ORONO WEEKIJV TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12th, 1970 - - cuuirinrnoirL Milison Insurance Agency fer hII classes of personal and Commercial Covera o-es Office: Main St., Oreno 983-5032 Res. 983-5754 Gyord Simpson PHONE 983-5808 Orono, Ontario PAINTING CARPENTRY REMODELLING GENERAL REPAIES Interior Exterior CHARLES REID Orono's Licensei Auctioneer and Valu ator Specalize in Farm and Furniture Sales Consuit me for terms and dates PHIONE ORONO 983-59144 Monuments and Fasmily Memorials Our tquality and service leaves. nothing to be desired Ask the person who bought frons ». a neighbour, friend or relative 1%~e RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY '4«3 Ontario Street PORT flOPE Largest display in Southera Ontario WASON'S Marine and Cycle Orono Phone 983-5343 PRINCE CRAFT BOATS- Mllouette Snow bMobile. McCllob CHAIN SAWSj RepaIra te ailmakes of Lawn Mowera and 2 and 4 cycleI Engines ALLOUETTEI SNOWMOBILES PUMPING OUT SEPTIC TANKS I Bert Tompkins I Phone 786-2552 Tuesday 6:30 8:30 Thnrsday 6:30 8:30 Friday 2:30 - 5; 6,30 - 8:30 Saturday 10:00 - 12:00 a. î- BYAMS, 1PLUMB.ING and'HEATING I Sales and Service 12M4 HOUR BURNER SERVICE I GULF FINANCING i ILow Interest Rates qbeIl" 1Phone: Tyrone 263-2650 [,Electrical Contradtinir Electrie Heatin%- : and Service, PHONE 983-5546 or 983-5940 jOrono. Ontario ORONO ELECTR[C Herb and Gerry Duval 983-5108 ELECTRICAL *CONTRACTING .ELECTRIC HEATING ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES T.V. - COLOUR T.V.' RADIO - lFa-FI FRIGIDAIRE - ILC.A. DOMINIlON ELECT~ROHOME INGLIS - THOR - GUARANTEED SERVIf - Hamiltons IInsuranco I Service &Rte, Package Foliles FidelitY Bond, LîabIlity LiU, First Mortgage Leams SSadie Hamilton' floue 983-5115 IBox las Pho-ne 088-3552 IStafford Brothers Limîted i Manufacturera of ICemetery Memorials I318 Dundas Street East IWHITBY, ONTARIO 1or remod lling your p -esent one, then contact IFloyd NihoM o jphone 983-5049 OROj'NO lI FOR SL Goed ,Quality Oats. $225 a bag. Phone 983-5033. d-47-e FOR SALE' First quality s'weet Table Turn- ips waxed àf per bushel. Buta- lhagas. Also eggi - 3 dozen $1.00, aInd up. A Van H-atturn, 8th lne.Poe 983-5267. d-47-e FOR SALE 5 rims and 2. snow tires. A pack- age deal. Used for onie ycar on 1969 Valiant., Phone' 983-5539, 0Orono. FOR SALE Brown baby carnaige, convertis -bo a car berd and aitroller; onecrib and mattress; walker; car seat- Price $4500. Portable bIack and white tele- vision - excellentcon dition $60.00. lVan'rs black fur coat size smali,; neyer würn - $2000. O0ne clothes, dryer - excellent condition - used only hree mon- this - $110.00. Apply above Ann'ýs Bciauty Sai on, Orono. a-c WANTED *A good oak Dindng Rolom Suite or Dining Room Table and Chairs. Phone 983-5673. U- TENDER Selaled Tenders wiýll be receiv- ced by the undersiigned until 4 p.m. November l7th, 1970 for the d'e- mo4ition of the Buildings at 69 - Liberty St. No rth,' Bowmanviile. The l'owcst or any tender flot necess'ar'ly accepted., ,Specifications may be reeived from tihe office of: M. A. lVI'acLEOD, - Business Adiminiistrator and Treasutrr, ýNo'rtl»uniran:c and Durlham Cointy Board of Edueation, '335A King St. E9ast, Cobouirg, Onta:rio. w. DANCE ~Ponyrpo Gtbmnity H,91, Sat- uqrday, Noveniter 144h. Miuscby FIay Ad'anis and the Country Hits. Bar Prîi-leges. $3.00 per couples. Couples only. Spot dauces anud dancing, from 9 to 1:.00 a.mn. Orone 8uiIdin Contractor Brick block Concrete Sen@ Work Carp)elatry -Cabinet, Work Flooru - Tue 983-5441 ORONO JACK< REALTOR 99 King st, E. BOWMAN VILLE When Buying or Qlhng eall YOUR ORONO AREA REPRESENTATIVE 983-5274 Member of Oshawa and Dis- trict Real Estate Board 1WORK WANTED - Married woman would like a baby-aitting job 5 days ýa wcek. Please phione 983-5267. b-45-c IIELP IWANTELb Vodluteer sewers to ass'i-t Red Cros wîmtb d;'s:aster relief cohg AI-i mlea:supp'h.ed. Work in your owin home. Telephone 93-5291. a-c INCREASE YOUR IN-COME. The quickest way to do il is 10 look ,nfler the sale of our Toilel Pre- Laiaion in y our Dstrict. Very Iood profit. * Act pi omîptl. T'iwre ÂS 'sl ill foi- li 