ORONO WEEKLY, TIMES, THMISDAY, NOVEMBER 5th, 1970- ORONO WEEKLY TIME PMWN m u. bue- e a u u a pw bd- mg"met c iý ablII d a APATHETIC CRITCS Edudafion, parftieuLarly, is c«« tVo the, taxpayer, is a Mmmy~ question thse a*y. Miany people have voïccd com- plaints abuthfie Nay things are run, yret wben they are given thxee1o"tunity ta have ilidirsamy fIey suddenly Ivanislx. 'Mie Northumberland and Duilia slool board has lhefld ïts basftlxhree meetings inthelice'ast, wesf and central areas o! the United Ceunifies in an latfempt ta let people jsee how thInga are ru, and ta iuise points o! crificisn witth board menixers. At flic first o! these meetings (at O]arke'High Seliodi thee !ew people'wfho latfended dii nof even remain for hai! o! the business rwhdhwas bedng diocusesed. Turnouf af fixe second. meeting iai Port Hope Higli $chaol 'Mas no lietter. Ic teaching staff made up flic bulk of filese preisenf. Brighiton iligli Sdeol Nmas the third meeting place, and here fixe board was ferced ta adnÉt tb, being disap- poinf cd at thue respense there had been on these threece o- --- - ---- --- We do flot blanie Ieçm. To orgamnize thiese meetings acrosÈ their area was net altogef(her donvenient te 'ail mnibers. Even the schooLs esen lad fie nake arrangements tfa 'acommodate fIe an- eicipated attemidance. iCritidisenio! the board lias net been infrequent in fhe pasf, but when their lattempts ,te put people in èie piiture meet'sudi consistent disinteresf they mustf feel Ivery frustrated. 1liow dan people Irantan fhey -are inferesfed when flxey do not show ftxe least hint o! cencern once fhey are given fthe opportunity? Sadly wc are compclled ta cohélude tIat people's in- terest is confided te idle postulat ions !remi afer. 'Mie adIbol bioards a tenpf f0 meet fIe peopile muËt therefere rate as a disraa failure, due enfire(ly te fIe ap- othetic publc. -Port Hope E'vening Guide The Prior Claim Taken from a sermon by Rev. (e Long, 'Oxrno United. £urmh The Genesis story toils Go! Qed anakng mani in is own imnage tOkn blesing nm and comnumias dinîng huin Vo be a keeper of tLie e4rth and its inhabitants. Se xnan be4ethat proud creature wlio Coninental saunaa and 8TEAJM BATH GENTLEMEN.. W. bave a Sauna and Whlrl- peel ready for your use. Drgp in and give them a try Group Rates Avallable moi., t. Sat. 1 P.m. - i1m. Sun. S a.m. -1,P.m. 16A ONTARIO STREET 729-4«0 OSHAWA thand te conquer I.te world in whvli he found huruseff. He tanm- ed the animalis, mnastered fthc sea and eonquered flic air. At the inmenJ6t, bis miarvlous capaity te reason and invent lias cngaged hlm in an effort to ýmaster not culy the earth and the sky buethte ôther planeta of this univefte. Hie is a proud creature, off en in- clined to lie arrogant, - Iyiïng ,aim ta many; possessions and Letters to Uitw r Orono, Ont, Nov. 2, 1970 The Editor, Orono 'Weekly Times, Orono, Ont. Dear Si.r: I Efnd it rather d4sturbing to read in the Police Trastee.report in last weeks paper, that the Vil- lage of Orono bas a deficýit of 0$11,641, Kniu>fn that the y hod ,aready over*sper#t thïs year it seems very odd that hey have seen dit to eontiut in îthe past ýweek, ,approximately one hundred fet of 'glohified drýiveway' for one Person at .the north end of *hureh Street which leaàdo no- ivhere. Perhaps there was undue pressure beypnd thie Police Trus- teesthfat brought this about, but after all tie Polic Trustees are electedi by the people of Oreno with the hope that they will act in our best, interesbs. It duesn't take mauch imagination for one to realize