New 8-lRoom 'Public Sehool Proposed For Orono By Board..0.f .Educatio>n The Northumberland ianti Dur- bium OCun Board of Education on Thiursitiay evening of last week cave their approval to thre con-_ struction of ia new elgiît-room --chool witui support, facilites to be buit in Orono. The approval came alter consideriation 'aas giv- en for renovatàons of tire building .as compared ýto tire construction -,f a new adirool. Tire action of tire Board às 110W bednrg sent to tire Deiartment. of Dducation for tirir authorization. Tire new building ýwould 'replace the present scdiool but wou'ld in- eorporate thre Genenal Pur-pose room into tire new strudture.. Hovitéir and Belaskia, -Arcirit- ets, -presented. a report und anices for renovation ut tthe pres- ent 1iuîIlidng as weli , as costs for ,: new building. Tire cost of reno- .mitions o tire preseént building was estimateditiat $250,200.00- 'lle cost Vto itear down -tire presenit building and construct a new scirool was 'estimiated ýat $280,000. Due o.tire age of tire sehool it ,Mas dedidedt iri it wold be bet- ter to construect a new scirool. In renovatàng tire presenît sdhool dV Was noted tdmiat Vire anany fLigits of stairs and tire great a«i- moulut of open space does not onfoTm even Vo Itire inimum Fire Mar-dhalil regulations. Fire proof consiruetion woulît have to ire untiertaken on althree levels anti a second stiair-wny would .have Vo ire constructeti. 1V woulti re- quire tire removal of lail present floors anti stairs. There rcnovating proposai ,also stateti that 'a classroomn would have o re irait over tire presenit wimcehiroom ýamea to replace one classroom that ýwould ire losV dume tD renovations. Tis worýk diti not icîdeciangerooms for tire Gen- cmi-l Pr','pose room. Tire architects reconirendeti that %a new school ire built andth;Vrat tire presenit buildfing, -w1h tire exception of Vhe Genenai Purpose room, ire de- molished. The new bu)iiding is o ire on one ilev li anti so construictetlitirat additions couldbie -matie 4n the future if tire neeti ar-ose. AVtire reguilar roarti meeting W. Tom Hovicir told Vite boarti tint ilhe Brigirtoni public scîool lent dtself well Vto renovation andi estimate t tit tile school could tien ire useti for anotirer 30 years. ('ost on1 this pruject would ire $156000. This proposaila also beinîg sent Vo thc Depamîment. OronoWeekly Times VOLUME 34,, NUMBER 43 ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, flCTOBER 29th, 1970 ,T. inanudai position of the Mr. Simipson sidlire could n@t heeinue fctof ,some iooPolice Village came htp for secediow they would okero1îiî,$11,O . idwascmed at tihe txctisiderablie discussion. on Mon- thisdefiYiýeitven an 1971. ýFur*her Po1ç T u ht~eUg on Mon- day evening ait the Trust'ee meet- he ýsbated that the Trusýees hd dyeeng n~,ufxrd by ipg 1V1heni chaîrn'an Douglas Simp- authîorized' a road surve7y to W, te o oi ~r ito o Tues- soi, state(cl tirat lhe was very'mucli undertaken, next year. "Where.s dn.]Lr 4pouaimno afpset ove-r wrtapae to bé thwe money coming from", lie iic the Tr'utees,boglth4 atr to hmaaredeficit. 