ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TIJURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5th, 1970 Up And Down The Bo'ok Stocks' N EW BOOKS NOVIMBI R 5, 70 Adut- C-reatin g ii(o1e by Natalie' d'Arbh.!off and ,Iqck Yates. Dark offilue Moon b)y William Berney Mne Unjust ýSociety by Harold Car-' dhînal (Viue agd of Can- ada's indians) 'Tilie Iialunlcd Palace byý Frances Winwazr (alife of Edgar Allen DX Service Station Üighway 35 ýand 115, just north of Newcastle Featuring: Premium Quality Products - Ai The Most Reasonable Prices Stove ,il May bie picked up in any quantity 19.9e per galion p Phone 987-4215 or Meats A COR NI S Hb TENDER - JUICY -WELL TRIMMED BI e asts b. 58 Value Cheek'd, Lean and Lean, Fresh, Burger Blend Meaty CHUCK STEAK GROUNO BEEF IL.68c IL.79c YOU SAVE TWICE, WITH TRIM AND PRICE Shoért Rib Roasts IL 63c MPELEAF Fresh Minced -Variety Pack: Assorted Luncheen Mants GROUND BEEF 1.6 oz. pkg.' 79c, 8 lbs. $4.39 FINEST PRODUCE - ONTARIO NO. 1 WHITE POTATOES 10 lbs. 25c ELORIDA WHITE OR RED' GRAPEFRUIT -8 (oi.g 59c Roasted Coffee 1 lb. bag McCain's Crinkie Cnt 2 lhs. Maxwell HeOSse FRENCH'FRIES l.99C BEST BUY! Fine 10 Ilb. 99C Happy - Vale Standard Quality Green 14 oz. tins PEAS 8 fo r $1 2 lb. 53c Supreme Mixed VEGETABLES 2 lb. bug 55C Welch's 6 oz. tins Grape J uice 2 for 49c T ER lb. 670 family Size - Buy tWo at regclar priee GET ONE FREE SHIRRIFS JELLIES 2 for 49C ROY THOMPSON Orono, Ontarjo Phone 983-5'759 Aul Carpentry Work Kitchen Cupboards We build from the feundation Up. The Prior Claim (Gontinued from page 2) itingý insce t, tihe trap snjapus hut Lücking the inseet firmlly xvthn theé prison house. When trigger- ed by thie in.seet it xiII stay clos- cd> unt1l the iiseet is digested be- ing tell or more days., If nedien- ta 1ll rigered by a, leaf or Vwig, the frlnap i1hlshut but- wiii open iagain very soon as if seuslm its iniistake. Other' illustratio can be drawn from natal habits. Man lias uîsed hMs brain' in tain- ing the fre of nature and bend dng tVr t h U -e. Whle he lias usedbt a iýny fraction of bis brain's c Aaciy Uial of this mental actvdtte :questiion log- ically aises-"vlhere did-lie get 1his brains?" ,Man toys wi'th tihe mlave~(~ iforeatinpoke,. into ~'i pcj~un m~eresof Ti fe, fan1d in oe way emerl-ge-d with en ir ýof acnpUAshment and iii- im'nceeaed pride as lie expcCant- ly, glancesi abo-ut for the medals whieth shoffld lbe bung- on hîm. ÉBut God has a rightM eicain on i5rour life and mine,.lHe bas a a ,caim of owllersip, based upon dam on use becaiise He macle'us, pniigîn. Hie made us fer a puripose ,and even thugh we ayoid ackW 1 owkd~infgHI; eternal 'purpose foîr'our lives, His cim romains. 'ih e ÇGene§is acdount sgWes that Man, was miade in the image of Gel and'itli-s only in co~ml augment with God's wWl that Vurpose and "tUe happiness wMf #ver chéracelz our lives. Care- itul coàsidèna1iion of man and his iadoomrpffhment WiBi teaoh us a Qesson of etîrna1 slignificance. PGod was there first. it is _God'si pr'ior ckim that we Wlm~owledg,,e birth, baeeism and in the profession. of faith made rwhen hecomiing a memxber o Ihrist's churoh. In tihis worid we ive in the unseen presience of Ohit;in the next we shali see IHM in lis, réal and living pre- tsenee. Deati is not the ie hasmn Wtbat en&s it o lltention; itlis 4be gateîway whicii lead's to Christ So then, be it etiier life or death, tGod lias the prier daim on our loulls, through Jesus Olriist who iame into the wold to condemn the world, but that tihe world ithu1ougih Him nmlit e saveci. 'A'lbert's Texaco GENERAL REPAES Ph.e 983.5m O4 pop) Tiiiu Basf 'Trn W-est by' vLuella ('riglton(th stu-glesof a gir agaxts ficpreudceof a ,Whle Psifoa Adventfurn by Paul Glio(a tense novel 'of dis- asi Pt afSeia,) jn tïiis 1{ouý,, 'of Brrié Rumor Juni1or - Enic., 'lope)d(Ma o f t1e Grea t 'Oom- pei nd PrTI ir Musàc by MWi loro sa 11(1DaVjàdÈtwenr flcBoys I ife oblc ii of,'Outer Sr>açe( Stoies by IlHarry Kane F ing Ouf About Shapes by -Aut uidy 3dg~nit by Kathleen O'Yarr7ell Easy Reading a~nd Picture Books A Api),] Pie h y Rate Greeýnaway ,Go D&g -Go byv P. 1). Eas;trnani Pe-arl Goes lo ScloPol -by Evelyn Hastings Wliy 1 Built tihe Boogle House by He'ý n Palmer Wliere Do Bears Sleep by Barbara Shiook Ilazen. ; Olga,Éeauehamp. HANK'S BAKERY and. Snack: Bar Phone 983503 SAVE ON Premium Quality SGASOLINE SDIESEL SMOTOR OIL Farm tanks and pumps available CALL COLLECT 668-3341 ÙNITED CHURCH a Orono'Pasto;#al 1-* Charge Minister Bev. B. E. Long SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1970 CHURCH SCHOOL- 10:00 MORNING SERVICE- 11:15 KIRBY' SERVICE: 9Î45 A.M.' CHURCH SCIJOOL '11M00 A.M. ST. SAVIOURS ANGLICAN Established 1869 Regular Sunday Worship Servicec - 9:30 a.m. Hoîy Communion- Ffrst and Third Sundays Morning Prayer- Second and Fourth Sundays Hoîy Baptism by appointment with Rector 987,4745 fIre Rev. H. Robert Hayne, B.A., L.Th. DX OIL FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVRY Oxford liUICKLAYERS STONEMASONS WILLIE J. SCIIWAHL- Phone 983-5606 Specializing in ail kirnds of STONEWORK; and T IREPt ACES We aise do chimïnev Reiairs NEILSON'S Memery Lane Speciail GOLDEN GRADE Vanilia Ice >Cre' a.m Sgai. 89e regular $1,5 BRICKS 4; for' $1,00- regular 41c Phoeê98U3 ORONO, OWq. Flowers by Van Bell1e, Pbuae 623-5757 I-lighway Ne. 2, West of Beowmanvill. ATTENTION FARMERtS I F WHY PAY MORE? ICI il