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Orono Weekly Times, 26 Nov 1970, p. 2

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSPAY, NOVEMBER 26th, 1970 ORONO WEEKLY TIMES' Second Class Mail Registra tion Number 0368 Published every Thursday at the office of publication Mlain Street, Orono, Ontaio. Phone 983-5301 'ONE 0F OUR GREATEST NEEDS" Taken fromn a sermon by the 11ev. Basil 14 ong. There was aeoiurch wdiere tliey were trying to increase the sense of fuiendkdness in the membershi-p. One af the miembers hiad .istened ta the urginig. So, mine day, she ap- pr-ached a persun she didflot recagnize and asked h'er pleta-eant- ly: "'Are yaou a stranger heie?" the lady replied; "Yes, Î have been a stranger in this churcli .for forty two years." This was flot altagether the fauit of the church. Hopme is -where the heart is, and we are strargers wherever we are flot coaiplh tely involved. The ohurch becames fiendly ta us, not Whlen the greeter at the doar spe-aks ta ls, but when the purpases of th'e ,hurdh are ours and when we are involved in making tli'em real. Whe-n that happens, there is noa echtyf or Iitte surface signs ,We set up ta make pea-ple think we are a fiend1y fellowship. When the nissiion of the churcli j& meal, the îrienddiness of the cbuzr-h is expeneed, The sens-e o f belani-ging, is one ~of or greatest ne eds, and the ±m, C hestian fe11<>whuip is an answer ta th-e needta belông. Mest of Vs realize haw difficultt it is'Vo have that sense of being .4"real" in a world where there is so mucli confusion and anxiiety. There is the account of a lovely youn-g girl wha had been bdind froS birtùl. lier béindn-ess caused lier to bc protected fros 1f e ta the extent that slie had develiap- e-d a childiike, senimental pict- Se of the people- around her. One day she undevrwent an oper- ation, hier eyes wereý opened, and she cauld se,-. Tivo thin1gs ifmied- lately impress.-ed lier. One was that nature was m-orxe beautiful t#an ,-ih'ý had ever imagined r the 1Îght a-nd the colours facimted her. The âther was that th-faces of people, were' sadder than she biad expected - almost every one of themt was ]dned wfith aniciety, care, and ikniner restêssnesa. It is true that many lilves have nia rmal sense of direction and that there is a frantie seanàhing :for some force o pu lIfe togeth-. er aind give it a sense of security - lives which reflect somxethng of Stephen Leacock's aimous rid- er who "flung himself upon hs borse and rode, off ruadly in al fher-e is anolilier story of a nither an4 fatlier and a .yoting bo y who wentf into a restaurant toa order food. As they were seat- dat thetabe Iewtessai1ed up, pad in hand, laoked and w-t ed. 'Ple parents ardered . Thlien 41he boy ýlaokediiUp anid said: "I want a hot dog,." "ýNo bat dîbg!" the niaFler said. Then ignoing ,te boy, site said: "Bringc hirn ~pttebeef andi a veetable." Thle witriess luokesi at lte boy aridl said, "la do you want on your hat édo-g?" "Ketchup - lots af ketchup - and a grlass of ri-lIk" 'le said. "Oaming up", the waitress replied - as she waïked toward tlie kitchen. The boy turn-ed ta bis parent-s and said: "Gee, ah-e thinks I'tn real." One of the mogt noticeable thin-gs abot te accourt-s of Jes- us is that p-eope were real per-. ons in his eyes. Tliey were ail important. Wlien acuts, would have dviven Ühe- eilidren away from him lie raid. "let hem stay." Hie saw the blind beggar as on-e ,who was wortlîy af hbs attentian. Hie airo alid time and help far thle lepers, who were social out- ats. In these and many'allier experiences we see haow import- CLARKE HIGU NEWS by Katliy Morrow Sha-g haircuts for bath sexes se-em ta be the newest syles for' students. TeadiIn, , tihe .over - 30 bracliet whlo' were bald and greyng -Iast yeîar 'are bald and greying vwit!h long siun's hs year. Tiough pants tare predom- inant,, minis, midis anid.mixis are aIra worn. 