ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12th, 1970 CLARKE HIOR bky Kathy Morrow We had ýaday off lest week. Monday was designa'ted ai Pro- feslional. Development day. Wheth- er or not our teacher-3 st'arted their schiool week ppofessionally developeëd 'm not sure. The hum- bug over a Remembrance Day hol- idiay settled in ýour favour. Of coulse, gving the kids a holiday on -4hat day 'alimost ensures the feet that many won't observe reguàar Remembrance Day ser- àiçcers. As for many of the senior Students, they plan to spend the day -stcdying and catceihing up la their aotecs. ýGrade 1's can prac- tice their frenchi for the orais on tiat fated day, November l3tih. At thec COSSA meet on October 29th Ken lloyd finisled 19th out, of 73 boys. Blarry Norton finishcd in Fthc top hall whàle Peter Obrist Wýho mwas ojf only isenior 'had problems wth 'lic slippery track. Spcial t'h'anks is due Tom Martin wtiso was acting manager for the day. The fine membens -of Fthc boys seior voilcybaîl team won the LOSSA A' sehool ýchampidnshtip October 30 la Pickering. They ai- so piaced second la the douffle A competIftion. Thougi the juniors d,idn't do as well they qualifie<d th- COSSA meet dn Fenelon, Falls No'Vember 7th. T.he junior girls basketlall crew bus also been clown. They lo'st to Osfiawa Cathiolde, on Tuesday. In exhibitqiof volleyball action, Clarke won 4 out of 6 games frorn OConnor last week. 'On Thursday Clarke sent 38 studenits to the Blood Donor Clin- ic in Bowmanrville. Thlo4gh s'ore #,,ere unable to donate, Clarke de- fended'its good name. Because there liave been many cor..Il(its and res'ultin'g problemis Clarke lbas dlrnnge'd ltnaditional banquet and commencement cer- emonies on Novernber 20 to 'a lis icheon and cereno'ny on De- cember 5tN, A littie late perhaps but maybe itfs better since our main speaker was not avallable until then. FOUR GENERATIONS AT WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Four generations were represen, ted at a finner he'ld reccently at No'on'e's Re.ýtaurant in bonour of the twenty-fifth weddding anniver- sary of Mr. and Mnl. R. C. Gold- Ing of R.R. 2, Pontypool. Thijrty- two gucats were preseait. They were present from Wdlowdale, Virginia, Oshawa, N'ew Toronto, and Pontypoiol. November 111h Mr. Editor, Dear sàc: Furt'her to our conservation re- garfng your reference to me as secretary-treasurer o'f the village. As I expiadned to you, titis is a mnistake made by maany, and slhould poissiby lie expl'ained, so that people will understiafn'd how the Village set-up works. F'inst orf ail, let me explain that there are. two types of Police Vd-llages. One is thse Police Village Cooralte, an'd thse ottier, the Po- ilice - Village, Non-corpoilate. Thse latter is the statu's under -which- we ioperate. Under titis sylstem, il is, not even manciabory, ýaccordiinig tci the Mulnicipal Act, to appoint a s'eretary. Wbereas, in thec Vil- lage Corporrate, tis is mandatory. Regarding the position of Treas- urer: The Treasurer of the Police Village, ils the Treiasurer 'of the Townsiiip of Cl'arke, and thec Po- ice Village does flot have -a bank account'sepailate from 'tise Town- ship. Monles eollect'ed and dis- perseEd are processed throu(gih lic Township Office, and the Police Village expenditures and reven- ues tare mere'ly blook entTies, sihosvn sep'arately in thse Township records. MWy postion fas secre.tary of the Podle Village entaiEls Fthc follow- ing dutieis: To record tise minutes of, the meitings. To answer correspoudence, as drecteid by the Trusteeýs. 