??y~/6/.~2 -Saowmobile C1inic ~rn Interests Mauîy VOLUME 34,, NUMBER 51 Week.ly Tînies- Survey Shows ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, MOEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 23rd, 1970 1a'.it Wedc ~y everllinig,in s]fle' of a sulow istorni, tlaïy ut- Ac nced a fa.nriy srituwiriobCite le tia, oc lid at iteOr-'oiiso Public 8 k»t.'Jîu rer sîvas devotecl to Ihe saieopiq ýtjon i Ttis Pop- Pir. A hLaespoti c of, tli.- 'aveiig, saeon lite. oper- ýa lùuitof t ho n no.'emci Doug H Vvon s ,oke nuthpbi op ïî iona i loca)ul nni'rser'y aikd Min îo r diareihat cni ) doune wl tis rnowmnoiies10young Seed- ~inr~ ondyo.ngt1reer It w'as l'hgetd ttait thle 'acihe~s be kre'pt out of yorunrg pattosand librat operrAtors keep tbthe coerd- Wlyis iics l3i in ,quedh atens as I be Ganasika.Iwas ralso sug- a tl'hat rfue aot be strerwn ra trdthe bush end tililat &aîme be hwrncdlone to be properrly dàs- V It as reported tihat tbe Prov- i i)c,'Ial Kendrai Park wias now openi foi snioiýniobilng. Mu"rray Joint (o' he Onbtariio PrMmiaiPaile, gave a fulil ajc- nooint of Mite l0w gov'ering snow- lnobiiting. ie iidslaae that alco- 110 li d acamiortt for- a gý)obdiy 11,d lalal. "Tihe snow'iobIe l"s nru Vi p nedontth i Ostaciid- uils înlieradwy upndite to te pee odto of the -Afilm -iwas asdo r ta omncc- tion ith '1111llrg Clarke Council To Approve, Amendment To' By-Iaw Couincli of tlite ownshsip o- C1rs-k gae ntlosutyon Tue'sdray oif last week to bave Mir. E. R. Loveindaf ayla î armer-dng ths r~e nîtzà-iîg bylaw 1653 te, artiow a, dievelîopmre-nt 7viith "A" £rame* dhialels rau a 48 iacre plot oft lanad. 'The lanrd is sdltato-d aîloçng the Wd iiît crerek ssortlh of the eighitit Ue. Councoilibard given two renaiings to a byrlrarw wfiicrh wra3 ho ame-ad thé by-aw but have ntow docided on. chiantges 'a tibis arnsding by- raîw. A letter from itîhe Gaîniaraia Contrsewnaltii Autbosity suggsted tibiat bailet lnsasl-ia lions lin tisle Chalets be eliher olocts"4c or pro- pane gais. Trhe letter ails requeîst- ,ed that the wair ter & m tise pond ho taiken off tie'bottons Vo reduce ,hoaitutnrg of'tiese t&reram andtithat Chalets be lômiterd to tn. Mr. Wm. Bunting ah-1o spo-ke to Coun- cil oa thsepoi sible offerts toitthirs dereolopiment 10 the Wilnsimot creek. A 1lVer was reeiverd fromthîe Department of Transport asing lise Town£rbip 10 clarify Vhieu pawer ho prass byý-lawis Terguitatitig traiffic 1'ia the Prolice- Véliage osf Qrono. As a resrult thec byiitaw wlihnew parking regura tràiis'has not, bcen uiinalized. A Copy oft a leter t thie New- ca-Ic1 Traileir Park situîated ia Clarke Torwns(bîtp, was filed by Cauncril. It was noted tin 'tise let- ,ter Ibrat the park ishoulrd po-.siliy comply wilis by-lîaw No. 1354 anti has asherd for a reply from tise ,owSre by December 31, 1970. It wias ai so noted ici tise mfinutcis tbart it -nias re-querstord that bhe eujply of waterr from both rwellis withuissVise Park b hclloriniaited. Coiscil set forth ax dure dates for tise yer 1971 wirh are ta be March 31, June 30th andi Nov- ember 301h. Hydro plaus Two Sain HYNRO PLANS TWO STATIONS WEST 0F PORT HOPE Oniari(o Ilydîslo plans two gen- etating stiaibinis, piousibiy ho-tri nu- ci-ciar, t )n lan-d def-Iof Pobrt Hope in Hope Townshll*p on ja-ke Ontar- is, a reî-etiînîg heard Wedineosdiay last. T1isens-e-etirnig ,wrO ld jlttiat Hx - drro li-s nrow puireihiar-,erd or optjioci- ed 1,600 acrels aion; the lake Io -acomiaodiate Iwo nurelierir fise-i rgenier-atlbg stallosss