'The 'ini shows up in dresses while the rmidi and nmaxi are usuallywinter ceonts teamed with d(eniîù flares. There aren't any guys as yet who, wear the midi or mi; it seemns they ýfavour the suecde-jacket look. SPORTS- ,larlie senior -g il3 s1c-etbal team stands In third place after winning games agai'nst Bownîai: ville and 1ilenry Street. Though tliey hope ta go on ta the finals, thle Junior te-arn has noV done as well. TPhe Jr. Boys ba'sethll eam w-,on 47-40 tagainst Pine Ridge S3ehooji an Uurs-day, November 1 9. Tho-ugi.thVie Bantffm .boys bask ethbail team ,hasn't played yet, V've been told they btave "Goad Pros- pects." CLUBS-' Wihile the Music Chub praotices for the Commencement on D Sl,5ite yearlook staff is begin- ninig li- advertising campaign. Accoi gta Eva Panta, ite IN- VICTUS business manager, the sbaff' must lnern'ase titeÎr budget titis yeazta 'put tout te type of book tuat the sttudent body wants. Resultsiaf Vthe recent yearbook surv-ey tare as (foliows: 73% likesi lest year's book, while 27%'didn't like i. ' Most aof-te students feel that previiows yearbooks have been amed at te acivities o£ thc gnadt 13's. 90% sa-id t'ley clidn'.t like so miany ads. t was unani-mous that C1arke's INVICTUS neu(led m-ort cani pietures and that better uses cf vhte space sitoulsi be found. in, sure that the yeaieboak staff ean use 'the suggestions and enitidis giv'en on te survy. MISCELLANEOUS- Grade 1's are gaing to Courtice HIîgtt Schoaol on Thursday, Nov. 26 ta iattend la "UNI VERSITY INFORMATION" day. Mr. Ta lr says iat plans o attend thie "as performance in Torrpto htave flien titro-ugi.ý O uir Sadle .tis Firiday will fua-t*e "Road ioiMýse". &,mc~rd-i ing o the posters iin te front1 hall, bujis is the firsit and last, chance that tesity dhark 'M.11 get ta "Sniare their Man"'! Al girls ave urged Va get hemi while thliy can. (to go in 'Kendal News) Miîss C. W. Sfevarlt book Mrs, I. Sniell and Mlrs. Darllngùon fr om' ,Boýwmianville Sunset Lodîge to vis- t MsDaningùon's daughter ,Mrs Helen Gxlover in Oshuawa on Monday of this week. God 1Nsws FOR Pipe Smokers lu Orono We are Authorized To Seli Brihampipes Filters and Smokers Accessories, and Barbershop Orono, Ont. Phone 18-5310 kendal News Somne of Vite Kendel ladies vis- ited Kirby Citurcit on Thursday ev.ening Vo itear Mes. R. Rýedumanid spcak aon "The Indian in VIite City' She is a. social, wtorker in charge pif tilie Indlieni Centre in Tar-n-to. She Vold of teir, prab- lems in u-nderstanding aur social cusltoms - and laws iand their nýeesi of asýsîst-ace and friendsibip. Sine, Indlan lacdes andi Vwa gentlemen ,aceomrpanàed liher and assisted in dîsplayîng andi seliIing thliir crafts and Christmnas' carda. The Kirby U.C.W. servefi a delieiaus lunci ta Vthe ladwes froin Ornna, New- caýstie and Kendald as well as tihose frIom thect. ýCorredion froin luit we-ek: Sir Join Fraiinkispent the winter of 1846 hi The Pas, Manitobta. lMs sailors hulIt the churcli there and its furndture,. ir.Wm. Turanrsky i erectig- a fine ne-w home a, n his land east afKndl This vms Vthe for- mer Wîl anstaf fam. Mr. Bill Bayd oKined ite, property far s vIerËal year. Mrs. T. Steven,îs, Miss C. Stewv- arit and, Mrs. G. Oatbscart aVten-de-d lice Newtonville Bazaar an Fni- day., There was a good attendiance in. spIte of the nain andi a fine bazaar, fuflowed by a dai-nty lunch. 