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Orono Weekly Times, 19 Nov 1970, p. 4

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(>E4NO WJEKLY TIMES, XUURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19111, 1970 Local INews mr. ud Mrs. Jae< Bal, J'ohn ,aud Batbra of Ayîmer fspent the weekend withi Mr. and Mrs. Joe StapIes. Mss -Miaue IMIle, Toront'o VENEZIA RESTAURANT Highway 115 and 35 Phone 983-5651 Open 6 Days a Week Closed Tuesday Special this Week-end Pizza&Lagn ST. SAVIOURS ANGLICAN Establlshed 1969 EetiIar Sunday Worship Servlcec - 9:30 am. Comnuon- Firot a"d Thfrd Sunisyâ N.ru4ag Frayer- Seoed am Furth abYs »My EajaUm by app.lint vith iRect 987474S rhe itey. B.Roberti Eayue, B.A, L.Th. UNITED CHURci Oromo Pastoral Charge Miaister Key. 3. E. Long Stunday, November 22nd MORNING SERVICE - 11:15 KIRBY SERVICE: 9:45 A-111 CHUECH SCHOOL 11:00 A.M. We Feature Fuli Course Meals Served iu a pleasing amosphere Licensed Dining Lounge Hotelad Restaurant speut 1the weekend with Mr., eud Mus. Wayne B'ailey and Sh>awn. Mfr. and Mrs. RuîsseII. Rosbor- ou'gh werc .gucsts on 'Mond'ay f Mv. and Mm. Carl 'Bi'llrngs. Mr. eud Mus. Ralph Wàlliswere enftertained at a parIty by their frieude on Saturdry ev-enàng in honour of 'tJhcr 25th wedding an- nivergsary. Word was recelvcd lras't wreek of ifhe dcclii of Mr. Ra)lphh Elils, bus- band 'of.«the former jorcen Lorri- man. Mr. Ellis jat ode firme 4aUght in Ith1e Orono 0ontinuation &hhoob. The foUjowing girls from tfhe Orono Figure Skating Clufb atten- dcd an Armateur Coaches- Train- ing 'Cllnàc held at Peereiborough on Sunday 1the 5th jof.Noveuiber anrd are uow qualifierd tio instruct and judge OF.,S.A. National skat- ing teist s: JunIor Coaches - Lynn Lo'wery, Margaret Moffat, Susan West and Tracte Stut t. Senior. Coae - Bonrne Barlow. Wy. H. RobinIson Funerral service for ýWilliam Hall RobinŽon, aged 86 years, of 11.1. 1, Orono, Wshro d'ied October l9tli, 1970 lu Bowmianvilcl Mein- orial, Hospatal, was hecld October 21, 1970 'lu Orono TJitcd tihurcl. The Rev. B. Long of. OËono aud 11ev. M. R. Sanderson, a cousin, offi&atcd. ,Kenaril L.O.L. No. 405 herd 'a short service 'on Tuesduy eving at 7 p.m. at th1e B'arlow Funcral Home. Mr. Robinson had been a life member. MT. Robinsonwas 'born thec sou of the ilate Edward Robinson aud ,the fonmer Beàsie Byers. Hle had brecu a farnner in thec Kendàl dist- i,d froin bis boyhood until he retired in- Orono in 1955, whcn ho, and 'hîs f irst wiife Aida Robin- onmoved to Orono wnhere she died lu 1957. Mv\i. RobinsoDn w'as a 'st'anclh Cou- Sr4rvative. ï];r. Robinson ',later niarrlod Ljila Hý-ogg vwho survives hlm. He w'as preced'cd by 'one>sàd§ter ]f4ieI od Torlonto rnan-c lbiiotiher Cecil of Orono. Thc folllowing *were the Polli- bearers: Messrs. Wm.' Reid, Guýs Wilson, Roy Mercer, Lawrence Hoocy, -Rýeg. Filliob't and, 1Arrthur ThompsonS Buriliwas- iu Orono iCem'efery. CONE COLLECTION NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY FOREST by R. M. Rogeils, Forester The forest trcle nureserdes of the Departmcnt of Landis anrd For- crIs requnire tremendous quiantil- tics of igcd tio pro duce th1e mill- jouns ofiscodings igrorwu annually. To ýensure thiaf seedliogs plant- cd riginally, come from local seed sources, th1e province is div ided mb s numnber -of seed zones based ou annual bemperature ranges sud procdtiatîion. Nortihum-bcrland County is in seed zone NE. Seed gathercd here wull produce trecs 10 be plantcd un 6E, las secdlings froi other zones '.'su1d not d'o es wcrli. One of the most popular gpecc les in 'soueg-em rntOurlrio is red pirle, i§o popular ln fact that 15,000,000 Tcd pine seedllings wcre grown last year. To provide su£- ficient seed for present produe- tioni and to assure supplies for futrae uoeds, certain areras'callerd 'ýgeed production areas" havo beera set aside and cultivaterd sol- ely for tihe purpose of seerd collec- tion. The illldiuiand Seed Production Arp. is locatcd Ln Novîhuimber- laid Oojnty Forest. For th1e past sever-ar years th'is 10 acre bl'ock bas been thinned, fertilizod and protectèd from i frre, ~înrsects, and