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Orono Weekly Times, 12 Nov 1970, p. 2

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ORONO WEEKLY, TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER _lZth, _1970 LETTER TO THE EDITOR November 9, 1970 To the Editor: lit is Ohristnias shopping time again an'd Ohristnilas Sevil Cami- Pa ign finie for thre Northumber- lmidDmqiam Tubereulùsis and Res ICratory Dieuse Aosodilation. 1 wouid like to take this opportun- ity as Chairnian of the Christmas Seal Campai gu of the Association ta thank ail tfe people of North- uniberaend and Durhram for their past support of our Association. Sùwne the Ontario governrnent bas relîI'eved us of mary of our responsàlbilities in the tuberculos- la area, thie As5ociation has been able ta become more deeply in- voi'ved in the respiratory disease area. We are currently providîing research, edncation and testing in such res schronic brondhitis, emphysý,en-ia and asthma. Coin- nmuity screening for these chron- k .respiratory diseases hias shown an .ncidence to 10ý percent of the p opulation 18yes or older. A- jnong cigarette smokers the in- cidrence can jump to about 25 percent, Last year 2,649 Ganadi- ans dlie d of emphy';ema and chronie bronaitis.' These and oiher s;tatistis show there is a problein and a big job to be done, inlrbgthe eduoation of the othto the dangers and prob- leiinviioived with smaoking. Our As7ociation, has only one appeal to the public for funds 3 IhcihisTe annuel Ohir stmas, Seal ampaign. As I menntioned previiously, it is 1'that tiue" again and I hope tirat wiien you receive yau firistmias Seuls in the mail ,yte wll think about the services youT cistm'us SealAsoitn ocffers to tihis ornmunity andi 'ÉCIP us"ta help you. Sincrerely, Thomas W. fakD.V.M., Chuirnan, Chrtstmuqs Seul Oomkpatign, Northumiberland- DuVrham TB-RD Ass'n. ANOTïIfR CANDIDATE TO0 CONTEST tCROOL BOARD ELECTION Artlher candidate for the Sdrool Board elections iras deciar- td bis intention to run in the De- eeeber lectlon. Kenneth 'Lyall of Neweastle basý announced that he will be otestiing tire fortjhcomln'g Northr- ,mberland anid Duioem Bourdiý of ýducation election for Trustees. "Several people have, asked me ta run and as 1 have ýalwüys beeu interested in edmmaton 1 deddf-d o take part in the eite- Mr. LyaUl is no str'anger 'te the continent al Saula GENTLEMEN .. . W. have a Sauna and Whirl- pool ready for your uise. Drop ln and give theîm a try Group Rates Available ble. t. Sat. i P.M. - i a.m. Suin. 8 a.m. - i p.m. 16A ONTAR10 STREET 7ZS1Z460 COSHAWA field of aducation havdng spent severaul years as a schoal commis- sioner in Quebec prior ta moving ta OnturW " ~In tiret Ume I was also an exacutive mnember of the Provincial Association of Sohool Boards,.Il1He resignad from the sdirool board ta tuake over the po- sitâon as T own Clark of Ifowick. Mr. Lyal is married,-a war vat- aran and an a«ard winnibnig newLs- paper ecitor. Sitting menibers Trustees W. I. Carman and Lawrance Green- wood haveý indicated they Will run for their second terni of of- Lice la tue election that iil take place December 7th. EXTENSION WA'NTED The Ontario Trail Ride ASsoci- ation wants ta extendtheir brail into tiGuanaska Conservation Aul hority Arc a, particuliurly in- ta the Ganaraska and Northum- berland Forests. C.R. Purcell, presiderit of the newly fMrmed association, said in a letter ta the Ganarasku Conser- vation Aufthority, that trails are being laid ail over' the provine and extendiùg ta the Albion Hila, 'Trsis beeuuse the horse population hais increased so rap- idîily in the past few years. More anid moïe people with horses want ta get out ita the countryside and partimite lur extended rides," h e sa id. Stfablng arranigemnents are made iaong the longer trails and the as- ,sociiation is atteiupting ta secure viding privileges thro.uh sarne of the mlost scenlic areas of tli province. Eliner Scott, representative on the authority, froni Hope town- slip, sad èe didnfl nilnd tha, horsaes going through the farests,, but ýhe wouldn't lika ta sae them, in the recreation areas. "We irad a few herges in aur recreatian urea lest sammer and it tuok a bit of leaning up," ha said. The autirority decided te l«e the mater until Mr. Purcel c0u1d attend a meeting ta give specifle detail?, on wbat iris association Port Hiope tlown couneil h-(a s p- proved thre use af the Agrieultur- il Park by tire association. Counocillor Arthiur Brooker said it would serve as a resbing point, for' exanded croàs-S.untry rides. ORONO WEEKLY TIME P*hhdevery Thursday at the oiff= of puableaia Matu Stren, Orou, O0"&" Phon.e 9B-S3û1 O.PIP. Report The Newcastle Det'achnent of The Ontiaria Provincial Police £rom October 25th ta Octobar 3lst, 1970, investigated 16 niotor vehicie collisions in wlhich 3 per- sans were 4njured, and 4 panions ware churged with traffie offene- es in connection wàth t-hase ac- cidcints. Alsa investigatad were 61 gen-, eruil occurrences of which there were 4 reports of Break, Enter and Thaft, 3 reports M of omon Theft, 6 reports of Wiifuil Damage 