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Orono Weekly Times, 26 Nov 1970, p. 1

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9"/q. /&~L (~Y~tL/ "I Ot1Opu1bue LUbrmz Jan 10, 16 4o Cndidates Un Four Dandfidates are viewing for two poeitions on the N'orthumbeî'- land tand Dui<ýham County Board of Educatdon to represtnt -CIark, -Hope Town'shlU~s aind the VAlag of Newcastle. The oandidat were .nominated on Monday ini thec Clarke Townzhp Hall wh, ni on]y a few residents were in ai, tenduan ce. , Those seeking election are: Mr. Kenneth LyaIl, NewîPiapcr Editor of Newoa.stle; Mi'. Kennell S. jeffries, Misrnpow7er Cou nueî1br Ho1pe Townsh-iip and dneumbents W. Lawrecne' Geenwood, Farmeti, Xenhi ar'd Wm.1.Crn i MKcohmnt, Orono. Election for' the twop li, i ha he]d in the three rmuic- ,palities on Monday, December 7. Pictuired above are the four ,oanddates' seeking 'the two posà- VOLUME 34, NUMBER 47 Trustees Receive Fîre Dept. Report eepnrentng C1'grkeý, Ho-pe, and Wee.^kly :Ncwcistle. Left to right, W. il. OIarnrsan, K. ýS. Jeffries, ,W. L. Greenlwood and K. Lyall. TimeS ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMI3ER 26th, 1970 Reports SuccessfuI Year New Officers ForOroo YuthThetreEfetedFor Th-.eatre ani sr epr ls atvt tIIIùr -plannueal meeting beld juin e 'riaTown Hlliton Suni- day. e Orana Youflh Theatre veas hastiýly formeùd n June- n eianSc;as;ucceissfùlly cornpleted ils firsI ventýiure in Youth Thseatre as we'li s -ho g a financial balance 'tacar aver t-a ils oper- ation ini 1971. Me-. E. Lil. ' ii, ciha, sin of the T '!J i _nJlt 0 p rlatout duÈni-t Iise pas-t fie mns, pay-- mg fs-t t~ b bbc dierlor. theo manager, the re-idents aý nduorgan- izetions wnilh h e Viý,llag' -of Or- on-o end-rc au his Board of IDiectrs 1-e sa theficgcoup bcd ta n outhc venture with maydoubts and fearfuti of the ca il oSsalh a venture. He said tube pecople in tthe community wcre generous beyond Il belieS in bath financ4ial and moral support. Èigîty students book part in the productions and Ibe-se slud- en-fs werc from parts as far east ns Belleville and we-st ta Tarant-o. Me. Samuel repocted that tise Bard of IYireCtors lied recoin- meuded thbe Yauth Theatre be p'romted agaln under the Orono You.tli Tieatrle and tise produc- tions bie siagced i(n the Orono Ar- ena, providfing it is avaiuable. Ofbher recommerications from the autgcing Board îincluded thae mare wockcbhops be held wuth s-malle-r oasIs, ýtînt an Artistic Director- and a Business Manager be hired early in 1971 and that the overalil budget not exceed $12000. H-e ais-o pontèd ouItuat it was advisable tînit student par- ticipants ie pi'opely bhoused nlh aI least anc mccl a day. Toa ne eamp'liili this- end students wauld have la pny a registration fcç wb'jich would caver this cast. It -was ais-a suggeetcd tubaI for tisose who could ual afford the cas-t tsaI spons-ors rnay be ava.lable. Mr. Samueli alsia ireconrimend-ed tlisaI ,-aIleast anc plny be of a pop- ular reture and felI that tis e off-red in 1970 vnw e L i bbc st part'too hlavy. Other reominen:dtrion-s wbich had been presented iby the ca-st of thse Theatre in 1970 ineluded niore representation on the -bard ,of Directurs, stricter auditions, ke tcu~sryî~tosoc f- cnt rdcin al