ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER,22ndt, 1910 r MIE. Mls.. Insurauc. Agrncy fer Ml classes of pers<>nal and Commercial Coverares Office: Main'St., Orono 983-5032 Res. 983-5754 :Gord Simpson PHONE 983-5808 Orono, Ontario PAINTING CA-RPENTRY REMODELLING GENERAL REPAIRÉ 1 ltu'l.r Exterior CHARLES REID Âuci.nSer and Valuator Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales Ouuult nme for te rnu and dates PEMONE ORONO 983-5914 Meonuments and Famwly Memorials *nr quality and service leaves nothing te be desred Ak the person whe hought frein ne, a nelghbeur, frieni or relative n~e RU¶rrER GRANITE COMPANY 73 Ontario Streot PORTHoPEs lrgeat display lu Seutheen ontarie and cycle, Or«e.Phéze 988-548U PRINCE CRAFT DOAT8 Afleuette snew rlEebile McCul.ech CHAIN 8AWS aepairs te ail makes of Lawna N.wers and 2 and, 4 cyee ALLOUETTE SNOWMOBILES PIJMPING OUT SEPTIC TANKS Bert Tompkins f Phone 786-2552 Clarke- Public L IB 0R AR Y HOURS OPEN: Tuesday 6:30 .8-30 Tburszday t30 -8:30 Frfday 2:30 - 5; 6.30 - 8.30 Saturday 10:00 - 12:0f.)ain.. IYAMSý IPLUMBING and ETN I Sales and Service 9î4 HOURI BU RNER SERVICE fGULF FNNCN SLew Intereot Rates ilïïo, Phone: i Tyrone 263-2M5 jOrville Chatterton 1Electrical Contractinx Electric HeatînLy andi Service fPHONE 983-5546 or 933-5940 Orone. Ontario ORONO ELECTRIC »erb MaU Gsm "ul'o EIACRJAL CoNTEACfIIe ELECTICEEATINÇ EcLEC"AlmAPLIANCE T.V. - COLOU9 T.V. RAo- l-Fi FRIGIDAIRE - &C.A. "@MII*N ELEC~OMU INGLI8 - TOR -GUAAT~ VC SHamiltons Insurance Service ISate, H mltn Builing for remodeliing one, then 'r-ole 983-5049 a House? your present acontact ichol sonî LIVE Toulons 983-56W6., GEESE FOR SALE anid Chiness. Phone t-f W ORK WANTED IBoieeper Ty¶peb requtires fuil or part E~mework. Phone 988-5480. a-c HELP WANTED Part ime waitresses wanîted. Apply 983-5094.a- WANTED Waitre'sses wan±ed at the Coach and Four. Part time or full tirne. Phomie 983-5560. b-43-c OPPORTUNITY Raweigli busdnests now open. Trade well established. ExecHlen.t oppoltunîty. Fufli ime. Write Rawledgh, Dept. J - - 189, 4005 Richelieu St., Montreai 207, P.Q. REGISTRATION Orono Figure Skating Club Thunsday, 0October =tJ. Time - 7 tu 9 in evenIng Pbace - Oronc Arena. b-43-c DONORS URGENTLY NEED Volunteer Blood Donor Clinle, WED. NOV, 4th Mions Centre Bowwnnville 1:0p.i. to 4-.30 p.m. 6:30 p.n'- to 9:00 p.m. THE NEED IS GREAT! b-43-c NOTICE Sewing and, xepu irs. Plionie 983-5493. d-43-c Wanted Dead or Crippled Farm Stock PMICKED UPs PRONPTLYV Telejehone C*%«et 383-3781 Margwil JFur Farm Liceuce . 3I8.-lo brick B lock -Comcrete stone Worh Cmn.bentry; - Cabinet Work F.,.Ile = ORONOj JACK RTCAIRD REALTOR 99 King St,E., B1OWAN VILLE When Buying or Seiling eaU WILF HAWKE YOUR ORONO AREA REPRESE NTATIVE mernbei- of Oshawn aud Dis- -t NOTICE Duck Shoot. At the Acres Rest- aurant on October 17th at 2 p.m. 12 ýguage shot guýn only. Shelis supplied. Evteryuneý welSa<e. b4lc FRED'S FRUIT MARKET SPECIALS, Coftland, -Macinto'sh and Del- içious Apples. %/ gai. Ice Cream .79e Highway 115- South of Orono FOR SALE APPLES Mcîntosh, Toiman Sweet, La Salle, Spys, Red Delicious, Snows Attractive Prices. Bring conitainers. Re Rieustra ý- PHONE Q83,5981 WANTIED :Serapm wanted. Oshawa pricea paid at Newcust-le. Cait Newcastle Sai'age. Phone 987-4741. d4- WANTED A good oak Dindng Roaom Suite or DIning Roorn Table and Ciains. Phone 983-5673.t- SEMI DRIVERS NEEDED Expenienee helpful b)ut not