89c 8 fer 59C Special' This Week! - Value Clieck'd Branded Red or Blue Full Cut Round Stealk lb. 950 Round STEAK ROASTS IL.99C Special at SAUSAGE 1lb. pkg. 79C CORNISH'S Phone 983-5201, Orono, Ont. reserve the rigkt te limit quantities i the woman whiere sire boarded wanited to go to B~mnvfeto shop.. She wae4to huy material to make dresses, shirts, etc. Thàs vas a big everit for tire new teach- er, a journey to Bowm-aanvellle lie- hii the team on . the, sledg¶hs. 1-owever whLn tlhey were ready for home it bga 'n to snow andI it. bicame so, deep as they tr'avelled tbi't the horses 'coidn' go any fartirer. 'iey turned int-o a 'farm home andI stayed there tihat niglit and the next day as it continued to blow. TP were able to phone to PontyIpooi and tell themi they. cauld >nbt get home. On Mondây they arrived at B&liyduiff andI the sichiool cdhiîdreù coulsI harfdly be- liieve so muchi snow could fal ai Bow'manville, when they had none. They were glad of a haîf holiday. IWiuie f!ling froin Calfornia to Vancouver the mai ority of those on the plane were orientals lets Then as we motored in Vancouver 'rices andi VictouLa we were ýsurplised to see smch a large nuniber of new lni aiiy Japanere cars. In fact' the frlends eni we mpere visiing in Victoria were selling their Buick andI buyîing a Japanese car for their son. They - said they coulld hardiW believ~e the Jnppnese car wouid be so rea- s4oiable in price.ý The Japanese -f~worker doca not, tirike because they have a profit suaimg sys- lem. If the eonxpany does xvelql le receives a share of the profits. We s-V5a ini~e freiA,,hter, P64 feet lI looadd xithBn- ThJ-k f ihei uberof Jpns carsa boat irisIi;ze culdbring p.In. t ert~Pv itrPar- sons of Wck~c.T Iere was a good atnan ichurcli on Sunday i nctud ing1 Mr. Arche Iloy of Orono wiho xvIIibe with us agaýn afteri- f rmiiiig for miany ye rs , onyolaud tttendling Baýlly-diiff Ch-umch. MTr.ý and Mrs. HwsBeilleville, were vrJ.,ting their dauglitei' mrs.; 'M. Wagar la1 week-end. 1r Howe are w4tirh r grt ebhurch. The chloir ,aang "Fairest Lot-d Jes-Lts" andI the inister told the' âtory entitled "God Needis You'. A frail tiniy girl s'aw each Sunday <tie picture of he ultie donkey at the cross ronads Viai a disciple was untieig. The ownet asked,' "Wdiy are you untieing tihe colt. He replied "1Thie Lord, hatir need of hlm". So the little girl' thought if Jesws ,;need.ed a litle colt ike that hie mit need a littie girl I ilk- me. That little girl was Jane S11fp'ley xsiho became o,;e of Englancl's mnost not4ed On Moaday, October 19, 1970 there passed aynay in Bowman- ville Hospiiltai he oldest retired far e of'fais ýra,MVr. WmI. !jin.n.1e Sxas born lin Hope 'To!Ihd , The on of Mr>. and iVrs Ewad obin,-son on the fam now owc by 'Mr. Ewart P, obinsoni. Whcn Il(, was a very simaîl boy the fianily mioved to thie Robinson homieotead west of tbýý Reg. ElIo4it farm. HRis grand- fatber, xa teacirer, caIqed' Master Robinson then' moved into Ken- dal to tire house now owned by. Mrs. Geary. In 1914 Williamn puréhased the farmn south of tihe sixtlh lUe andI west of Carson's corner andI his mother, sisterFithel andI brother Ceeul caie theëre to lime. EtirelI marnied Francis 1illnla1925 and hey took lier moiher to live with AIbert's Texace GINERAL REPAiES Phone 988-5210 Ore. them in Toronto. Later WiUàasn,,naniied Aida Robinson. They moved to Orono (Continued page 6) UNITED CRURCI( Oreito Pastoral, Charge Minister Rev.: B. E. Leng SUNDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1970 CHIJRCH SUHOOL- 10:00 MORNING SERVICE - 11:15 KIRBY SERVICE: 9:45 A.M. CHURCH SCHOOL 11:00,A.M. ST. SAVIOURS ANGLICAN Established 1869 Regular, Sunday, Worship Servicec - 9:30 a.m. Holy Communion- First and Third Sundays Meruing Prayer- Second and Fourth Sundays HOlY Baptism by appointmentý with Rector 987-4745 rie Rev. HT. Robert Hayne, B.A., L.Th. THiR- P/CS vi HIANK'S IAKERY and Snack Bar Phone 983-5203 Flowers Van Belle Phone 623-5757 Ilighway No. 2, ýWest of B*,Wmaniille I ATENIONFARMERSU WHYPAY MORE? SAVE ON Preminin Quality SGASOLINE SDIESEL SMOTOR OIL Farin tanks and pumps avaffable CAL1L COLLECT 668-3341 DX OIL FOR IMMEDIATE DRLIVRYf ROY TKOMPSONi Orone, Ontaie Phone 983-5759 Ail Carpentry Werk Reudelling Kitchen Cnpbeards We buIId frein the feundaties' -Up. Oxford IiRICKLAYERS STONEMASONS- WILLIE J. SCI!AHL Phone, 983-5606 Speclalizing In ail kinds et, STONIEWORK and FltEPLACES We aise de -chimney Renairs Hallowe'en Costumes etc. pk"985m4 ORGNiO~, or4T. &&tor si za ic

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