'Mie deffit r.Snpon satdithat ift1ire 1efore tire Mna meia ni ,il -, lie 1red t' o was in the books er W Oto we oV u iie t itii g amun f 1161.0Hle teaid have kno in th'ýree montirs go, of wcre crrect. tis figutre was arriveîd ut using our position W ith finaircing. Ile mfonnation from tihe secrebary- said he bad repeatedfly askedi for traueMr. E. R. Wooclyard. a fdnancial statement land as yet $9,700. of thre $11,000. deficit had flot received one. "If we had is an over-e2pendfiture ýfrom thre In opening the discussion 'Mr. known owr. position we could& have road work caârried out in 1969. Mr. ,Simpson said the wanted to 'End out back 'on some pTrojeets", he Simp§ôn stated that tie auditûr .,but just -where they istood financ- said. Mr. iSimpson was 'also< criti- bad tokid the 'Trustees 'after iast "ay and ýwhy -the Trusteeý% didn't caq of thre. fadt tibat no 0 linandctal year Iiat they 'would have to op- 2know sooner of their financial budget waîs set-up uat the fdrst of erate on a itight budget for the -position. 11e said from ineorma- ie year. "We arel uperatng nexit four or five years fo elimin- ion which ire had obained from blind," lie said. ate the 1969 overexpendàture of ý,the, bank end the Township -9,700.00. there was no way tis deficit wus Mr. Woodyaecloaid tirat as going to improve. there was to ire no new expendi- tores, thre budget was dispensed The chairman did say tlhat the Mr. Woodyard, secrellary-treas- with titis year. '1e also asked Mr. estimated detlicit of $11,000. rirer stated tiratlie had said there Simpson wirere tihey would have would exist 'at the endi of the year. 'was no money some time ago and eut bock? "We (have dune nothntg 11e 'also saiti there may have to be pointed out tirat at the trie o spend money," saiti Mr. Wood- some eut backs in parking con- &Iso oaldtheImrre mas nu funds for yard, '«except some at tire Viîllage trol lantid ump operations. Arain work-inear thre Hooey prop- dump. Whbat have you spent o--rty or ýfor tire puyng of ta By-law money ýon?" lasked the Treasurer. enmforcement officer. 'He also said "This is wbat 1 don't know" it 'was stated tirat futîure ex- 1bfat tire Trustees were <arryng said Mr. Simps.on. "We have nt penditures would 'have to be h.eld a defiirt fonlsya adt ee da'bde or à ca l at ta minimum and close Ilnancing !Vifro l ais year sleran a eevt ugt ~ nnîlwould have to be in control for ân 1969. (Contnued on page 3) thre next (four or five years. Bùahowmanville-DarIit.on Brief Relates To Clarke Township Tha muidipalitiies of Bownn ville and Darfington jointly pre- 6ented their ielVtirte 'Oshawa Planning and Developument Stuidy last wee~k when tlrey pointed ount Vit Newcastle and lane Town- ship ar-eu dd relate clasoIy Vo tIre Bowffianvilme - D'arklIton ar- eu, a fact. toaie borne in mîtnd in fixdig an outer boundary for thre reglon. Aiso thre brief stated tbit.tlhey could nut find where thre provnce intended the New- namste4Mlarke ata e as a , oenbelt betweeir Part Hope airdBowmuan- vàleanddtiritu was uct close -eioue t.Vo Port Hope to provtde such a boit for tbat niipaklty. "1tir proposeud initial reg$ion lste. qùaIfy us a weldesigned governwentak x eion bacause of adhe-reing.'too luuey tthVe et- ablshed baundanies *f Ontamrio S Cowmt," <the 1rief, saÏ4. "Ilf i-Ve inetkieign of v iaIfy thre ývhàIe dOuiOtunlo Couaty is deeuale, the continuaion of Bownanville- DaVldiýgon wËtirin tire United Countiesis equalîly defea<iible and becomes Vire determiined objective of our two niunicipalities", con- tiinueldthre bief. Thé joint ibmiel nlso noted Vire crippling effect whicb wouid ie forced upon tire United -Counities wài thVie bs of BowmniR~wle anid Darlington to thre Oshra region. Thîey faittViat proposeti