ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THUItSDAY, DECEMBER_3rd, 1970________________ O-,RONO WEEKLYTIE Second Class Mail Registration Number 0368 Published every Thursday at the office of publication Main Street, Orono, Ontaaio. Phone 983-5301 This week-end and Monday of next week wdiii provide plenty of diterest for eve-ryone. On Frliday 'evening the Oliarlke Township Ratepayer's Asdocatîon ds holding ther annuel Yu)ieltaiqile Festival and as u-sulal they hwve rund-u some fine entertainiment whieh includies a skit by anenbers of the (}nono Yfouhlh Theetre group es weIl as some sth'rinïg trumpet soloas by Len Guy of Oronb. Sâaturday the, MrkIoHigh School ho&d theëir annual Conneement wi1th awands being païcsented to the gnad- ulntes of 4he ýs(,boL. Also of interelst istihe nated spenker, Mr. C. Vîipond of Oshnu. Mohdjay, of courese, ds eleetdion day and Liooaillyý resi- dents ll cose represenfiatives for the Oounty Sdhool Boaerd, or the ýSe#arae &ihioûl Bkard as well,_s nlemibers Îor Obneifl and i a reman heand for the Orono Police vifnge. Be sure to VOTE MONDAY. Where the Beiter Puices Are Pepsodent - f amily size Aika Seltzer 25's reg 89e Tooth Paste reg $1.29 57e FOR 68ce_ _ _ _ _ _ Chewable tbs. 100 mgnx. V.O. 5 Shampoo 79e Vitamin C - 100 77e V.O. 5-ail types reg. $1.78 Fruit Salts reg. 1.31 Hair Spray $1.25 Eno 91c STUTT'S PHARMACY 20 VEAR EMPLOYEÉ 0OF ONTARIO HYDRO FAMIILIAR WITH MUNICIPAL ISSUES A, VoeoFr R Is A Vote For Fair Play And- Pregress Christmas Dinner Spaecial Haif Mile north of Kirby on Highway 115 îa£ 1e~dt .uo.c k ClarkeHghSol by Kathy M1orrow We have la new addqtion to Mr. Taybilor's En.glish zoom - graffite posters. Any'one wùtûiha writàng ànstrument can secIibbe their gralfite on theEn.gIs-h rooma wal rather thanhIýe, w«shroom walls or the loclier doors. Graffite samples inctude such.sga,)ngsas: "There is no -pot at.the end of the rainbow,"' "N polean wore -Adidias" and '-Ge«rge Wallace ds a bia.ck Muý!1lim." Most of ithern are in goad teiste an'd bc.3ides lettiag studenAjs Work out their frustra- tions, theqe postÈrs ]ceep the lockiers cdean onid mIl evýrentualiy provide goodi matenial for the Yearbonk. Thu veýarbook ist aff made $400. in Its first dayof iadVert',ý6nýç. While the4-r amnpaïgu is under- w"V rle aeaIaselling lpsy- 'hd1c~es h "ms that btiey're v1bn ie~n for ev- erv'one bca telhe V of avadi- able psesincludes Jimîi Hend- rix, Supe)(r Peace. Racquel Wrelch. Robert Reford, Zordliac icÏns a.nd many miscellaneous posters that oan be boight for ýChristmaLs The ClsisOl)ub held ýa Rom- en banquet )on Fniday night. AI- thvough the4(r film was iposùponed, student.s -eoud -dâne on grapes, apples and iather suich "Rlonman" deIcaÈ1es for a mere dime. MISCELLANEOUS- Our dance on Fridy night whioh featui-ed "Road Apple" was perhaps the best this year. The student's eouncdl made ia good profit ýand plans o give ail pro- ceed to Dave Paddck - a senior student wh)o hlas been lu the hos- pital for alnirstý 3 mroths from a inotarcyele acodient. Comiimen.iiêent plans are rua- ln,,g, snioother than we hoped. The h1radttioi-aL Ffliday nIigltbanquet ,ànd ceeleniony las been changed ,f) a Saturdiay night luincheon and cer emony on Decep)»er 5Vh. Specia eongxàýtù;lations are due hothe stùdents- À1iü,ose films were enh ered in bttOshawuaFilin FPest- !iýal. 1111 'OatIclweil row îlu ieler- ,ity, piacçd sevqn4gb wdhie Phd IýJleoTs and l,êins LuigtenbeTg pbaeed second. R.bekah Lodge Our Tuesday meeting o0pened wtth two offleers absent and a and 8TEM BATH GENTLEMEN .. . We have a Sauna and Whirl- pool ready for yogi, use. Drp in and glye thent a try Group Ratesî Ava»ile Mon. to SM. 1 P.M. - 1 a.m. Sun. 8 a.ui. - 1 P.m. 14A ONTARIO STREET 7282ff0 OSHAWA Xuîas Shoppers, Ladies' and Men's Wallets TIMEX WATCHES Brigham Pipes - Accessories Cartons of Cigarettes CIGARS - PIPE TOBACCO Ash Trays - Pipe Racks LIGHTERS Oreno, Ont., Phonle 935310, gondly nsimher of members pres- Gloria Todd, our Vice Grand is doing a very good job in the viù- ihing commtiàee. Remember S ters, iA is the duty of each one of us to nohify lier if we knnw of anyone Who is iii, or In hoosptal, or offher mlsfforttune. Hier ntmber is 7862430. Marie Kordas, a grade 13 shud eut at Clarke H-igli Selinol is the wifneir of our scvolarship. Hilazel S!taplýeto)n, our Junior Past Noble Granýd, will be presenting this., Rt scbi ms tliat we are gaing kt gtart the New Yen right by càt- eludig to a wedduing early in Jeu- ua.ry. Hope mie dion't have tpe rnuch snow at that tîme. Lodge ûlosed accordting to thýe rituial, and a deliiclous lunch was enjoyed. Yuletide IN A NIGUT CLUB ATMOSPHERE DANCING - ENTERTAINMENT - LUNCH Orono Town Hall Friday, December 4th Sponsored by the CLARKE CITIZENS COMMITTEE and RATEPA:YERtS 9:00 p.m. couple $3.00 Somunds Fantastict Discount Record Sales of Canada IS PROU DO1 ANNOUNCE A SPE CTACULAR RECORD SALE'IN OUR EXCLUSIVE DEALER MiDDnLETOudN'S ORONO, ONT. PHONE 983-5242 ye- NOW ONLY2'99 Store. Reg. $5.29 TOM JIONES, CHARLIE PRIDE, HUMPERDINCK ELECT FOR THE TOWNSHIPS 0F DA RLINGTON, CLARKE ANU HOPE, THE VILLAGE 0F NEWCASTLE AND THE TOWN 0F BOWMAN VILLE I amn very farniliar xvi th the whole big ae "I iCAN DO, A GOOD JýOB" ----i