On Tuesday f wo horses enlereti Vie lassroom at lte Orono Pub- lcSctool. -1 Brielly titese farm ~animls w r itiden loto the gen- VO S-1 3, NUMBER 44 On blite evening of October 15th ie GenerlMertug of Orono U.C. .' ras uFD1 iný the Min Hl -it lthe CJie itrhi, laiesfom îTh 1e mneeting openctI wIt'it t!4 - :evotioni bv Unoit 4. Takgv iuig wa.s the themne andf eaich 1ady, rea'djing t( eia, os rmni -etius of Godhl good ifîs teins God's giif-ts of nature, Go)d'sý giftsý of wisdom andi {od's giftls of ,Ilve. A Titankgiviug poem was W-it rs Raymond Chapman , at lte -pao everyoneý joinet in 5j.ngî*n1g rcwo hymins - kCounnt Youir M&e,;gs and"TeTakgvn -of Utnit 4 for lt eoing-. ,ailso for decoralons in lIie chiurit on Thianksglivig Sundiay. Buýsiness Zî-al purnose roont where tuticlsý wcre m akiiug lheiî itr n-ai on agricultur ai subjects. The hors- es we~re Lsed as .ubjecL imatter waso1d7,t and announce-, Climnand jChairman cf Woîn- en'Vs work for t-,ie Re-d -frnis in -Bowmfanv!ille. and snlrrounding ar- ea. Orono, surrendý,ert its charter in 1964 anti now Lias 15, active active membérs as part of lte te Bowmanvlie lira-udt. Red- Cros a-s satein1859 litaiày 4w Silssýctzen. It is now world wide, active lu 1, 0 conris Ther e' are, 15J -On-tar-lo brai c hes, ,mech >c-ioosing its own. progra-m for tfiittaea To iprtn things donc are lo transfus- ion ervce ttddisa'ster emerg- no reti tape in fire, flooi, 'or otiter fdîsasters, atiwith nîo bat- mlrenn intcrestng aspects of titc cji nal and ifs cequipment was out- lined by,,oneý of the junior slnd- <eits. tiers as tu rc colr or crecd. lu itelocl aea.led lCos thrServices-; vd- ae -t ersaýýfefy unit,whr yougp- pie are trainefti lu be irîtructors; M3 week lhomenrsng lsss finI Aaid ser-vice for ire- .I crge ccentres1- lid Cross ome 01a1rsevie re poviied. s uns i lo)thàing are sw and f'tflti iniaad- nl stock piied -fo oersas Ttisye-rover 2000 cwilpicteti gtirrmcnfs were sent'tb Toronto fi nt owrianville itrea. illooidoîo service is nafonal, -andi blod i.s supplieti free cf chre an)ývhcre in Canada. l3hwoiantllaSlias foulr clinies, yearly, cacbI witlh a quota of 250 pits.. Toronto las tiaityy clinics-. Hydro Rates To Local' Uilities To Increase Davis To V isit - Bowmaunville -A wel attentied'meeting of lte Durlitu Progressive Coîtservabive Association Execuive met at tle liome of Aex Carrutiters MP.P. on-Fritiay, October 30th. Tite meeting was calledti - dis- cuss a special eveut t10 take place on Decembter icI, when lte Hou. ,william Davis, Minisler of, Etin ca-ion han-tiUniversity Aff airs, will -lie lte guest speaker.'VTe Banquet wililibe heiti lunlt-e Liens Comnuniby Ceubie, Bon invile. Il witl give tle people of D)urhamî County au opportunity to hear itow fte Departuient of Educabion' Is ryýiîgtg bkeep intaitutions of learniiug abreast of blitecltangiuug teclinologicai environnieut lu witich *we live. Tickets u ie clib- tadneti froni any Progressive -Con- secevafîve organizalion lun lte OltOO WEKLYTIMES, T-HURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5mh, 19'O TonsipTo I Specia eet-n 'lte o'wsii f Clia-ke Ceuttcil is 10 hilda speciai imee-ting ou -Novein-ler 17t w-ien tii y will cotiirwl-ther or nul AAlin~s J.a-r to bbei-iticludet u inte penditîg Boat Ciosing bI iaw. (l cl naîx--ceve aig ,Ai's Lat'fen leBo-dc tStewarti'cs cf te Oro10o Uttileti ChuI'ie. Oit Tucc1a-ytfitey cciv -et(i a lelter froîni te Orono Pol îice ~Tutes askýing l ta-t Aiiin's banc -be closei. It Is te intention lcf Con-ncii le ave liotit inlerested partie-s