2 Domestie Compiaints, 1 Distur- bance compiaint, 2 Trespasising complaints, and' 1 Assault report. Eleven Jersons incluing 3 wam- en -were clharge'd wîth criniinal of- fenceis in connection with tihese occurrences. Onie persan iras been charged witih Impaired Driving, and 3 pers ans charged wVth lilquor offences. lu the early marnIng hours of October 30, 1970,. the business premises of Ontaria Sports on Hwy. 35, north of Orono was broken into. Stolen froni the premises were five honda mini blikes, alag quantity of ski-doo helmetfs, ski-cdoo mator aoil, and a quantity of cash. Stolen items were wialud at approximately $1,700.00. The fol4owing day, four persans froin Toronîto who were in possession of the stolen items were arrested in Peterborough. Hallowe'en Vandalism- Each year ut 1Haliowe'en, area residents are fearful for thair property being destroycd because of vandalism. Throughut Vire Newcastle Detachinent uaraa, van- dalisni was rat severe as, only a few isoiated incidenits were re- Porjed. No doillt there were otir- er residenits who were 'victimized by this sadistýic plllght of property destrucition, but lave declined to report saine. Motor vehticles 1und .houises in xnrious parts of thre area 'werie pelted uith raw ,or rot. ten eggs, -and îI>-.,\Iewcastie e were thrown thraugh a living rooni windlow, cal4$ing damiage ta thie drapes rinsâde. A large buay winýdow ut tire pout office in Pontypool was deRtroyad by un- knorwn persans 'throwîng rocks. Further damage wus doue ln Hlampton, Orono, Blaekstaok and Nestieton, by pecsan$ thrasving eggs usd rocks. Anoher idiotie istunt perfonmed in this area, was. tire-t¶uowing of obstacles on tire streets and high- 'WaYtS. IÀttle do they know, butil ,the panions responsible would ,oly râoulite, tirt sudh a dàngerous pructice couid pb)ssibly cauee ser- ious Injury or aven deuth of near- by, friands, or a faniily enraute home from n e vening eut. This idiotic ofnder eau be cansIidered a petentiai assassin auchir tua he ýdaes ËonretMulimt at nay cause ini- jury or dati. Know The Law "Duty to Report Accidents" Section 143(1) H.T.A. statas thut, every person lu chargeof a iùoter iehicle who Is directly' or inidiretlyt inv'olved in un accident shlil, If, the accident rasuits in personal injuries, or lu ,damage Vo property apparanfly exceeding $200.00 report the accident im- mediately tao the nearest provincial 1or municipal officer, and furnisir hàm wâtir sudh information con- carning tire accident as miay ire required. by tire afficer ta complete an accid-ent report. Failure ta report such an acci- dent would resuit in charges be- ing laid under thre Higirway Traf- fic Act. iDriving Tip- 1T-hese and Many More VITAMINS FOR THE FAMILY Parmamettes 125%s for $2.99 FAST relief from pain Bayer Aspirin l00s for 63c Flush-a-bye 48's for $2.19 Carefree- Tampons 40's for $1.46 10"s for 39e MultiVitamins for cbildken Pardec lUquid 16 oz. $1.99 Sooths as it Heais BLISTEX 'Reg. $1.49 for 99e~ Reg. 59e for 43cý, Amphojel 6S Antacid -Adsorbent2 Liquid -Tablets $1.3'9 BENYLIN Cough Syrup 8 oz. $1.37T 4 oz. 79e uChristmas Seals" VOUR ChristmasSeals are in the mail. VOUR contribution large or small- helps us in the fight against emphysenmu. tubercuilosis, chromce bronchitîs, asthia, and other .resir- atory diseases. TI-RD CHRmISIMAS, SE.ALS PROVIDE THESE SERVICES Pulmonary Function Testhig Anti-Smoking programmes in ail elementary scbeool Transportation te chest clinics and hospitals Health Education - literature, filmis, etel. Baby Sitter's Trainling Courses Assistance to patients in- Sanatoria and at home Industrial Mas Surveys Research into tuberculosis and other respfratery diseases, air pollution.-- Ail programmes planned approved by Ontario Thoraek Sc ciety,, ani our own Medical Advisory Committee Won't you please use CHRISTMAS TB-RD SEALS en ail your mail and packages and speed your gift to- Nortkumberiand-Durham Tuberculosis anid Respirt.ry Disease Association c/o Bank of Nova Scotia, Cobourg WELFARE FIELD-WOR'KERS These positions (six te seven) involve obtalning and verifying information concerning the eligibility of aP-. plications for assistance under The General Welf are Assistance Act and related social services. Applicants to have a minimum of secondary school education. Pr evious experience in welf are work and the ability to meet and work wlth people wiil be an asset. Initial sulary to be negotiated, depending on qualifiez- tions. Usual fringe benefits and car allowance in affect. Tentative starting date January 1, 1971.. Applications wiil be received by the undersigned um- til twelve noon, Friday, November 27, 1970. K. SYMONS, CLERK-TREASURER, UNITED COUNTIES 0F NORTHUMBERLAND andi DURHAM, 860 WILLIAM STREET, COBOURG, ONTARIO Go.d N.ews FOR Pipe Sms'kers ln Orono We' are Authorized To Seli Filters and Smokers Aceq-ssries ro, On.Phoene983-5310 MRONS, ONIABTM ÎV WE UY AND SELL Cid GassChina, Nue A-riclesi Toys and odditles I CALL us Phno?3-5342 afîer 6 ST 1UTT'S PHrARMACY Ail dayWensy aind Saturday il,

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