Clarke High SthooI So xivp tit a hi iiontli it seeni, We barely o 'ic law!st one started. Wc ecdtwrry about exam3ýi-, 'thouii à, beeause with thii nuw systmylo ijust get regular term iteýsts. ¶Ihere's been; any arguments in the sebool ebout.w'iichi worse - al at,,once or slow death. S Our CiMsCampaîgn is finish- ed now and I'n sorry to report' tliat vc didn't make our quota. How&erî, -the quotta was $3000 an I 've 'î:ad" vo- e ta$2,225.' I:Vany D' Vie home rOOams didn't rcarh their indivdd'ul goal of $209, bi ,t G'old 100nr.rsn e- eryvone by nat only reaching their gail hut 'alima t making 3$300! Good w3rk! Prizes weirc ' a little b'ý t1cr -is ya -ltbte $12 Ya'1ge raYu lul br'buýy' pi- lovvs ('with oapf'an3 ike tac'kle mea, yieldc, stop, playlhay club, etc) or q)o.aters, gant-sîzed oaes of' Trudeau, ingo Saîr, snoopy or a DcayGb] Zoddac. Gri3de 13's enjoyed n cielhoo1 trip ta -the -Coonade ?heatre in Tora'Vo on Oct. 1 ,5 tusece six of Ohaucer's Oanterbùry' tales. Sev- eral Theatre Arts stuclents accom- pa nied tliem and 1 think they foundthat althaudh some of the niateriai (was a little more 'soph- isic"-ýted' than some of larke's dra' -ia ef4orts, -ûliley learaed quite a W1~ abau ' stage effects etc. (Usb aci ivities are doÏng better naw - 3'ieattendance ia most has seeme'd 10 -Ïncrease. Thle Music clab c n't really bo'ast more mei bers tlian il had li)t year in Navermber, but the maie attend- ance 'las iacreased frorn about twa tr, sàx. Simgs sung i- their li'at two meetings (.ncluded "Somethiang", "Cecelia", "Mr. ei rd nd "Glden SS'lumbcrs." It m, "'at' the favaurîites are sung by 'ie Beatles and Simon anad Garfuinkel]. AUl iembers fir't 'atiero-pit t'e sang with ne- companiiment by tihe record. Wliea their peidnPat 1ful-,nphï, 1feéels 1,hey're rc'ady ltasîngig n ih owa, she ecal inlaSteve Ba-own and Terry Lucyk to pay teirgutars. Mas. Wanniicott s9noetims ac- cofpnie tbem on tfhe pWano. The icliasics olialb bas'held, a few meetings_7 their mont recent wâs on Oct. 30. 'Pheir HEa1lWe'en party wa'sbeld in Room 112 and if you wanted to go, you liad ta pay a dîme and run trr oug1htihe ralh 1-o get there, ais it i a 'port- able:. Ref reshments tlnluded pop and. donits, çwh(ile the enteatatn- ment ran from laeing cardis and listening to records ta taiking and watdhing the e aanle in thse pumiph burn out. Un'fortunatsly, t1iees -no cam-i era club for pisotograpfhy bugs this ye'ar bu't those wfso are itch- ing to use a camera fmay direct1 4,leir efforts towat'dis bh0ing the yennbook st'aý'f. At theîr meeting 1 last 'week, a representative from 1 National Scihool Servic(, Dan McConkey, came and di1scussed al j thiat a yearbook eti4ailed with the ý meinhers. Most of the kids camne Leskqrd Weldinlg AND FABRICATION Are and Gas Weiding Eveningu and Weekends PHONE 93-560 out of that meetàng kaaiwig 90% more 'abou1t ycarbooks thantîhe prevîaus'iy cd. Wheii askcdhicir apiniionis of the 'meeting, mast re- plie'ci that besides icarning a lot, Mn.makey didn't make aaiY sales pitcli. If he did no one seem- ed ta r1' . e Baohtthelicnwule'c elil and fic yea cbook phatogra piler s w1ilf go ta C1arke's Commencement on Novemben ý20th. Our snokîn~g probiiem is wrse ia mciny n'on-s'mokers' op- inions this year. Quite a discus- Mlon andi many h'aated arguments arase afler the small fire in thc 9,rls' 'a'ptars washroom.,,-It secms't 'atthe fire was stanteti by a cigarette la anc o! flie new a'htrays that have been placed in that raam. Haw