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Orono Weekly Times, 10 Dec 1970, p. 3

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«RONO WEW.y Tgs "HEDAY. DEC£Izm lUthIis7 DX SERVICE STATION Hlighway 35 and 115, just aorth of Newcastle Premium Quality Products Ai The Mst Reesonable Prices Any quantity per gal Steve O0lS1aier Phome 987-415 Tender Young . Value Checked - Partly Up' Prices s à&'d C;ORNISH'S Clover Leaf or Maple Leaf Sockeye 73/ oz.--- SALMON 63e Maple Leaf Canned HAMS 1% lb tin $1.53 Luncheon Meat PREM, 1.2 oz. Un 52e Club Des Billionaires SARDINES -----23e Libby's BEANS with Pork, 19 oz.'--------- 26e E. D. Smith Garden COCKTAIL, 28 oz. --28e Instant Skim Milk Powder VIM, 3 lb.--- 99c Carnation Evaporated MILK, ---tali tins 16c Supreme Sweet Mixed PICKLES, 15 oz. 29e Light, Fluffy GEM RICE------- 2 lb. bag 33c Sunspun Brand Process CHEESE Slices 33c Red-White Slieed BREAD, 24 oz. loaf - 19c. Five Roses-Ail purpose FLOUR, 7 lb. bag 79c Assorted, Strained HEINZ FOODS 6 for 75c. Botties of 100 BAYER Aspirin ---------66c Feminine Napkins KOTEX, 12 to pkg. ---49c Antiseptic LISTERINE, 20 oz. bottie ---99e Giant Size Tubes CREST Toothpaste ----49e Gilette Stainless Steel BLADFtS, 5 pkg. 59c Hyatt Brand BEANS with Pork, 19 oz. 17e Kraft Ready DINNERS, 7 14 pkg. 2 for 27e Habitant Pea or Vegetable SOUPS, 28 oz. 25e Palm Garden TEA BAGS, 100 in cello bag 59e Nabob Roasted COFFEE lb. bag ----88e Christie Premium CRACKERS, 1 lb. pkg. 37e Allen's APPLE Juice (from coite, 48 oz 29e Valley View Economy Breakfast PRUNES, ---------1%/ lb. cello -- - 49e Soft Facial Tissues KLEENEX, pop-up 200x 2-plv ---- kg. 34e White Swan Bathroom TISSUE -- 2 for 25e Quick or Instant OATS, Ouaker, large -- 52c. French Prepared MUSTARD, 9 oz.jar ---19e Supreme Brand Instant COFFEE, 5 oz. ---79e Supreme Brand Liouid BLEACH,.9~4 oz. -35e Supreme Brand FRUIT CAKE, 2, lb. bi. 99c Detergeut MIR LIQUID, 24 oz. - 2 for 69e One s1ze fits ail, Exquisifit Panty HOSE 59c. Detergeut TIDE, XK - giant pkg.---------99e Johuson's' Paste Wpx <TEAR. i lh. tin '7Re Heinz Condensed SOUP Tomato, 10 oz tut 10e Al1"n'ý Asrt--' Prilit DRUEKS. 48 oz. 29e Heinz Tâimntn V 4¶-W'FP. Il oz. bottle 26e Dainty FRIED RICE, 12 oz. pkg.---------?9c Mpzoa CORN 071- !t2 47 f1 -------91,P Jolinson's J-CLOTHS - 12 to pkg.---------49e Shortening - FLUFFO 1 lb. pkg.---------38e Kellogg's CORN F7I AKFS - 2 oz. pkg. 32e Coating Mix - SHAKE 'N BAKE - 2 oz. 22e Shirriff JELLY DESSERTS - 3 oz. pkg. 8e 10e size -CHOCOLATE BARS 8c Hostess POTATO CHIPS 1l oz. foil bag 59e Valedictorian Bids Faréewell fAt Gl'arke Cdnmencement Roy THMPSON Ail Cairpeufty Work EIte.a , bff heUfr. tb fOamdm~ , p. Skinned. Fresh 4 to 5 lb. average LEC 'O' PORi"&K 59c Mild Cured Fuliy Cooked Smoked Picnic 491C Weil Trimmed Tender Juicy Rib Steaks lb. 88câj Mild Seasonçd 2 pound paekage Skinless W ieners 8 Supreme Brand Light Fruit .Cakeà block $1,,89 Culverhôuse 19 Oz. tins Feature -. Choilce Whole Whiite, Potatoos 3 for 49c 3 IL package $lo07 Bakery Feature - Red and White - 3 Varieties Donuts 2 doz. 419c Feature - 5e. OFF PACK -SHORTENING Snowflake I lb. 29c- BEST BUY- 128 oz. plastic jug Javex Bleach 75c Birdseye 12 oz. tins AWMEA KE 2 for 59C Birds Eyc CuO'àOL WHIP Rupert; FISH CAKES 24 oz. pkg. .75c CunyFanc. 15 oz. pkg. STRA BER IES49'&c Feature - Ready to serve KRAFT DIP S 2-89iIrý'c BEST? BU7Y - Roasted Maxwell House COFEEIb. bag 9]c BEST BUY - White Aibacore Flakes 61/12 oz. Clo'ver Leaf Tuna 49e ARCÎUC CAT SNOWMOhILES,ý SALEM a"d SMWICE Donald Cathcoart phoene 983-567 New Books At Clark. Library NEW BOOKS DEC. 3, 1970 Adult- Jcourney Fa-ntuaistie by Vicky Met- caif (With the Overiranders to the CaPioon) Pictorial GuIde to the Moon by Di)nsmore Alter nie Home Book cf Ohristmiais by May Lamberton Beû ker The Four (iated, City by Dcrii(s Be Üo he Clfoud iby Emfiy Lor- à,ng (Romance) N;ilt tîhe Toff by John Creîaisey Junior- A Wr&iatîh cf Christinias Legends by Pi',lljdS., ]NeGdîcjiley The Oxtici d Bock cf Owadal Verse luIi English and FrenicL Gfod is ln lihe Mouintain by Ezra Jiaek Keats A Donkey Called HTiaiyat hy Mary