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Orono Weekly Times, 3 Dec 1970, p. 1

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Monday Is L cal Eection DaCY IPictured aboyEavae tiose nDiin- -ated at the anaujal Townshiîp nileetinîg on Fniday -ast. Biacis row are al .running for the lhree VOLUME 34, NUMBER 48 E. Gir rat is on lts~a1 ol;art Chialer, li Stone returned by acclIr C. Coppiing, Johin Veldlhruis, F. ELA, odOasveth, receâves ay. Front row; Eanl Walkey, pvifitment as Deputy-reeve by tiring from,.local politics, Reeve cliao. ORONO WEEKLY IMr-ES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3rd, 1970 New -publicz School A oe Te Replace Orono Buildin Ata meetiig eof tihc Os-ono fomieaind Sels-oi lAssociaition on Mnawfrere four candidates see'king aclactîjon Vo fti-e Nortiune- iberlîandi aindL Durhsa-m County Boas-d cf Ed'rcaion, were speakin-g at an open foruim, it ieas-ned tisat tise ]epartmecnt of Edcucatioi bias g-iven approval for Vlie con- structîlon cf a new schoiol i Or-- o-ne. Thàs ne'w sehool wtiR provide facilties for students from KKn- deirgarten to;and inciudiîng grade .5rx. Tise present scthool wcilll hade- snlislied withth ie exception of tire geîcral puai-pose irn ,Tise -new chsooI wîiil be locîabed on the site Of thea present Sehool1. It is coipleted -la 1971. If, was alsoarnieditiS approv- ai lias beea raei,vred Vo proeeed wi h a senior c1Lumenta-ry public ealool f or t te dstcit. Aeomnmîod- allers for tile adiseel wi1l abe con- structed aqt the Clar-ke Hi gl Seihioiol o formn a Grade 7 lie Grade 13 complex. P-iesc-at facillitdes at Clar-ke 'i11 be slrared ai-ong witls an intercîhan-ge of teachinig staff. There would alse ha no need fer the pure-hase cf hland. Tiesaeasnir pulblie sîhîoo- would serve stud- ents frein Clai-ke, Oveio an-cl New- It wias poiuited o-ut by M. G ar- (Centinîued page 5) COURT UPHOLDS DECISION A judcgerncnt by Provdnc court JurgraIR. TB. Baxter 1 May against tise Gardlon Yoi Ltd. of Torontiro Lfor vdrlatio(n jai cbiton 94 of ttie Pulie Hesaý A-c ivivn th stor-ge c f a med arcs wate~in a gravel long thfle ne th sida of IligllwaY lias bean -Upholdby COount Y Goe Judge J. C. OulirellY, -111a '"tF denovo"' appealinlathre Nortisa beiMan-d - Duiihîrm Oounty cel ho-use. Tihe o-ig';nal chlarge laid,'bYt ll)ali', Kawartha, Pine Ri Board cf Ilcialthlius-der Section of lihe Public Heailth Act was tb o-n Sept. 24, 1969 ini Olaive TOM ship l Duzh-am Oou'ntY, Gord YSing Ltd. did unlaWÎulY OP ate an offenive trade to wit: collction point of anduianalwaà .with-out thse consent of the IL hurto-, Kawartlia, Pine Rhd Bloard cf Helalthl for thse Townish u-n the ,ge 794 hat ter- a tste Ige rip R eeve AdDeputy. By Re-eve John Stone was returaadl te tise reevieship cf Clarkse Tbwn- slhip on Fridîay for a ùVn-- yas- terne by acclamation. Tise deputy- reev ,eisiip n-as ase award'ad to Ms-. BledCerve-tilithugl acclamastiona whls-an eithser Mr. Wîalkay, tise in- cumnbant or Mr. J. Velisis qutali- fi'ad for titis posiýti. Four candi- dates bhava qua,,lfia-cl for tise tlii-ee psitions on cuirel. Th1ose qual- ifyiiag for hs presiion are i!i- cuashunts R-oh-rt C-haer an-l Faranik Gray ailong mn-Itis n'aw corn- ers E. C. Coppiing andclJuhaVe-ld- huis. Mr. F. Griay in adidrasisîing tise ass-etng stated ViaI ha inleind-ed Vo again standfolfr councl, and-c thiat h-a would edins 1970 a gocd yeias- forcuneil. Mr. Ro bai-t haler poiatad eut tisaI ha lad hrad seven yers ex- piailancia cn counicil. Ha s'aid ha wasî niot gorg te state an'y plat- forim but if elected wnouid make his decd-siiossis as mattars ceame be- fore -co-unicl. Ms-. R. Cas-vetis in his repoDrt, referved Vo tie riead departiment. Acclamation Duarin-g tise ye-ar counicil hiad i-e- built a totil of 3.7 miles cf rcad aong n-i-lis tcire e as of