____________ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22nid, 1970 LettertoEto 10 '7 Ro lyn R ln Wirnnpeg 13, M ikritoba lie EýOor The Orono lWeekiy Timesý Dear sir; 'lie Bible says "Whiere tdere Kendal News (Continued froin page 3) lu ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 11 Mcoo'195 ier i e1 pis, edaway. hilu 15l he married fIi a Monterief o nîboinwe ex- tend our sma'y r oi ~ bias always been a -oîu,' p- porter of Kendal Ofhureh. He was able to attend Kendal Cenitemi'tai Service on June 7 wlI ti Mr';. Rob- iwneon but the following weck lie entereci hospdt(all arnd hss 3b-en there for the pamit five mnls Hie was 86 yelars oldi!in kgu3t. Hie was au member of the Orange order. Tihe Orange, service was held on Tuesd'ay nâghtt. is no vi- ion the people perds(h. Haivir g 'vo vi-(on' cin never be said about the peope of. Carke Township for they oriy have to look at theiîr new ihrcary to prove tic corri. u ý be truc. Bv renivating a býAtfuIl old building this sma&U community has donc vi "L"rger commrnurl(.ies do no t seêm to have, the w o even con éder ard ïtlI13 tO Uto u- fil the prophecy of the poet, John f v '1 (f' I., " ' lc i lt a11 thse good the past lias had remaila tu ini ike our ov;n time g A deep ap'-o for your vý'ion and lnowyour accomplith- ment. 1 remain, S r.cereiy, Grace Hykawy SCHOOL BOARD TO APPROVE AIL TEXT BOOKS Frr.m. n'aw on, t5ie Noielhumber- lant-Durliai Couùty Board of Eci- ucation wlq approv.e ail text books used in -ýchools. Most of tîhe: text books uscd in schools arecare in a circular and haïebenaprve y the The n-e f1iohe e bosdoes nct rqiu-re the aýPprovIal of the board sine e y are aiuthorized byv trIep'aatment. Rut text bo)oks other thon those co'taineýd in the dlepnR1Tnit's E st wMI- have to be approved, by A reeommenýdiation-at' Thursday n1phit's meeting at P ort Hope HI~h School that the board ap- prove aff the books net in'c'uded in the liswas passed unani- nîouis-ly. Clarke Itig h SchoI hy XKathfy Morrow Here are a few l1ate orienteer- ing resulIts: Willy Woo pla'eed Drd in JN?,' Don Lowry Ist inboys 1, Bria, Mikios 1ýt in boys 2, Mar- lene Adiams let fln JF1. Margaret anil Sujzan Spry lot in Wayfarýers., Dainei Hazeiden placed flirst in the Onlbar&o Oframpion.hiiips in the Jo:rLadies, Ron Lowry 4th in Boys, UiUe Woo 2nd ini M3, Giini Lowery andl Sue Lacoin)be 2nd in Exepeîýienced Waytlarers. Spevial congriatu1atîDns. to Ron Lowry wio cdame in. third in tihe Odtober 19 U.,S. 0rlphteeri»g Six boys from thie scihool plated ,in the October 4th Crosýs Ooumtry mee<t. A tai of 55 competed. 'fhe m>)idget 2.4 mile race T[om Martin placed 26th andA Kenny Boiyd 4th. Junior 3 mile race, B. Norton *as 31et anid Bob Russel wàs ~h Senior',3.5 milles Pete Obnist finished 2th and Ben vlan- derwfortlh was lSt$h. Detpit a 842lossitào O ihawa Oatiholic on October 7 the éarke ,!eskard Welding AND FABRICATION Repairs Arc and Gas Welding Evenings and Weekends PHONE 983-5760 fbctb>al enin Played well wth coistidevaMbe ianprovemeit. Ithe Soxcer teiaoe played an exhiibjiion. gaie on Octoxher 7Vh. The score 1-0 is inot indfidative of the piay. Thece is niot a weak link on the Marke te'am. Dan Norton was pmsilibly the oubstanding piiayer of the gaine scoring the only goal on a long shot. Frank ie1sde4ski avdtihe gaine when, he niad» two grpat saves near the eiad of the last period. 1910 Honda Motorcycles Priced $219.00 1978 Aluminum Boats 12 ft. $199.00 14, t. $269.» ATV Jigger, used ---- 468 1971 SKT-DOOS are here at fantastie pdiem On tario Sports SKI-DOO SUOP HWY lis Orono Phone 983OM YurWe e The Accident Prevention Associations of Ontario work wth management and lab-u-r to reduce the hazard,-is of the work en- vironment, and to estab- iish safe work habits through safety education. Medical expuenses How- ever long he jMay require it, a worker is entitled to ail the necessary mnedical-- care relating to his injury. Compensation Ia man - ~ is off wôrk because of a- job accident, we send him a tax-free compensation cheque every two weeks. Vocationaol rehabilita- tion Hfa worker requires : reaiiati'on services, M including9job retraining, before he can return to workç, we will provide them. There is no limit to thie amo--unt of time and money we are able to spend to help a man get back on the job. We give every dlaim the saine fast, fair and thorough attention-. But to give everyone ail the hell? they are entitied to ' in tume of trouble, we Prevention is better need the co hn-operation of thn ompensation Most many people. important of ail, we need everybody to join us in our : Wýe need a prompt effort to reduce on-the-job report of every accident accidents. Accident hazards We cn ac ona reort wiil always exist; the way fromtheinjredmanto avoid them is to work from his employer, or' from defensively. his doctor. From the day we hear of the accident, we (:Ur job can put the first compen- 01*1itoseha sationcheque in, the appli- Our job i oseta cant's hands in five days. you get ail the benefits The disabled work, needs your goodw: Whether you're ane ployer or a fello* wu give him a chance to what he can do. It'si man's abilities that not his disabilities. A:er pensation Act. This Act is Sharpen ill financed by assessments en- on employers, and offers your self -def ence Drker, protection in the case of cshow on-the-job accidents to Od no le' a more than two million------- coun, me andwome woringWorkmen's Compensation Board, Ontario, in Ontario. 90Harbour treet ' Accid nt r e ti ducaion IToronto - Sudbury -OttawaWrdo IPleasa aend me book ets describing the work of'the WCB. 1 arn 1 an employas El an employer n gNamr IAddi res City , ........... ý.»",3w,..a"- -