Drfwery EigihI.B ngs cn Hý1'3T'ai] by Johni Oldrîn. Easy Reading and Pieture Books The Sticîy cf the Fipst Chr¾ý.trnas àllustrated hy Cellest'ino Pifatui The Twelve Days sf Christmnas by Robert Briobmfîeld Brwd~' ls (istas hy Gladys A&4diead Thow. the Griinch Stoe Christn= by Dr. Seuss Pete's Puddle by Joranni'Foster The Sky Dog by Biintun Turkle Ohrditmas Tree orn the Mo4ntaîn by Glarol Feniner. Olga aaan 'I' the year 1185, the Japanese Priest Segyo wrote: "'Every single thing changes end is ahîangng al'ways iu the world. Yet wth thec same, light the mnion g des on shiing." Things are alîways dhauglng Mthin the confines' of sk>methdng eonstant. ýToinig4t-the la<st Grade 13 cla&ss oMffiially graduateý from Clarke I!ighh ioni Clarke- itseiîf hmi dhanged greatly sîince the last sehool year Nc teachers, the ungrade Issteim and new tradi- tîons have ail-eïvoived. Last y0air's gradratles have ddspersed to many new places, te many new actîlvit- icîts and studuies. 'Bach onein fis own niche, hais developedu undier the influence 6f a uew life style. This mûe tamonihyis lis, thougih painful i the aecomplishment, enhances ýand'deepens each one iu muet occur to ail, fer only in fris own way. Sucth a growth gro'wth lis theire Vligour. In stagna- tIen iulrs dedijine. Toulght marks the gatihering of thiaris wh'o were a sipesial group in a place which bonded them into onle unit, the student body. WiFth- ln the body eiach was fret to differenhtiate, to specialize, ae- cord'lng to fris waint. Toiniglit the graduantes' return to this school ondY Zt vde4w that wh)kSh was once fanillar as* though from a great distance. Noaw these halls 'hum with, new if e, ring mîth new leugihlte, shapas new indïvdduls and influence new though'ts, For bettex or worse, it is no lo)nger a place for thiose who have goine beyoncl. Over a period, old grievances have lost their formn and pertiin-ence and fade like pin pricks from our c9nscioumness. Wc no longer smart from wounds which É1ave long since frealed. Tonsigiht's commencement ,is a gtathering to honour a group eal- ed gradlates, literally those who have stepped beyiond. New laceits and refinemenfts have been added to personalîties once so faiiliar. Now, 'acquaîntùanc4e¶s, separated by tihe flcW of carrent events, can view eaelî other onily as frbm ac- rosis a vodd. Sud4h spavatlion, thougih pua&,nful whoicn fieit seised, becoi-nes dfeglitfiit iii thie realiz- ation of tfl ýi uwthIi c reated it. For is'not g-owlh the p upose of life. We gat.her fonight to honour thatwhch was. At t his gathening we recalîize that, each *nivda hias gî-owc lu bi is way wrIthin his own Iici-its andI that in the change iiat lias occurrîed we find new values, rew cepths ini thiose we thiouglît we kncw so nefU. Sueh d'epths makes us apprci'ate the infîity of faculties wieh we kiwa M AN'. For ouly when our eyes are trly open can we eval- uate tie worth of change against fic haickground of that wvhiioh ii "Ljong sýince have I travelled There ls not onie Ilow of 10,000 etures Dut bas its tune." To witnipss growth im another is to spur growth in oneseif. For this we can be thankfui. To oonteniplaite the vietonies of the past serves as a rest from the struggle of the present and prov- ides an impetes fwi the future. For this also we eau be thank- fui. For these reams 1 weleome tljîs eveining. For lu seeing the de- velapment lu others and hy put- ting the past luto perspective we have ail grlown this evening. A vialediitorllan is literailly one wiho says farewelil an to that pur- pose 1 end - Ave Atque Vale. BEST BUY Blue Bonnet Margarine j- _,, iR HANK'S BAKERY Leskard Welding AND FABRICATION Repairs Arc and Gas Welding Eveninýgs and Weekends PHONE 983-5760 Oxford B:RLA YERS- STONEMASONS WILLIE J. SCIWAHL Phone 983-5606 Speciallzng la al hinds et STONEWO*RK, an FMEPLACES We ab@. de chimnev Recairs Dr. W. R. KentDDr Bowmanville Professional BldR 222 King St. E. - suite 106 Office Houri: 1 a.m. to,6 daily Closed Wednesday and' Sund;,- Tele phone 623-7349 NEILSONS ICE C R EAÀ%M SUPER SWIRL SPECIAL Phone 988-54

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