surfa-ce tra-atimant. Tisey, isad buflt a nen- soaaslised anid purohrasad a nan- gracier. Ha rap-ortd lihat tire Townssip nîow h-ad tw-o sanding tru(ks ;an-cl tisit the Ton ns-hi p plow-d ema170 rmiles cf i-o-ad. H asepo(inted cut t-bat tire- n-ci-a 30 iles of ci-ed ro-ads iu CIa-ri1skC. Mî.Johni Veldihuis stated bhat -ie hîad hîad nu eaxpeicaece in mun- icipal ffuirsbut s'aid ha fmi-t i hîad somirý,iii-g tic coniibute and n-sirraýd Vo get moi-a inv-olve-d., M-ir. E. C. Ooppini g aî ie hwnas standing fiwer l-ctiion Vo couacil and if elected n-ou-l give flic ras- idiainîs .100% cf avery dolhiair. Mi-. Eari Walkey reviewed a-any aspects and dave-lop-rent-s during tise past year ina hïs-reporr. Tisese included his stand over pyarking o-n tihe Main Street cf Oronie, tisa Slracwberryi Fi-aid Fest- ival, t-h-e Gordon Young disposai I-n tise Netionville ai-e-a, Regional government, and garbage, dispos-ai. On regironal governsanî ha said he agraad wlth sthse Bon-maisville- Dariniglon proposai and faIt that Vire stu-dy cf tsi-s aspect of govern- ment w'aîs very large. H-a refari-ad te pocllution and gaîrbiaga dispo-sal anîd i-aid Ihat thilslied net been striai lhtene-d ou- I in lb-awasnas ye,. Ile ahi-o faIt thia Vr remua- ciitn for councril m-anbers vîxîni have te ha increase 1 and tire I w-ibc-cii-ng nsoreaand more de-nsandling. Ha also spoke of a nec-c for a greater expension in -planniing te include a mua-h n-ider,-a-a anrd referrecl to a i-e- cent n-r-etionig batn-aen the Port Hlope and (liai-ha Pla-nning Boards. Reeve Jolin Sboe ceiîts-ad most cf hi-si-marks 'on Vira Ragionail Go-verno-mnit plan. He sa-id haiesad yc-t i-o sean-hare Clas-ke Ton- ,sîlaip ip voiiilbanefit undar lise Ojiria-a e scirae. H-e alsie fat îhat "semrtonie n-as try7in-g te gel con- treing power-." Ha reported tîhat i-n Iis epi-non tise County hîad ùaken a big ste-p In settlngtup a cevîrity, WeIlfare Departmaunt (Cointiînued page 5) Scven candidates were n'onin- ated 'o fill ilethelr'ee cfDP cx 'oA the Oroinio Police Tru t es on 11îur,ýa-y eveoîing m7ith al candâ- dates qiuuilfying for the &tfuS to be he'Id tss doing Monclay. 'Ihcse 'aire listed esxiar'ra on the front page of this editîi1. 1The candddutes spoke to the meefing whicth uias well attefnded and a general d(isruss(ion -of «Vill- age 'afflafir' ext ended well into the a.ftern'oon. Mr. Edgar Middleton stabd'd he mias intere's'ted in the Village and if cle'cled, would d'o his best -to fill thre ofOice of Tru'stee. Mr. Douglas Sîimp ,ýon statcd * ia lhe had be'en on 'ihe Trustees fria 'pfriod of eiglht yeiars. lie ailfet duning 'ibhis ýtime there had ap- been la lot of ýdev'elîopment in the ne- Village aindithat thesýe impvove- ments weîre quitîe evident.Hie al- so f elt the tax levy in OroIno W&S below that of other areas. le stated at limes there h'ad been controversîiesý but ihat the main S thing vms the fïil d a -I. lie stated t14iit hae had enjîoycd hls as- sociati-on n the B' ard and wou'1d continue ùo do hits best if h-e beame a manîiiatc ndwas - electe'd. M1r. Floyd Nicîhiolson reported on Ilydiro for thle yea-r 'oulining aithe work that tjad 'beau,ý carried Iast ot This inrluded neýw transform- ug er repilacernant-s, c bot water of heater sale promotion, the addi- alh ion of fouir newv services anditise updatig of sema erî es. lu lies $ a r1eefroom On- ýy2 )Ijrt (Continued on page 6) Recycling Waste Could Have Twe-FoId Benefit Mi-. White, a studemit of Trent University, and a memiseT cf Pet- erboroughi Poilutien Probe, la- ad- dreossing a meetdng cf Krrby Hotee andi Sehlool statedi that tisese was no-w a great neied to recycle our n-ast-e anci-der tu cents-icipollu- Mion. "We are goimnge to have te chiange ýif we are going Vo :save cuir en viironment," lie sai-d. Mri. Whiite% aiddress waîs pire - ceeded by a film