'To prepatre tlic1m' lthlly vou- checr. To ester the Votuh igurs i tise Village books, Anid to carry outi any other scerilduty, whieh may -,he dcsgnaed .10 me, by motion or re- solution of tise Trusteýes. fn summing this up, we operate in -tt foilllowing manner: of expendiures c'ach month. This I prepa're a detafled statement voucher is presened 'at Ic monts- ly Meeting of Fli Trustees, where il is passcd for payrnent- by resol- ulon. The Ohairman then, alter Checling 4e accountis,, sigffs t'hts Vouciser and it is forward'ed to the Townlship Troasurer, wiTo is- suEts Flicheeques to cover the ex- panditures, and makes the neces- sary entries inilthe Township books. The àame records are ený tered in our boloks. The Road, Expendcitures,, such as free outting, roadf&de grass ctuttdng, snow remo-al, Iree plan- tiing, etc., iare approved -by the Tr';stee1s. The Ohairman ithen signs the bilIs, approvàng th er for ýayrnent, and th'ey are for- xvardecl to the Fownsi'p Road De- partmçA-t for payment. Ail Rouad Depar.tnent- expenditureýsare ne- corded golely by the To'wnship, and do not appear on our books, Referrinàg to your comments-re- gardttng det'ailed overýalI budget: This is not the respetsibÉtility of any one menTher of the Trulstees. Il and when su'dhbudgets are drÈafted, they would be prepared by the Trustees as a body, in the same manner as those prepaÏýed for the Pire Departmcnt and vuad Depiarment. Edward R. Woodyard, We Feature Fuli -Course45 Served in a pleasing atmosphere Licensed Dining Lounige Hlýotel and Highway 115, North Orono Oshawa,.Ontario Check this list of fuil-time courses starting November 16 at Durham College Retraining Division. iCompletion of one of them will improve your job opportunities. Courses. mn from, 4 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. five -days a week., STARTING NOVEMI3ER 16 ... ... ..... 8 weeks Electronie Data Pro,9cessýing .. STARTINO NOVEMBER 30 - ACADEMIC LJPCRADING Grade 9 .................... 1............... 16 weeks Grade 10................ ................... 16 weeks Grade il................................... 16 weeks Grade 12 .................. ................. 40 weeks Appliance Servicing ......................... 16, weeks DID YOU KNOW YOU MAY QUALIFY I FOR TRAINING LOWNES F OR DETAILS 1CONSLJLT YOUR LOCAL If you are not eligible for Canada Manpower Assistance you may enrol in a 16-week course for $3200. To ensure acceptance on c course contat immediately MR. R. MALONE THE RETRAINrNG DIVISION Durhaim Coll'aee f %pliebd Arts aul Techuo0logy Telephone 576-0210 Locals 51,. 54 Simcoe Street North F e, w inchester .22 Rifle with every Moto-Ski LIMITED TIME OFFER Buy your Moto-Ski between Novem- ber l2th -3th, 1970 and your Moto- Ski dealer will give you a free Win- chester model 39 rifle with Monte Carlo stock. (Make this your- son's Chrisinas present). * 16 ModeLs to choose f romt prîced f rom just $595 (F.O.B. Factory) * Buy your Moto-Ski now' with no down payment.l No payments until the snow Mies (Doeenber lst., 1970). No carrying charges if paid wlthin 90 days. Ask for details. * Only Moto-Ski gives you ia 2 year track warranty (One cylinder models) We're tougher 7 ways. SEE TE COMPLETE RANGE 0F 171 MOTO-SKI MODELS ON DISPLAY NOW AT BOX 249ORONO, ONTARIO REUDS Home HARDWARE PHONE 983-5301 ORONO While they Last - Starting Thursday, November 12 5,lbs. Potatoes Free with a $3.00 purchase Garbage Bugs, pkg. 39c 40% DISCOUNT Ail CCM Hockey Skates, Sticks a.nd sweaters This Discount on Hockey Equipment Expires Saturday, Noveniber 2lst, 1970 i 1-ý,.ý.----ý- - 411 --- -