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Orono Weekly Times, 3 Dec 1970, p. 6

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-- -- ---~-~- -~ ______________________ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THUR$SDAY, DECEMBER 3rd, 1970 _______ (Continuaed fromn page 1) of $4ý*i -1-jf .aov In 1ihea w'atrr report bc pointed onrt trat i-nîe wras cl'ome to aireîî fu11 ir wcmi-,11 wuld hava 'o hf) devr'rp, to meut th.e derr cf w'a.The systam dr~ .4 1k iri pUnpQda tot ai (f 13,770 000 gios. uwater ýVct'Deand Re-Elect W. Lawrence Gree-nwood for the NORTHUMIBERLAND and DURHAM COUNTY BOARtD 0F EbUCATION I2 Years Expérience THE LAST TWO VEARS AT THE COUNTY LEVEL Se oond'ary studaents from the othar six sa0cond'ary sEOhorols inVhe Nio'othusnib'erlramrd arord Duorhem County Board of Edrcàtion syst- e-m lad an opprortund'ty to travel 10 thc host achools to hear the univrrÊy speakevs. Univer:sàty days ara not a new ae,%ent. Hiowever - Mxr T. C. Hawk- ins, Co-ordrtr(ator of Gudance HANK'S BAKERY and Snack Bar Phone -983-5203 commien'ted that this isr the first lime it las béen organdzed 'an a Couabies-wide basis. Thbis xviiien- sure that e'very senior student i ti vtlrluanbarLaad a nd Durhrasn Countias wvhro waiirts informatdon on unrivarsity ean get il first- banid. accou;ff, 4 cwcd a bi'1'ance of $4,543.32. !He saild ic Iiad bheen, a member of lhc, jI'rd for five y- ;and w dgdb'In)5]uaen; cd h ',nr graup. H1e sradd it had bh-i- a pI '3'sIIre oa serve the fr ýople orf GOrino 'anOl'd hlt he would a ýndWdriIe for r-idin lr. E. R. tod'adin bhs re- port stateld 1lhn-t contîlaryto some rePoIrts the V~i'a'ge wais in a 5ýc,'und Hpir'~ Ws'n -e said li'e Trusteýes 3h'ad had 'some unex- psected expeindi'ture's duaîng the v ~. w'hrahchd not he'lp-d. 11e sud f" 'sron'ld beliquidat- ed Vhhn eanext five years. H1e Vi te Tvirtees- hiad operated druir'n(5 ,t1heyaar mllith a, darfIiut of o'nfy $272.00. *He manît'iuned there mlouId ha a no!ta of $9720.00 at thae end of the ye'ar. H1e saiid he WiouÈid ha pleased tao dontinue as a Trustée. Mr. Bruce Tennant in lIts ad- dru s st'ated thkat he had been 'a reident of Orano for a gbod num- b. of ye'ars. Hie hIad taken an in- tr-'Ft in the 0iaonia AVhletic As- sociation and hajd assiirted this oriaritronfor, a ntumber of yacars. Ha said if elccted hýe vouId t.ry hls hast. Mr. lioy Esinpra-ter referrtd to thae reeeint ro'ad pvogram in. Or- ono as an asisaI to trhra VrIlaga. 11e rtrithera Cid .appaar a nuniber of 's a'lc ontýrol of f"iranc-ing shro'u1d b2 urdarrtaken. H1e fuit it was wat2fu1 to in 'i -ulvarts on, Circh Street an the fo'i'lowirnýg 310'ar tear them up, to b ýdisc'ard- cd. He alsaln tdtlit, wIithin a tv,1o week pari od. thu Trusteers .hîad affaictcd fthe pa.s.rsng of two djirfferupnt parktng 1) 4aw~Thlis, hae said wars wrP, eof rnoney throuarï ao lrnrrigais it lu- oriaied iaýwyarýs fees a-; wall as i 'aving t o r1i srsaloirg the stirects He q:l'ldot 1frît the- garibage dà,sposiai areco was costing ridntsof Orrono %our i , mrno on a paýr caita biasis ýthan ia's t'i? an tt a lw hp ru- da sfor the Twshpd no c area. He fait ti-re sould bu Coser coýop- aatti;on wfith the 'flwnr');p la t'hris imatter. Mrr. R. Raocd rlihe w'as a c'om- p'aatiaIyna raridento 0Orqono but if eacta ould d'o lhis lest to fIfI the post. Mrr. Wodyýrr' durin.g t'he dis- eu-, (an Parod 4statei tIbat the Vdiiiage dutimpnpwouqd sàiow a prof- it of from $4000. l'o $5000. In 1971. This was d'ue nainily to the fact tibrat ratars hrad baen incre-ased in mridMmaer of 1970. H11e said Vhey hiad lnrrasýed thie rates in the thUomghbt thrat f'urthrear deveIopmant mray hava Vota edone due ta air Mrr. Midd'ieton asJked. if under Vfite Preseiit fùnancbaI Po.,it", nof the Village if it would nrot ha more ecoMlmicral Voloave'one man lo'ok aftar bat'h thc d'ump and the, parking rather tha'n paying twi. men. Mir. Sinmpson _stadd tat lbwas pouzslihie that bath thesea setavees m'ay ba eut back. MVIr. L Iiwery s'tatcd thiat the prarking raguriatàons in Orono had cnt bu-rinass in Orono by oue third. . 1 Electors of Clark. Vot.e, P.rogress with Balanced Budget Your Vote Is Your Right USE IT --ELECT COPPING Jx Monday, Decem ber-7t1i f lowers and Plants for Christmas Includlng ail Potted Plants and Arrangements Vou wili be'delighted with our Selection Van ell Phefte'623-5757 Highway No. 2, West of Bewmanville Albert's Texaco GENERAL REPAIRS Phone 983-5249 Orono BOB ATER To The COUNCIL 0f CLAR~KE TOWNSHIP 7 VEARS EXPERIENCE AS COUNCILLOR' Your Support WiU Be Appreciated T. Electors Of Newcastle, Cla rke end ?,ope VOTE EXPERIENCIE * 7 years,!Durham County Hlgh Scheol Board. * 2 years Northumberland and Durham County Board of Education. VOTE EQUALITY and PROGRESS A firmbelief in equal and pro- gressive Educational oppor- tunities for ail students in the Counties. VOTE ECONOMY As an area taxpayer for 22 years a fervant desire to see our tax dollars, yours and mine, spent wisely. lu seeking re-elecûtion I feel,,tba"4 have dffigently and honestly served the residents of Clarke, Hoôpe and Newcastle to the lest of my aility and if re-elacted promise to do su once again. ON MNDA~ DECMBER7th VOTE BusiessanOrono VOUIt SUPPORT WILL BE APPRECIATED A-1TENTION SNOWMOÂhBILE 983-5624 OûWNERS 983-5895 Rick ami Bob's PARTS AND SERVICE FOR ALL MAKES AND MODELS 4th Line West %/ Mile From 115 Highway De ROGERSON ORONO, ONTARIO ANTIQUEJ' WE BUY AND SELL Old Glass, China, Pine Articles] Toys and Oddities * IF IT'S OLD ... CALI, US j WE PAY CASH Phone 623-5342 after 6 p.m. 1970 ilonda Motorcycles Priced $219.00 1970 Aluminum Boats 12 ft. $199.00 14 ft. $269MN ATV Jlgger, used ----- 4950 1971 SKI-DOOS are here at. fantastic prices Onta rio Sports SKI-DOO SROP HWY 115 Orono Phone 983-544

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