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Orono Weekly Times, 5 Nov 1970, p. 7

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5th, 1970 S.. Agscy, fer Mlclasse of personal and Commercial Coveraires, Office: Main St., Oreno 983-5032 Res. 983-5754 Gord Simpson PHONE 983-5808 Orono, Ontario PAINTING CARPENTRY REMO»ELLING GENERAL ,XZPAIRS lnterlor Exterier CHARLES REID Orono's Licensed Àuctioneer and Valuator B3pecialize in Farm and Furniture Sales Consuit me for terms and dates PIIONE ORONO 9351 Monuments and Family Memorials fOur quality and service leaves nothing te be desired, àAak the person who bougbt fromt m, a neighbour, friend or relative IThe RTJTTER GRANITE COMPANY 73,OntirieO StFet PORT HOME Largest dtsp>y ini sethera Ontari* WATSON'S Marine and "Cycle Orone Phone 983-583 PRINCE CRAFT BOATS Allouette Snow 3Mobilési McCuiloch CHAIN SAWSI Repaira' te anl makes of Lawn! Mowera and 2 and 4 cycle Englues ALLOUETTEI SNOWMOBILES Clarke Public LI1B RARY HnOURS OPEN: Tuesday 6:30 8,30 Thursday 6:30 8:30 Frdy2:30 - 5; 6:36 - 3:30 Stray 10:00 - 12:00 a.m. PLUMBING and IJHATING ISales and Servige h4 HOUR RURNEX 8 SERVICB GULF FINANCING ILow Interest Bates i" Phone: Tyrone 263-2056 mrille Chatterton Electrical' Contracting Electrie Heatînir and Service fPHONE 983-5546 or 983-5940 Orono. Ontario ORONO ELECTRIC Herb and Gerry Durai 983-5108 ELECrRICAL ,CONTRACTINO ELECTRICHBEATING ELECTRICAL APPLIANCEI T,V. - COLOUR T.V. RADIO - I-!FI FRIGIDAIRE - R.C.A. DOMINION ELECTROHOME INGLIS - THOIR -GUAJtANTEÇD SERVIÇE I Insurance I Service Par&a#* Pliies Life Firat Mortgage Leana Sadis Hamiltoni Phfone 9835115 lix 13. hoo 1-3552 IStaflord'Brothers I Llmted Manufacturera of ICeietery Memloriala I318 Dundas Street East IWHITBY, ONTARIO Building a House? Ior remodelling your prýesent à one, then contact IFloyd Nicholson !Phone 98.09 ORONO FOR SALE FRED'S FRUIT MARKET BALED STRAW SPECIALS, 200 baies: 25e each Cortland, Maclntoshi and Del- Quantlty of loose straw Free iciaus Apples. Phone 983-5525 % gai. Ice Creemi .79e b-44-c Highway 115 - South of Orosin FOR SALE Keiffer Pears for -'ae. Phone 786-242.5 Newtonvillle. a-p FOR SALE Good Qu'ality Oats. $2.25 a bag. Phone 983-5033. d-47-e -FOR SALE First quallity smeet Table Turn- ips, waxed if per bushel. Ruta- bagias. AI'o eggs - 3 dozen $1.00, end Iip.,_ A, Van 1Hat'um8th lne. Phuone 983-5267., d-47-c FOR SALE 5 rims and 2 sow tires. A pack- age deal. Used for bne year on 1969 Valiant, Phone 983-5631. a-p FOR RENt One Bedroorn A'partment. tlp- town, Main Street. Ail convenienc- é's. Available Decenvber lst. Ad- Phone 983-5631. a-P WORK WANTED Married woman would like a 'bhy4sdttInig job 5 days a week. PIease phone 983-5267. b-45-c SALE 0F PoppiEs Your poppy contribution helpis Ilhe Canadian Legion Pight hvýsnap jnisery among Canuaas dis'abled- veterans -and dependents. Yes, for Some theère 'are pensions. But nio pension covers sucfh emergencies aàs family dllnes9s, moedical bille or m, fàre. Your--poppy contribution means quick heifp when if is needed mnost. Give generousIý this weekend,a- Wanted Dead or Crippled Parin Stock PICKEI) UP PROMPTLY Telepitone- Coiect 263-2741 Magwi ur, Fann Licence Ne. 208-C-16 -~pI JACK( RiîCAd1D REALTOR 99 Ring St., E. BOWMAN VILLE When Buying or Selllng cali WILF HAWK VOUR ORONO AIIEA, REPRESENTATIVE 983-5274 Memiber of Oshawa and Dis- ,t*ict Real Estate Board Sûrppwanêed. Ogiemwa prices paid at Newcastle., CaUb Newcastle Salvage. Phone 987-4741. d-44-c WANTED A good oak Dining Room Suite orDining Room Table and Chairs. Phone Ç983-5673. t-f 1CARETAKER Applications will be receiveil unLil 5 p'rn. Noveniber 9th, 1970 for a part'timeý aretaker to work Iiive hour; pcar week ýat Vneent !Iflaîsey Puillic Sdhool and ten hours per week at Lord EIlin ,Pubflic Sehool. Applvin u writng Étating exper- ience and qualifications fa: M A.MacLeod,, Bune Administrýator ..nd Treasurer. Northumbertlan'd and Durham Counfy Bbard of