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Orono Weekly Times, 17 Dec 1970, p. 6

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- ~ -~ ~1i _________________ORONO WEEKLY TIMES,, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17th, 1910 Quecn 's Park Report A~1cxCai uiîaisM.P.P., Durhansi the 21 1) icnsM1t Onnrr couclld, aadIabiîhouli here weir i m ccnb '- of l 'w' 'cJ arousied conir on the Part of c.etaiîa gite sec ii*[n lwas pî-lî ~ '", 1a ru- 'r f 1l, iegisàlative Progsiam revýeals that the lr5înurnbeis cf i i coonaidcîrec by tihe lg atr hae sar"dthie entniedviigor- eus (-i-id dynaniic gotl of the thse follliowîsîg: L Vihe pre'sentatîion of a bdh- anceft budgeýt In'suired the catin- ued mitnneof cissenîtihal pro- vsîa srvice, and at tPhe rame tiaecoci'cdfor inîeisdPro- viiial id te rnunioipa?,ities and îÈiý[J3uails viàhout an inc'reaqe i.nfies 2. New a'i'clîgoir lors were a'dop"'cd by the leg.,irilture wilh thbe fir't ialier ci'o f oper- aiting rules sinîce 1939. Thse revis- !on providra for naiv isagev- ening the Queiti î'lo con- siieaîon f Depiarbmnenfal Esti- mante- by tbbc Standing c&mmct- tees, anîd a limitatilon on estinîate dieis 3. A, iare icrease in pr'ovinc- Phiane 983-5Z49l Orono !la support fir e'c htc as 3rqis- c'd the pccrvinice's iaveiage eha, .ýîre ci educiatîdoniîc'l c's½tic ev, i- 50%., 4. Tîhe lonmg terni pi1sam ci o tan reforin was ad'vaneed by the provinace i-'u'nîî Ie co st c proerty ' iu m'nt ari bv p, r mii it rig h 1e assatlunon f -smcilitcrS and u.vrd e.These ca' 'cccý ùioge ther muihe'h -f-c ( IhitIý gr'acîits al rcaudu u'ioc'f t cost cf Fithe linrîîotof cjus- hIýJce have îesulted iii 'areutr oî-c'r lise past taey'rarsa 'f mec- thian $400 ry.iill'jorile '[be 'propcrty tax Iburdun. 5. A ýnîl',w înr'a fund ac e' "iawVr*rqI ed l1o?'i0'tpotenf llaI borne owiuers ui Sîecuir4înig iusî micelgages For cewbeî'ldfngs. 6. Bn'iisîîcer thie Icalîfi Services J'ar e Pla ri 'a re bvcadcra cd le te inc'1'îîde poitr aned îiis"iopracf':ie services. 7. LcpI'5ien(4>1nprocvdcd for -c s sta f i i e inle u'b 1 .ildjie,, Pajr d ay-aur-cies, and inicreasein nany siacÙal ass listiance pno'granrrs Tihesie liraei'u de beneifit mio' 110 000 ciaies iln the FrrilÏy benefîts' pcciigrarn anid smmc 35,000 recl ing(lcira Pelfare As' ist- 8. l'li tai ie nto'f a cin- miii .fllecii G'ove-rncrîlt Prod'uctiv- Aly wasef'hirhd in oc'der tc ensure fhihat hue nîaehIiiiecy acd maniagesi ni n c f th e overnmenl is tht înocst efficient possible. 9. Malires w ee approved to permit tie Ontiýai-le M\1uicipal iai proyenient Ceaporatiiton lic pur- chbase debentures for any purpose frein mu ',cljiliiies cf under 20,- 000 'p'*platlc:n 'c that they cii coulnîtie to p-cvidce a cen"ustent leveil of serxies. 10. Legi,5îction wîcr; ppnîv(If insits in Y î'i'k Coi cyuit' il ie 11. Leglýîatrin casa prese'nted fie the Lgihaice 0estebkiiia ,egionial. Ecocomle and boand Use Policy 'la Otario. One 'cf [li motimportrnt tups e is il ge-ilîs was tîh).ý "De ugo nfoc-])eV-, cp '0iî: Toý:cctI> ci f îi I 12. Lc"islafion avas adoptcd tic f f s e ri e y Can Austria Wasps Saive Staitely jEIms?, A \,îîva i"'ivcs îical hiahbits cnay be,tii lt' ic f Brtan'.