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Orono Weekly Times, 13 Jan 1971, p. 5

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)RONOWEEKLY TIMES,- WEDNESDAY., JANUABV 13th, 1971 WANT ABS FOR W-EDNESDAY PUBLICATION ACCEPTED UNTIL 5:00 p.m. TUESDAY1 PHONE ORONO 983-5301 Milisoinsuac &gency fer kl classes of personal and Commercial CoveraLres Offire: Main St., Oreno Res. 983-5754 Gord Simpson PHIONE 983-5808 Orono, Ontario PAINTING CARPENTRY, REMODELLING GENERAL REPAIRS Interiur Exterlor CHARLES RMD Oron.o's Licensed Auctioneer and Valuator 8peciallze in Farm and Furniture Sales Consit re fori terms and eTh;tes, PHIONE ORONO 983-5914 Monuments and Family Memorlals Our quality and service leavels nothingto be desired Aak the person who bought frein as, a neighbour, friend or relative Ille RUTTTER GRANITE- COMýPANY 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE Largest dluplay in Southera Ontrie R. C. SLEE Bowmanville, Ont. Phione 623-3383 jWATSON'S Manue and cycle, Orone Phone 9835343 PINCE CRAPT BOATS Alouette Snow Mobiles McCuiloch CHlAIN SAWS Repairs te ail makes of Lawn Mowvers and 2 and 4 cycle Englae j ALLOUETTE, 8INOWMOBILES i PUMPING OUJT 'SEPTIC TANKS Bert Tompkins Nhime 7846-2552 Clarke Public HOURS OPEN: Tuesday 630 - 8:30 Thursdlay 6:20 - 8:30 Frlday 2:30 - 5; 6.30 - 8:30 Satumrday 10:00) - 12:00 a. J s p p 4 14 p ' I r, IBYAMS PLUMBING and IIEATING Sales and Service IM HOUE BURNER SERVICE GULF FIANCING Low Interest Rates Phone.- i Tyrone 263-2650 IOrville Chatterton Electrical , Contrae'int Electrie lleatinz jand Se rvice PHONE 983-5546 or 9i83-5940 Orono. Ontario ORONO ELECTRIC Hîerb and Gerry Duval 983-5108 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING ELECTR1C HEATING1 ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES T.V. - COLOUR T. RADIO - HI1-FI FRIGIDAIRE - R.C.A. DOMINION ELECTRIIOME INGILIS - TII-Rl -GUARANTEED SERVICE HamiltonsI Insurance. i ServiceI AUTO PIRE, PACKAGE POLICIES FIDELITY BOND j LIABILITY First Mortgage Loans Sadie Hamilton! Phone 983-5115 Bo 13 plume 663l-3ý,552l Stafford Bohr Manufaeturer, of CemeWy Memoriala 318 Dan"asStre« t i WBITY, ONTAIIO Buailding a flouse? Ior remodelling your present one, then eontact iFloyd Nicholson j Plume 9835049 ORONO PIANO WANTED UpaigW tpàano ianted, lin g oalio'n. Phonie Noone's Motel, 983-5536. a-c WANTED Clla f wmnan for generai hSpte keep,4ng, one or two days a week. Mone 983,5309. a-c TENDER Northiumberland and Durham County Board of Education 335 A King St.'East (Box 470) Cobourg, Ontario. Tendes are invited for the Gen- eval Classvoom suippites. Tender Iists and conidlitions are ýa'vàiable at the Board Offe e t the above add'ress. Tenders close a 12:00 noon, Jan- cinry 29, 1971. M. A. MacLea Fci, TOWNSHIP 0F CLARKE TENDER FOR ONE / TON TRUJCK Seialed wilbu' receîved nloit lIater tîhan 1:00 o'cliock p.m., Tucsidlay, Fbur 2, 1971 for the supply of One ½/- ton truck- Infomaton auîd tender forms may be recc,,,,,lvedfrouai the undier- sdgned lat tîhe iîowniip of Clarke Roiad Departmccet Office, Orono, Ontaio.11 1 L&west or any tender flot neces- M. L. ROSS, Tt3îad Su'perhniteccden4, Townsh'ip of Clareke, Oronio, Onbarie., SNOWPLOWING Call Orono Landscaping Snowplowing andr removal winter. Phone 983-5598, tuf Wanted Dead or Crippled 1Farin Stock PICKED UP PROMPTLY Telephone Coileet 263-2721 Margwil Fur Farm Lieno. 258e470 >Orono Building Contracter Brick Block - 'Conerete Stone Wrk Carpentry - Cabinet Work Floors -Tile 983-5441 ORONO JACI REALTOR 99 King st., Em. BOWMANVILLE When Buyîng or Seliing eau WILF HAWIKE YOUR ORONO AIEA REPRESENTATIV 983-5274 Miembeýr of Onhawa- and Dis- trict Real Estate Board CHRISTMAS TREE PICJK-UP Chrtistmais Trees 'wi1 býe pieked up iln Orono on Satýurdiay, Jaiuilry lOth. PJeas3e have treeo et the roadsicle prioir to 9 ~a.m. a-c APPLICATIONS Applidatýonrs w611 bc recelved by the undcerg~igned up until Jan- uary 29, 1971 for the Booth Con- cessioin at Oxionto Park anj Pia(rk Manager, mhdh would lînclude one aible to madnta)n pools aînd other park duities from aipprox- i'mîte1y Maîy 15 to September 15, 1971. For imiformation, phiono Alma Outteîll, Orono, Secretairy, 983-5007., c-4-c