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Orono Weekly Times, 29 Oct 1970, p. 2

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29th, ý1970 ORONO WEEKLY.'TIME M" R M. Omile, out"& boe US STRANGLING AN INDUSTRY In a recent CTV dcuimen4tary on tihe huge foreign lishing Ileets which dominate aur sea eoasts, a despondent Paniadlian fi"hn~g bný* oapbEaIn commented, "M1~e Raiýssian sliips, are pi4ating a CaftadJan nation resource. Thnk af the Îhe]! the farmers wauld raIse if the Russians invaded their wieat etelds and frarvested most of the grain." TIhe one4buur, long deMumentary, hosted iby Jack Mc- Gaw ànud fihned on botbh the East and the Weitecasts, waÈ primarily Ilose4ius of tihe hiuge floating tactory WbiPs emî- ployed by the, Rugsslns, whidi are 9slowIy fishinug out aur watffls.------- In one, teiliing gcene, a tiny but modern Catadian fi.sing vessel whkûi is nevextheless the largest in Bntish Columbia',s fleet, Jals close, enouglh for the camerita re- cord a sinigle stern riamp haul of 27 tans af hake gong io a large Russlan factary tiiawler. Ihis is a larger cargo than Vhiis Canadien ship might bniing home alter an eirtire sëasýon at sea. Another scene shwed a Soviet passenger lâner, whIch had been detaohed from normal service't9o carry fresJh crews over the thous- undis of mles from Risia ta fthe bià fisihing fleets, and re- tiurn fliose who ha'd been at sea for months. 'he staggeiin~g hauls fr mi Soviet, Jaipanese, East and West European fishing methods In tihe continental Ahedlf waters of Canada are a prablern whiidh Fisiheries Mfin- ister Jack Davis cao solve oiy by using the sanie taough legLs.ation lhlieh the Prime Mlnister applied agaïnst Aretae poaiitibn. Even other than the dollar and cents aspect, tliere is tihe Lie t hat mih uncontrooRed fiesing wiâàhn tihe con. tinental shelf of Canada f!l on!y eonvleteiy deftroy tihese lutù,üig grou*ls. Mau neyer seeni to learn to ive in bail- ance wdth nature, but for profit is prepared to deÊtxýoy the very suibsitance giiat supports our e)àstianve. Man bas ravislhed tihe land and no~w takes on the sea. BETTER CONTROL NEEDE» nfle Oronao Police Truees, after consuting with the 'Twnsiip Auditor, have agreed upon tîhe fa« t hat ehey will bave a $11,000. detLel. at the end of the year 1970. Sources poit out that the yeaa- started with an overexpendture of $9,700. ~ hdi was inaurred from their road pflagiian af 1969. Thils amouunt along with otiher ïncÉesased expen"diuxes and inte&rcsit on thlir loan hais linreased ýthe defidt ta an area of $1-1,000. If hbas been stated that if ii take fram three ta five years ta balance off this deficit aond this can onIiy be accùnMieiied by adhering ta a strict and dPatically trim- ined budget. One Party hlas reported that it May necessitate cut4backs in projets already in farce in tihe Village. The tt now remainis thatthe Village has llaeed aul Wts eggs in one basket, nameIy oads, and that for the'next ewy a ay advancement fr6m the Truitees is ta be nili. The Village is,_ in fact, in a fiînancial in.d and there is.n'a way out except throuigh a pragram af austerity. The flae t hat the Trustees 'have operate'd this ye&ar without preparing a financlal budget at tihe beglinninig af thec year and withou't preparing monthly or bi-oionthly re- porlts lelIt them in the poition that there was really no way ta know where they stood fin'ancially. This dis mos4- unfort- lniate and nmost un-ihusinessidEke. Tbey were acltually operat- mng in theidark wih nia guidein their stpenllding.No hiiineîss <)f orgaiation. can operate &séeessfully in sueli a manner. 'Pt-eould be painted of that bath the Township and Sdaiool Borard operate us.,in1g their budget as a guide and with onhl rpots mmbers Iof these .two boards are ai- way-s aaea herfnnilMoain o one at the last Tru§teeismeeting appeared 'ta ,know whatthe ovr i n- ancial possition was oï where the monemy was spenýit, Under sucli a systemn there can be no comprý1eet plarnning on ýa il, is now turne t'lýat the ,ilgeoe jtauder sound buiespÉacetufces. and STEAK BATH GENTLEMEN . We have a Sauna and Whirl-' pool ready for yeur use. iDrop in and give tbem a try Group Rates Avallable Mon. to Sat. 1 p.m. - 1 -a.m. Sun. 8 a.m. ,- 1 p.m. 16A ONTARIO STREET 729-2460 OSHAWA 112 I I 'D, ROERSON12 ""-OIN , 'AII Taken tramn a sermon by Rev. B. - Long. Je'sus was taTing wth a graup of people Who were asking for sgne cencerning blinse. In ans- wering theini he said, 'You know hew te interpret tihe appeanance of thec sky, but you cannat inter- pret ftic sIgiis of the tisnes. <Few woukIdc ny the fact Fliat at preisent oiur saciety le in an awful mess. And yet, whcn we stop ta tiink about it, it is no diffýuit te sec that there wcre znany Figfs *pointing to the prob- lems we now face. But hunianity, the mases In particullar, have neyer been nated for tiheir abil- ity te loo'k at'thc present and