granits for die outaide area would aut be adequate and would only ire artificWinalhinature. Tine Bamanvgle- Darfington b#e ief4d, favour maury aspegts of opment Stildy ýbut did recommend trat Vie-northern part- of Ontario Couuit& ie exchjded tram. tire O0hawo Rgin AFhey ýpr*pOsed trat tk.w prov-, inçe 'create a, ~ g exendiing froni Nekerti - Ajax, ta Part Hoepe - Cobourg. MW,$s was stonly rejedtted by Mayor Newman of Wiritlby. Tire brin statadthiait Bowman- vilile and Darlington were agree- inAe to form onte barougir and were of Viýe opinion trat tins bor-ouigl wou-1d Ie quite papable of re'airng fll dresponsi4bility for Vie liiiiitetl axtent of urban devel- opinent adjacent to Vie ,Oty a« Oshawa. "Mre bief tavouredVie amalga- n-dation of Oshawa and iWhitby. It supportted a thrre-yar terni for counciltlors but did nut favour ,q -~ any Mn*iép*Ii Mua ariity. pepresëntation aven thoujgh,.it may contain'a,,îiuaijorty of the regioWns poputtion. T'Ile brieflavurdsehool board bauftimlis VW be- eo.temtnd.n .,WiV tireregiond ibarndaries. .lM s, tu-, p~posdte view which ~isd by the l&orthuniber1and 'and Durham Board of &iueLtlIan. tiberals Elect New Officeirs Port Hope Tetacirer !Roger Kirk- patricir was eleoted President of thme NorViuimberlani Diiam Lib- er-l A-i Ociatin tits auninual meigin Port Hope on Tirurs- da r-i.Mr. Kiikpatvick is a Teicirer at Trinity ýCoîlege Scirool Port 'Hope. Hie succeetis Cob burg J,'wyer James Clareke wiro was cl- ecteti Pre'sitienit at tire foundinîg conrention. Vwo ycar-s agio. Otirer memirers -of the execu- ti ve irec lsV9tVice-Presitient ,Wil- liam Bragg, Darlington; 2nd Vice- Prcsident Mes. Douglas Johnatton, Grafton; 3rd Vic-Pre(itient Tar- ry Wade, Newcasîtle; 4ùh Vice- President J. S. Hinnman, Cobrourg.' Secr-etry'Treeasurer- is Sol Mar- gles, Cobourg. Cirairmen of tic stai jng,,comtn ttees e] ecteti are: Cons)titution - E. R. Love-ki, New- castle; 'Merersiip - Mrs. Charles Wieatley, Câouorg; Finance- John Funnell, Cobourg, Deilegates to tic National Policy Conference iof tire Liber-aI Party to ire ielt in Ottawaa laVer tiis monVi eare: Roger Ni-rkpatrick, Ilar-ry Wade Dorffdd eieno Cohiorne; James Clar-ke, E. R. Lovekin, mm~grtFaliis, Cavan; Ralpir Hulas, Dalinigton; D. B. Wfliam- o.Corourg; Carl Heati, a-. ings; J. P Riiciartision, CoirIoùtfg; Mrs Gkerit Pr-oce,- Port H6pée;*ý Tire Orono Police Trustees, at - their meeting on Monday nigiri fin*d To U einstrucetet itire scen r use Wooiyîard, to write a letter tVo the Townsli(ip of Clarke stiating % f. e Uethiat tire Trustees w ere still of ,the opinion that Allen'. Lane Or N t ToUse hould bceIosed,. The Township cf by J.D. Henson M gmnt Cak:di eur an objection Fore3ter to he ~sUngofthe Lane at their' ~ ou ver rive dow a metiii,, last wevek ani at tire irimhw'm or id~rmd m cur- peutn t-ie Vis section of ronti use wic is odle of tire couintryv- thon o .gBy-law.'Tire oh- ide arolind youl? Jecticon to tile closing of this roaddvwas,presen-teti by thre Offie- Despite the 'fiact thatftire qinant- liwiBoavrd of, the' Orono Untited ity of landi availiable to use seemis doîueh. unlimiteti, lit lis a searce commod- ity anti is becoming more so -with our rapidly increasing popuiâtion. Mr.' Simipson pointeti out tint I~andunlik forets or the r tie(hurctfirwas not a taxpaying lian,ý'un-àkeforets r te ar art T in the Vifllage and ire felt we breatie, is a non-renewnable re-g source. Tiere la just no more tihey siroulti have no riýght tp obý- ject to the, clostinig of Vhils rondL (Continued frSm page 3). (Oontinued en page 5) $20fOOo Hydro Truck Excluded Fro m, 1971 Budget Oronu Hydro Systemn and tire Orono Water iSysteim were stated to ire la sound iinanoeal position iry tire manager, Mr. M. Down, on M.onday eveMlng.