s"mg, esbaLbiuLsh a ntor s tmaswell as inelu-ding aVier ffarmus of art writh thc venture,. -Mr. Samuel stâted the .Board d,'ld agree With mas-t of the easts recoimenda- Costs, For '71 Up $3800. Mc. Il. Down, msanager oSfis Oc-ana H 1-ydro System, rep'orled do thc Commision on MonJay even- ing'thet tise increase in isydro eosîs would'amounaldun1971 ta around $381600 avec that of 1970, 'Mise new inteuim rate ta tise local commiàssion is ta be increaged by $4.24. Tît commission ais-a questioned tiseir benefils fram a eo4operative scheme nith oaVier commissions in whicda bhc local Onono systeni was cantnibuting $800.00. Tise manager lis ta pc-es-s for sore- tlIng in -retuln for tiss grant from tube Or ana systcm. Launch Appeal? An appeal is expeeled ta lie iaunadheIbýis welek in cauhty paurt iii Cobaurg an behaîf oS Gardon -YouingLUbld f Toronto, ,whi -Were convîcdted in -May by Close ta fIiftýy weýre u ttnd ac tt1ie anal lilmoeii4n' wmih caîtinthis smmcc perforuanc- Thc iannual meeting ý,of Ith,,O- ana Youth Theatre e cccd their Board of Direct-ors for Ube cam- ing yeair. Thîis Bo-ard re-prceRets students of the past eat as well as iieemb-1- ýfeom a conslidesable arýe-a. Mr. E. Hý. Snruel, Baowmanvlle;- Mer. R. Frs rooo; hMr. Bo b Sheridan, Boavvianvlle; Mi'. Jim XVsthcuser, BLcleviile; lrs. Paul- !ne Stors, Ne-vcallfe; lits. Jo Barlow, Orono; Mers. Peggy Saw- y ,(rono1; I -.Ano Newton, Ennfisillen; ilfrs'. Jhoda Marglis, Cobouîg;lier. Jack Eilbeck, Tor- onto; Mr-. Juck 13lucher, Whitby; M'is. Lise Weýis. Oshiewa; Mr. Murrlay Twist, Bowmnanville; Mr. Mike Gilhaoly, Bownaanvmillc and Misis Andrea Ewert, Bowmanville. se.niior courit Judge R. B. Baxter for vibohtdon of isectiion 94 0f the Puiblic HeaitdiAetlinioing îhe stox1age >of ýanimial carcass wastes in ia griavel pit situuated west of Newtonrvd'llrelalong the notli stide of lifghwvay' 2 The chargeus weiie oqiiginaBly hesird against t he company in Januiary in Bowinanviille after dioeujmenfted evildience was galher- ed on the company 'aùtivities in thc 'Ciarke Town.sthip gravel pit in .S ýptember and Otober. 1The company waY3 convÉ'eted ernd lined- $650 and $23 court cosits by 'Judige Baxter, who took eerai mnnhs t d edde on ftic precedent setting case.' Candidates Outli e Views At Nomination Mee The four candfidates nominiaîrd et tube nomination meetng on Mondlay afternoon iii Grena seek- mng election ta thbe County Bourd of Educaf ion au-ll-ined their view points and - affered their plat- Mr- Kenn-etih Lywll oS Newcastle -spoke of the nesd for a ýtype oî eeni-or clemtnbaîry selo.o fbvoured eaplan for 1he seven and eigh-t. HIe said offering bis services as ai iencied scIa-ai administrauý àing been a seho-iol adnii in Quelic and as- aàmem tbe Provincial Executdi (Continued on pagei 'The Orono Polic Trustees met on ilonday eveniing Wben the sec- Iretaury was given nüthority ta b'ave th-e Municipal AudjEfor pre- pare a finianclj report for the residienits ýof the Village. Aecount.s wiere paddi the amounit of $3,- 589.00. 