disease. lnu September 1970 it prodluýceci a cone crop for the firzi time. In tliree woeeks lime txvo hundcred and fifty iglit bush- els of red pine canes were picked in thec Se'ed Production are«. lu additio~n to 'this, one hundred and thirty-eight bushels collected bloly were turu xi into the for- est iheadqurarters, bring9ing th1e to- bal amount collected in North- smbeniand County 10 neary 400 'liecouers wer' stored at the diliaduate misd sliowed 10 dry and whn sufficieutly dry, two truek loads of coues wcre shIpperd - 10 the secd extraction riftant at Angus. The cones from North- umabchrland Coun'ty wfl, 1 eld over 13,000,000 red pine sueds produe- ing in turu aýbout 4 illion tree seedhl'gs. Scme of- the seed wàH i e sowu rigiht away, miuch of it 'vili be stored for future use. As it takes three tu four yoars £rom the #ime the se'cd gerininates unt.l the seedfilng is large enough to be planted out, peilhaps Aive or more years wlli pass bef ore tihe gecd collected thds y'ear prodruces the seedilngs planted on prii'ate pro- pety, crown liaurd or agreement areas. In 'addition to the rcd pine, sev- oral busiTels of white cedar ýand mountain ash w'ere collectcd. Picking w3ate - cedrar requires pa- tience as it takes3 118,000 cones to fi11 ýa bu'shel basket! Ne'edless to s'ay red pine is a more popular Septic Tank Service GENERAL PUMPING 24 HOUR SERVICE LORNE HARDY Leskard. Ontalo Telephone 983-5728 or 983-5266 I/IRET/#EYHRAVEI > NO REGREFOR HANK'S BAKERY and Snack Bar 'Phone M-35203 spaces for coiTe collection. 1Mountrain ýash lias a rerd pulpy beRry, looking vcry miuch like a cranberry. This popular ornuren- al fi-e e au be gecu growIng ou msuny frontf lawns where il 15 oasily rccognrized by th1e clusters of red bernies whch remain ou the treË ibsrough th1e winfer. Th'e tepartment of Landganaud Forests desîres t11e species prim- arily for îls mwlldife poteuflaL Secýd'iuÜgs grown froin1therries colleoted du Northiumberland wlL' be plauted iu the public hunting ara-a d pâris of bic Province, where theý will provide winter foord for bhc upud me specles. Trec seerd ollecin aI NùrtI- umber]raud is coarupieterd for 1970. NOTICE NOMINATION AND ELECTION, Police Village et Orone Pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Act public notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Municipal Electors of th1e Police Village of Orono lu 111e Township of Clarke will take, place ini the ORONO HYDRO OFFICE in th1e said Police Village of Orono on THURWSDUAY, NOVEMBER 2 Commencing at th1e hour of two o'dock in 1the afternosa and «ea- tinulng until three 'clock in the afternoon of that day for the purpose of nominating fit and proper persons for the office oif THREE POLICE, TRUSTEES for the Police Village of Orono; of which ail Electors are hereby required to take notice and goveru themselves according)Ly, and if a greater number of candidates than required 1 fN11 the said offices are, noininated and make the required declarations polis will be open lun1the following places ORONO RWYDRO OFFICIE in the said Police Village of Orono on Monday, December 7, 1970 and wil be open front 10 o'clock lu the forenoon until 8 o'cWoek in the afternooù of that day and no longer. Deputy Returning Officer - Mrs. Margaret Mereer Poll i Crk - Mrs. Olga Beauchamp H. DeWITH, Returning Officer FREEI1 Winchester .22 Rifle with *very NMoto-.Ski LIMITED TIME OFFER - - Buy your Moto-Ski between Novemn- ber 121h - 30111, 1970 and your Moto- Ski dealer wiil give you a free Win- chester model 39 rifle with Monte Carlo stock. (Make Ibis your so's ChrÎstmnas present). . ...... ...... * 16 Models to choose f rom priced from just $595(t..B Factory) * Buy your Moto-Ski now with no down payment. No payments until t11e snow flies <Decemher 1st,, 1970).- No carrying charges if paid withlu 90 days. Ask for details, *Only Moto-Ski gives you a 2 year track warranty (One cylluder models) We're tougher 7 ways. SEE THE COMPLETE RANGE 0F '71 MOTO-SKI MODELS ON DISPLA'2 NOW AT ROLPH HARDWARE BOX 249 ORONO, ONTARIO) Highway 115, North Orono

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