how miunh this kind lo£ con- struction eo sts ev ery taxpayer. Signed, An interested taxpayer in the Village Orono, 1Ontario November 4, 1970 The Editar Dear Sr As I was spealang wiilh you ear- 111r toid~y when yiou intfdSmed the that you had very latte space lif in your paper, I will keep tny wemlarias short anid to -the point. lin your report cg the Trustee meeting of last week, there was some incorrect wordi.ng whichi re- fewred to me directly. This was fbot tcniy attention by some »I your readens who knew it te be inacturate, and thought it ehould be corrected. As you do net have the sPace and I do flot have the tÀme this weej, I woulI1 sngget tiiat, be- clore the next issue of your paiper, çwe spend a littie filme together iregarding tis error. Your tnuly, Ediward R. Woodyard niany nights, Hela lm lined to beat blis breiast and sa y, 'I amn the master of i survey,!" 'M this.pidt i liiory Our .divgiiWAgion àbarids 'hrWaened as neyer before. Beeause man ignor- ed the Cqior aiin" of Gad le lias p i ondthxe air and water until oui very exLitnce s ques- tinbe.He bas" increasedl edu- oation wibhout 'a c posnldug spiritual devetepnxent so 'that hils abfili.t tedeWtoy ihrei te o do blm in, eve'in if WMs pàdàluted envir- oninent dees ýnot. The faxst big ,mistake thet man SMales is dnthinang Viat heis his own master and that what lie lias by way of lae o~ sbe- yond dispute. He must even ron- tend with mati as wel as Qed when 1he seelas to etabEish lits Clain. A ian may lay up a fortune. He nxay exese en~t po'wer ive- o-a.use of its we'altlh, but when he dies, the Depai'ttnnt of Internal Revenue stepls in 'and says fixat Èhey have a priorcdaim on lts es- tate, ta caim before hiswife, his mother, his sister, hits brother, or his child, even to interc'st ineur- red during the period fthe suce- êssion duties are ofwing. There is litt1è use in ii e theficpoint, ilor is there any use in gaylmvg no, j refuse to iacknowoledgc fe lc dim Millions of p.atents' have been imsed, eaéh purperting Vo be a new applin of basc physical liwstoe he needs of nman on the improemnt o! exisfing niacl- mnes and precesýses. Vý4any invefi- tiocs are 'the outgrowth of prece Ang deieiopmentýs, and patent BtEPOR FROM QUEENS PARK MJex Carruthers, M.P.P., Durham ESTIMATES,,0F THE, DEPARTMENT 0F EDUCATION "We have cndeavoured within the Deparfment and as a matter of Geverumnent Policy ta rcecog- nize thef the local communities have a very real raie in the d'evel- opment of an educatiiDnal program .as it :apples to the people wdtihin the, communities." 'This gfatement by fthe HoinouT- .able William Davis, Minister of Education and University Affairs, ~during the debate on the estimat- es o! lis depattxent empli'sized 4he policy of the government in placing tlie major responsibility for adinistration of education »,with the local caunty boards of education as elece d representa- lives o! flic epeople. The statement followed a de- grec of critidism o! 'County eoards by bath opposition parties ,with particular reference toala- Jeged increased cosfs of adminis- tration under ftxe new system. "The Edudation Sygtem ini Ont- aia is talready taplxeavy in admin- istrative bureaucracy" Mr. Tii Reid (Scarboraugli East), educa- oational critiec for tihe Liberal ;Party stated. "Pull finie' teachers" ie said, "in fIxee, dfuca4omn',sysf cm ps apposcld to f ail time bureau- crats slauld have the power."