or arise nuclýeur and onse oîil-fired station. The' sprrrril ment' n-g of isydvo cairisand tise tirwriftp plan- n/rn-g bonrd ass aallied Io fiard ouI wf alaece',ss routes for power ir!rîisfnni tlite p-oiuts would le 1-fc uoofficiai 1r'cd thîat i S i-r oubai, yct rn--esicmade ont lie ý,tas of plait-s w uld ibc "MAtIhe elCiiilsit e about eiiglî,t ailes we.t uit Part, Horpe we are sÏlc oe crîr("s cf aqiir 1,600 e-i 'saîd 'C. B. Reynroldis, I-lydro flp i I c% eîeopncnt engi n cer. "We plan le larve genieiiratiîfng st-aI-ts ij3osnlte peoperty. We have i~ ~~ý iv'igtdilfor an oii-flred siatiron but the prolye-rty ils also adequa-lo for two nuclear stations.' f FindDifficuit To Get-Actio Il huis, taken more thaîn a yets" aind Q isaluf aid thore Èis stRIte no rend la sight. Thse Centrai OntlaeY o Jint Plan- mhng lBioard (COJBP) îpubldhed a rcp'wtrl in AprIll 1969 ernitlod "RcgClaîionlal Plýaifing Report," whicth among mîanly tbings roc ormmenîded lise -estarblisment of n urs ver lilýy in its piiarnnng arera ûf r lrrwaWblh,,tbr, FlisI Whàtby Dorlîgto- aud B wîmanvle. It W3 stilîl waiitinrg for a-n (unîsWer frcm the înrielýpalitoLes on wsetli- ur or nat tisey rwouild be interestý eti la tise plan. "liiheria a-ils Itîle or Me ces nment on Ii-e Reigdlomal Pi-an Re- port," saA irdJm IHnrley, >,deputy- diirector of t Paninigina a telepione intervie onmiUovidrary. "No on-e piekedtiup roair r-commsendialion tio ijiave a univrst in thils aveu. I-n faet n rosiac id anytling a- bout trIe rpotatai. Afttor a year bard passed, thse COJPB, V wýCIhriîcdsu.uaýliy dores ni get i n niîe iithse impleinen-ta- li-s-of its o-wa rercornmendatonrs, f. it et perrulraps iwe issuewîa-s i o1 big fo)r ,lsyone miuniipakhty laisen-lep. Sro il deiclei to vonture I C) furlhertan it nîormally .t-hi 13 dl rrote directlry b othe r o- , al governnsent to express (Conîinued plage' 3) Irregularities A survýey of re eue ùrce centretsina cr I c'-'1; tfiIugùh i Ne.'thaenlber liand and Durhîam show therre is a grerat i niqualiity in the facltieG av-Jiâefli St reine aas. The murv ey ais tk- in ntihe fr 'I ýof Irtycoar by tise Nrcrthum- b.jarnj Durarn mSchr)ool libraT- irIThs' A'înolitàon at blie requeist of H. C. î' hto,,prorgrîam co- sultin t for the Departmetjtf.Ed- The rISIuitS Were piisented tb thse Nierhumber laiid - Duriham Corty Blfoard of Ddueailiorn ut he liSt regwular meeting anad a mum- ber of recorrmenidîabionts made. Tise survey enn'nmpars-d fot onyIssttila'nd fclitie of exi> iilring schiool libraries but the to- tai carscnsof cachssclhool. Itwas dflscovererd tisat tiougli many sholts possos(3 large num- bers of boroks; they tare &c'attere'd thrraughuust ,Fise 'claisroons and unre not caFaloguiedor., avâ"Ilyl uo se by.the maxdimiýum number of'studessîs.1 Sendior puiblie sdhroolrs, aeording b't the survey, appear to be inad- equsiyteuly serve-d aned là. other soolsnany studreslis indiloato an imbalance bertwreeai fiction aind nioa-fictlion boroks. Lloyd Wiléianis, chairmn s oit thse Làbuaritains' Aosoeiation, Wad bise board that genieraltiy, touacher- liibraniîain lime par sudent is flot adequate due to!olhser toradhdng drutnies and lack 0f cleerleal assiet- The asîoci-afion reonssends this bra-ry fauciudties siould bu dervlopedti 10baisire staniidiirdis in ail scihorois With secre tarâai assistants avaîldaIbIe lu i l Iîbreos cetfizectlbarrsrvin hut beIntroda-ecil by Isle oiiye- of awiDor1ci-iîrg Iîbrar«,ian: THis turvctdionîî shrosldimnhdet asgistance in profe-c-isioýnra