ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, I>ECEMBER 17th, 1970 ORONOW EEKLY l'IMES Second Clams Mail Registration Number 03658 P"lIished every Thursday at the office of publicatior Main Street., Orono, Oitaào. Phone 983-5301 "A nuimber of weeks ago the Centiial Ontario Joirn Plannring-REpard ýadop.ted a plan that le nte'nded to eeatfe an inte.nsive recreatiion areia istreteb(irg fýom Whltky to DaxiiÉngtc Tovflisiuiip and Bwmanffle. The "totaa concepyt" oatlins an anotcontimulouSs sbip of green beft runninug along theasoe faiom the Pickering Townsbp lie' to M&wiartlli1e. ThIs would inélude mejor elteUonjal parks -11 Oslsawra, Whitubyand BowniamwilkJ. The peoposia a callus for a acenic dive b> be con- cstructed along i1st of the miaterfront, preseritlion of ,ereek ceul~ i onsermeaV ii aeras and parks and greatly ,lncre(a's'eýd public acceisis o tht lake by roads and w~aWiJcug T ji pan là3 cextainly a step in the, rigilt direction and cornes not toïo soon for it vwould noV be long befire the entre area would beeomie ldus'firbýalzed. The Lake area hais iSot in, the past ýberan serilusIy 'onsidered as à potenfutla reireauUlonial areia and this hais been a druastile ritake. Its potenWa i becoanmeus muire important when un1e con- siders the statement only lasit week by the Deputy-nÊnuster of Landus and Forestus. lHe noed la great labk of recreàatUomal and plark areàiaus outhern Onftariro... . tare area Wita the Màtst dense populatIon figure. Thie Deputy4mnii'stuer aJso &tiates thait it may wedl corne Mo pass w'hen camp stes miay haeve ûo bue ratiaone'd la the southern iarea due 1o the ex- tenlsuit useopl the eýinsblng faciliies. The pro'blem was fur- ther emnphia-uized wiifih the possâbuity of having to take Some of the camp areas out of u0e for un yeiac or two so that they oa be rehuabitatesi. Tise Deputy-miniýster's statements surely notes tihe pirobein and the need for mnore ope'i space for tise ever iný- ereqaýsding popu1atiion of isuthern Ontariro. The decisuon of ise ,Central Onterarl Joiint Plianiinug Board lis to becèoummend- nd d houd eerýtaâly open the way for a better lant use baanze in the area. It is for reasons siaeh as this that-we have spportesi tise, vie'w that Clarke Towsihip shuoulud jVa wîth the west- eLrn aréa ln regiional government. Thse viewus are màore pro- esveand there is a lose assoatIoù!n wLiLs theý proablemas we are to face In taie next tenu to twe'nty yeuars. The lakefront area l'a Clake Twsbi i nt ac- portunty mme nuberof years ago o sab bhsoeac- cea whn tey ebuit potio ofthe LaLkeshore dad Un- ftirtnatel tih y-p1a'ssed thIi, opportIm<ty and gave up laad o ajacntland owners. The lakesiure ducs contain a great deai of, interest and beauty suind shoid ho open Vo the geneoali public tao enjoy. Thank You.e I would like to express my appreciation to ail those who helped elect me to the Township of Clarke Council on December 7th. Wishing everyonc the Compliments of the Season. R. G. Chater ST. SAVIOUR'S CHRISTMAS TREE AND CONCERT A 1wel attended Qboistmas Ire and Conccert was he'ld In St. Sav- iour's Pas-isli s all an 'tac eveung ig of Deceumber llVh. The Rector Rer. R. 1l{'ayne opened with pray- or afterwdsich tac Emcee, Mrs. osoar Aclanis,, dire'eted an enter- Vaâiiînig proîgram 1of recitâtWons, vocal solios and duets, accordiuan a'nd harmia musu, 'n s well ais ald t.mc flddle and pianio num- bersË. nie arrivai of Santa Caus coineid'ed with a particularly Vive- ly jlg ýon tlise fMdle and reÏlard- les jouf ge or firmi&ty tise jolly saint Nick jlogged around thse fes- ive troc anid proceeded ta glve cout rpreseunts Vo ail. iV wais an dld.fasioncd geto- ge ther of yuung a'nd old, Tise yxoungstrs shomâng mueis les sei-cnsliusselsthan 'their eid- crs. Perh'apýs Vte truc essence of Vlise C!irlstmnasttdeceould bc san- mcý,d up inithei duet of Rev. Hayn'e and M,1r. Chas. Gre'y, -Maiy there be penace on earth, and let iV be- in wta anc,." FIRE CHIEF URGE~S CA UTION AT CHRISTMAS TIME Pire safety pr'ecuubloinus sisouid îheuaud the iusiof every sensible fiamJl)1s ppuriins )for Chr'ist- mas, ms P is-e Chef Ross Mer- cer, in a scusanffla warniing that a blappy Chistmýas can change un a ufew ýseconds dnto a family tag- *edy la homeus wiere sucis pre- caut1o ns are ege 1e.Tise fine chie f urged the publc ie t'aexereiuse specal cure :in i te scttiag up and dedorînution ouf 'Cisi-sas trees, A raturai treaý should be 'bouglit fre h and green with 'the butut be- ing cut diagýonally and set la wa- Vor. Bulbs shul h checked for worn jisfflat!ion broks'n plugs or lis 'rel acu shoud e a non- nsnkîngari Decratonssho'uld asusfe a'n irpChltm SNOWMOUýBILEAES OPENING IN CLARKE SMwoîirV"s 500 acros of huilis an'd tedls W111 sua on ha hrîo'waopenl Vo Ontanlio'ts rldîiy gnouWing snow- moile Population. Tise park wlil be opena caci wcek iensd for sauow- anioiblu'ng skâtiýng, tuabioggan and îother Wi'ntertimeatiteu. ie paddock restauriant ull 'praivÎie hot meials. . 