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Orono Weekly Times, 29 Oct 1970, p. 4

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER_ 29th, 1970 Kendal N.-ws Next Sunday, Noveniber inst ,will be )Kendal Anniversary at ,2:30 p.m. The iinter wdl1 be Rev.- Victor 'Parsons B.A. of Mackstoek and the St. Paul's O1hoir o! Perrytown Ang3ioan Ghuréh wd,11 provide the music. The Kential Ohurch Board have ýrÈstaled a new electrie htating g3ystein to make our church build- ing more ýuseful diuring the win't- er. Instead of the tremendous ef- tort put into a turkey supper nmany feit they wou'Id rather give ùîe equivalent in a Thankoffering gift ýso make your offering larger thi~s yeur. The Kendcal Women\s Institute met at the home of Mrs. A. Low on Tuiesday evenin'g, Otober 20, 1970. Th e president, Mrs. J. 1enderson opened the meeting »ith the singing of! i Ode. She introdixccd our guest's, Mrs. R. Davis, the District pr.esident and XMrs. Werry, 'both members of Solina W.L. and welcomed them to our meeting. The miiutes of' our September meeting were read and corres- pondence deait with. As convenor of'! istorical Re- ,earoh, Mrs. Oathcart gave the motta as "My own dear land, ,where'er my footsteps wrander"' and -the roil cai as "Name the *nost Irkterestin'g place you visited tWsye.r and telwhbut interested yut4ere,, or tell where You iwili ke ta go-next A 'most interesting response lollowed. Then M rs. Davis, president of West Duflham Distxrict gave a wonderful accouint of the trip she ~and Mrs. M. Wiseman, secretary o! West Durhiam, took to Winnd- peg in, Agust as our delegates to the Ntional Convention. She told o! .9ide trips they took to the In- ternational Pc-ace Gardens, and ta Brandon Agiultural College, and the messages brought by the finie speakers. The Couhltrywomefl of the. World will meet'in Oslo, Norway next year. Mrs. -Catlicart thanked Mrs. 'Da- vis for lier fine report. Then -Mrs. Oathart gave a brief account o! ber visit to tae Qu'appelle valiley- and the village of Lumsden where the fIo'ods were last spring. Above the valley vas a picuie ýgrounds and a cairn stating that these 8 men hhad held a picnic there May 24, 1882. The custoni had contin- ued for rnany, many years. One .ame wvs ienderson our drivej's grunddlather. H1e s'aiid the first winter thley suffered great liard- qship as thley lived 'in a hole or cave moade iin the bank o! the Qu- appelle Valley with a dirt floor. Another name was Cochrane. My undl's ntame was on the Cairn, Tom Cooney. Ile and his eiglit ,neighbours were dr'awing two bundred. bags o! flour from the endi of steel west o! Winnipeg to Regina with their teams ahnd wag- ~ns ta feed the Royýàl Nortlh West M!ounted 'Police. Louis Rtiel want- ed the flour ýto feed Mis men. So the Indians' swooped down on thcm.' The farmers unhitched their horses and flcd but the iast karmer was dnving a yoke of ox- en. H1e couldn't get away so rath- er than leave ?hkn alone to be captired Jncle Tom came ,back and the Indisans took 4hem bot'h prisoners. They killed t'he oxen right on the spot and 'burned the wak'e and wagon ltoards. Thcy l'ieid a big pow-wow. These ment were prisoners until the rebellion ended. Thcy were well treated by the -Metis. A deliejous lunoh was provided by our lhostesses Mrs. H. Foster -end Mrs. W. Turansky. A vote o! thanks was exten'ded to Mrs. A. Low for the use of lier home. mrs. u. Foster hadlier sster Mr. and Mrs. Art Low resàde to- dlay. The flowers at ýthe pulpàt, on Sunday ,morninig were in, jnem- ory of Mr. WiiUiflam Robinson. FINANCIAL POSTION 0F BOARD IMPROVES ---The financial position of the Nortihumberdand taniDurhiam Phone 99345207 Oo~u~ B~1il ! Faiwa~donis vastly osuperior to its position at ths time last year. Athe reguar board Meeting e,,airxnan, Je!! R01ph, pointed out the the board îs money ahead -at the present Ëtme and has pur- cr.Wased short tenm bank- notes whicbwill yledld$2,500 interest hefore the Money is needed for or o», Ontar$o s&ûoolpupes The third quarlter levy on the 22ý areiia m niipaities was due septemiber 30. Ail munticipalities cfflplied wtlh the board requis- tinexcept Caitwniglht which now owes a total of $48,536 2 A1aijnanti ab $46203, at Village at $9,209, Perey lTow-bý at $29,725, ialli ncudïng penaJVek Th4è makes a total of $134,073-321 à -lmi- uik i u imvstmntthat gros and grows Canada Savings Bonds help you M rf plan ahead-look ta the future ermn without worry. They're Çanada's tve oga rnost popular personal investment. Canada Savings Bonds are easy to buy for cash or on instalments, in amounts ranging from $50 up ta $25,000. Canada Savings Bonds are cold, hard ,cash- instantly. They can be redeemed any time at their full face value plus earned interest. 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