ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29th, 1970 ~iclasses of uersonal Commercial Ceverazres Office: Main St., Orone 983-5032. les. 983-5754 PRONE 983-5848 Orono, Ontario PAINTING CARPENTRY REMODELLING GENRALREPAIES IarI.r Eaner CHARLES REID Orn.'s Lieensed Âuetiueer and Valuater 8pedalize in Farm mïd Fu iiiture Sale. V«wult me for ternis and date. PIRONS ORONO 993-5914 Mon uments and FamiIy Memorialsf Our quality and service leaves nothing te be desired Aaik the person who botught frein us, a iieighbour, friend or relative The RUTTER GR-ANITE COIMPAINY 71 Ontario Street PORT HOPE Largest display',in- Southeru Ontario and n 4Cy cle- AlNe W OBIOS PMuloh CAIOUTS Boert and 2 i n cl ALLUEURS Ï1 5;e IPLUMBING and IIKATINQ Sales and Servite ad M OUER UINER SERVICE IGULF FINANCING Low luterest Rate* P'hone: jTyrene 263-2050 Orville Chatterton Elect rical Contracting IElectric IleatUns jand Service ; PHONE 983-5546 *r 98 3-f940 IOrone. Ontario ORONQ ELECTRK Nul and Geraiy ab ELECMIC NATIO BED'IICAL M'PLIAMVUS T.V. - VOLoUS t .. 3»10 - W.i-T FRIGIDAIRE - IR.C.A UOMINWON ELRc2OmeiI , INGLIS - lUOR -GUARANTIRD URVIVE Hamiltons Insurance Service j Package Poides Fidelity Bond, Firt Mrtgge Loans 40ox 1,33 Phorne 668-'3552 IStafford BrIothers o Manufacturers Mof Ceinitery Memtoialsj I318 Duadas Street Eat I WHITBY, ONTARIO I or remodeliyor present onýe, thencontact jPhen& 083-5049 i .7. QR~ONO 'r Free TO GIVE AWAY PU)p free to good home. Phone 786-2968. a-c FOR SALE Piston Pressure Purnp for sale $25.00. Phron'e 987-4977. a-p FOR SALE BALED STRAW 200 bales: 25e each Quantity of loose straw Phone 983-5525 WANTED Waitresses wanted at the Coadh and Four. Part Virne or full time. .1 PffIne 983-5560. b-43-c FOR SALE A good 'wringer waghàng ma- echine for ae Phrone 983-5907. a-p FOR SALE A Mini Bike for gale. Phono 983-5014 lnfter 'i.a-c FOR SAJE Humidifier, good condition. Buffalo Robe, excellent for ski- dool. Phone 983-52721 a-c DONORS URGENTLY NIIEDED Volunteer Blood Douer Clinie WED. NOV. 41h lions Centre 'Bowmanville 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. TUE NJIE 18 GREAÂT! Sewiwg alto ations, ani repaira. Phone 983-54,93.1'd43-c Wanted Dead or Crippled Far-m Stock PICKED UP PROMPTLY Telephone Colleet 263-2721 MargwiX~ Fur Farmn Licence Ne. 258-C-70 Brick -Block -Cnrt Cprpentry - Cabinet Work Floors -Tile 983-5441 ____ ORONO JACK- RICAjID REALTOR ý99 King st., E. VOPUR O0NOAREA REPRESE-NTATIVE 983-5Z74 r4ember 0: f Oshawa and Dis-, trict RaI Estato B"omfd * t 'i Ç FRED'S FRUIT MARKET SPECIALS. Coetland, M'VacI'ntaeh and Del- jedous Apples. Sgai. Ice Ore.am .79c I<hway 115 South of Orono IWANTJED Scr-gpwanted. Osbawa piie p'aid at Newoastle. Cali Newcastle Salvage. Phone 987-4741. d,44-C WANTED b-44-c A good oak Dindng R'oom Si.ite or Dining Room Table and Chairs. Plione 983-5673. V- CARETAKER Applicationis wàll be Teccivedý for a full thme Caretaker (6thift> work) for Courtice Seconâary Scihool unlil 5 p.m. November'Oth 1970. AI'ppl,ý, inwiting stating expe'r-ý icuce and qua'.lifioaions to:, MA. A. laeLood, Busýiness Admninistrator 'and Treasurer, Northliumiberiý,nd and Durham~ Counity Board 'o~f Edtucation, 335A Kisng St. Eàst,' Box 470, Cobotirg. LOST A maie Beagle in the Sixth Line area- Kendal. RewUrd. Phlone 983-5093.ac AUCTION SALE' -Selling a corupicte Collection 