ORONOý WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER l9th, 1970to PUPIL TRANSFER COOL-OFF CLE The tainrerigfu propSole t'mns3ferof rd 7 and 8,pupils froin 1Hope To'Wnship Albert's -Texace SW4URAL RUPAS Pboie res 529 Oroe sciool foDr.I-, kinrsJuio High SCehool fla Port Ho)peiýs t be allowlte' orn frauil. iii ebeerg a tThursday niglît on th(, n 1ci'b" îivde at tttis 1dm Ch i acf;>I dpln )'nih ofi nfctei cf r d te th. 7 and 8 ' :vl e îe ,es p (en Oc tehýcr26 vw'<î h fi d, th e peeaiwas caUî u1ý 'aind Peen;of ]pîupil1,3at George Humite' Sehel gre-ed-te 1etting (½~c l pj>lsonly, go to Dr. T-wkin, utMise parents of pli pi];ý HtGr ~ U I and Nei tii hlope slcl werc, agiainisit any transfer. "I fei 'c siioulit let i il înner for a while an(ingomight sort theîst vs nt, Ir.MacLeod John 'T. M,,cCreery, Port Hope's ireprersentative on thle board said the mnccting did not provde a truc picture of flie feelings of parents on tAi 1 bjic becautse net, Ailthueae, ~involved at- "Weshoul ne 'ot fw par- eUt;d&t eîy1 t'his -board," hi,, seiîd. lie ccern îîdd t the board O opnion h,.seuit1 ameng ali nr of eG,,d '7 and 8 pupils by sending ffiemn a questionale. Dr. ý. C'rýe'e s wont on to rap Of 'e h princip)al;la fn lic town- AuiP revr- Ic -k7lucl-lcs for teling prt;tte'l frîtGrade 7 and 8 u)] 1heuld ho kept ln jhe "Vroths bouai is attcmpt- inig to set po{iicy, 1 don't feel that anY of our pricipals tshould try te influence, the people. It îis fot IlePoinocipal's perogatîve o te mI the pyareni sthatt lieur ehidren sIhouIIld remain at townshlp ýSchools lie saîd. Mr. MacLeod said there was a mulsmsndevsîtandàng. 'flue p.1rinipa co)flcerned màde no sudh stlate- ments at ithe meeting. Regarding the ccn'sus axnong parents, tire supejlintendent of in- struction ,salid he did mlot like this met'hod. Hec wouid rallier qalu another meeting where there wou1d be dialogue ctWeen the adminisiniation and ftic parents. "You can't get dialogue by send- ing a letter," he iaddled. W. Frank Th.ornm, direetor of ed- ucation,, raid tise feeling of thead- ministration was tll-nat ;'ho houd s(hould wait n littie longer befre naking a recomnimendation. Leskard Welding AND FABRICATION Repairs Arc and Gas Welding Evenings anid Weekends PHONE 983-5760 Wanted Dead or Crippled Farm Stoek PICKED UP- PROMPTLY Telephone Collect 263-2721 MargwiMl Fur Farm 1L> cence No. 258-C-70 19706 Honda MotorcycIes Prieed $219.0 1970 Alumninum Boats 12 ft. $199.00 14 ft.$290 1971 SKI-DOOS, are here at fantastic price. O!turio Sports SKI-flo sl WY n11i Orono Phoiie 983-5444 i Face the facts;- you're surroundied by hazards as ycou work. Too manY men and women get hlurt, just because te o' ç> after tesevson the job. The secret is to work defensively. Sharpen your selýf-d fe noe - i t pays off, Bea hapion o0S-D nce. Your Workmen's Compensation Board, Ontario ATV Jigger, used $495.00] cirtlý