ORONO WEE KLV TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17th, 1970 ________ - a = c S, 4 See Ml classes Mofpersonal and. Commercial CoveraLres Office- Main St., freo Rem 9835754 Gord Simpson IPHONE 9350 Orono, Ontarie PAINTING CARPENTRY REMODELLING >GENERAL REPAIES Interior Exterior CHARLES RI -Orono's Lcne Auctioneer and Valuator Srecialize in Farni and Furniture Sales Consuli e -for terms and idates us, a neigihour, fricnd, or relative The RIJTTER GRANITE COMPANY 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE Largest display in Southera Ontario and Cycle < Orono Phone 983-5343 PRINCE CRAFT BOATS Alouette Snow Mobiles MecCulochb CHAIN SAWS Repirstoail makes of Lawn Mowers and 2 andi 4 cycle Rear eEnies ALLOUETTE SNOWMOBILES PLJMPING OUJT SEPTIC TANKS Bert Tompkins I Phone 796-2552 Clarke Public HRORS OPEN: Tuesday 6:30 S 830 Thursday 6:20 8.30 Friday 2:30- 5; 6,30 - 8:30 Saturday 10:00 - 12:00 a.m.. IPLUMBING anad HEATING ISales and Service 14HOUR BURNER SERVICEj GULF FINANCING L Low, lnterest Bates r Tyroae 263-206 Imrille Chatterton Electrical Contracting SEiectric Hea tînL and Service PHONE 983-5546 or 983-.5940I Orono. Ontario ORONO ELECTRIC,ý- Hlerb and Gemr Duvail 983-5 108 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING ELE CTRIC IIEATING' ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES T.V. - COLOUR T.V. RADIàO - MI-Fl FRIGIDýAI!R - RC.A. DOMINION ýZELECTROIIOME INGLIïS - TH&1R -GUARANTEED SERVICE- Fire, Package Policies Fidellty Bond, Liabillty Life First Mortgage Leans iSadie Hamiltoni Phone 983-5115 [Box 133 Poe6835 iStafford Brothers I LimIteti gManufacturers of ICeumetery Memori ais -318 Dundas Street East HfBONTARIO iBuilding a House? Ior- remodeling your present - one, tencontact iFloyd NicholsonI jPhone 983-5049 ORONOj FOR SALE Four pakr of skates size 3 1'wo pair of sbaes size 1. Telephone 983-5883. a-c FOR SALE ,Einst qtua1ty sweet Tabile Turn-! ips, waxed if per busiiel, Ruta- bagas. Also e'ggs - 3 dozen $100 and up. A. Van H-laitum, 8th line. Phone 983-5267. d-2-C NOW AVAILABLE Iloanng Md BMateTdes iiow i stock for all mkes. Mteir foiris of battenies also aviadtble. 1 ORONO ELECTRIC >1TENDERS , Tenders wvii be, recied for the suippljy andi instailatàon iofa Rais- ed FIoýonihg System, Port Hope 1111gb Sciblool, co'mpute[r rbiom un- tii 4:00 pin., DecenibÈr 22, 1970. Speid'lfidatoùs fniay be rieeeid friomtiie office of M. A. MacLýeoýd, fBusiness AdmLnisitator and 1Treais- ,urer, Nortihumberland and Dur- hain County B$oard of Education, 335A Ing St. E. Cobourg, Ontario TENDERS Týenders,,wiii b reiceâvesi for the' supiply andi instaIIation of, (1) 'air cnit eilgsstei os ne- quires I n a Univace 9200 Comp-- ter opewation (2) electrical sup- pily for tle cmutras spýecWilesi until 4:00 p.rn., Tuesda, Decei- ber 22, 1970. 'Spedfliatbi on ay -be reeed froin the- office of> M. A. MjacLeod, Bsnesadminisàtra- tor n resrr335A Kiag st. East, Corg, O aro. a VIA NTED Food Freezer aaed. L.Deloop, 1 1, Orono Phone 983-5815. a-c CaliOrno -andcaig for Snowpowin and removal this winter. Phone C,983-5,598. tf Wanted- DeadI or Crippled Fann Stock PICKED UP PROMPTLY Telephone Collect 263-2721 MargwiÀ Fur Farm Licence No. 258-C-70 JACK, R1CAIBD REALTOR 99 King st., E. BOWMANVILLE When Buying or Seliing cal WILF HAWKE YOUR ORONO AREA 1«PRESENTATIVE 982-5274 Mobe 0 Ohawa andi Dis- ttict ]Real Esta"e Boardl 1-NOTICE Wdi be dotinig Sà3wploughdng &ln Oronto andi surounding distict Phle Jâmn Pikey, 983- d2p NOTICE Li<biaî-y wi'i1 be dIosed Thursdaly, Friday and Swtuvclay,. Decemiber 24, 25 aiid 26. Aiso T)bursfdiay and Fniday )cceinber 31 and Januiary lst 1971. a-c