nec-» eSLýanM7, for local and over4the-road hauuing. You Cai earn Up Vo $10,000 to $15,000 per year if you nre willing Lo learn. For applica- tàon, cati 416-362-4002, rýr write SafrVy 1ii. Tnstport Tinoig Systerns of C-anýadýa, Ltd., 207 Queenas Quiay West, Torcnto, 117, Onitaiio Canada. b-c-42 COMING EVENT Hcather Sodial Cikd, Bazaar,i Saturday, Deceniber 5 in the jO.O.F. Haïl. Plan to attend titis annual avent.ac NOTICE Rirby Homae and Scboi meet- ing, Tiiesday, Oýcüober 27th nt 8 p.M. at the Kurby ScIwol, Filmi and FVr.t Aid Deiiou- stration inil~ding xnou4ih to mouth re,usiVaUion, iondkcted by Mfr. H. Luxton, acting supervieo'r, Area Ambulance, Bowiville Meinerial Hiospital. Gradte 7 and 8 are invtited.. a-c *Refreollments following. MALLOWE'EN MASQUERADV DANCE Pýontypool Coxmunity, Hall Saturday,, Oçtoýxr 3,lst Muilc by f'ay Adiamsasnd The Counfry Bits. Bar Pllvieges. $1.50 ecd. Dancing 9 to 1. Cost-, turne judgling 10:30.b-43-c mo- Orono Lgndscapîng, for Garden Srvice, Nantlng, Soddlng and Soedins, Phono 983-M50. tf caHlyour icensed Plumbing & Mechanical Contractai' Who selis, instails qpd guarante CARMAN PLUIMBING AND HEATING NOTICE 0F MEETING The next regular meeting of the Northumberland- and -- Durham Cou ity Board of Education wMl be held at East Northumberland Secondary Sehool, Brighton oIn THUESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1970 at .8:00 pan. b-c-42 EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY Isotràbutors for yrour area - latest equblment in oandy bars, snacknm ie, etc. No seiiing. To qu-alify muisithave car, refer- ences, $,1,000 to $3,500 cash. A f ew houirs weekly eý7 au net excel- lent income, mo)re fuil t-ime. We estrabih aiýl routes. For personal interview write, inciuding phone number, .Vo: B. V DISTRIBUTORS LIMITED, Box 68, Walkervile Postal Station WINDSOR 15, Ontario. a-c IIALLOWE'EN SPECIAL One Free Punipkin with every 'butieiôf Appieýs. FRED'S FR VIT MARIÇET b-43-c PAPER DRIVE Kendial 1st Culas;andl Scouts *~11 lac holding a Paper Drive on October 31sit. AU papers mu'st be 'tied in bundles and lat on the curb. b43c CARD 0FTIIEANKS We wish to thank alil the rela- tlvrj; and friends who sb hught- fuflly arranged a lunch for we Who came fr-om a. di.stance for the in- terment of aur brother Charlie on Octaber 7th. imany thanks from the Wannan DlED At Memorial Hoaspiltial, Bowman-. ville on Mondiay, October l9th, 1970, William Rail RobiadaVon ini hila WIIh year. Bel'oved hu$band of Lilia logg and of the late Alda RaWiison who predeCeased hM some yelars uýgo, stepflather of El- rner Hogg, Petetborough and Bd- ward Hugg, outh Monaghau, predeceaisled ly one brother, Ce- cil of Orono and a silter Ethel Hall of 'Torouto. Regted at Bar- low Funeral Homie with seMvce held in the Orono Uited Church on Wednesdiay, October 21at ut 2:00 p.m. Internaent Orono Cerne- Place your add lu this space next week te seil, inform, motlfy or- buyi or aeet. rDOGERSON ORONO, ONTARIO ANT1@UE8ý WRE UY AND SELL Ol1d Glass, China, Pine Article Tya and Odffitiez IIT'S OL» ... CALL US WE FAT CASH ~Phone 6232-5342 mter 6 pa. and STEAM BATH GENTLEMEN ... We have a Sauna and Whirl- pool ready for your use. Drop in and give them a try Group Rates Available Mon. to Sat. 1 p.m. - 1 ar.. Sun, 8 a.m. - 1 p.M, 16A ONTARIO STREET 729-2460 OSHAWA nez 138 Pboxo 108-3552 Staff ord Brothers Llmited Manufaturer, ef Ccmetery'Memnlals 318 »»uda" Street Elut WHITZY, ONTARIO 521