- Mr. Down popint- eti tout that a $4,622.96 ýamounit existeti la Imie 'water taccount as a surplus wirille a sum of $12,500 existedtas ta surplus In thre hYdro aceount. Hie feit tihat Vhis position would dîmprove furtiher by thre cati of tire yeur in botir accounts. At a previouus mneeting tire Commission estabitsihedth ie 1971 budget for capittal -works dn an amnount of $9,450.00. Tire budget aas eut from $29,450.00 wien a ma ority vote of tire Oommission elimia(ated 'an expeadditure of $20,000 for a new truck for irydro- in Vie issue of Vie truck, Mr. D. Simiyson camie out in support of the purchase as recommended by tire manager While Mr, Wood- yard olpposed thre purcirase. Aiter some dliscussiÀon Mr. F. Nicholgon, chairman of tire Orono Hlydre System, supportedth ie elimijna- sion of tire $20,D00frlom tire bud- get whieir turned dowin thre pur- cirase of tire truck. Alsout ta former mee-ting a rep- resentative of Vie Ontanlo Hydro Oommission waas very doubtful irat tire purciraise of tire truckç was un tireirest interesit of tire local systeim. Aitirough tire repre- seniative ihel-ti douirts on tire pur- chase he said ire would noV oppose Vie puichi<se U tVie Commission approvedth ie purchase. $70oo ,00chalet Addition At 1klrby Tire -Osbawa Ski Cub &s now prepariaig for thre eoing winter season end comstruetion is weli- underway -»na threest*rey atidi- fiion te Vire eisting chalet on tire West Vperty. Tire addition ail provade a WeIl furndlsirectlounuge .along wiVi rest- aunant fkilities wiicrhave been ,.Vor-med imdequate.--Thir n.ew chl- et imcorporatesï a Iarj.e fÀËWee. TIle ne&w addion ~l alo house mnodern wasirroom aclties which were non-existant. Tihe'total coust o! thre'Chalet ad- ltion, la estiniated-'at '$70,O0 andi ls to provlde mrust better fac- iuitiés, for Virose sI<ing et Ohuawa Ski HM. »ter improvemenuts are abio being made mwh iicdeliew bill1 groot!iing eq«i»pment .and côn- sideration is being giveir for trev Insaltdn u afurther Tax lUt -on thre weut hbut. OrOno Public Librury- Jan Io, 1969 Objections Received .On Roud Closings 'fle Township of Clarke Coun- cil iheld a,,a _%eoial meeting on Oc- tober 21sVt o îhear Viose who op- pose tire closing uip of five differ- enV portions ýof.roads witin thre Asa,,resuit of-tire meeting a by,-law is to ireý, trafted Vo close up týhree of VireAive applications; bedng a portion of thre Lakeshore Boati allowance lot 20; a portin in -the Broken Front between lots 20 îand 21 anti a portion of Prin- cess Street fromi Main to Chiureh Street inVire 'Village of2 Orono. Objection was received from thre Oronoq Unitedi Churcir on the ci-os;ing of Allips Lane in Orone from Main ito Chureirh Street. Tire ohunDch Sf t Vis shoulti remain open due ýto the congestion on the southiern section of Ohurcli Street north. Objection was also receiveti from KNirby Woodlands Limiteti for Vihe cosing of a portion of routi betrween lots 18 and 19 in the eigbtih concession. Nýeither of the above two sections of roads is Vo be incluIded in 'the cliosing b.yiaw. Stili 'Want AIin's Lune Closed