d',) we iwIave this -problern? Onîe thiag for, sure, a solution wii have ta be pret'ty godt fa d'a 'nuchi gooti. One sen- ior sud that she fouý'd the snsok- îog so iati thiat if you 'went inta ,the waslhroom toa use it for its or- iginîa pLirpose cveryaone istared ta think that yau'd reverted ta sucli .old-a,hsianed uses a!flihewash- roam. W'h'at do studeats think a- bout sejlor prefects? I'm nat sure -it hasn't re'ally bean brouglit up 'by 'anybody oChler than the ,seniors s o far. It's liard ta say what conclusions the Student's Council will came ta at its aext meeting. Kendal News Three inches oif ram lhad fablea on FnIcdiay, and Sa'turday 'andi a lo fari'as fallen sinice. Per- hapa 'a gooti thing as the wa'ter level of the larea vwas down. Af- ter aà '-eavy daýwnfa(Il on S9unday ffilrniag it ýcIeared for Kendal Anliverýs'ary la the afternoon. There wene la lot of visdtons pres- eat. St. Paul's Anglican '(Jhurcli Chair o! Perrytown sang for anc of 'thleir ranthlenis, "Mie gather ta- geth fer ta )seek-the Lord's Bless- ipg." lVirs. Edwli Wilson is tlheir ,organist 'anti dîrecton. lTse son o! (Mr. an'd Mrs. J. 1-. Pope sang avery beautiful solo. He is a boY sopranio who lias won many hon- The 11ev. Vàdtor Parsons B.A. of tBlackstbock read fîtom the new Bag1fis Bible, dhapter 7 of St. 1Matthew's gospel. lEs 'sermon was on "The CJrtstàan Thorougis- lare." H1e spoke of the necessi'ty of conversion 'which simply means to turn around andi'go la tise rlght direction. No one cani ,,show his rallegiance except by servilce. They wiho serve 'wili be remembe'red es Grenifelli s re- meinheret in La abrador; as Swit- zer is remembereti la Africa and as Martin Luther Kiag is remnem - bereti by 'tise coloured fol'k. Wor- ehdp -is very necessary, thse misa mea came ta worshlip the Heaven- ly Babe. 'Fe'lowship 15 necessiary; "DÉid not aur bearts 'hura wlthin ,us -while H1e 'talked mitih us by tihe way," Luke 24 - 32 .Mr. and Mils. Roy Foster went ta Simcae hast T'hursday ta visit lier father aMt motîher, Mr. andi Mrs. Vernaon Siatien. 1't was tise occasàon of duer fathier's birtliday. Miss Ana Foster came home from London 'wi'th her parents for tlic week-end r'turndng on Novemlber 1'st by train t'a Western Universi'ty. Mr. Arthsur Thom pson anti Mr. an'd Mrs. G. Cathocart are enter- taining Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thosmp- son of Vancouver, B.C., this week. Ii~M. and Mrs. Alie Foster we'nptt up ta visit 'ler motiser MVrs. 1. Mariotte wîho iis enjoydesg 'ler -stay ,wlthlier sister-in-l]aw, Mrs. Analie Cawîe o! Norwichl. Tliey motisreti up on Saday. Mrs. M. E. Foier went ta Bu!- fnb )theics't weckend 'ta vs-t llii r (l-iuglaii r. 'l. and ?Jr.(ko. o 'oandt11I)'îîa ,Mn. andiMi; Don RousghàIey )are inliving in their new home la KüdlWest, wvi1h Mi. ant Mrs. Terry Carleton north o! thena andi Mn. andti 1r. Rlobert Reid 1jvirg saull o!fl'hen, w'hile Pllabet's bro'Ah'er P!*1 '.is ,a'1niast comple-t- cd î~-ncw lou -e, '11enia -t sout'h- eriy of ühe row o! new homes. WhyWe ýHave. Pa rking Regulations We, the Trustees of the Police Village of Orono, wish to advise the public as fol- lows: (1) Parking regulations, have beenasked for on many -occasions, by both the Businiessmen and the Chamiber'of Commerce for the past several years. Therefore thse Trustees, after hearing their reasons, made a study of parking, wlth the assistance of personel from thse Ontario Department of Tra'hsport, and a plan was put