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Orono Weekly Times, 12 Nov 1970, p. 1

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I t>,S O(rono VOLUME 34, NUMBER 45 Weekl Tirnes ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1,2th, 1970 oWnt No Part 0f Regiona'l Set-up" States Reeve friendship Visitation Being HeId This Sunday Close touone hundred persons from the congregation of lb-e Or- onu Uuîte-d Church wilil partiel- pate titi Sunday iin a frienlh visitation througbiout the muni-ci- pality. Thîls gruulh-staken in- etruction in tbe -peiat-iorn and aI-, f airs of tbe louai chunch and f ol- lowing ibhe Sundiy service on INuvember 151h wiil proceed on tb'.ir visitation. The Orono Churcliils als- taking parttia th-e preparaltion of a pic- tonial bo'kleb Which would in- clude -a farii picture of ai-i ed- here-uts nf t-be cburch aiong w1th the.ýr names, laddreses and pli-ne .nuimbers. Each'famî)ly baving their picture aken, wili recelve a copy of the hook. There is no charge for this ser- vice but thlo-se wishing to receive - on additional framkeid £aiiy col- oure'd photo from the copy may, do su aI a set fee. There is no obý- ligation. Photos wli be laken ai the .chuvcrh at pres-crihes limies ,duinig thte period of b-oviber ~30tb lue Decemben 3rd. Thiis feiat- une ,wil be fufliy explaiu'ed by lb ose thbi-gie visitation ou Sunday. alkes Grant To eil for ithe Arts maide -au nu- nouncement lover the weekeiid a- -warding grants lu varions groups -within the Province. The groupa arc lu thbe field lof ierature, the -perfpyming and vlsual iartls. Thir argest grant from t-be Pro - vincýial agency went to the St. Orono Bond Holds Annualet The Orono Band held its annu- ai meeting on Monday evening -With a good nuniber fiu attend- ance. The meeting also saw the end of any attempt, lu keep the baud aiive w'ith weekly practices and ronsiderat-ion was given to make the instruments availabie to the -Orono Public School wbhicb has forimulated plans, to stan a Sehool Band. The financial report gliven bIt Mr. C. Çornish, . lîowed a balance of $902.00.,IlMr. P. Forrester, pres- ideint, stated that it was bopelegs l'o continue the w,ýeekly pracices as too fe'w %ere showing an inter- est in _,oning out to practice. lie sai'd they iv 'i e oniv biai ging teir hedUp again t a bh'îçk xiii. in taco eleetion of ofIýcer b'f. Carlo-s 'Ianih-lyn n a- ciected p ien-,t Mr. . VIn Ain st vice Dn ilarni. u cetîytrisr er iî ,1D Ir. (C. (onih and IL. Fo jrdirect-ors. Tlîe serting gave the hoard the aufiborityî lu mnet int]h rep-iiecul at'l 2S of the Oronoo bl-c ehoo instr"enlý'ý b"' fIle stdeh- the sehool. L;awrence Centre Tflies tre Coin- pany lui an ýamount of $110,000. Tb.e Orono Youth Theatre was ai- co i neluded. in the lisi with a grant of $2500.00. Seeking Re-election For Ckcrke Reeve Orono Public Schoiol ïid oi.e John MSioue' of Clarke Toi~ bt> a-,declared hiexiii seeK re-. dcion as Iteex e for thxe Townsbi11ip in Plie forthcorning ei- ecljoo. The Reeve i the oniy msmber oh tue pieselit council to make a poitîve deelaration of Iheir intention-s. Mir. John Veldhuis of. Newtou- ville, au n sceaflcandidate in the la-is eetinht publdely estated lîhat be xill again seek el- ection 10 a seat on ihbe couinil of i ie Ton u' iip of Clarke. B.eeve Stone outliue-d tihat be had been tabing part in discu- sions with tibe 0,ýhawîa Regional ilîn aud ilihal this plan' had