0f Antiques of' Mr. Rolbeitt Hancock, Ororno, at lis reeidence C(hurch Street at 11:30 a.m. on SaturdaRy, Octobçir 31s.. Complete collection of botties, liinpý,s and gems plus miany more a1qustoo n-urnerotis 'to men- Ohiarles IReid, -',iitioneer a-c NOTICE A. Folk Service of Song -and Me4(iïftion 'wii be presentgd by the lfigh ',s of Orono in Leskard Church on Sunday evening, Nov- eniber lst at, 7:30 p.mn. This is. an anr1nua1 family service of Lscr Chorcli and ail are wcomie. Oh11 Èhe aft 4, thle ladies WANTÈED TO RENT A twiobedrooni cotVage in Or- 0110, Applry to Box 300, Oroeio ,Weely Tiýes. FOR SALE tJsed sliis, Grenroble boots sizo 4 and poab-s, in good conîdition. Sod4 at renonable offer. Phione 983-l5010. n-P WANTED À relliable woman Vo care for tw-o pre-school chlddren 5 days a -week, 8 ýa.rn. to 5 p.m. approx. Diither torne in or have them in your hiome; Kendal-Kiirby area. -Phone 982-5826.after 4:-30 p.m. LADIES. Hioliday Season is a p- proacqhing. If you neoid money to ýbuy gifts etc. . . for Chîristmas, -stl o: ~attifl Lne of Cos-, mietic's amiotier produets. Large profit. Write Raleighi, Dept. J- -1, 4001 RicwHeeu St., Montreal 20,P.Q. 8SPARE TIME INCOME Pefilieiîg aui collectiag money froin NEW TYPE high-qu'slity coia-opented dispensers ia your area. No sing To qualify you fnus5t have oar, references, $600 to $2900 cash. Seven to twelve ,,ot irs wpeekly can net excellenît niontfily incomie. More fulil turne, For personal interview write,. CANAPEN DISTRIBUTING Ltd Dept. A, 160 Bay ,St., Suite. 203, Toronto 1, Ontarno. Includle pone nijîrier. .a-p NOTICE The Seni*or Git)zens wm411meet in t'he Odfllw' all on Thurs- day, 'November 5th at 8 p.m. at a (lard Plavty. The Girl Guides will serve lunc"h, Evei-yonie werome. a-c IFALL!OW'EN SPECTAL Ot - re Pumpkin with every bYusihel of Apples. FREB'S FRUIT MARKET b-43-cý a-cKenalPAPER DRIVE lt Cubs and Scouts NOTI~ ~ " j~ar'Jbe hling a Paper Drive on Oc oUer 7,1 L AJilpapers rmust be ternoon of Noivember 'IIledi budles and lef t on the of Orono U.Ç.. -wijl b b43e tic yaunJAtq15 a f cictc ir ,"ntt wanm p 1oihng as p 1needd;W ~kaes illbe accepted and othrima litems suitable Sa a !,O t o]er 3st Mu~~~~n j yJa casat tItaý il1so NOTICE any - lýr~ Texaco wzj] not be do- for ng usonsnowp1iovwin. . a-c - REGISTRATION Orn Figure, Skating Club, hu:day, October 29tth. Tim î 7 to 9 in eveniuig P!,ace- Orono Arena. [The ,y lÈts. Bir Privileges. IN MEMORIAM, ch. flancinýg 9 to 1. -f ICOSN in fond mhem'ory udigîng 10:30. b-4:3-( of Dianne wlo p'aýssed away a -yia agû., Novemuber 2, 1969. NOTICETime crases many th.ings Landscaping for Garden 1Eut iot thte memory of a friend; Manting, Sodding and Youir ,niilling,,face îs wiîth us yet jc phone -983--598. t 1 s(deoras It was then. __________________ Godý took you from- our lnds§t, M ~ Danne 0 k c.9e you In Bis lvdgcare, - l'at pu may know we won't fo.rgèt, ~Will ho. our fervent prayer. Sadily m ssed by classmates of - .,Oarke Ifiçgh Sehool. a-c qpd auarlantoe -r PLAND HEATING 4NMEMORIAM N-In loving memory daucgiter and sister, ai?, who passed away r need a special day )u oour iind-s. o -1 li we do flot think 'e lard to find. aitisworld were ours Vo gàve, We d give dt, es and more, To sec the facjo you dear, corne smîling at oure door. Lovungly remembered by Dad, ]Vlom and SIster Faye. a-p - ~------~-- -