ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3rd, 1970 UNITED CHURCR Oronfo Pastoral Charge in inister Rets 9. E. Long SUNDAY, DECEMBER 6th, 19-0 CHURtCH SUHOOL - 10;00 MORNING SERVICE - 11:15 KIRBV SERVICE: 9.45 A.M. CIIURCH SCHOOL 11:00 AM. ANGLICAN Estahlisheýd 1869 Reýgular Sunday Worslîîp Service - 9-30 .a-m. loyCoifliiiiniof- qis nî Third Sumndays Second aiid Fourtiïh Sundays floly Ba l'm y appoinîmesit wiith Rýector 987-4745 rhe Rev. H. Robert Hayne, B.A., L.Th. W. FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED Realtor 21King St. W. Bowmanville 623-3393 Toronto 923-9174 Port Ho1pe Office 885-4543 For prompt, courteoqs, effici- ent service when buying or seling and for the,îargest sel- ection of properties in the area Contact Orono Area Bepresentatilves Roy Foster 983-5801 William Turansky (Kendal) 983-5420 Ray, Finnie 277-2280 (Bethany) Dane rouund 623-3965 lAndy Sutcêh 93 1 1Roy Stronz 5,2, r il Bethanv Local News Ki, by Home ani Sclool heId Ili r fir4 Card Paity for the sý, mun on Noî ember 22st. There Wr10 tables~. 'lie prizes went ho rs.ilaikofor high lady. low ndvun trs.Dorothly Stek. El shgenleanwasý Alihan DDwnes ani 10w eleýman maws Dewit 15ircss Trh dor pize as won Jr'}huî Stono. We wli hoil :n ailthose whro carme nd wehope lamlre of our sh-ioln'es ts i om out at our next onre hichwLilbe ils' A W. ('1r ii c5 aprentsin Ontr.wJs o D. lytoffr grad aM.dL A.he SM1ir 'ie A.ti. Ciirt la the t'lnt in tbie. Io:pr-i.vl opt E W PotSîUBL eIt ShOLspser~ (a p n . fo pge1 whoe rs.ee uptofTeo, K. Jwaris, Up. Loveit her gand Mot r. sa.A.WCiogap- Tet 10 t HeomanvSil-lHopit NEW PUBLIC SCHOOL (ontinued from page 1) mnt Vwas al. f h piny o tbhe ('ouroty Boald st p'ome seor pf lie syhoolnsithrugiirouteIciie wl e, area In efecani 'ioe aerring lie meing wf l-ee Mr. K. Lye ali i K. Jpefrred, Mi. L.Greenrood ain The lcall Homdteand Sihll ae DAERE ad DEUTYO condbytied from page 1> SUP wIhidh w or dtae poietion.e'ofaruse diesf hs ouray uic, 1970. He i esi0],5r0 of theopii2n lraI Ju CoAtywuld sntoetp sme form cof Counîet pl anngn Fuemiie manre'feirsg o thefisaia po- stitiopo th me wss tp luae sid- VaEajre in Hlandgond. ikosito und rr flue bdo e a le pnwry eike, wio vas anmn aVnd by ic PSep alat Susool Sup iel o mhe our onthe omanop fair. Mr. E;rken3 is marrâed a.nd ^ ir ffour chidren, whrio are en'gS . Jrý_ cph's at Bow- ni ý-iv4le. NDP HOLDS SUCCESSFUL BAKE SALE IN ORONO The Bozac2r helrd by the Dur- hainî N 1.P Wo. jiî', O-ganîzaltî-on on S3trr'di No\ r,ii r ZlLqt in Ororro xvars -a gr ýat -n cess and te co-convenors, R.Mlarroie, andi aiMrs. Frin o fttwsh to thskafl tir;se c, ohelped a-d atfended. T11' 1rll which wos1ý don 'ted by I l U~sHrdware vuos won by Non L,),ùii of New- fritl. There ucrre- '-rime bazaar lofsict aàd the1-1'ewill be on crliyfor sleat 5h N.D.P. pe,ra À h1, ' meieting to he held Thumday o h Novem- bier 26!,!, at Drý Pýers Public Seýhool, Port Hope. The guest stieaker th3t eveorjflrg wll, be Johni Harney, fi-erProvàncial Scrcr'try ,forthie 7N-D.P. and proheblJe candÉidate o succeed Tommiiiy IousŽ!ras as Federai Lead- er. IVOTE and ELECI Bruce R. TENNANT For Police Trustee IN ORONO Septilc Tank Service GENERAL PUMPING 24 HOUR SERVICE LORNE HARDY Leukard, Ontario Telephone 983-5728 or 983-5266 g PARRY'S XL OAS, BAR HIGHWAY 115 and 35 2 MILES NORTH 0F ORONO CUSTOM SNOWPLOWING. Authorized SKIROULE Deaier PHONE 983-5619 Foër the MAN In'The FamiIy JACKETS The latest in styllng, car coats and jackets. Ail warmly lined. Fiinest fabrics include Nylon with Fortrel Fiberfili, Cor- duroy, Imitation Leather and Al WOoI. Choose from blue, black, beige, brown, gold and green. Sizes 36 to 46. PRICED front----m----- $15.95 to $35.00 HYIJRO PARKAS For 'the outdoor workman, shower and windproof Duck Coats with button on Hood. Warmly lined with wool. Green only. PRICED AT --------------------- $ 17.50 SWEATERS Wool Cardigans and Pullovers in plain kuit or fancy design. Shades of gold, blue, green, rust and natural. Sizes S, M., L and XL. PRICED FROM ----- -- $10.95 to $ 19.95, SHIRTS Dress Shirts and Sport Shirts in a variety of plain shades stripes and checks Sizes S, M, L and XL. PRICED from ---- ------ 6.00 to $12,00 PYJAMAS Flannelette and Cotton Pyjamas in stripes and fancy designs. Sizes A, B, C, D and E. PRICED AT -- ------ ----$4.95 Leatheir SEipper i m oi or Leathier Soles in brc wn only. 'A mhiination of plain and plaid in Cordro3 Slippers with rubber soles. Sizes 6 to 12. PRICED from -$4.00 to $6.00 GLOVES A good selection of Gloves, lined with silk, wool or Orlon Pile. Black, grey, brown and tan, Ail sizes. PRICED $1,99 to $6.50 TROSER, TESBELTS, BRACES, RAINCÔKS,>LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS AND SOCKS. ADULI COUNSELLING SERVICE If you want to do something- about your education . . . you probably can. See Your Aduit (Counsellor EVERY WEDNESDAY EVENI[NGi- 7 to 9 p.m. at the Bowmanville High ,SchoeI Guidance Office The service is free -. confideiltlal - -and no appoinitmçift is necessary. For. Clarke Township Council VOTE G--RAY 'WITHI FOUR YEARS EXPERIENCE ON COUNCIL Yoiir Suppor t will be Deeply Appreciated fi UN