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Orono Weekly Times, 19 Nov 1970, p. 7

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12th,ý 1970 _______ Agency for JMI classes of persona! and Commercial Covera ,,cs Office: Main st., Orono, Bes. 983-5754 Gord Simpson ]PHONE 983-5808 Orono, Ontario PALNTING CARFENTRY * rREMODELLING GÉNÉRAL IREPAIES - herier ~xterIor .4CHARLES REID Orono's Liceised Auctioneer and Valuator Speialize în Farm and Furniture Sales Joffsult me for terma and dates PJIONE ORONO 98315914 Monuments and Family Memtorials Oir quality and service leaves nothing to be desired Ask the person Who bought'fromn ms, a neighbour, friend or relative nle RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE Largest display in Southera Ontario WATSON'S Marinle! and Cycle, Orono Phone' 983-5343 PRINCE CRAFT BOATS Alouette Snow Mobiles McCuiloch CHAIN SAWS Repairs to ail makes of Lawn Mowers and 2 and 4 cycle Englues î ALLOUE'ITE SNOWMOBILES O O Oflb O ofoeO . e PUMPING OUT Î, SEPTIC TANKS Bert Tompkins Phone 786-2552 SYAMS PLUM BING mandIIEATING tSales and Service 114 HOUR BURNER SERVICE iGULF FINANCING ILow Interest Rates n pTyrone 263-20y50 Electrical Contractinz Electric Heatînsz and Service I PHONE 983-5546 or 983»940 Oronto. Ontario ORONO ELECTRICý: Rferbsand Ger" Duv&ul ELEIRIALCONTRACINc ELECIRIC HEATING XLECTRICAL APPLIANCES T.V. - COLOUR TV. RADIO - I-Flir FRIGIDAIIR - R.C.A. DOMINION ELECTROHOME INGLIS - THRi - GUARANTERD SERVICE- Hamiltons Insurance Service Ffre, I Package Policies I Fidellty Bond, Liabity I Life Flrst Mortgage Leans Phone 983-5115 IBox 133 Phone 6(68-35521j jSiaîâîord Brothers l g Manufacturers of iCemetery Memorials I318 Dundas Street, East j i WHITBY, ONTARIO j Ior remodelling one, then Floyd tN ~Phone' 983-5049 gyour present n' contac 10t UINu FIREWOOD FOR SALE Firewwood :for sale. Phione 983-5581, Orono. a-c FOR SALE Good Qua]ity Oats. $2.25 a bag. Plione 983-5033. d-47-c FOR SALE First quality sweet 'lable Turn- ips, mixed àf per biiý3hel. E.uta-' bigas. A]eo eggs - 3 dozen $1.00, ;orid up. A Van H-attuin, 8th fine. Phone 983-5267. d-47-c FOR SALE Snornoji- S1ccfýs for sua1e. Pihoe 9~3-581.b-47-c FOR SALE A 1963 Ohev. An P-flectràe stove also a platform roeXer. Phone 983-5256. aýp FOR RENT A Santa Glauis Suit. pfrone 983-5247. a-p APARTMENT FOR REýNT 111 Newvcaýstle, threie roons. lieat light aud watfer. Kit,:4hen ciownsfiatirs. SuitaIb1e for eldterly couple, $100.00 per niovth. Phonie Orono 983-5639. a-c WANTED 'Rooni -and board, or room with ,kitehen fctte for workding girl, In Orono- or Newoastle area. Phlone 786-2409 alterf ivqç. HELP WANTED Baby' Sitter in Crooked Creek area. One child age 3, one child Ph~one 786-2240, l'4r. itle. a-p WANTED A good ouk Diuing Room Suite or Dinirrg Boomn Table and Chairs. lione 983-5673. t-f GARAGE FOR RENT Garage for rent. Apply Orono 5e to $1.00 Store. Pholne 983-5401! SNOWPLOWING For Custom Sno9wplow'ng- Pinne 983-5121 or 983-5284. la-c PAPER DRIVE Oroo SgmaC papI-r DIv m7il1 b" h1c'dd a vur.ay, No. 28thl. IB've aur -pa'per'atUthe cuîb by, 8 ar.a- Experience