I ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THUBSDAY, OCTOBER 22nd, 1970 _________________ New Books A Fnrend in .Needfiam by Richiard J, Needham. Ile Utimte Revolution by Wal- ter Staixcks. "IÀghtng is no longer a luxury, i!Vs a necessity Ithe Hart House Collection of Canadan Painings by Jeremy .Adamxson. Out of their minds by Clifford S5amak (Science Fiction). Heoaven Help Us by Herbert Terr (A very funny book) Love As It Flies by Marguerite Lees (Romance). JUNIOR The Infinite Voyage, by Paul An- devson (Man's future in Space) Ail Kindîs of Cowrs by Madeline M. Dodd. TuekersCunrsd by George Seldon. Ninji' Magic by Elàzabeth Mac- Intyre. EASY READING end PICTURE BOOKS B4nky Brothers Detectives by James Lawrence. Mr. Shaw's Shïpstiape Shoc'shop by Eve Titus. Apricot T.B.C. by Misha Miles. Numbers of ThngG by Helen Ox- enbury. Olga Beauclamlp, Halloween Dance At Royal Canadian Legion Cornstalks, witches on brooms, wild geese and smoking, twink- lin g Jack-o-Lanterns provided an eevie otnsphere for the numer- ous castumed couples whiich ar- rived 'throughout 'the evening. Sorne of the represented cos- tumes were: cave mcan and wo- men Hawaiian couple, Roaniing TwenrtCes lady, Roman Centurion and lady, Rip Vian Wnkle, In- dians wth horse and counJÈess oblhers. TIhe many gue5s were kept busy trydng to deterniiae the identity of tihe masqueraders, whio paradJed before a pane]. of judges consisting of Ma's. Stan Dunn, Mrs. Pingle and Mrs. Quinton ',o vie for the variu prizes w&içh were toulie given. Jihe winners of the costumes were as follows: Most èomical: Lady Conductor, Brenda Clark; Olçl Man, Wayne Wray. most Origimal: Horse, Ken John- ston and Lyle Wichman. Nieest: Roman Cenittrion, Alfons raine Brulton. Foliowag the parade of cos- turnes a draw was held for door prizes. A ladies wrisît watch to, Mrs. Steeves, BramPton, an asIh tray set to Mns. Icane, Bowmaon- vfille. Thç spot dance was won by- Mr. and Mrs. Paul Barcley, Osh- awa, a case of, Peprî and a set of glasses. The untold houirs of work re- sultedl in not .only <one of the fin- eot diSpluy of costumes in receint years but also a very sucessful dance. Don't forget our next LegiOn dance on Noveniber 21st. hi s is whlereyou're sure of1prescrptionýýs at reasonable cost!1 -1,- IT ('ner xnu i minl ui ýn5;u.'}'oyd.- - - i ircm ~ A. o+a t , rmanv where vou eet drugs enables vour doctor and your pharmacist to see at a glance the your prescriptions filled? If it is, you can be sure your pharmacist is interested in helping you obtain prescriptions at reasonable cost. Concern about both quality and cost of drugs, and interest in the patient who pays the bill, is the whole theme of the PARCOST program. A copy of the PARCOST Comparative Drug Index that your Ontario Department of Hlealth has sent to your doctor, is in constant use in pharmacy dispensaries. This authoritative Index of quality differences in cost of various manufacturers' drugs of the samie formula and strength ... and to be aware of cost when prescribing or dispensing your prescription. As the PARCOST program gains more and more support from 4 physicians and pharmacists, the end resuit will b. to lower tl.i. average cost of prescriptions in Ontario. You can help hasten this day by always getting your prescriptionsi filled at a phnrmacy where the PARCOST symbol is displayed- Ontario Departmnent of Health The Hon. T'hornas L, Wells, Ministe-r