ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TfTIJRSDY, OCT0JBE R 29th, 1970 Orone Pub'ic'Schocol Clarke High Sdiool News' c.îrîie ic ffgi SholBaud en-nie -ta Orono Public Sgelooýl ta, entertaili the pupils fr-ora I nder- garleîî to grade 8. They did agood jobpbin a variety of sangs. Sanie of V1fli istru men ts ýthey broivl'vt wer'e Frcnclb hOITns, gui- tar, drurios, chmes, fPutes, train- bOrnejs. c1inct, tuba andlui s'a3a- p 'lle. hecondiitor v' a s MVJr. Tre meer. been doig a peroect on rcî tuk noweigco dP freù thng 'e lat d agicutur. Terewas Mr TJ~rymp1 , Dpt. !of _A1gricul- tur: M. Rekad -S-redis and_ ~ Mr 1I~flotell -Silis anal Fertifizers. wenrta M. Gîi~nc -id¶CI' s. c d lhJrough thc p ii n pcln fiekil thl fietîy hought 2 pnikafo ccIi elss. Thîcy §aw a sibeîng filed, l)eef cattie cadmic feediotý. li ~eflcbacc bulîs ard, (-aves wec obscrvcd. ln the loýft hay iana gtraw was Plcd. They wentct aniobiher farm iu BowmanvfIL]e anal lcard about slhafliug ep puppies, rabbi'ts andi goats were birg ýpccpared forth Roa Wintecr Pair. SIt hasn't been espechIialy good weatber for footJball anid soccer, but we iare 'gbad that Vthe 'littie snow *we- siaw on Fridây vzsn't here to s4ay yet. However lots of people have felt th'at tlhey have suffered, i cold room's in, enough-, and orur heuting system has been turneýd on. I'mn sure 'h.e 40-inute initerveal bcetweert trips outtidc to the port- ables is sutlciý*ent cnfouigh ta keep kids warm now, but 'nihen winter cornes, lt mfil1 be qulJte a grmb- ling lot '(at takels tihat 100 to 200 yard jorurney. Here is a fe<w orienteering1 re- 1 ~ 'iat ýare ia 1ttlie lâWe and wcre protmised quiÎte a whle ago. They ýare the resuits frorn Clarkes own meetlin the Ganiaraska on Sepltemib)er 13th. Results were as foliows: WÈ11y Wo-o, tihird in the junior men's empeT'iened; Hon Lowry, firsat in boy'Is elite gv-oup; Marlene Adams, first in junior, ladies' elkte and. Margaret and Su- sàn SPry p1iaîéed first fin the Way- Ontario Vw tu .several , ndWvidua,1 and tciam honourà at tihe C)ana- di an chanmpionshiýps -over the hol- idiay weekend. Almost every mcm- beroif C1arýe's te(am §dored eit h- er in the indiv-iduaàl ev7eùtis or the DIan lizeiefirst in dunio ladies; Roni Lowry fourth in boys; Wfilly Woo, 3rd in M3 and Gina Liowcýry and Sue Lacombe, came second in ith e expeýricneed way- flirers. Ron Lowry \was i nmnber of tihe rela yteam tihat came third Wc jean alsýo vespeiai conigra- tUlations 4o Ron Lowry whlào plae- ed tihird anflic U.S. Oricn[teering echamnironships t!his 1past( weckend., If you hiave kept up wvith thie orienteerhtig s!cores youW'11 ili thiat 'CaIriçe bas reaily sliown its truec eo~Liurs l team effort and splirit 1 nmyself have partidipated in somne of tihese events and found one event ta be a sure cure for anyone out of Ldhaïpe. As thlis as tihe end of the or1ien, tcrinig for 1970, J'mnç;ur-. all who were.>ever in any event apprelciate 'ie expert hieip'and guidanice tihat the Ontino presden1t,, bars Onri- son, (Wtiho rra proud ta say, s one ,aïfoiur plvyis-ed tenehers) gave 1,hein. t took 'a lot, of 1outsàde ,,dhool" filme and planning. I know it invalved many head- adhe.s and I kniow that' he used many, many gallons of gas. Aigain a 'Vat on tîhe baiek" ta Mr. Carlson an laaibiýg note af appreciîat1ionr to al tihose who made a namne for the, srhool in ordienteering. In tihe ýildiget 2.4 miae race there werc 55 1boys who entered; tihe two from Clarke did as fol- lows; Ken Boyd (ifourith) andl T. Mai<tin (26tth). Sixty boyts entered the juniors' 3U mile race - Bar- ry Norton placed 31st whille Bob RiU~SS[eil eieced 29t1h. Thi final meeét was a senior ervenlt with 40 piaÉblioipa4js w'ho rau ýa 3.5 niile jiaunt. Peter Oibnist finlsheal 20th andl Ben Vanderwori plýaeced 1.5. Despite a 284l2 lioss to Oshrawa C0atlholic Higlh School on etbr 71h tihe OClarke football teani plia Red weli and showed consuldeilable improvement o>ver tih.ir Jlast gaine -KATRY MORROW We GAN mI Under, The Li OP:' IG Of Our iquor Licence Act this Friclay5, OctoberL 3Oth, Uncrnprabe dnnrs nd ntresto please thems discrimîatiirýý-ng gDôurmet served- expertly in a most relaxing atmosphere NNES REST A%,'NT Rhghway 115, 2 Miles North of Orono Vour Hosts Gerry and Bileen Noone The 1971 Grand Prix. A pieceofin machinery.:., You already know how well built Moto-Skis are. WeIl, the Moto-Ski Grand Prix is just a little more precise. A littie more refined. On top of ail the great features it shares with other Moto-Skis, the Grand Prix qives you a choice of three specially built engines, a wider track of rubber- ized steel cleats, with a one yearwarranty a speedo- meter, a tachometer, a gold metal f lake finish, and more safety features than ever before. We think you'Il appreciate the precision you get in the Grand Prix. It's just a littie more precise than our other ma. chines. And they're stil1 way' ahe ad of everyone else s. 'We're tougher 7 ways. See the Complete range of 191 Moto-Ski, Models on Dispbla w ai IO PN ' 983520WA REnOna areý happy to announce, the, g Leskard Welding AND FABRICATION Repairs SArc and, Gas Welding Evenings and Weekenids PHONE 993-51760 1970 Hfonda Motorcyctes Prieed $219.00 1970 .Alum*inum Boats 12 f. '$199.00 14 ft. $269.00 ATV Jigger, used ---S450 1971 SKI-DOOS, are here at fantatlc prlceu Otario Sports SKI-DfOOSHOP HWY 115 Orono Phone 983-5" WILE THEV LAST PHONE' 983-5307 OIIONO, ONTARIO Phone 983-5207 Orono, Ontario