'u. w/ite 11w- le4gh, TX pt. J- 3, 4005 Richelieu St., Moîsreal 207, P.Q. BlJçýliNESS OPPOIRTUNITIES Eaý:n lioney In Spare Tîme ,Mten or Women l'o re-stock an-d 'eollect sorvf'ron INew Type j-igq-iltycoin-opera-ted dispen- iSers i-n our acea. No, sel]ing. To kqu1aii 7, m have car, references, e3750. t )$2 09. es hý. Seven 10 twelve houis weely can net ex- cellent income. More 'furI-i tene. We invest with you-and 'estab- -l'NEh your route. For pérsonal in- terviiew write: -B. V. DISTRIBUTORS LIMITED, 2180 TecumsehRoad Easit, Wind- Ëýod 19, Ontario. Include p-houe ,iinmber.a- SEMI DRIVERS NEEDED Experience'hclp-ful but not nec- esîsary,, for local -and over the r'o'ad bauig. You eau e'ar-n up to $10,000 t0 $15,000 per year after sihort tnadining. For 'applicat'ion, cali 416-362-4002, or write Safcty Depit., Transport Training Systema of Canada Ltd., 207 Queens QUuay West, Toronto 117, Ontario, Can- fadca. b-,16-c NOTICE Firat Kendal Cuba and scouts Ladies' Auxiliany are holding a Toy Party in the Ken-dal Sehool audiitorium on Tuesday, Novcm. -ber 17th, 1970 at 8:15 p.-m. NOTICE Plan to attend, the p re-Chrd-st- Mas Bazaar, with baiçe table and "Attic Tremsures" table and tea' and coffee corner, to be he'ld Sat- urday, Novemiber 21st at 1:30 p.m. east,'ide of Main Street, Or- ono, next to 'the -Herdrtvare Store, Sponsored by Durh-am N.D.P. Womeu's 0Onganizatioii. 'For information or pick-up of donationms, catil 983-5328, b-45-c COMING EVENT Kirby HIome and School Card Party, Saturdiay, November 21, 1970, 8 p.m.,' Kirby Centenni-al S'chool. .75c per person - Lunch includ- ed. Ab-46-c SNOWPLOWING Calil Oiono Landacaplng for gnowpîowing and removal this winte'r. Phione 9835598. If Cal jour I licensed Plumblng &. Mfechanical Contractor who seliz, installis PLUMBING AND HEATING FIREWOOD FOR SALE Phbne - 985-5581, Orono. a-e- FRED'S FRUIT MARKET SPECIALS (oî t'rad, MVacintosh and Dc- ;co l- ppies. 12gal. Ice Cream .79e Fresh Cider llghway 115 - Southt of Orono RECEI>-ION Mr. ami Mes. F. O. ýCooper will celebrate tfheir Goldien Wedding anrîiver-sa:-y on Saturdiay, Novem- ber 2l t, 19'70. Ai! friendis and relatives ai-e invitcd to Open Ilonse ýat thie Odd i'ellow' Hall, ,Orono, Ont., frin 2 to 5 p.m. Best wislics only. b-45-p (OMING EVENT Heather Social Club Bazaar and Tea Satu-day, D'ccem-ýtber 5 at 2:30 p.M. 1.0.0 .F. Hall T)he E,,,bekajh-s are making their uiial deelcius Cilrt 3'tmas. Cakes. Those w'idîilng to order ahead Mnay do s-o by p-honinig: Mrs., Gordon Walsoni 983-5343 or Mirs. James Major 983-5842. b-45-c COMING EVENTS Don't forget December 4lih at Onono Town Hall, the Annual Y'uleýtid- E venirig, spansored by the 01arke Township Ratepayer4s hIe, a-C COMING EVENT The Ailnu'al Banquet of the Durhami Federa , ion of Agriculture wilJ be held on Wednesday, Nov- ember 18th at 7 p.m. in the Solina Community Hall. Mr. Gor-, don Hili, President of Onitarlo Fedeatio of gricltur,guest Tickets: 263-2325.ac CARD 0F THANKS A sdneere 'Thank You' Vo refla- tives and friends for cards, visits, flowers an-d gifts. Special t-hanks to Dr. Me'Kenzie, Dr. -Gill, nurses andstaff of the Memonidal, Hos- pitl for care and Icin-dness. iViargaret Lix4ton a-c CARD 0F THANKS fffLhaniks to ail who visited- me and sent cards an-d floweirs duiiin~g my stayr in thle huspital; ailso for the help I have received since côm- ing home. Special thanks to Con- nie liooey for baby sitting. Again, Vthank ylou al.., a-cý Shi4y Black CARD OF THANKS 1 would like to thank all my friends, relatives and neigh-bours lor cards, gifts and fI.owers, re- ,ceived while a patient in Bowman- ville Memoilial Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Mikios, nurses and staff on the third floor. a-p Myrtie Reid. DIED At the Memonal Hospital, Bow- mfanjvil.e o-n Wednesday, Novem- beu llth, 1970, Geiitrude Elizabeth Wannian, -Wif e of the late James Wannan, dear mother of Milfton, Wilimaým, Jean, (Mrs. H. Goode), Newcastle, lara, ç Mrs. Souch), Kendal. Age 92 ye-ars. Resting at the Barlolw Funerai Home, Park Street, Qrono. Servîce Saturday, Novetbher 141h at 2:00: p.m. In- termient Orono Cemetery.