not a). yet been settlld. -11e fel ihere wis a respo-nsibiliiy un -carry on inlu Iis capacity. lie aiso cited as reas-ons for seeking re-election te lact lb-at- the Township bad yet 1 't settie t-be Mosport incid- ent. This was being - dscussed wîlh a reprsentative of the At- tovney General's office wdlhin tb-e ne'rt two wecks. Further Reeve S,,-ý,), me as be-en appointeid lu the C nyWullare Committee and t-ibi, committce wa-s now preparin-g pin-ns for tue taking over of al welfare witi'dn the' United Count- le.Mr. Sionxe aliso pointe'd out t'a-at bis Board of Dretnrs 9with te Liai(o-operative b-ad given. 1h tir approval to run for another terraof office. TO RUN FOR POLICE, TRUSTEES l'fr. Douglas Simps-on s-tfated last week tatlie dfuli Auiiltor would be cairried nu-l to wi(pe ýouI the present ovcr-expend- iture. lI speaking with Mvr. Woy lie sai-d bis dedision wnuultd be made folio-wing the n-o-xina-tion Meeting. Must Relate To' People And Experiences States' Ratepayer's Speaker Mn. Gran-t Lowery of Toronto addresse-d a meeting ai the Kirby Sub oui necently, spousured by tube Clarke Tow6ihip Ratepayers' A-s- social-ion. Mn. Lowery in a knoui- lcdg'uie munaner outlined bis vicirs on irbat be calied bbc use of "chemi-cals." The speaker wras intruduccd by Mr. R. P. -Montoit,,a memben of the flatepayers' Association. 11 Mn. Lowery is cari enlly wurk- ing for, a centre lu downtown Toron-Ni wbti(,h pi1oý (des drect service 10 induiduals frum tube nge of 12 tu 20 years as ircli as providing group educaion ses- siofis foi' local organizallous, teachers, ýsociai workcrs and olh- ens. Thie centre st'aled Mr. Low- eru' bas a staff of thirteen irbo keep te -centre open bwcut- four b ouirs a day, seven days a weck. Tluey njot oly disc'u&s tbc use of chienicais but aiso provide free medidaÏ clieis, oceuPat!onMa tbet:apy aîîd couuselling un al s-abjects. i opening is address, Mr. Lowery said tubatitI wa-s mosi dif- ficuit for anyone 10 be an expert -on tube suibjeci uf che-lcals. Dur- ing bis speech he gave litile ad- vice anîd Fpoke ur n'any condi- tionis and rlto lp whicb du exiat itliin lite popiilation Iodai'. Mr., Lowery oullitird the prac t- ilce -f sellfmedicaeion. "Wc al are prescnibiaig chemicals withoui consulting the medical profes- sion," be said. Here he poiaibed, to Aspirin, 22% and thers whiclh sire use-di-o aller the way -we feel or aler our, moud. He poînted ont that thbe 6 and 7 year oids are ,coistantly bomiban-ded avth TV commencials rela-ling to the use 'oDf cijemicais. Tbey aiso see this practice being empioyed by their -parents. These youngst-ers, he saîld, make none of the gross dà-s- tiludions xhich exiat and anc nul conscions of the law. Some, later, oaly extend the iimits of chemi- cals, he said. Iu speaking of chemicails, he snaid that this is a ncew field and very litt1e is kuuwn. Hie drew at- heu-ion to tibîs lunblait any infor- mation only dates back to 1966 or 1967. liow long have we, iived ,witb cigare-îles before we found out thbe barrm they d'o, he asked. Hie relateid chemai.s to lobacco and alco-bol and saw many feat- unes wbicb were similar lu tbe fact of theïr use. lic pointed out lb-at many are engageid in the normal form of mactai exoerimetatiun and Ibis la found -i the use of chemica-is as wcii ,as tub-accu and alcoîbul. "I'R do it because my frieaids are doing il." Mn. Loweny also spoke of a -va-iu.' conflict