IIEL P WANTED Legal Secrebùary, full or part dîne for Law Office, to lie opened ici, Bowmianvdile, Februiary lst, 1971. Pleiase reply lin writing, stating experience aind qualflieaîtions to: Biaýcbe)r and, Kelly, Barristers aad Suîdo Box 159, Býowman- ville, Oxtarlo. C-3-c SEMI DRIIVE'S NEEDED Experfience heipful- but flot necessîary, for loal land ovier the roiad hauling. You eau earn uip to $10,000 ýto $15,000 pew year after short itraining. For applicatiýon ndinterview, ciali 416-362-4002, or write Saïety Dept., Tirainsport Traiinîng Systems of Cianiacla, Ltd., 207 Queins Qutay Weslt, Toronîtoý 117, Qntarlo, Caniada. b-3-c NOTICE Girls wîlsfihig to join the 4-1- flomexdak1ing OIubý,The Jýac1eàt Dress, pîease, contact Mirs. Wm. Taimblyn or Karen Stec. a-p BABY SITTING Wuil1i do bmby sittîng. Phoqno 786-2409.a- BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIE$' EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITV Ddefti1ilutons for your areta - lait- est eqipment lin, ciandy bars, isnack firjaiebnes, etc. No selfing. To qu>allfy muust have car, reifer- onces, $1,000 toa$3,500 cash. A f ew, houis weelcly min net excell- ont, moire fi time. We establis ail roultes. For personal ddnýtervfow wite, incluJing pimone nimibor. Vo: B. V. IIISTRIBUTORS LIMITED, Box 68, Walkerville Postal Sta- tion, WINDSOR 15, Ontario. COMINO EVENT New Demociiatie Pirty - DJurhm Rüidiung, Aunuial Meeting -'Satur- day, Jîanuary l6th, Newcnsle Couxinuuity Bail. Guesit Speaker 1, Sephen Lewiîs, Leader of New Deanocratie Parity of Ontiarlo. 7:00 p.m. - 8 :00 p.m. - wïine andi ÔFeese panty. 8.00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.- meeig anid speaker. 10:00 P.M. - 11.00 P.n-socIal. Everyione Welîciome. a-c Local News Mr. and M-s. V. Wàilsonare MOtoueng Vo Florida this w&k for a holiîciay. Mr. and Ma-rs. A. M. Jîohnison iet on MondaY for a Vree Montéh holi&ay in Tampa, Floritiay. CLARKE PUBLIC LIBRA2RY vALE - DISCARDS - SALE 10 cents Eacli NOTICE Will be doing isnow piîowinîg this winter in Orouo anîd ,-un-ouiFg district. Phone Jim Pilkey 983-5265. d-Ap NORTHUMBERLAND AND DURHAM COUNTY BOARD 0F EDUCATION RPequîiires iîmmc.ddîtely, Oountilce Seconde.try Sohoc)ol Secr-eFaînual As- s(r3tance - full turne. Must ihave ty7pinng and generai knowledge' of office, procedure. Ability to work from verbal inîd wvitften instuc-, tilonis. Duties to commence Wed- nesdiay, Jauinary 20tlh 1971. Apply to: M. A. MincLeod, Bqsiýn'ess Aîiiirto aod Treiasus-er, i35A Kngst. Eaes, Bw\ 470, GGhb3urý, Ont. a-c PAPER. DRIVE The Tyro and Sî(ia,ýC Boys wîll collect paîpers anid returniable btttlels ou Saturday, Janu;ary 16. Ouqr route will cover Leskard, O'Chonski Su4iîdeou and Or- ono. ,b-U- HORTICULTURAL NOTICE 1971 is the 501h anoilveîrsary of the llorticultura1 Society in Or- ond. Let's get off Vo a good slbart by asking friends anîd nedghbiouýrs te join us for bhe Memnbersdilp dlimner on Thursd(ay, Jauary 21 ait 6:30 p.1m. in the Maln. -all ouf t-he Orono Unqited Ohurch. The menu is Pot Luck so plaeý%( buicng a cazserole, dessert or any- thîng elseyou like. Rer. and Mrs. T. If. Sith clif Newc'astI]e wdlil show sides ouf theùir tnp Vo Japain and Expo and! will provide- initerestdig comment- arýy.11 Memliersfipls are $1.00 and will be avialiaibie ait the door. JUNIOR ART SHOW A showing of Junior Art will be exhi!bitedc ait thxe larke Public Library tiis weekend, Tlxursday to Satxýjrday. - NOTICE The Annaal MeetIig oftme, lot hilders in the Orono Oemetery Oompany wâill be heîld in the Lang Memorlail Chaîpel on the Orono Cemetery grýoundçs on Mondiaîy, Jianniary l8th, 1971 ait 1:30 p.uM. ae CARD 0F TIIANKS Thaink you, one and all for 3nour cheery cards, messages of gooclwll anid coucern, kdidncss to Bob, a-io good care in Bowniaîn- ville HospÉtal by nurses and sstaf f. Ani speciialy Drs. McKenzie il Sanîghi. a-p Margaret llancock. CARD 0F TITANKS We wish ito thankalthe friends onti neighbou-is whîo were so kihmd Vo the folkat the Rest H1ome over tihe hokiays. a-c Ethel KewAs. Wilia C.HalB. Comm.' Phone Newcastle 987-4240 Ail day Wedniresday and Saturd-ay %r-ý ---m4 ................... %

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