Educarion, 335A ILKi, St. East, Box 470, Cobourg; Ontario. TOWNSHIP 0F CLARKE Clerk's Notice of First Posting of Voters' List Voters' List, 1970 Township of Clarke in the County of Durhanm Notice is ilereby given tihat I fave complied with section 9 of .flie Voter? ' Lt Act, and thlat 1 ý1iave pas qted up at my office at Orona on Lh.e 30th day of Octab- îer, 1970, the 1Est of ail persons entitled to vote dn the municipal- il 'vat- municipal electians and t'hiat such list remiains there for inspection. And 1 h'ereby cal urpon all vot- ers ta take jmmediate proceeci- ings to bave any omissions or er- rors carrected acqardfing to law, ,fhe last day for ýapipeal being fýhe j 3th' day of Novrenhe.r, 1970. Dated this 30Jth day of Qtober 1970. M. DeWlth, Clerk of the Township of Clarke. TENDERS Tenders myil1 be reeived unf il 5 p.m. Novémber 1Ot'h, 1970, for the preparation of surface and ap- plication of g-pproxirately 2471 ýsquare yards of 11.1-3 asphait f drive and park area at Courtice Hdigli Sahoof. Specifications ahtained at the office of: Mr. M. A. MacLEOD, Business Administraf or and Treasurer, Nortnbier1and and Durham County Board of Education, 335A Klng Sft. E., Oobýcoirg, Ontario. Oropo Landscaping for Garden Service, Planting, Sodding and SeedinW. Phone 983-5598. tfi Callyour lihcensed FIumbing &~ Mfechanical Contractot who sells, Instaliz <spd ,guarýantees c AR1MAN PLUMBING AND IIEATING :TENDERS Galvanized Ohain Link lPence Tenders, wih.l be received until à pi.Novenaber l0th, 1970 for the .u iyrd ji-ft-",ition af galvan- iïf d Ci Link Fence ai th e tel- laigscliool sites: Dr. Hamwldns P~bh SuholPailHope; -iýtidh- ells ornrsSc'haol an'd Cobourg Coc~ieWest Spec!i.ications and site pl-anm y.nay be obtained froni the Buein- Mlr. M. A. ,MaclEOD, NoîthunbrlaidaEd Dur-ham Cotinty oa: i of riducation, 335A King St. E., Coboillg, Ontario. SNOTICE 'Plan ta attend the pre-Cirist- mias Bazaar, with bhoke table and "Attie 'Treastireo" table and tea and coffce corner, ta be helci Sat- urday, November 2lst at 1:30 p.mi. east side of Main Street,, Or- ana, .next ta the IhardwareStore. kpoasocd by Durhîam , N.D.P. ýWomnen'ii Org,,aiization. 1For information or pick-up of donations, cai 983-5328. b.45-c RECEPTION MIr. and Mrs. F. O. Cooper wîll .eIlebrate their Golden Wedding ~anpjversary on Saturday, Noveni- 'ber 2lst, 1970. AR fr1îen& and. relatives, are invited ta Open House lat the Odd Feliows' Hall, ,Orono, Ont., 'from 2 fa 5 pi. Best wishes anlY. b-45-p NOTICE A Public Sehool Band is being formed under the direction of Mr. Barr. Instruments are desper- ately weeded. Persans interested to boan, pleese phione- the--schùi 983-5006. a-c C031IN~G EVENT Hleather Social Club Bazaar and Tea Saturdray, Deceniber 5 at 2:30 p.rn. LO.O.F. -Hall1 TI-e Rebekahs are m'iakIng their usual deldelauis Ohristnias. Cakes. Tlhose wdsbin'g -ta order aheàd niay do so by phoning: ,ý Mrs. Gordon Waftson 983-5343 or Ars. James Major 983-5842. b-45-e CARD 0F THANIKS As Campaigu Chainuan,.I m4vsh ta Vhaiàni Ralph Barnetf and the other members ai Orono HM C's. for so wà1iingly .,gîving their fime and. energy ta 'the -recent C.N.I.B. Blitz. Mueli appreolation ta- the communfity whose generous donations, tatailed $20337. AIrs. B. A. IFleld a-c CARIi 0F THANKS We woùld iile fa fhank fÉiends, neighbaurs and -relatives f or ,cards, 'gifts and gooci wishe's on thë occasion af our SO0th Wedding Anniversary. a-p MIr. and' Mrs. A. W. Clough CARD 0F THANKS I 'wauld lîke 'ota hank al ýMY friencis, relatives and neigh'bours for cards, Lifts and flowers Te- eiîved while 'a p'atient in ýMemar- Ji1a Hoaspital. Special thanks ta JDr.MKei, nures uand staffon ,lrst floor. a-p Glory Adam's. DouksSim)o Orono 983-5104 PAINTING - PAPERHANGING RENOVIATIONS AND B EPAIRS FLOOR FINISHING PANELLING (EILINGS TILED BATHROOMS BYAMS PIJMPING OUT SEPTIC TANKS Bert Tompkins Phone 786-2552 . .... .......

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