Council Excludes AIlen's tUe Fro m Ra C igB-a -Sund'ay imorning members of ,tIc Royal Canadien Liegiaon, Bow- annv4ile Brancl, veterans and, local youth organizatious attend- ed a Remembrance service Icld at th'e Orono Unitced Ohurdli. Oron VOLUME 34, NUMBER, 46 Prior, to the service the group prayer, reading of names Who paraded to the Orono Cenotaph ,had fallen in battie and observ- headed by the Bownaanvlifl'e Leg- ;ton Pl-,e Band. At the Cenotaph Iing a two minute silence. Rev. B. a brief service was hel'd aong Long cond'ucted' the service1 at W ith the laying of many wrleaths, the Orono United Ohurc'i. Weekly ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THUII Towuiship Withi asn G4 o Iflte Tjo wn vdip of Claie Iflfleldthec Yassing- of a s b4ww!hic(h wuiat llow tue es- alit Fi.lhng andci Ce- eration ChIli oe 1tona 4- j.acrotract of land wi'ti R a mai- Ilinm of twen,y chalets. ThifsPro- poliédq projeûtf lies along the course of theVI Wfmof -Creck north of fIe seventh line rond. Councll rcferrcd the prIoposai taD tlic finlance comnnVite £Or fur- fIer study before any action is taken. Mr. meMaiIen spoke in support oi the pro ject, stating tliat fhcy onily were intendin~g o onstTucf en chalets" but wer e leavâng if open so. twenty coud be construc- ted iif found warvanted in thle future. TlieWh-ie purpose, lie said, was onservation and fliat ticj proj ect would not hUrt flic trees or strâàam. lHc said Vlicy would close off fli pond if flic pon-d Was lurting flic stre'am. Mr. MeMillen aieaid flic pro- ject was costly and hey dtid nef Want peie living ilu'thec chalets. Hie also 5id there was nofhing fa wcrry about. If was nofed flint tIe pond design Was bY govem- ment engineers and if ,was faý be around 800 feef long, 14 feef deip xVtl intake land ouf iet at flic down-stre'am end. Mr. McMillen Vftatýd fh'ey coul'd have moycd in- fa flic To'wnship and constru'ctcd a poer pond but wisled te coin- pl.y witli regulations. licd ,Point &uftIch Departmen' of Lýands and Forests lad no restrictions over a pond uflicli was nof on the course of thc rtre'am. On, quest- ion Mr. MeMillen said they lad nof yet dcci ded on the type of foulet s te libe used. He algo gad lie was surprised the c Ganaraska River Conservation Auth'ority lad oppos'cd thc propo'sal. A letter vas rcceived by Coun- cil from flic Ganarasia in wfidl thcy notcid pposgition against flic proposed pilDi cet. The letter stat- cd that buiildï ng a flo od plain was ýonjrary to conservation plinc- iples. It al'so painted eut fhat en- craadlimi .it ils unafe in thec ev- cnt a1 a mrajor flood and tînt if ile beds are perihittcd in flic flod afn for residenfial scwage dispcl acre s a vcry rmal çios- Hfs Ne WHome The .N1ortliunberland -Du'henm Ohulikren'z, Aid Soeiety fias moved back into th'e new1y renovated headquarters ýon Walton Street. Since tlie beginning of the sum- mer 'the socèiety lins beien operat- ing 'from the office buildýings in the' former Crane Canada Ltd., plant, whtble repaira 'were 'beinýg c'arried out. ýFinnie, director, said Thursday ithat work on ifle buiki- ing fook longer thsan, expeïted The staff. he said, was glad to be back because 't'he lieating system in the Crane building was flot in operation and they had to make do wvith, temporary heating equîp- ment. The entiTe front of the Walton Street building was torn down and thec floor area was increasced, provqdlng more priviete interview rooms. "It's remarkable wh'ait the arcl- itects have done in the way of planning to alltow for more econ- omical use of 'the space dn the bjuè,iding," MrT. Finnie said. Another new adddition to the buàlding is a "baby ro;omr,". where prospective adoptive parents 'can sc the chuldren. There is also a sni'l playroo'm wliere children can wait w"hil their parents are involv(ed in counselling sessions. sgibilfty of poll1utants entering the stream. Reeve Stone stated lie had taik- ed to IVUr. Foister, chaiomian of the ,Ganaraska, and, that foIIawing thits ta'lk Mr. Foster liad a siome- wlhat ddfferent attitude from thiat of the letter in connection ,with the projeet. Reeve Stone iaid council would gdive a "yes" ,or "n'o" toniglit. Deputy-reeve 7. Walkey stateld fie felt hie could no go fpr passiýng thie by4~aw toniglit. It was referr- ,ed to the finance cowmttee £,or furtlier study. t- NOVEMBER l9th, 1970 Townshp Pass'es Th1e Coundilocdflic TownsÈhip of Clarke gave flirce readings te lyla168 vohich sets foi-fI ncw prn tme 1im11ts ln the Villagei1 ing tlime lindf s in effect in Or- enaq fras 8 'a.11m. until 6 ex- cdufing Suday ,legaýi ildy or Fslidays. The turne peýriodi on Fniday extends fiom 8 a,.ni. unfal 9:30 pu. m.""ire arc no restric- tions an V_ - yor legal liolidays TIc nelw by-iaw aIra sgets no parking on any jsti.1eet in Orono fi-rn 6 n.m. until 8 a.m. frorn Novemnber l5tl Vo April l1stf a any yeéar. '111e new regulations wlll caine f rfa effeet wlien the by-iaw Ms given approvai by flic DcpntmrJnt ai rnglways and wlien new âigns rf-iace tiare now on thec streets in Orono. Couneil was advised by letter fiat flic new BlawManNîl1c HigI Schûel had rcc6ived final approv- alI and thi sod turning ceremon- ies would be lirld on November 20th. Unfit Washrooms TIce'Dcparfment of Tourism and -InfPolmation fias rappcd flic Gaiaras1da Conservation Aufliar- if y on jtIr Keucklrs for flic urfi t st'ate aiflichew'ashrooms et the Carden 1Hîli Conservation 'ai-ca. A letter ilom flic drp'artmenf's inv1-,ecor, Beit loffMnaný, sfated flicre mr-re no iseats on fihe talcets; no toirt paper'and flic screcr's on fIe windows wcre f arn., In facif, tir toilefs wer-c not up ta tiie sadr set liy thr De- partmenaf af Touim an'd Infor- mnation. T'i,? letter did podint out thaf thc deparfment did nat have flic autarify fa dio 'anytùing cabout aFa 'undar the contrai ai Con- servation AufI(horitil's. Put flhi in'prcfor -ad fotind angfler toun)Cis'f rrsort in flic ai-ca Sadfly lacking in tfollet facility sv'andcirds and flic people concrrn- cd Pcçinted ouf fIatfi fIe foll- ets in fli cocnserv'ation ai-ca could get 'away wif h tt, tliey Could 'too. Ift w'as pointcd -eutfliat fiacre had been several complints a- bout t'flicfflets af Garden Hlli fromû casupers during tic sunimer. The Coni o the Township of Cl 1tke on T'uc.',day iiiglit gave ' reiadings to a by-law clos- n«ag up thiree sect'onis of roadis in fIso Tcwn ,-ýhp of Ciarke. 'flese sa-ciorns ni-e at lot 20, Lakasliore Road, at lots 20 and 21, Broken Fs sot and a section- of, Princess Strect froma a iain t o QIurch S 'eesin the vill'age of Orono. Allln's liane ln Oroano' was exclud- Ld ro the cioigly-,l'aw. 'On Tuei21fay eveniing represent- atives a> f the Orono Unfited Oburcli, Orono Police Trusteeý and othe intere'sted parties in the clooing af AllIn's Lane were present to give their views ta Council. Mr. Wmn. Slatter, representing fIhe Churcb, frît it 'cas 'a serious inatter to closeAilin's Liane. H1e "',d if afforded 'an outlef wflen traffie was biad arorund flic churcli He said it -had been used, but ie- cently it was impossible t'o do s0 as if was blocked off by parkcd ,ars and truc{ks. Hie alsro nited tlat dhuref cnd'ed at a dead-eiid and thaf there was a need fo furn aro'und. -Aliin's L'ane, lie snaid, -4f- forded an, autlef. 1He raid that traffie was now uslng thle turn- around at fMic Manse whildli was private pIoerty. 1MT. R. D., Mortona, rresenting the 'Cudals'o sok iiupporL- of keecpi1g Ic Iareo- . He 'said Vthere was lots of rmfor en-'-ytrffic if it w'as not blocked wtl parked vehicles. H1e àafso felýt fleic aip could lic im- ,proved onto MainStreet but even in 'ts pesentconýdition, ifwas u,,'able. "TInoadcouki lirnefit e veryoue" lie raid. "It àiý;easy fo cl m rad but difficisît to re- opean," lie said.l Mr.Moron 'ugesld tat Lie ueeedthaf one-,way traffie lie îinstituted, taiavelling wesf. jlp4tfl huvcil- repre sentabîves Peferpred to fhe traffLie bind af flie clîsurcqi every Sunday' and f cit tliat Ailiin"s Lane could help te reieve hs hnd. MT. Simps'on, speaking for tIc Trustees, isaid lie was -urprised to heur an objection to thc clos- ing of tlic read whkuli e termed unquitable for traffic a'nd faoo ccstly to main'ain for thé smJaJ1 anmunt of faraific whiich would use- it. Ile airoslid the ramp at tcwest end was a probIem and if i'mproved itwoulid t'hýen affect pedestniians using tIc, sidennalk oEI âVian Street. Mr. WoDdyard raid if dId nat ,seem practical f0o kecp the road open and smgges'ted ilf fic churicl wias liýaving triobe with friafflie using their turn-around, lihat they chain if off. 