forward which met with'the approval o! the representative from the TOepartment~ However, tihis was rejected by a number of the business people. The second plan, which is now in force, was a compromise,, which was doue without the assistance of thse Bepartint of Trans-, port. It was our belief that tisis plan was what was'wanted by the parties mentioned, and as- we had no officiai request front any individual or organ3zatioic other than the two groupis mentioued at the time this plan was put ln force, we feit it oar duty ta see that these regulations were enforced. (2) 'Regarding' streets: Tise streets in Orano, which have beau recently curbed and paved, contrary to the balle! of somte people, are wlder than new streets 'belng, put in in many villages of this size or even larger. Howevar, your Trusteesdl'd expî9re tisepa- siblity> of- making them wlder at the ,time they ware constfuctedl, and it was found tjxat lt was not ecohomically feasible. One o! thse mnain reasans îs that it is reconimended that pavement shouid ha at least thlrty-eight f eet wide. between curbs ta facilitate two-way trafflc safely, with parking ou ýbath, sidas,. and as mo'ôst street allowances betwaen property lunes in Orono are forty f eet lu width, or slightly ovar, in some instancèes, it would piave meant that practically al of our utill4ies, sucis as hydra, telephone, fire hydrants, cidewalks, aud even ail trees, wauld hava had ta ba removed, tise cost of Which wo'tld ,have bçeui almost impossibletat estimate. And further, it would have beau necessary ta purchase,. property ta make this caustruc tia'n possible. It is 'also very unlikely that tise Bepartirent o! ,Highways would evencoilsider approviug any sncb design and expense-. Even had the streets beau two or three feet wider than they are at preserit, it would not have facilitateëd twa-way traffic and parking on bath sides. Therefore, tise maney requireti for this praject would have beau wasted aud would-have served no useful'purpose. It ias inot beau tise wish of tise Trus tees, at any time, ta create problems or bsard- ships for aniy persons or arganizathons, but it was our feeling that the butiaessmeu, wiso do0 pa *y a voa"sidera!ble amousnt ha business tax, should be' shown some coasideration ivili ega4.tihir arkngproblem. SIGNED, STrustees of the Police Village of Orono DOUGLAS SIMPSON FLOYD NICHOLSON EDWARD R. WOODYARD The 1971 Mini-mSno. a smaller machine at a: smaller price. VU OUR NEW MOTO-SKI NOW WITH NO DOWN PAYMENT No payments until the snow files (December lst, 1970)- no carrylng charges if pa*d, for within 90 days Ask for details. ONLV MOTO-SKI GIVES YOU A 2-VEAR TRACK WARRANTY (One Cylinder Models) You can own this dazzlinq littie beauty for just $000.00. And that includes a track of rubberized steel cleats, with a two year warranty. Contrai cabies that virtually neyer freeze. A suspension system that makes big bumps littie bumips. And mtore safety featureiu than you ever imagined. Bring your wife down, and look it over. After ail, the 1971 Mini-Sno is just her size. We're tougher 7 ways. SEE THE COMPLETE RANGE 0F '71 310TO-SKI MODELS ON DISPLAY NOW AT BOX 249 ORONO, ONTARIO 1970 Hfonda Motrycles 1 ,Prlced $219.00~ 1970 Aluminnumi riuats 12 ft. $19.00 1 a. $269.00 ATV Jlgger, used ---- $495.00' 1971 SKI-DOOS are here at fantastie prices Oi~ar~o-ports SKI-DiOO SHOP IIWY 115 Orono Phone 983-5444 ORONO WEEKLY TIES, THURB5DAY, NOVElMBER, 5t, 19705'__ ......................