pro- ces:ýig- go-f backll6g mate-niai; as- siistarnce in cu,-irpailizirnrg materdai in schnnols wtotli(b.rardiaens. Schoois wb-1ilois bave fe'wer than 200 sturdetsm r. ; Williarms sad are too srsrlf justify Vise devel- o.pment of klbrary rersources. Po r thcse -schso s library qtsaît- eris cu be developod in faciui- ies su cii as foyers, hals, barse- ment rooms and i as-y availlale npace.1 For liargeir sdhiools, a -basic col- ieeiîiîaon oft 3,000 to 5,000 boroks sil1d be establin,.heti. ma1 (elohýRolls, saild Mr. Wlliliiams sloulld bave aceess la ttse largor librair- des or th enlraËtzed faedEhtes. iirrgir sahoois, v7illh over 400 studients shourlld bave adequate (Continued page 3) C!arke Council ýApproves Take-Over 0f Newtenville Presbyterian Cemetery Thie Couieîli of tise To'inbsisp of Clarrke raliter ia sisîmber of yoars îof aisîgolUatiîonis have fàlnîally givon approVail Vo their lliawyer E. R. Ltsiekinî , to receivo tise deeti o-f ltise NWînriîePire by erdare rCemlery. This tmansiter ýhais boots bmhir;e corurnelid for a niranber of yearrs arad appeiars niow t-lb -hose-t- tleid uhera final lni,ýtrultiornrs are cern )le ed. 'Pie iuiciiprality ,îs- to rreeiVie o suas oit $2,105.72du ca-h rwitli le irkewr of e tise Newtronvdlle (~ s î ryilir e'h t M l e'-d foi- p p e itre- 'vtion . and future AJir n i o neinwitîh Cem- etc'ij,ý a ljeiler wais rercei-vord tisa Cr îei coud îaassa by lraw ail- u1rdnr ice eii'icctiing cùf clones la an ars no cemsetery ranrd ereot- Ctîi5 ~lrn. ihifs carme in reply conrcet- th ie -Chrilsiiran -Ohurchs Ceiicretery, lot 28, conzessb-on 5 la Clarke Townshlip. A ly4arw wars ffas seel by council allowing tise Oonmuasity Tele- pli olle Oormpmny tao erect andi rin'ci'ain poires, cohule, duels an-d v e riongtise Towaslip coudG. A furtiser' ,by-lu-w sot forth rerg- ulliaidons anid controirs conrernÈnrg tise inspectkonand approval vif, isuildCtsrg lots in tise Tiowsrsiip la îlepend of, ,i-rtraEllriion bf rivnle -r sage steiniis A copy nlf a, leitter -'vas fLle-d vi te-e rt r itedtîhit tie pros- bi rrri yDre(\ dienis not permit i'el srbhfn ico'a t twotamily evcV1' i !i 5en r3r-uýcltirai zone. A requir t hu been ridreiwitih cneri a krî rerm In o l1iw i ~of ahl re~-gby est- a3Y i tw e; o aparinsonts ira -a preuicit ,ingle fa-msiliy drweliinrg. It wasà furli.cer innted tUiiait tise own-er 1to4y sbi ils r j5requiesi 1 tiseh comsîiltee -of Adjusttment andi or Cou neil. Tihe roquest fro-m Mir. ai-d Mrs. W. P. rlrwis for tise Toîwnîsiî to take ove-r cerbain roadis riratiseir subdivdsion sout iorf Orono rwas rerferred latiste Ronad îaid Bridge Aliete-r wraîsreeeiive-d giviigDc- partmeat ,aipprovali taý J. Ocbnisk for, isirsrub-dàvrsriii slin Orono, werst -of Mlatît Sire-et North. Thse ipproreal diid earry la nuisbor oft A lerter was re-ccived fro-m Honry, Briooks and H-iarrr(llron, Port Ho[pe, uin bchtiSif of Mr. Crago altil4s objectcnrg btis'te crosiîsg oit a rin-at lot 34 aid 35, con- icossiion 2 le-vn bisougis hie isad ob- jýected tio 1the cAng. It avi --neioleid ini the cor- t- ponîdîrrniee Ilit a biansfer of propàrty litotes Ra'par lIollen for rond pulrprr,3e tnlie Tîown-hltip hraîd neyer beenreiterd Thiis pioce dfb-cirs l a- sîed had been isîegingg fire el-n-ce 1966. Appirovail bi ber-li ecefiveid la tisai iniiislry loea-ting or exparnd- ingin I- -dîrke Tarwssîiiip miav now re-celiveaI sae from tris Equal- izatîon oft Inrdrurrlil Opp'oirtuisty Pirogram irovýids-g speelfic coud- itians are metI. Oroito P~*ubl i Lbrary Jan 10, 1969-