in- terpret the future. Reccntly aur country and per- hîaps mucl ai tihe worM wms sbd4k(edt dreudluliiy shockcid to lear» ai thc death af Mr. Pierre laPorte in Quebec Whcre thec sit- uation ils uoibclievably trâg1c. Thle moral aidheoath problem cf our time lis î1l a plague ,swecping aur cauntry ani contin- ent. DesPerate eoncern b ic hearea of eceoogy ls aausdng a f ew wlio are enIightened ta urge Uic mass- es Ite make a quiek andI effective move ta correct thec situation in, the next few years. They can see àhie biandwr4tng on lthe walll as iar aps car div*idzatibn is cancera- cd uies we acf now. These arc some of thie s!ina of our finies 'and thc voi;ji of theni may sein negative but tihere is a glimer af hope elsewherc. A iew days aga Mm. Gordon SInclair an ane af bis broaickas me l thed ic act thât the top ratCings ai T.V. entertaiument werc ed the Ui preograns in wlhich thec 'goad gup, always win. Aliouýgh ili did neftmy te inter- pref what this 'nean.3lie ditI point .out that Wrhaps it doca mean sQmeethînig. Perhaps there, ia an ividiûaion here ;that iiiany are dreaiminig andI longing for fthc dîays when thc bad guiys whio have s0 much freedom ta influeince thcrnasscsta take the road to destruction m-ay be sean f or what tîhcy are anîd that real respansi- bilitpy on the part ai soeiety mnay. denfea heir influ~encee. Thle sickness in tlic heiart af Many ai the peuple in Quebec, wio ap- parcnt1Y seeoied ta be syniâpaitie,: tic t t i e actîivfes of the FLQ in the firsît place, may be ante ray ai hope thaît there lis a sfrong, desire for juLÏstice, law and order. Our problenis did nof corne a- bout by chance. 'The-y are inevit- able in a oet when c ils exîeused or the law becomes samcthig at wthich to mock, or when a cheap permissive attitude encouagai veryo e ta do bis own thi'ng fat tac expense of al othrs Tagdyof one sort, or ano r thersalasli resulIt of the leasA.igof il'o a few who are mdiling to beresý-ponsible. For mnany' yeans JesusChrist, lias meant 1Lite thec early yeîars of the Cliriist'Lan church i,,,heere W as reai hostiliîty ta HLm ,ad fhat- was, bad enough. -3ut itl is wors.e todîay because apathy has taken the place ai hosltifity. Wliere apathy exIsts, blânclnelsis < is thc resj1naît,, this idnd af blindpees caan nly catIin fragedy 1Whcn man or nation refuses, te sccek Uic wiii af God -and fa die- vclap thlit le af the Spirit, leienl- eitiby Waiks.thec roîtiI i fdlark- neisis andI istresis. *A *i~n aiflie times may bec that enouigli people are feeliing' thec desýparatîlan aoflicésituation me are la and are begining ta hungeêr for a Nie which reflects purjpo,)e ad mrineaing, "a£feeling wlIcI snaycause even thé, e care- ûe;s ta 100kand act., 4, enougl pe op le are -recSdy -Vta' Accidents Two unrelated highrwây amaidents îbave cladmed the lives oîf a Young *biWh-ihiker uand a Toronto- areia motorist. q he first occurred at 6:40 p.m. on Fiiidày, when 18 yeair oMl Ger- trude Lilklian Carr of M~annlc~k was strusck by a car as she cross- ed HISghWay 401 neer lthe titer- secfion of hiighway 35. Driver of the dar -was 22-year- old HeatJher Jean Bennett 01 Oslh- TWO ADDIS- Tooth Brushes for the price of one regular 2 for 69e 2 for only 52c. CAREFREE by MODESS Regular 5kc. Priced 38C. Z.B.T. Baby Powder 9 ounce, regujar 79e Prieed 53C. EDGE PROTECTIVE SUAVE Regular 1.39 Priced 88c., WHITE RAIr4 SHW1MPOQ OiIy or Regular Regular 89c. Priced 69e. INFRA RUB For Muscular Aches and Pains Reg. $2.29 Prieed $1.19 The Signs 0f' The limes DRISTAN, .COLD CAPSULES 1O's Regu.tar $1.3 Priced 89c ANEW AEROSAL DEOD. Regular $1.79 Priced 8&c. Dettolex Deodorizer - DWSIDctagt Rtegular $1.09 Pried 49e V.O) 5 Hair Drelsng Gel Regular $1.09 Priced .57c VICKS VAO- 1R1J Regular 68e. Priced 39e ~Pamovin or 1 oz. llquid Priced Vanquin eg. $1.60 96,c wa. Miss Oarr was rusdied to the Memorial Haspitil, îBornaýniv!lU,ý- but was ipr-nounjceid dead on w- rivai. At 3:30 ;arn. Saturdîay a 36-yeur aid Etobicoke man dfiiied in thye wreckage ai tus 1967 Volkswagec- alter it cailide mdith another car- nortihbounid on Highway 35 near thc mird concession in (Clarkie TOwNIIISIiLp. Police gald the Victint George Bernoard Sonr,4à,died e-- most insltantly follolng the cra&f An unidentified Scarbarau-ýli woaan of about 30 ycars of ag,ý wtho was ia passeoger intfheca ivas taken te hospitâl for treut- ment i miner head inîuries. Driver of tihe other car involved wei Douglas MeFParlane, 53 ed Scarborough. He was uniuredk. Consumer 1Specials QUANTITIES LIMITED STUTT'S PHARMACY Phoe ewcastle 987-424e,- Alday Wednesday and elSatu rd a y GodNews FOR Pie Smokers, ln Orono We are Authorized ToSell SOCIETY Gucat Speaker: Mr .GrntLowry Director Drug Ad diction ýCentre, Tomanto AT EKiRBV CE NTE;-NNITAL SCHOOL * . A ' :00P.M. Sponsorcd by Clak itzn Cnritend u ~se lP-lyers Ime. ý ý i i PlIiiiii mi , ý lPý

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