ake-n is Germ- any slsowiag h'ow nman sti-cys lis naturai raSourees, ia tis eas, a river. Tirougis con- stant use and ra-ise of Itha wate-r ln tire river for industry, re-sid- enlitial and many ether use-sVise iiver became a-n open sewar in whicîh no fos-ns of 11f e could sur- vive. Tî'hs was dumped inetis e oce-ailnbich du lime cou-Id even affect Viîs large laody of water. Tise film shîowad thiat it -as possible to extract tise waste frone thie watcr aftcr itîs use and befora rat ni-nii;i-g it ioto tite river i-n bal- anlce and I'o bave tire condftion cfý tîhe wutrati-10a point wlsereby av- ai-y-orni alroig its banlis could niieke use cf il. Mir. White fui-tier peinrted out îhat n-e did h-ave Vise teclinicai ability telisnpîro've lire conditions of Pollution a-nd mu-st us4 h.s a- bdlity if n-e are te survive. Hie ai- se stiate-cl thüat everyiont c-an iselp a-ndc ev-eryoaie ceuld play a part in bringinag pressure to beas- to improve oui- conditions. Tfise speaker n'oled tisait drue to our standard of living in Northi Anai a rt one pc-ison creates as inuei pollaîiion as twenly peo-' pi e in Inddia. Hae said that tisera was aise a grat wa'ste cf our re- sources and ühiat t-lera n-as a ne--clte recycle tisse -p'roduels from tise waPâ-te ".!lie bîaek. laV use. H-lre ha arotec-l tn cans -ana papes- wisich couid ha separated frein oui- garbage and i-eturned Ire fus-- Virer use. This wiould, not cnly make gre a-Ier tare of oui- regourc- e-s but lalàecuit clown on Polion. A good discuission' foloiwed thea add'ress an~d it -as stressedi th'at î-nid-dii'a&ls cou-Id bring pres- sura to bear -on govamrnenùs and indu-itry 10 proteet ou- eniiron- me nt. Students In Thick 0f Elections Studants cf Grade 8 at tisa or- oIo Publie Scir-cl wera ina attend- anre ataI ahi lraanomination maetîinrgs heic-dn Oroase raenitly. Thtis n-ms uniclartaken as 'a p'art cof tha-ir studias te givatihaean la- si-ghtirnbtisa affaire.'ofIliei- dommunity. One astute student aven entes-- cd lise discussdion wn-lashaaisioed thSe Reeve ef Clai-se TowinîsWrp il il wa-s truie VSaI Vise wnip wou'ld flot meet wcuh Vthe Trustees ovar tise gai-Sage dgmp.- Reevie Stone said'lic kno-e-'f ino sucis fact. Dep-uty-s-aeve Wîalkay alslo in a-nswering tise question sai-c is-at, t-ie tcwîns-ip n-s seeking to have one dispesal are-a for Clar-ke, Os-- on-c and Newecistie. Titis would niet only ha eccnioanicaiily desir- a-bie but would ails cultclown on pofflution,hle said. Ha pointed -o-ut ltaIt' le I lssplan was Up in lise air. Thils Monday is 'elec tien day ïn Olarke Towvnshlip end thse Village of Oiroaic wi'th election for tise Nor-ihumsberlajnd îand- Duiaim Biordiof Ediuiation, thse Separate lqd ilBierd, )CouncdlI'orý for tise Toîwnslhip of Clarke a-nid Trustees for thie Police Village of Orono. Ttbî3se 'unnng for office are as follows: The Northumberland and Durhsam County Board of Education Two to ibae eected-1 W. H. Oarrmn, marchant, Osiono Inclumbaent. Larwrcnce, Gralenrwrood, farmer, Kesidal. Jncurnbent. Karodis th Jeýffrýies,, Counis-llr, Hopje Towns(hsip. Kernnth Lyail, Pubirishar, New- castic. Separate School Board One t'o bceiala-cted-- Stewart Qhishrolm, l'abourer, B'owannville. John lHenry Eîkcass, 1làbourer, Clar-ke- To-wnship. Council of thse Township of Clarke Thee to be 'lected- Robae-t Cisîster, fariner, Lesk'ard. Inctirent. Frankç Gray, fai-mer, Newcalstle, E. C. Copping, fariner, Clarke Townýsihp. John Veidhuis, princtipal, New- tonvila. Orono Police Trustees Threca to bceleected- Ed'gar Middileton, labburer. F'loy d Nicholson, carpanter, Ineiiinbnt. Ilion P. Rced, Supervisîojr, Hydre. Douglas Sim'plo'n, p-aiiter, in- curnben't. Ed'ward Woodyard -s'a]emn Incunsb cn-t. Roy Firsepi-dter. /loi t'à, -Libraxy 1.10 pu jail 1.01

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