1 AuaoVI'er areua ta open tais ycar for isnowtaibiling is Vhe 700 acre provilacial park west of Kensdal sioÜtis off thec County Round out Srom Kirhy. A parkdinglot bas ben createîd just west of Kenidual and traits have been mark'ed and eut thrauug'h tac bush arca. Arid of course there is stili'tac Durhanm Forei_,t and Ganînasika. VILLAGE WILL VOTE ON SEWERS *The Village of Ne'wcastle will decide la, Jiuay by taxpayers huarvling the iiiighittV vte on ýa mon- ey bâl for, the seiwage disposai systern. ATTENDANCE IMPROVES AT AREA'S SCHOOLS There hais been a niarked re- ,ducitdion la abgenteuiism in North- umhenland -and Durham elemeat- ury sehools in the 'pcriod beUveen Oetober 1969 and O0ctober 1970. ina a reportîto thse Cou'nty Bloard of Educeation at Thu'rslay night's meeting, attendtaunce counsellor Robert 'Thomupson smid IV is isgnlîf- icant tihat wlhile otal enrolmen'ts for elementary schotols in thse countiies hais rot changed appreci- ably, there lis lesus ab'scnteeism. The rate of decîrease, he said. lias ;been icirculated 'as 'approxhn- ateiy 19 ýper cent. The administra lan ouf the bouard feels that thse reduction indicates I1hat Vthe attendance counselor lins beein ctivel1,y engagesi un ,5olv- mng &qtt-ji,àance pooblenis dus-Vag the ye'ar. The Board mernbers f oit thuat the attendane counsellors re- port MTas ame of the m'ost inVerest- ing ttiey have 'had for a long tiMe a mi W. L. - Gre'oowood, -asked when ti oard would igeV Vtheop- portuRiity Vo meet h1rm. Sinco the board memnberswere Jin a luigfht.h.eated mood after thse eelection ýand being Vie last meet- ing before Christma's, J. M. Rolph, ebirnian, repchied that M. a reen- wood wouuld surely meet the at- tendance counsellor the next time ho fms three .consecutive -days fiion s shool. Clarke ITais Always Ilad A Good Record, For 'theý past nunVher of years C,'l9ske Iligis School hais beld iAs ah, np.teesm far below Vile aver- - afroms reports we have reeirv- od. Ah enteeiîsr was running a- VCV ibil tseif 'a couple of ye'ars p leiç t Clarke, 'we ,weein- formzd t hat tiisyear absîcnteeism ivs 1 -, ofta prahlem than leven be- for. MRr. Butherford attributes maris of th'is ta tise nan-graded ý:-ea whlieh s in tffect in the sohool. Students are more content with thiselr courses an'd thus more recepie ta the sh'o'oliag pro-1 grain. Continental Sanuna and STEAM BATHI GENTLEMEN .. . W. have a Sauna and'Whlrl- pool ready for yeur use. Drap in and give themt a try Group Rates Avallable Mon. to Sat. 1 p.m. - 1 a.m. Sun. 8 a.m. - i p.m. 16A ONTARIO STREET 728-2460 OSHAWA HYDRO OPTIONS (Contlbnuod from page 1) Cemen C plant and soutih of' Ilighway 401, Is part of H-1ydro's- long tewm planning. In riapidfly ex- pandiing reas suchlias his it Vs- necesgary tio aequi-re prioperty Vo proilde for the future power^ needs of the area 'while it is still aviailable, gonStimes wel'l ila ad- vance tof when it is )actually need- cd for donstruetiion. There is no plan for early constructi'on m tlds- are« or ias to the type of plant, which wou.ld be inivolved idu the future if the site proves out. -Statemnani iXuas Shoppers Ladies' and Men's Wallets, TIMEX WATCHES CIGARS - PIPE TOBACCO Brigham Pipes - Accessories Cartons of Cigarettes Ash Trays - Pipe Racks LIGHTERS and Breislc( Orono, Ont. Phone 283-5310' Orono 983-5104 PAINTING - PAPERITANGING RENOVIATIONS AND UEPAIRS -PAINEILïING BATHROOMS JUNIOR WEST'S Skate Sharpening is 110W located at Russ Major's house, 5th north of Hotel on Mil Street, Orono Skates will' be sharpened by both Junor West and R. Major Skates may be left at Orono Arena, Rolph Hardware, Jun- or West's or at Russ Major 's. PORTPERY PONE 85-777WE ARE CLOSED SATURDAY, JANUARY 2 FOR STOCK TAKING, Attenti*on Builders WINTERIZE VOUR COTTAGE OR HOME WITH Ridgid Foaminsulation (SECONDS) AT VERT LOW PICES AVAILABLE IN 4 FT. X 8 FT. THICKNESS inch, 3/4 luch, 1 inch and 2 inch OTHER SIZES AVAILABLE non Larocque Durham Farmers C, ,u f-ý ;y Coop. SEASON S GRELFrINGS to ail our friends and customers WE WILL BE CLOSED FROM 5:00 p.m. THFURSDAY, DECEMBER 24th UNTIL 8:00 a.m., MONDAY, DEC. 28th FROM 5:00 p.m. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3ist UNTIL 8:00 a.m. MONDAY, JANUARV 4th 'PORT PERRY PHONE 985-7777 ,uNâ., fàp-lý