31Mr. R. Brennan bas retumuesi home fron thVe Ortlhîopeddc ansi Arth-nitic liospitial ln Toronto. -We wish hiým a compilete recov- ery. K'n du-I Unite-d Ohurch Wil liolsi a Pot Luck Supper an Fridiay ev- ening, Decem-ber 4th at 6 p.m.. Oome and bring a casserole con- Vaîininig efther a first course or, dessert, adurissfiion 50e each.1 There .wil l e gaies 'ami musical enter- tainîmrent fallowing. AIL are .wel- came. A Euebre p-arty was lîeld 'in Kendal Orange Hall aon November 20. Mrs. len Adegecat won the ladies h*gh it and Rger Downs te men's higli. Wile fille consýolatýion prizes went ta Mss. L)ois Lowery of Hampton amd i fchrard liarnis. 'Plie 50-50 draw wen-t ,tia Roy Patton of Orono. Thle next Euehre m4,11 lie Iecemnber 4. Last Stind'ay morning Rev. T. Sweigrove w-as in lis pulpit but te arganist, Mrs. A. Fasiter was unable tVp be there due Va ilrnesa amidlier assistants we-re out of -Vawn. We realiZed how lnp$rt- anit Imusic is i-n Our wonship., Mn. Suelgnave tolsi the chnids- ren Vive stary af "Thle Magie Via- lin". A young prince was given al lIn-ds of valujable puresents but natbin-g plesihim for long. Tiie ai-ng~s serviants brouglIt hi-m She land ponies, balby elephrants ec, ,but stilil ie was w'ry unitappy.' Thien a vise man said lie mustý give thie preèaits awýay. So the ehildren er asked Vo core and eiach i was ie a gift. Stili the prince w'is u'nhiappy. Then the wilse in isid Fthe prince must visjt tlie'liores of the children wilho were unable to corne and en- qujire what they would Iike. One lad in a wheel chair said he want- ed a vioilin. Now the prince had a ver-y pxpensive violin that he prize'd but lie gave it Vo the crip- ple aud fore the firest time he waF happy. Ile le'arned thât, "ILtis *mnore blessed to give thian to re- enive." Rev. T. Snelgrove preach-' ed an Stewardshàp. Be ye ail stew- ards of God. 1Mr-s. 1. Marlo tte bas* returned homie Vo lier, dýulghter's, Mrs. A. Piost'er after >a long vilsdt vith lier sister .4inqlaw Mrs. A. Cowle of Norwich. Yule tide Even"mIng IN A NIGUT CLUB ATMOSPHERE DANCING - ENTERTAINMENT - LUNCH "FORRESTER'S ORCHESTRA" Orono Town IHall Friday, December' 4th Sponsored by the CLARKE CITIZENS COMàMITTEE'and RATEPAYERS 9:00 p.m. Couple $300 DROGERSON ORONO, ONTAIU ANTIQUES W£ BUT AND BELL 014 Glas., China, Fia. Article. T.yu and Odiâlc IF IT'SOLI. .. CALL US WE FAT CASE Phone 123-5342 afler 4 m Continental Sauna and MTAX BATZ GENTLEMEN.. We have a ' Sauna Mad WhfrI. j..1 ready for yur uqe., Drp in and gve.aema uy Group Rates 'Availabk Men. to Sat. 1 P.m. - 1a. SuUR. m. - P.. IA ONTARIO STREET 728-4600OSHAWA Willliam C. 'Hall, B. Comm. Chartrd Accountant PIwne Newcautle 9874246 AIR day Wednesday and Saturday To Parents amd Citizens The Northumberland and Durham County Board--of Education cordially invite you to attend the SodaTuruing Ceremionies Bowmanville Seconda5ry School 49 - 69 LIBERTY STREET NORTH BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO TUESDAY, DECEMBER lst, 1970 (Previously called for Friday, November.20 and cancelled because of weather AT 1:30 P.M. JM. ROLPH W. F. THOM, Charman of the Board plrector of EduÇation

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