711r. D. Simipson, c7-aîrman, stat- ed (ie weas fot _ciýsfied With the attitude of same on cea di n the matrof flot closling AiII(jn's liane in Oronio. AlsabeLuid there was na reason given for flot clos- ing ithe Lanie. Mr. Nichiolson sa-id i t wliuId be fice to k-uw if the Trusitees lied ta ýgo to thc Town- ship for sucd closings or wheties' they, ftic Tmuïbees, couild pass the fie-ayby4law. Permision ws givryen by lthe The fire departiment s'ubnaitedc a itpvelve mouthl report -whioh sh'owied thaât tlu, deraetmen-j had ottendfed 68 lires durig the per- iodl. 0f tiheise 32 were grass firnes,, 8 dwe-lliigs, and 7 ta cars and trucks. The Trusitees are to',have Mr. and Mrs. F. (O. Cooper cel- ebmated :their Golden Wedding A-nîiversury ýat a Recepti-on ln the Oddfellow's Hall, Orona, Ont. on Saturday, November 21gt, 1970. 1 Thse bride and grooma reccivcd their many guests atlended by Mes. Bill Irin, their bridesmeid of fifty ycars ago. Mns. Bill Coch- rane rcprecnted ber dec.!ased husband who was tIce be-st man. Assisting teir m'aller and dad ta t, reccive guests were MT. and ýMrs. g'ei Robert ;Cooper of Agincourt and Mr. and Mrs. 01 M. J. Fagan of Marklram, Ont. Ai five grafd- is and ehildnen were present. Tieir lwao egrcades grandda-ugfhten Karen Pagan and 1he n'as Lym4 Cooper, along wl'tl tbeir un exper- grandsan's wl-Se, GeTaldine Fagan, bar beyv- liooked ater the gue-sI book. iistratar UIXe tee table wes exquisetly nber of- dneoated 'with a beautful, wed- ive of ding cake, go'ld oandIes and amiall 6) sprays af gol-d muis. Thaose pour- DIANE HAZELDEN An a oteffort' is 'being made bya number of- Clarke High Sçhool students intcurested ini Or- ienter ng, to rase funmds te en- able tlTem tio take part i OIlnt- ering Coipetition in Sweden, ne xt usumbr. 3iss Diane iliazeI- elkn, 16 years, rccently won thjý ianaddan Junior Ladaes Cham- Plorishâp at 'a coSnpeftFton head ïhi .Quebec. She is oneof the stud- tnts eyeing a try at the Worl Cdbnnpions iwhicuh is Vo le Aield in Swedeun. Others ierested rr'Gina Lowery, Ron Lowry, Su- ean La Combe andl Lydila Groot. AU have heen entbur4asiUiýc om pets tons during the past term. The graup see many obstacles 5n their way but are presently plniugon being able somelhoisr .,to niake the tÊlp. They are con- ii lo oloilng fu ir enusof aîignioniey înlding draws. ,the departnmenit obtain necessuar,,r CVire;s o Ibat they may subnalit bilils ta invOlvAcd insuiasce cempaniies., Thbe seven carc fines were &eÉtlmat.. 0 ac~ thbe Township ,an am.- o ftlo $800-ta $900. Norniuab4ous for Orono Police Tru tee-s are ta be lield tuis alter-, noon from two fia three o'clock. ing tee neýre Mrs. BRihCachranje and sisters and siters-4n-law of the bride an-d groom, namely, Mrs. Fred Lycett, Mrs. Nananu MeNa]ly, Mrs. Perce Cooper and Mirs. (Char]ic Cooper. 00ongiatniliatcy imeis-sages nere recc-ive-il tran- the Governour Gen- cc-ai, the Prime Minister, the Premier of Ontarlo aud other mnenilers- of Parliament. Mr. Alec Ceeruf bers, aceampained by Mcs. Canruthius, cf tended ta preseut them wilth a plaque, a gift frein the governîent. Many at-lier lovely gif ts, flaw- ers and cardus nere received froim luie -cdr numerous relatives and friends. Mare than 175 guests ar- rived froin local and distant com- muni-f-les including Toronto, Os- awa, Ejliutt Lake, Peterborougfh, Kingstoif, 'Coîerne 'and -Cobou.rg ta help celebirate this happy oc- casion. The FrayA rripTo Swede.? }

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