NOTICE Anlyloile knlowirng 'the wherea- b(outs of the GIrl Gtdde liog Book pleise contact Deibbiýe Heard, phone 983M536. a-p SEMI DRIVERS NEEDED Expeirience h'elpsfui butot nec- ýeLsiary, for local end over te road hauling. Yfou caa elarn up Vo $10,000 Vo $15,000 per year after short traïing. For application (and i ntervie1w, cal 41i6-362-4002, or write Safety Dept., Transport Trlaàig >Systerns of Canadca Ltd. 207 Queens Quay Wce, Toronto 17, Ontarin, Canada, 50-c NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THlE E-STATE 0F WILLIAM WESLEY CURTIS LATE cf the Townshiip of Clarke in the Couhty of Durham, Farier, deceasesi: Ail persoiis haing elaimsii a- gain'St 'the esa1e0f th1E, S'id flWil- or1 abQut the ll 1h thay of, Auýigastl 1970, 'arýe hereby 'niiotified t!o send to tihe udrindAmnsr ors ýor theirSoitoonobeo' the Ist d'ay,,of Jn y,17,their àinmesani dre ud' ,-J fual paricuarsof tercansad 1nimdbat'ly lterthesaàid ist day uf ~nury,1j'71, the a setg of týhe siaid deceaised wil be, dist- ributed amngiýý the personis ea'tit- led thýereto .1 -ving regard oniy to the claiins of Whlieh the Acldaýs- tratorýs or the undeirsùgned Solie-ý itor shall thea have notice. D'ated 'at Orono, Ontatlo, Uhis' 7th 'day of December, 19'0.ý Mrs. Edith May Gordoun, -Orlono, 'ontario, Mirs. Violet Suteliffe, RR.2, Mr. Argus 'Charles ýCurtis,,RR. Nith, 'arpno, Ontarjýo, Admînistrators. W. K. LYCETT, Oromýo, Ontarlo, Soliditor for the Administrators. Callyour lioenud Plumbing & Mtechanica) Contra cur Who seils,, butai), PLUMBING AND HEATING SALESM AN or AGENT WANTED GOOD M~AN OVER 40 for shbrt trips siliouning Oroano. Ooaniat custjomesls. We traù~n. Aâr muaii S. K. Docersolnh'Pres., &uUfwesteon Petirolteùm iOop., Ft. Worth, Tex- OPPORTUNITY Be a Ràwleighi Dealer ia ow~ Dtstaic. Goud yeair anound earna ings. No captal neîeessan2y. Wrfte Rawleigh, Dept. J. - 870, 4005 Rieleu St., lMontre(aJI207 P.Q. DANCE and DRAW Chistauas Dance and TusA<ey Draw sponsîored by L.O.B.A. anid L.OL. at the Orange Hall Ponty- pool, Saturday, Dereimber 19Vh. Admisalion $3.00 a eouple. Plan Vo afttend and dance to Fay Adaims and the iCountryIlits. a-c FR ED'S FRUIT MAREKT1 SPECIAiLS FOR CHIRISTMAS For Christmas give your friends ai p)aek of he'alth-givÉing, fwesh apples - Maclntosh, D)eliclos, Spys', OChrLgtmas Trees 99e - $150 Fresh Sweet Cider Fredl's Fruit Market Ilighlway 115 -Southt of Orono b-50-c * SPECIAL SERVICE Thr 4ll be a Christnvas Eve CanfllihtService at LeakardM Unied hu'ehât 7:30 p.m., De- cebr2îith. Corne and worship whih yui friendîs in.the warm an'd ý-ýl frindt atno-phere tof (a RECEPTION The famî]y of Ais. Mre Staples WIRl be pleased to reccive her frieuds et the 'home of Mr. iansi Meis. Doniali Staples, Sund'ay, Dcepmber.,20Vh from 2:00 Vo 4:30 p.m. i honour of hber eightieth birthclay. Best wishes only, CARD 0F THANKS 1 would like to thank tý.se Who sup poRted mie at the poils On D'e- cemýber 7th, andi Vo Wiàh oe ansi ail ta Very Merry Christmas andi a Happy New Yecar. Edwvard R. Woodyard ac CARD 0F TIIANKS The Atoi parents ish teý thank the people wiho do not have boys playin'g hockey, that help cd with ou'- suedessfui banquet.a MAOTO-SKI BETTER 7 WAYS VisitOur Showroom Friendly Sales, Service and Parts Don Chollice PONTYPOOL, ONT. Telepitone 983-5161 - PJIONERONO 983-59-14 .,,,,m m, Our quality anti service leaves- nothig tobc dsire ks hesnwito bought from Service i Orono Buýildi*ng Contractor Brick - Block- Concrete Stone Work Caruentry - Cabinet Work Floors -Tile 983-5441 ORONO William C. Hall, B. Comm. Chartered AccountaMot Phone. Newcastle 987-4240 Ail day Wednesday Ïind Saturday Mi""MMM""Ï" MâFýw w .ý