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Orono Weekly Times, 26 Nov 1970, p. 7

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ORONO WEEKLV TIMES, THURfýDAY,_NOVEMBER 26th, 1970 -~ e - m e - - 71 See ;Million hîsurance Agency for All classes of personal and Commercial Coveraizes Office: Main St., Orono 983-5032, Res. 983-5754 Gord Simpson, PHEONE 983-5808 Orono, 0Ontarlo PAINTING CARPENTRY REMODELLING GENERAL REPAIES laterior Exterior CHARLES 'REID -Orono's Licensed Âuctioneer and Valuator Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales Oonsult me for, terms and dates PJIONE ORONO 983-5914 Monuments and Family Memorials 0«r quality-and service leaves nèthing to bc desired, Àkak the person who bought from ma neighbour, frlend or relative 1%e RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY.- 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE Largest display lu Southers Ontario WATâO'q"S Marine!I - and Cycle Orono Phone 983-5343 PRINCE CRAFT BQATSf Alloue tte Snow Mobiles McCulloch CHAIN SAWS î Repairs to ail makes of: Lýawn Mowers and 2 and 4 cycle 1Englues ý ALLOUETTEi SNOWMOBILES PIJMPING OUT SEPTIC TANKS Bert Tompkins i Phone 786-2552 Clarke Publiqc LI BR ARY HROUES OPEN: Tuesda 6,-3 $,.S ~Thirsay 63.30 3 Fdday 2:30- 5; 6:30 - S.30 satuday l-10: ot&-. BYAMS î PLUMeING and HEATING I Sales and Service 114 HOUR BURNER SERVICEz GULF FINANCING Lew lnterest Rates i~ Phone: Tyrone 263-26i50 iOrville Chatterton 1Electrical Contractiniz i 1 1 Electrie Heatlntr and Service j SPHONE 983-554« or 983-5940 Orono. Ontario ORONO ELECTRIC, Herb and Gerry Duval ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING 1ELECTRIC HEATING ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES T.V. - COLOUR T.V. RADIO - Ml-FI FRIGIDAIRE - P.C.A. DOMINION ELECTROHOME INGLIS - THIOR -GUABANTEED SERVICE- HamiltonsI I Insurance Service Alite, Package Folicles Lîabillty Life First Mortgage Leans Isadi amiltonj' Phone !)83-5115 Izz133 Phone 668-3552 IStafford Brothers Llmited g Manufacturers of fCemetery Memoriala i I318 Dundae Street East I WHITBY, ONTARIO Building a House? or remodelling your present one, then contact Floyd Nicholw I phone 9834 . FOR SALE Good Quality Oats. $2.25 a b'ag. Phone 983-5033.- d-47-c FOR SALE Fî'irst quality sweet Table Turn- ips, waxed ff per biushel. Ruta- bagias. AIso eggs- 3 dozen $L0O0, -ond up. .* A Van Ilat'tum, 8th uýne. Piione 983-5267. d-47-c FOR SALE Snowrnobiie Sleds for ýsale. Phone 983-558L. b-47-c FOR SALE One pair.of men's skates, size .Phone 983-5981. FOR SALE An Engisii Sacdie, brand new. Conpflete wildih straps, girth and grdips. Feit pad anJd double rein bridile. (Joei me $220. Complete,, uàed once for an liogr. WfiI1 seai for $195.0 Phoone 263-2183. a-c WANTED A go-d oak Dirnng Bbom Suite or Ining Room Table and Chairs. Phrone 983-5673. U- HELP WANTED Northumnberland and .Durhamn County Board of Education Office Personnel:* AppiliationJ3 wiil be received hy the undeenigne-d untii 5 pa. Thitirday, DecernTer 3rd, 1970 'for. the foll4owing position:' Cobourg i Dstnic4 oillegia-te In- Secretarlia] Assistance - musit have tyingad genenai know- egeof office proedure. Ability -F0o worký from era and written jinstructionsq. Ablity to get along wihpeople. Duties to, commence on or a- jbout the la,.t week in December 1970. Apply in witing to: M. A. MaoLeod, Busines9s Admin&strato-r and Treasu-rer, 335A King W. East, B~ox 470, Cabourg. J. M. Relph, Ohirman W. Frank Thom; Direetor. JACK RIICAIîRD REALTOR 99 King St., E. BOWMANVILLE When Buying or SelUng eaUl WILF HAWKE VOUR