- cff 'îs'1 mioî' sus b fa de'adly T5î kill011er îN nafung' iis, Perato- - y-tls ulmi, wîh'ose spores are spread from rn 'tii-e te re by a 1- 'iînpasfl o de to tho1i-n' cdi eorgiant elluis. PBî' now thse vlîa, p. a rare vir" - y calleil DecýndT'cotcr, bas raiised a giim- mer cf hope. Tibia wasp layci ts e'ggia lic the grub cf 'the elm beetie aed flic w"v -ýp larace daaýtroy itie grubs. Ccc cof tise men figliing to siavi e Brtîeselmiiv - Pîatrick 'iLawiso'n liandi7ccipe arobîfitect te Bîcizadodn New Town -ý is bcîiÉn'd the wasp exprirs""t"I ,n(iîvved 'tîhe w'orld for a lhut'o,"ue siays, 'ýa'nd fouiv-ilîthiîî'ýg întîill Ihecrd cf Some smnall-scale expelimients w1v 'le cra 'Pnin iiIVliasi3i. AI- tfacîîrîi we 'realize we have only au ,'it' uic chîanceecf success, we li-e'ea-inc to iin-iprt a bîatch cf tlic-cei ps frc'îî Autria nexit .Mri- Dawson ta deý-paisate for ia cuire. ln if h past few moiaths he l'iî- iatcihcd500 elsii3dying aet Lýa1i 'itlc "I'"sina frighifening sÈght -traumatiie like )as heart attack. ,One day yiou seem teo have a splin- C'ýd hîealtby tre'e, and ihe ne7nt it leeka hhiaf deîa' Thie fîcagus sts'ikes ýd ramatialiy ,ibîcause It inavades 'the fine tubes by wh'býich watcr and food are conveyed lhbrougi the tre-e's sys'te'm. The trec s'încedte ca'h B'adly 'bit 'crecs, besidies Es- sex are Goucesterslhire, Wereest- ers4bire, Herefordishîire and. Kent., Tihrce-fijiftbv- cof aifi Eagiicnd"s trees are el ma 6G te 80 îeiars, old. la t-be act two yeia'rs, 30 per cent cf fhi hiisebave 'bec 'wipcd oint. Fer !ome remasi, Pie elrn beetie hias heen pirc']ii"feratInig a'r" -,r l'Àijng dor- mant for mii-any zîîarS. Tîhe Forest'ry Corniniision bas been ad,ýi/i. Ing c'wnira cf iaffeeted trees th-at their ýonfly course was to el]] ["e 'trucs, sel] any unaffeet- ucl Wvood, and iicertain te bura every i'a cf rad wao'd or itraizis fo nre," c' [helie htPt(ýçfrQm sur- i-i'c-. ~iîc loalaufbchriniiýcs'îand ruî al idqînners have fail'cd te If Wiasiqps do boàt stop Pie beet- les andid e thircuire la found, the laniceape of Britiaýin wllj be r'aýdîly ecbîanged. And tîhere 'wlll'le odîd sildice effect. HIIgh'class funer- abs ;are ikelY te os'ot more, for el-n is, preferred for thSe besît redu,(ce istioiUuiioîî and emihance the qualif-,y c fibc evrnnu.Thre' t'Ill, V~t 7-in ee,'nt AC, Wside powc'rs arc ýgiven te tihe govern- mnt 'lit 'I ii e'v, 'tiO I icaste limnage- mint îrheu - lisfor i îe ase id. l13. JIce-eî vu( a 11. 1Juans Ihave beerip'îx,)I daýd for pollutpion ab'at'e- cirai îju4 ifn'in Jomunlicipalfities 50% cr fitue caItalcost for sew- age pi- ;vîarnw- Thîe obj"ct;ive be- ing Uo lîinit [he ceùo bu bbc avrr age b'uehlerat a ma,ýirnum of lO 14. IT,0r j-alimnal leader--iîip was pioo,î;id'ed by the OGntaqnlo Gev- erninient P,) eure j.oùnt 'action betwee'n tb e governmentis of Can- ada, the Uni'fcd S'aties and the nc"i ghlbouring Ifîrovînceýste control Greiat Lakes Po),liuitii!on. An' action conîmittcee cfi['le S4ates anid Pro- vinces is nroi% an thie pcces's of co ,irdinating theie effort s. 15. ACti'c c b1, j [ a[eîf poirtment cf Hh'aVl îand Ontarl:o Piaf 'r i- ifciircecs 'oms inin naî'iiyJîrg eut a syýf- raIc study of wat .' qnialhity and pîoiut½e la, i rec'cT1 mai 'reas necajîhed in re commin'iatie)nm s h îng made Whioh wi1'1 requcire nei disposzai systems at -umm-m cottages. This stit ement eev',eîi'g tIre work cf thc 3rd ses-Dion of 5ýhe 28th pariiament w',11 be ebnnîtinued in a latter colûrna. i', nritgfi uileî'y (prienial experii- Ottawa Report Ru' seil C. Honaey QC., MP. Niortlîuinberland-Duiîiiam Tbîis report is la responsle te nîsmereuisenquiries 1 have iitceiv- ed aebout thie weekly Reports which were previously casceled in tîhe newspaplers aand ever the î'ad- io statoni3 'in Nortsumbelcanil- Durlbam. Since my ýap'pointncentiia Dep. uty Speaker cf thse fouse cf