aI bite special meeiug. Council will aiseô'pass lte new parking liy-la-w' for lte Village of Orouto a-b Ibis particula-r meeting. hî-n- tlwe eivi up lu 150 i-a ll for blooti iaiiy. Rare in loti is kept lu Ottawa;-iiud-eep freeze - anti sent attympiiere it t-he worlti. We may itelp lte Reti Cross with Our money, lime andtialents. Lad- les con assist inilte bea hooni on e1lmic, days, anti lelp witlt cewîng -anti knibting a-ny lime. Mrs. Cook exteutiet grateful ltanes tb Mr-s. Spry for iter iu- formiative anti înteresting talk ,anti also thauketi Mr. and Mrs. 1,1. Cihaputiant for operating lte projeceler. iThe Mizp-at Benlediction was repea-fedinluuni-con. Luincit wa- serveti by uîemliers of Unit 5. tatien cuci as was itelti ou Tues- day. 1Titeclu-dents, trougi thIeir onnengenuity and' titrougit know- Ieclge gaineti in lte, liassrootu as well as a receut eue-day fielti trip te the Plowing Matcyh near JJiudsay, ceompiled he informa- tieu fer titeir presentatien ou ,Tucstiay. It, was apparent th-t te know- Jetige in agriculture was oltained ,aise fremliooks lante lilirary, £romi pamphlets frem lte Depart- aent cf Agriculture and oter, ,outlets. Titis was assemhlet wit ýactu-ali tems cf 'farm pretince, pqulpmeul and posters, te make ,seme very factu-al and interestiitg disp-iays., Eacit group expiained and dis- pen-setite knowied'ge contained àu titeir display le lite rest cf lte çAtudenli body. lTe gubjects or leopies had a Wide range cf agri- ioutural interests frem beef cal- tic, te grain production, d'airy faiming, agriculturai eie-nces etc. Te, project wa-s culminaled with eadit individnal studeut comn- îpleting jan evaluatioît of eue of lte to-pics. The 9tudeut w'as given a site;t on witicl lie tadti teinctude bic name andthfictopic lie was cv- *al*uating. Hle or site must aise de- termine lte type of preseulation ec well as VisI five fa-tc whâclitle itiad, learueti froro lte preject, comment en lte visual appear- Àance, lte organizatien, te l'augu- age cl'arity, speling, le-gibuliby anti 10 ýgive itis epinion whetier or net te -stutieuls lad a titoughtfui un- dcrislaniding as to wia-t titeir aiti iwas anti if titis adinu w-as matie ,ca-r to the viewer. 'iTe evaîna- àieut -as 10 lie conclu-tid by a i.furfiteropiniion cof wtelter or not -lite partieuiar toie w'as of valute -10 blei. Tite projeti tslulîscifonl ny provitieti a basic for knowledge but preseuted ltýhe sîndents wiit ite opportunity cf gaàiiîg exper- ience lu obtaiiug information, tpublic speakiu-g, erganizatien andt in preseuting titeir opintion. ce Te sicet ofAgriculture lie- came >au expýIerience at te Orono IPilie Scitool dnring tite past ±wo monthis for grades six, seven andti eg-tI. Te expeience was -higigiteti on Tnestiay of titis week witit an open forum lulte general purpose roornt'iu whîith ail students itat a roll Vo pliay. -nie prejeet, tiesigned. 10 te-ach agriculture, was iu ils eîiirety, ýstudent orlentei. The studeuts ob- taiued anti tcmplei te informa- bton; ma-de titeir presentatien ver- .bally and ltrougli visual displays, es ýwell a-s filling ont au evalnat- Âon sheet on oeeof the preseuteti fepics. Te prejeet was started seme ,eix weeks ago titreugli classroomn instruction ou agri cultural culi- ~jeets. At titis point teclu-dent body of te three grades ýwere di- vitied intoabout twlve lu11f groups. E'acit group càhose an arca in agriculture wittc t tiey were te follow in grëter tieptit and whicit was to e le oneliuded /by a presen- The dluirman of Ontario Hy- dro announeed Sunday te