ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, NQVEMBER 5th, 1970 D.W. R. Kent DDS Bowmaniville1 Professional Bldg. 222 ïing St. E. - Suite 106 Office fours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daiîy Closed Wedj-esday and Sunda> Telephone 623-7349 PLUMBING AND HEATING 24 * our Service New Installations - Alterations Repairs Specializing linfHot Water Heating Forc:d Air Heating RR 1, Orono 9$3-5624 Sep tic Tank Service GENEftAL PUMPING 24 HOUR SERVICE LORNE HARDY Leskard, Ontario Telephone 983-5728 or 983-5266 YEN EZIA RESTAURANT llighway 115 and 35 Phone 983-5651 Open 6 Days a Week Closed Tuesday Corne ini and enjoy our Pizza etc. Specials this weekend W. FRANK, REAL ESTATE LIMIlTED 21 King St. W. Bowmanville 623-3393 Toronto 923-9174 Port Hope Office 885-454 3 For prompt, courteoqs, eff ici. eut service when' buying or selling and for the largest sel- ection of properties in the area Contact Orono Area Representatives LocalNeàws Mr. aiid ikvs.A.W. o ugýIili ebratei tieir 5th ws a nirdi1- vcn aàry on Fidaey, October i0tîî. 'rielOCa andi relativus Oahàtd to coIiratuilae tiren and wàsh tireint-- Mrs. WI. E. Armstrong is a patient in 1Pter'bomougù î spital. Mr. and D.rs. IVIanly Kinunett, dViiss Loils Kimnrett andi Mr. David, Sesmîtir of Napanee, spent 'the ,veekend oitir vir. andti Mms. Cari ,wirmett. irs andti Un. Lyn Kimr înott of i-jmïdjày we'o ,Sund ay ,guests also. Mrs. fiais y Bailey spent 'the weeckcnua ii liii. Dorovisy Keen, Toron to. Mr. and Mns, Derek Hender.,on of Toronto entertaineti at the dimier hour Satuiday evening in ~honour of Mr. and Mrs,. George ýWaxLh,,, R.R. 1, Orono, who are ý,,elebratJng their Golden Wed- d1ing. Teacihers on the staff -liftire Orono Public Sciool triavejled to JIarrie on Mond'ay to visit Cund- des 11elicigt Public Schoiol.ý The day %vas set aside as ProfessIonal'De- ývelopnîent Day. Thre Barràe sellool was an Open Concept School with thre entire b)iuldcng being carpeteti. StucLents wvorked at tireir own level uin al eubjects. Thre Minister of Education for Ontarlio, Wlim Davis, wil1i speak at a ýspeciai meeting of the Duram Ridinig Association of the Progresïàve Conservative Par- ty in Bownran ville, Deceiber 1. A -meeting to arrange details for thre event, was held at the home of Alex Carruthrers, MPP for Durhtam, Sund'ay. A spokesm'an for the party said thre meeting, ýat tire Lions Com- munity Centre, in Bowvnianville, wil give 'lire people of Duiihan an opportunity to hear how tire Department of Educatlion is try- ng to keep institutions of learn- ing abreias't with thre ehanging teohncialical envronment in which we. 1'ive. ORONO ÏMAN WINS FIREFIGHTER'S DRAW Mr. James idIdieton of. Orono ,Was itie 'winner of the fifty-fifty draw siyoxsored by ýhe 'Sodial Club of the ;Orono Firefigiters.-,Mr. MîddRieton received 'a totia lamount of $176.00. Tire drawv was made on Saturuday evening,,in front of the Orono Fire Hall. Mis. Ron Talisma 'sold 'thre win- ning ticket and receiveci a prize of $25.00. ORONO SCHOOL NEWS On 'fhursday, O0ct ober 29 1tihe firnnoc Sen:ior- Soccer Tear went Stadin inthehal W I 0 'o Nwtovill~to play thre New- neopl wa filto o 1: 1 ,oi Ll by. twas a very cloDse, Jioror ihabcr tho int ~ ho ior a~the end of the, , if) to te grad 8dac, ria ' w < I o fo G Oono, The win- J.îa" oheronc 1kff'~:~ ~ whik4n ron tie Senior Girls, is over ~ ~~Ž j: a A plaJe eNewton- that wé have hien îvrr .insco h rono boys won sine wewent b ho P1l1,g oth Osadthe - Orono girls, MI\aIchwere pectd~ h sn~~tîe o'id ter ehbt wî< Novin-E CItfor - Ed Clark tape. - i~1f -Jirn Moffat, The lightweight cain msaw.with auto aticolling. The Pineer oliday i Compare It feature for feature - - robody can beat iti Seo It nowl Phone 983-5207 ROLPH HARDWARE Orono, Ontario BABIES BUNTING BAGS - Orlon "Pile fabric, quilted lining and machine wash- able in pink and bine. Priced $12.95 Infants acrylie kuit HOODED COVER- ALLS with front closing and, attachable feet in bine, yellow and pink. Priced $5.50 and $5.95 BOYS and GIRLS 3 PIECE SETS - pile jackets and hat, stretch pants with knit cotton bonded linlng in plnk and bine. Size 24 rnonths. Priced $14,195 BOYS' NYLON PRAM SUIT with brush- ed cotton lining, detachable mitts and bootees. Size 12 months. 1' 1 Priced $9.95 GIRLS ONE PIECE NYLON PRAM SETS with twin zippers, rayon lining, detachable mitts and bootees. Pink only. Priced $9.95' STRETCH TERRY SLEEPERS for boys aud girls with domes from ueck to, attacir- ed feet in plain colours and stripes to fit 0-20 lbs. and 20-30 Dis. iPriced$29 STRETCH, TERRY -SLEEPERS with zip- pered front, in plain colours and stripes, attacheq feet to fit ages 3, 4, 5 and 6 yrs. Pticed $3,95 GIRL'S FLARE-BQTTOM, SLINS in plain tolours of gold, brown, natural and red. Sizes 4 to 6X. Priced $3.95 FLARE PLAID SLIMS wiith elastie back in sizes 4 to 6X. Priccd at $3.0& PRINTED CORDUROY SLIMS,' flare 'bot- tom iu assorted patterns and colours in sizeii 4 to 6X. Priced $2.98 GIRL'S PYJAMAS, printed and flowered Flanuelette to fit 2, 3 and 3X years. Priced $2.50 Also to fit 4, 6 and .6X at $2.50 to S$300. GIRL'S, FLANNELETTE CULOTTES to fit 2, 3 and 3X 'at $3.eO. BOY'S FLANNELETTE PVJÀII4rAS in sizes 2, 3, and 3X priced at $3.00. Sizes 4, 6 and 6X at $2.50. ADIULT àC NSEiLLIN1G If you wanit to do sornething about your education - 2 you probably can. See Vour-Aduit Counsellor EV ERY WEDNESDAY EVENING i to 9;pi.i. at the~ Bowmaonville Hi'gh Schootl Guidaneè 0f fice The service, is free- confidential - and no appointmeut >is xnecssary. Io gnnMa lmios1 Chlrns er For Faou1And' inter Ai, l' ïý.ý JIN