he]pfuil 1bt uni nec essary, for local and oxV"er tte road haln.You can earin up to $10 000 to $15,000 per year after short - trasining. Fo aplictn call 416-362-4002, o rieSafety Dept., Transport, TraiinigSyem ,of -Canad'a Ltd.,, 207 Queens Quay 'West, Tovronto 117, Ontario, Can- a-da. b-46-c OflONO FIGURE SKATING CLUB Begins 's.kating lessonis: 3:30 Nove.miter 24ti Juniors 4:30 November 26th- Seniors Anyoane nomt prel¶iousiy register- ed mýay oalli Peggy »E ,1içke at 983-5408.a- COMING EVENT Kîrby Homie av& Seh'Iol eCard Party, Satturcay, NoveMber 21, J970, 8 p.m., KIr'y Centennial .75e per person - Lunch includ- ed. b4- SNOWPLOWING ,Call Orono Lan&scaping for Sniowplom4n.g and remioval tihis winter. Phorne 983-5598. tif COMING EVENT St. Saviour'ýe Anll4oan Chuirka will ihoId tfiheir Christmaùs Tree P~arty on Deceniber 11t~h in th~e TENDER'FOR OIL Tenders to supp'ly oil to the Orono Arena ifor tiic 1970-71 seas- oni. Tenders 'to be, in by Novem- ber 28, 1970 to Box 103, Oronio, -Lowesit Tendier not necessýarily Orono -Amateur Ahei JACK REA LTOR 99 King St., E. BOWMAN VILLE When Ruying or Seffing çaUý VOUR ORONO AREA REPRESENTATIVE Member of Oshawa and Dial trietReal Estat Board I Callyour liCensed Plumblng & Mfechaical Conrractor who sels, installs PLUMBING AND IIEATING FRF1D'S FRUIT MARKET SPE CIALS Cortanci, M*cntosh and Del- iclous App1e(s. /2ga]. Ice Crearn .79e F'resh Cider Hlighway 115 South of Orono Mr. ai Mrs. F. O. Cooper wilI ceert heir Golden Wedding atn iivrsary on Salurdjay, Novema- 'bcr 21.5-4,1970. Ail fviends and 1relatwes'. are invite(I to Open flueat the Odd Fellowsv Ijail, ,O)*oro, Ont., fîon 2 to 5 p.m. Best wdshes off]y. b. 45-p COMING EVENT Orono0 Youlth 'Iheatre's iannual meeting wtil le Jheld 'in ithe 'Orono Tavmn Raid Sundiy, Novcv -ý'b r 22 at 2 p.,i). Everone welcme.a-c COMING EVENT Pl'an to attend Hon'ie and Sehool Oouneil nméetîing at Bbwn-ÊainviUle Hdigh Scihopil Tuesday, November 2tat8-p.m. a-c COMING EVENT Hfeather Social Club Bazaar and Tea Saturday, Dec. 5, at 2:30 p.m. 1.0.O.F. Hal Plan now to join your fniends at thils annial event There 'wMl be ail bhe usueal bootliis each contiaiii- ing many dntereting -ieras to purchiase. You may stiH 1of'der homemade ChristMifrsakès by phondng: Mt.Watison - 983-5343 or -Mrs. Major - 983-5842. b-47-c THANK YOU 1 Wiii htq ýthank the miany peo- pl'e wiho hought poppies, srrays, crosses and wreatlis; aish tihose w'ho gave donlations pràor tu Ar- mistice. Day. SPedial thanks to ail who took part in- the parade and Vo, Alfred Jakeinain, lVaunýiee Anxaert, Dave Kilpafik and Jenny icks for thair help. a-c George Dunlop. DvougIlas Simpson Dco arating Orono 983-5104 PAINTING - PAPERHANGING RENOVIATIONS AND REPAIRS FLOOR' FINISHING PANELLING CEILINGS TILED BATHROOMS lOUIs OPEN: Tuesday 6:30 8:30 Thursday :30 8&30 Friday 2:30 - 5; 6:30 - 8:30 Saturday 10:00 - 12:t a. Compare Our Uý,-DISCOU VT Prices , LISTERINE 2 z 94e Sug. List $1.78 Sug. List 88e Sug. List $1.29 BAN. Super Dry, 4 oz. Sqe STUTT'S PHAR MA CY ê.. - . 1 --------- ------ v 1 1

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