and that we often find tuday tubaI yuuth la betier rend and mure expenîeuced. Be- cause of bis value confiict sume are guing luo lashi back. He spuke of. the generatulun gap but hcld littie stock in t-is feature. Mnr. Lowery stalcd i-bai he was emazed ai the ýchange over t-be attitude, lowards chemica-Is over thxe past two years. Tii-e situation and viewîpoint, he said, la quile -dlfereut todnay. He aliso said un varions ucciaions d ins address that we must relate wxith one an- nîber lu be able to uuderstand the other. lic asked, "Were w-e so different"'? When asked abuut bis opinion on t-be iegalization of Marijuana, be sald that h-e iras nul in favour of making marijuana availaîbie lu cveryone. H1e said h xvas bis opin- ion tu make the chemîlcal av-ail- able lu thuise uover 21 years of age as tiia would only incre-ase the, -use of the chemicai. 1He suggested lb-at the legislation could be alter- cd and that -marijuana be removed fromu the bareol-iecteland -placeni urder the Food and Drug Adt and Ibal ils tise be a misdemean- Or. The speaker was also asked hoxv -a yo-citb's interest could be chan- neiled',awîay from the use of chemicais. Il iras pinled ont that there 'en-e so many opendn,s avaiiahle 10 youth to-day. Mnr Lowery did n-t have a bItanket auswer for the question.Tne :peake w-as aiso asked what cuuld be donc irben ih was found tîbat a youlb was takiuýg. chemiicails. H-e said that biis iras difficul ho ans,ýwer. lie felt however lb-ai lu many cases it eau be t-alked out witbh parents, fnienda or even strangers.1He aisu sqaid ihat la his opfinion ibie media was not espec- ially -a uoe-fuli bol in combatting chemical. The -Weeker iras hanked by Mr. Staples. Forming Bond Th lieOîono Public School bhas embaî-ked on a piograîn of t'aeh- ing instrumental, music wth hie to i iof a conîcert baud. 'C progvatîm wl lie e'ted 'LjiM -r [ilsiz, prescîrtly on the staff. 171lf hotir peî bd, nil hE b hcA dily aion., with somne aler- school peuinds. Ou Tuîtsday ex cOing finîal ar- rangemnts were made for the lo-an of instrutments fi om the Or onto Poînd 1t!o supplemeut thosýe ai- re-adp available. It is expected close to tlnrty students wiil be able to participate lu the pro- gram. Jerry Thompson was preýzeuted r 'ty i hthe John SLark h-o' V1 i 'yer Awv îd. li'F pi-1uta was rmade by -Mrns. Doroths Sark at a rece nI hei-l Ba,-,î banqiet at the Chuckwagon "Restaiurant. in m-î'n-ry nof nlu an d ma-de pos-JiiMe thnugh ,idonations arcia. The award 13 for the mosi dirom cl 'zeris of t. S kville valuabiýe plîayer of any Kencal basebaîl team. There were 32 miembers' pres- ent for our Noveniber 10th meet- ing and onily one officer absent. Many of our memfbens arrived early to help eut up fruit for ObhriMgmas cakes for our bazaar. Plans for our Chrigltm-as party are progressing quille weliI, thanks to our convenor Carote Boyd and her cornmilitee. We should have, an ýenjo3iable evening. Sisi ci Gladys Gamýsby,, conven- or for our bazaian on December 5tih is very ambitious for thjs an- mîial event. Let us a-l try bard not tO let her down. This co-ul-d be our best bazaar ycl. it was decided tha-t we xvould caler to tihe Ohnsmas Party of ouir se-flor citizen-s on December _3rd. 1 arn sure we all feel fbis la Our pleasure. Lodge closed according to the itual, aler whi-cb h we cnjoye-d a delicilois lunch and social hour. The Ganaraka -Region Conser- vation AutuIlority