Cern- meons, I have &&tieon!tilued siclh reportas. T is inla the tradition amd piractice ivhereby th'e Deputy Speaker, like the Speaker, rnust renilin non4palrtiSan ln a pelitical 'rein order te preside impar- t.eally la thse fouse of 'Comîmenî. Ia thse pasý't I tried te be oîbjec- tiv- and iaoiipartii ,ýan Iarepîeallng te constdituedtis. NevýePLt'e'l'ess, tihe mere desciption of a governmenît bill la sudch a Report inipies some degreîe of support or apprecial. If I 'arn te preperly disdharge my res'ponsilbili't ies asDeputy Speaker, I muast keep mseffrée te nîîake ruilàaga ad 'decisons as I sec thena. Often 'tt'cs'e ruldings will be againt one or thse other of thcloppositýion parties. In order net only to 'b'eimpar- tial but te havetihe appeanance of impartiality I 'do 'net vote ianthe Hour eccf Cemmons, ýan'd I îarnont a menuier of the Libîcîral caudus. I 'ana suret'ha't I stihi serve my ccîtsl'ituitn'ts on ;an ýindlvdýiduai and pcrsoisýaI hiasis ai 'we'l as I have, 1 hope, biea abîle te de se *lanthse pas't. liowever, Irnus't do se as yeur Menaber of Pairlamenî and net as 'a'wembher 'of iany one poT- itical party. New Books h P ANI) DOWN THE 1BOOK STA('KS Adut- A Searchi For '17lie Trut'h by 1fr ii I wish to thank thse Electors of Clarke, Hlope and Newcastle for my re-election to tise Northumberlnnd and Durham County Board of Education. c SEAAOIN GIIEETINGS TO ALL SPALE 775' x 15 Four Ply, Pair for DICK H'ESSING SHELL on Highway 115, north of Kirby Phone -983-9988 To he tecorsofthe, u I -,,-ed like to thank ail those who had confidence jhà me to give me an acclamation for ýour Rev for 1971-72. I ~lendeavour to keep thse interest of the R r eares in mmmd and work for the good of tic Tossi1 as I have in the past. Wilshing one and ail a Very Merry Christ- mas a Hitppy and Prosperous New Vear. eeveJohn Stonm5e 1F Iowers and Plants for Christmas Including ail Potted Plants and Arrangements You will be delighted with our Selection Phene62.3-5757 llighWay Ne. 2, West of Bowmanville encees in the Psyciei world) 11he Tom T1iuonipison Mystery by JIdge tle (Wins thîiîs Artiryt'os dea4ii acintai, or was ht Muird-eir*) Ii ii-üdie Tâe 3rd 1ý eicili by Albert Speer llovses WîIrlh Biiîd fiold~s by Johnà (1 i(c cpslirgnovel) ('aid S[ cel nb'.- ech w'ood A Cry 0f C(!'îküLfs by Brian Glian- ville (a iýjîrel of, rilorence) ynoulr, hookifof Mdia,ýeia aid Tud- or Co;f unie by Phîîiliiîs Cunîndng- bion Th1e Chiarge ýof t1ie hig Brigade by A. and M. ProvenLsen Tfihe Me)on cf tue Moles by Jean C. George Eif OwI by Marq and Conr'ad Buff They Jikd't Conie Back by Peul Beerna M1,Yqtery'At Boulder PoWit by El- eaeor M. Jeweîtt Easy Rteading and Picture Books leniîay Pemny hy Paul Galiîne 1-lun'nbiig WI'ch by iomna - Balban The T11ier WIhio Came To Tea by Ju.d)l th J<eir Tihe, Great Big Enîcnmous Tulip býy Helen Oxanbury The Elif In The Si'nging Tree by SaràaBdit The- Cabis Go To'Market by 31oana Jothn Reàfd (a. c:ompelkchg novel) 5SN00W P LOt WING DRIVEWAYS and SH-OPPING PLAZAS -24 Hour Service- Season and Hourly Rates Phone 359 B, O. ROERSOàN I ORONO, ONTARIO A ANT. U E à S WE BUV AND SELL Old Glass, China, Pine Articles Toys and Odditles IF IT's OLD ... j CALL US j WE PAY CASH jPhone 623-5342 after 6 p.m. 1970 Handa Motorcycles Priced $219.00 1970 Aluminum Boats 12 ft. $1919.00 14 ft. $269.00 ATV Jigger, used ---- $495.00 1971 SKI-DOOS are here at fantastic prices Ontarjlo Sports SKI-DOO SIROP HWY 115 Orono Phone 983-5444

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