~ As an example a! lis Vleory, Mr. Reid-, suggested that in a, High &4hoai of 1500,ta 2000 sfud- ents decisions now being miade by the Prinw;pal should lie made by .a Higlx Sdxoai Couneil of twenty ,to thirty peope, ten of whom ,would lic students, ten of w'hom woulld be teachers, and ten af ,Wlhom weuild be parents. Mr. Davis in reply ta lis citties stated tefIte increase in cdu- cation cos s hld declined since the establisWment of ceunt y school Boards in 196. H lbased his ar- gument on the folio Wing statisf- Total Increase Elemenfary over and Preceding Year Secandery Year 1966-------- 878,447 15.92 J967 - 1,048.142 19.32 1968-" 1,262,380 20.44 1969 ----- 1,448,860 14.77 1970 ---- 1,650,000 13.88 The benefits of County Uiits of adonitnitiation, ihowever, cannet be measured entirelyyin econiom- tes. The Minister listed îa fumber of advantages derived from the programme Iiduding: ' A) Equaliza ian o! eduational opporfunities within the counties. B) Equaiization of salary situ- ations. 'C) A greater searing o! facik-- .ics between the elementary aaàe. fthe secondary school systems pat- ticularly wth respect fa fransper. tation. D) T.hce etablishuient of üntw fied administration. E) The ability fa assess the,' niumber o! pupil places available. flhroughout the, county and thu* mnalce tlie maximùum use of accom- modation and- services. F) The abiuif y to make igreater use o! the sehool plant in fthe ix- terets o!flice comnxuty. Many o!flice problezas faciag education tod'ay are with -us aul. ,wiRl continue ftoi e 'withi us wilt-1- out any relatâonshup iwhatsoevevr to thIc type o! -administra Vive cr- ganàzafion. They arc relafed, howwever, teiý the rapid growt¶x and develop- ,ment o!f te provine Itself. Be.- tween 1951 and 1966 the popwlï,-- lion -of Ontario' grew more tlant the conthined population growth in 'the Maritimes, thc PrairIeSý ,and flic Province o! Quebcc. Be- _ween 1945 and 1969 thxe sdhSlo population alone inceased fraim 677,O000 ta2,090,000 'witli flicre-- OUR thfat 1,800,000 néw pUpuff places lad ta be provided in fthe Secondar and Elemenfiary sdhoof s TI Vie same pernofseventeen anew jniversîties were opened an« twenty'.cammunity colleges estab- lished." The fttre wdll detennxineý ,wlietler fie'cost of., this igni!* cant cxpanAsion in education -has- liecn a wise iixvestmcnf. Wc ha- Jieve that it lias and that fhraugh ehe sliil'ànd knowiledge gained, 1w aur young people wc shall 01I' ,share ni the beneflits. Cobourg Leait Nortlluixberlýand-Duilxam ïMe- ber of Parliament, Russell e. lioney, and ýCabourg_ Mayor, Jack Heenan, on October 2»fl, an-- nounced the approval of!-a federti ban for a r'ave swage punipinti station, comminutor, pii~ anxd secondary clarifiers, aertafîýý tankasand auxiliary equipirent, Î, flie amouint o! $766,700 based essF, jan estimated to>tal 00:stfo!$,5, 050. The boan is for a term o! W, yeaxs. Foer work complet cd an or be-- fore Mardli 31, -1975, Centrai' ,Mrtgage and Housing Corporaî- tion Mxay forgive'repayment of 2'X percent o! the principal amouar_ of thle NationalIlousing Afi and 25 percent o!f the intères;e ithit bas accred in respect t fthe, boans as o! the date of comypte- 'tien O!flice prejects. Good News FOR Pipe Smskers iOrono We arc Authorizef To Sdil Brigham Pipes Filfers and, Smokers Accessories Orone, Ont. Phone 983-5310 Thunk Chri*stmasl1 Purchs lisCards and Paper now while 'stock is complete und prices Iow Save 25% aind more STUTTS PHARMACY IPhone Newcastle 987-4240 Ail day Wednesday and Saturday D. ROGERSON ORONO, ONTAIRIO' IWE BUÙY AND,,T SELL Old Glass, China, Pine Articlesi Toys and Odditles IF IT'S OLUI... I CALL USl I WE PAY, CASH Phone 623-5342 after 6 p.m.