ha-s emnpowcrcd chairman Roy Foster tu dehiver a strong icter of protestto luOarke Township eduneil laganst fthe di- version of waters from Wilmol creek for prdvaee onîmcrcia-i ponds -because of a -tureat lu the fîsh population du fihe creek. The authborityý waa tuld lb-a.itthIre Clarke Tnwnshbip planning -huard had aIs-orecomuxendcd againsý the esitbabkshým-nt of sthese commer- cial chaliets lu the coun-cli, but were hein-g cverrruled by the councdl. Douglas Powe1, aTea 'conser- vallion Ôf1ficer, saîd hîs depart- ment f-b that t-o opeip these cneeks up lu cummen-cializaion w-as so-mem-bat uf-a deiriment ho the fish life. "We feel -tixat, wtb 'tbe devel- Oppment of too ýmany ponde, il puis Ihe 'waiter -tempen-ature out of range bu suppoîrt any fisb", wained 21n. Powell. "I fouud, -a-ader the conserva- Lon authanitules adi, lb-af yîou.ido b-ave reGponsibilily -ln this -,area. We wondered if you wouid b-ei support of Ibýis projecb. Willmoi Cretèk -la one of the îfinest irout, etrea-ms in Ontario. Orono Public Library Jan 1le, 1969 For Wilmoit Creek - - - ------- "'I wui no part of the regdon- aioh lasasubmi'tted by 0Ohawa," stiai R eevc John Stone of Ciarke Town n4hp foli!owing a meeting held lut Oshiwi on Tue,ýday of thls week. Reeve Stloue saî,d that In-' flit ',is preýviotu; feelings, thait Oshawa was for gra-bbing every- thing ilu',fie region, was co-nIirm- ed for lm on Tue- day. The Clarke Townu hl.p Ileeve produced a map dn which he out- hined t'h, area xvi-rch Oshawa wa *nted as the acafr the city of Oshawa. witin iithbe. region. Reeve Stone said the càty pro- piu took ini about nilnety per cent of the stnd-i area as well as having eighty percent of the rep- re-entation. The arei prdposed for the new eity of Oshiawa includ- cd the pre-sent, dity the eniarg- ed Town of Whfitby, East Whàtby Town-sihip as wreil as a goad por- tion of Darlingtonf Townshlip reacihig n-to lmost MiapIe Grove, The nortli boundary ex- teided to north.of Enfield., The Times wvas also in foridned thit O:'hawa had squeezed through a mot i-dn on Tuesday calling for a slu-dy to be undertaken con- Cernàng the amaigamation of the Whity Oawaarea. Reeve Stone esliatd ht this slsidy could well cost from $60,000 -to $70,000. in conmeniing on the present condftions witlî OAPAD)S Reeve Storie s;idil tcouid m-eil be the br îl< up of the i -jîo -'ioîtfle G,,vn ii i-ý wî. o to step in and set out ibe are~as P.'d the boundaries form the indsvffdua1 muiiiecipalfties within the are-a. Il was ahso noted fionol lIl- repord s on Tiesday in thre OSh-Ï a-0-11 ne that onime er of 01e city hol t hl oec To Orono,, The Orono Ohamiier of, Com- merce met at the New ýrDutcli 0v- en Restaurant on Moniday even- ing' when they gave conaid-iceration for Santa"s annual visit to Orono. The mraberslîip favoured a free skating party at the Orono Rink at h'c time Santla is to make lits anlinual visit. "'he nmeet- ing set Saturday, Decembrer 12 as the date for Santas visit. The m.-mber.,hîip also gave the parking committee .the authority to make arrangements to set up a parkingý lot in conjunction with the Clarke Publice Library if such arrangements could be agreed upon between the two parties. The Chamber was also agreeable to loening monies for such a pur- pose to the Library Board if tdiey wished b o stuetandoper-ate snch a lot on their property.

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