utiity will inçrease its rates ta muiip- ai utilil.ies 'and a sector of its ins çitsrial market effective next January 1. George Gatthercole said in a' statement the interim wholesale rate to municipal utility commis- Erions wil1 be increased by seveu percent. S The new rates will go int ef- fect ai lite ame time as the nine percent rate increase for rural customters aunounced by Ontarilo Hydra iast month. Announcement of that increasoý prompterd Premier John Robarts ta promise the legisiature that Ontario Hydro would be required ta justify ail fuiture rate increaes-' ORONO RATES TO REMAIN AT PRESENT LEVEL In, spe.aking with Mr. Down~ iManager of the Orono Hydro Sy-, sftani, it was learneci hat in 'alL fprobaibility te increase will ,be absorbed" by Orono .Coýmm-issâoo and no incrcase in itydro rates sill be p'asscd on -tolte local customers. Mr. Down felt Ithat the financial pas àtion of lte Orono ,system was suchIhat, A could wcll absorb the increasýe which, lie said' was noted to, in by let- ter from 'Ontario Hydre) toalbea, 7.8 incre-ase. It was noted at the recent meeting of the Commission Ihat it lad at lte present time a sur- plus of aroun-d $11,090 and ltat tls would inerease to a greater amlount by the end of te year. To Seek Re-etlOtiln Trustees W. -H1. (antuan and Lawrence.,Greenwood of lte Northtumberland and Durhvam Board of Editcation have botit in- dicabed titat they wiil seek re- eIection 'tolte Board for fte ycars 1971 and 1972. Both Trustees represent the Munici!palàtieýs of 01larke Town- ship, Hope Townsitip and the Vil- age: of Newcastle a nd have served on te Board since lt-s inception in January of 1969. Six candiates sought te two ipogitions on thte Board from the titree municipal- ibies in 1969 with Mr. Carman anti Mr.. Greenwo'od being the -SU[c,,essfui candidates. The nominations wiil becitellu te Town',ship of Clarke Hall, Or- ono on November 23rd. Nomina- tions wiil be open fr-om lte hour of 1:00 p.m. andi continue until 2:00 p.tn. of 't-he above date. If mtore than te requireti number of candidates are nomin- ated anti quaiify, ian election will be hel din -te tree municipaliî- lies on December 7tit, 1970 -with polis open from 10:00 a.m. until 8 p.m.. The termi of office is for a two year peried. Teaochers Take Part, In Prof essional Developme.t Novetuber 2nt iimgt h-ave been a holliday for te eiernenfary anti secondary sciool students lu Northumberl-antianti Duritam Counly Boa-rd of Educablon scitoois, but for itebeachers il w-as la rcguiar working daî7. Ail1 tleacers frotu, kintiergarben 0 Gr-a-de 13, werc in olvet inl Profe.ssionai I)eveiopmenb. anti me-t lu varions connty scitools bo learu of new tea-chiiig techniqtues, 10 itear speakers anti ta-ke part ln disuqssion, ail aimeti ut proviti- ing bett-er etiucation for studentls. Typicàl cf lte programs were lte Science teaditers' greu-p wito lunvesti-galeti Conservation- on a ,K-13 basic. Speci-al Etiucatiou tea-citers leard Dr. Parbtatu from Lite Pelerboronit PsychiaWtrie Cliu- îc. Junior Divisýion leachers lu- v'esigaied lte topie "Continuons ,Progress", ýwltile utany Physîical Education leaciters travelicdti -t lte Lloydt Percvai Pitysical Filt- ness InsýtitLutionlit Toronto. Matit- emiaties Icacluers di- cusset "Te Utýe of te ,Computer -iu Higit Scitool anti Elementary Scitiool" whille Guida-nce tea-ciers h'eard Dr. -P. -D. Steinhtaner spe-ak ou MVental Healtit and Guidtance Counselilng. Ilorses Take To The Classroom- 92c/ /6% ~?(Kg/~;j4 U.C.W. Gen Orono PublicLLibrary Jan 10, 1969