ORONO AREA BLEPRESENTATIVE 9111"1214 IIELP WANTED A persac)n to cean the office anld waslh-Éoom once a week. Phpne 983-5192. a-c WANTED One Brownà. uniform size 12. Plion)e 983-5328. a p OPPORTUNITY LADIES. Holiday Season is ap- pireàeahing. If you need money to buy gifts et-c. . . . for (, seli our Beautiful Une iof Gos- metites and other Produets. Large profit. Write Rawloigh, Dept. J- -1, 4005 Richelieu St., Montre;al 207, P.Q. FOR RENT Eighlt ro-or farm house. Ail modern éonveniences, on Taunton Rond, with on withouit sonne land. Phone 983-5211. 'a-c LOST One f emale grey striped cat named "Tabatha." C ontact Rnb Luxton, 983-5505. Small rcward. alc COMING EVENT Menabers of thée Onono FÉre De- partment wl i e canvest-ing the Village tihss iomlng Wednesday eveming in aid of Musieular Dyst- - RECEPTION Mr. oand MiÉs. Ken Suth'erland avili be pleased tu reeive their friendis, relatqves anad neighbours at th-e home of'thieir gon Jim, one half mile we-st of K,ýivby - 7 p.m. to il p.-m., Wednesday, December 2nd on the occasilon -of their 50tlh wedding anniveiisary. Be-St wishes only. - SNOWPLOWING Ca]!1 ono liandscapfing for Snorwploiiing and re-moval this winter. Phone 983-5598. tf * Wanited Dead or Crippled Farm Stock PICKED UP PROMPTLyý Telephone Coliec 263-2721 Margwl Fur Farm Licence No. P.58-C-71 r~-I1 Ca)) your lioented Plumblng & I Mechanical Conltactor Who seils, finsealli tpd guairantei CARMAN PLUMBING AND» HEATING FRED'S FRUIT MARKET SPECIALS Cortland, Macntosh and 'Del- ici-ous Appies. ~zgai. Ice Cream .79e 1Fresh i Cider Ilighway 115 - "South of Orono> COMING EVENT CÈ'i, istmas Penny Sale, Kenda! ,Sdch<ooi Auditorium on Saturday, December 5th at 8 p. Sp'oni-ored by Kendai P.T.A. DANCE To Pont, Pooqýl COIMTYIUYitfy 1H.. Saturday, Novoinber 28. Musie hI Fny AdLiiis and the Coumitry Hîts- Bar prifleiges. $3,00 per couple. Couples onfly- Dancàng 9 to 1:00. aC COMING EVENT Hieatiier Social Club -BazaaF- and Tea Satu-rday, Dec. 5, at 2:30 p.m. L.O.O.F. hall Pila-n 0w' to joi y'our friends at tbfs ànnnud? event There will be a1ji the ukval boothis eac'h contain- îng mony dnteres-tîng it!erns tu- purchase.' You inay stiiiorder -komemade ,Christi-ras cakces 1'y Phenan-g: Mýr's. Wa-tson - 983-5343 or Mrs. Mlajor - 983-5842. b-47-e HORTICULTURAL NOTICE The Horticuit-urai C'hristmas- Show wiil he hie-d in the Main H-lal of Oropo United Church on- Thurgday, Decemfber 3rd at 8 pan.- mr.iligar Jaines will provride thbe ei eri.taloent by showing- soine of bis beautiful sWles. PIeast, consit your year book for- the ptý- e list. Entries -receiv- ed froin 7:30 8 p.în. Everyone welcome.b-48-e NOTICE An'yone isiga b -syitter- Phune 983-5784. Experienced. b-44c NOTICE Piese maice your Ohristmas kand New Year's appointments. ,now and iavoffd d sappointmen!t. ANN'S BEAUTY SALON CARI) 0F THANKS i4y sijwere thanks to the inany friends im Oronu who so kindly sent gifts,, letters and cards duving my wee-ks in hospit- ai. Youir thoug'btfuln'ess 3was gneàt- iy aprréceted. 11a-P Ruiby Staples, Douglus Simpson Orono 983-5104 PAINTING - PAPERHANGING RENOVIATIONS AND REPAIRS FLOOR FINISHING PANELLING CEILINGS, TILED BATHROoms ( - RESR1PT~J rotect One of your most cherished assets i5 your health. Good health attributes much te your hf e and the lives of those who surround yoôu. We are dedicated, along with your doctor, to the protection of your health. Our prescriptions are dispensed with care and com- pouiided fromn the freshest of qualitydrugs. 3STUTT'S PHARMACY '- b-" ~-. r - -k -~ ~; -~- .a~-- F

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