'On question'by Reeve Stone it vias sated that flic lane xvas 29 feet in wldtfl as sho'wn on flie of-. fiài'al ' V ilage map. Some spoles- mner lad refcrre'd io if as fhirtéen léeet in widfh. ,Roeve Stoune sfated fliat Coun- cil wý-s in Vhid case ouly'fIe pas- sing agenpy for the Trugtees vvho flad asked 'fer fhe AlIEnIs liane l'osin'g on behalf of petafieners. ,le raid fie feIt fhey wQ>ul'd have to respect flic Truistees' Wisthcs. GCount4illor F. Gray aslçcd il if hadn'f ýbecu Council's p'olicy Vo ,nat dUge up a rond wflerc a n oh- jectioýn lad been ieccelved. Both flic reeeîe and deputy-reeve stat- ed thiat 'if lad bee-n the po'lic but lis was in deainig iif.h their- own rcý,idr. If was aanpointed out tihat ths l n s requfest- ed liy fctrhe es oraVillage road. At er frhrdsuso li' FMmerLotToce Found Not At Fouit Thc Norfiumibeinand - Durham Geounty Board of BduceLfin liard Thurgday nighf, the report of an accident at Courtice Secondary Schdoni wlere a Grade 10 stridenit, Teriy Baker, loot parts oof fwo fingers in thlc carpentry 9hop. Tic .t.')ard was told fiat re- portîs submiff cd hy tIc principal,, J. E. Speers and fhic sliopfeair Robe'rt Agnew, lindicaf cd Vtl, aafcf y precaubiion instruction had been rcasonably thorougli 'and fiat wflctfli accident wias mnost regrettable flicre w'as no evdence of negligence on flic part iL ftie instruetor, or flic eclnical staff. W. Frank Thon, 'dîrector of cd- ucation, siaid fIe ineftructor con- cern'ed was 'an cxperfenccd slop t'eacfl'r. Mi-. Speers, in his reporf statcd thaLthetI accident oocurrcd on Oc- boler 14, wfen Terry w'as warking at a table saw. The s'aw severcdhIs indcx finger of hfls left 'liand ju'r be- low fthe first knucklc,e't flic base of the n'a'i] and flic ring firger w'as but of£ et VIe second k nucklc. There wÈre also c'uts onthe mî'd- die fiîigcr an'd on fhe tùumb. ir I)Seers t'aid Tery agreed th'at iùlic acoiden at sentlrely lis own isult. M'r. Agn'ew radd that neitlier bj'ý or any ai 'fhec students in Vie e'ass 'aci uaily 's'aw flic accident but on laiter inquiry if appeiared tIvat Terry ilad -bren hrpping a of eaip'in'e wood. 1lie lad used fIe puaI i k with lis iglit lind 'but 'ft applaredtfiat lie lad been holding ùlle att eut nàifI lis lef t hand. The leftt and slipped aud stiuek lie saw 'lade. "Duc(,f0 the amount ai noise in tIr workiifop, students w'orking, m'achinery running 'and tIc s'aw- dusf eitractor operating, if lae a istnnding rule in 'fIe sI'op fhiat a student must 'ask -n'd obtain permiÉssion to operate any rnehý ine. Terry had :not done this," lie saïd. .Mr. Agnew t'sid every student iitvolved tin -the oarpentry ghop re- epives instruction in thec use nnd safetýy precautions of a machine befoQ7e he às permitted te use ft. [n 'addition, fie ùs gven plinted aýid aficets to remind him end fliere is also constant verbal re- n inciLr.. -Pilie proper ýadjustm'ent of fthc sneyguard migit have prcvenfcd hIs hand frlim 4riking the blàde," lie atlded. Wishart Replies T. Ro0ck Festival Ploc "Tlhe 'Riglits of indivýua'ls muist be consdered," the, Attorney-Gen- eral, A. A. Wisiitt, ~wrote te lfowmanvýille fwn council. As long astan ass'em'by is Inw- fui, lie impIied in his l'etter, tlie governmen't can in --no way re- straîn it f5rom meeting. Hie -was relying f0 C'ouneil's letter sent Iâst month wlierein a concern was expressed about fu- ture riock festivals and tan app eal made for a diffe'renf ýapproach in hand'ling tlem. Mr. Wi'shtart said thiat ",adiffer- ent approaclh tto law enforceunent" had been worked ouf but d'Id not elaborate upon it. Other phases oôf these Pestïvals are receiving attention by lits de- partment, lie ai-ures 3/1r. Mcflmry, BowvnanvIle fown clet'kadministator, -,taid that lie liad received in the part month 16 letters froin varlous municipal- tie.s replying ïn favour ta Bow- manvil'Ic's letter -Statesman OrIl ubUcLirr ,an le 11969