ORONO1 WEEKLY TIMES, DNESDAY J ýANUARY 2Ot.h, 1971 O"lRONGWEEKLY lIMES Pal* e every T ursa t the offie of publiceao Parking Stili InForce It appeiaas tat panlnîg aiegwudlatao -are fis tli £XaSfrc on au L reiets l nOraunoeveni thouffi the TewnsihP cf Oake idel resditedr byl1iw" w$hlldh*"iehaut!passed on bdlalff zd tie Pdolce Vinage. It hmt been pomnted cu it h ieIRes- dlmndng bylaiw o repeal VüS TùwsiuiBy-diamwhmisyettVo aidodive the appro'val cf the Departint sud untàu suîdh is a ec~t the bylaws are sti in ueiffeudt. The Trustees (dil eVie "ilJe have passai reugul"ag byas wlhdd are expecitedt! o be given DepaurtneMntaipprov- al pttior Vtle epprAM qal y tue Departnaent of tue 'Pownshaip Aesdndha'g Bylaiw. t is iintreslg o niote that Vthe Departnue(dt appmolaVo tu e twe by4&lws pa&sek by the TownsMhlp aie- e& plarMaig lin Orlo but on the Vhliad tuey qurtioed the TewnGii's aiuthonity. TIl iis jusit aniothier case where onfusIon exulists in gaoveunut departinents and Oltesa it is e>ndy who you spjeîacto. The WVTay of a Politician, On Saiurdasy eveffiîug we wer c-sairprised whh lthVie upx »inn woechion o! Steulen Lewli as he -szpoke 'atVile uNi) meltlaiglinNewucastle. Pir-lor te hus turne %e haid audy 00i an osan eeisoanapd it appelar that thuis imedI dons àffitte for hùm.Ile ceqady lhis youftli on bis sïcde, is amible asý wueuul abeing a trenendous speaker amd anistleua. flowerer like mîout poticilais heie Ves 3you vhuat you want o heur and subjects -de not delire ito te deeipe-r as-' peets wliisilgesaeaialluWY Vdyrulee&M amiy lcar'cut decsio:49 t It waS "aisi uterestlii O noVe that at Pb presis don.- £erenee lu Némwciast heu saw taxi exitensilon for tue -Catuhoble' SM meslabuoos up Vo and iWUiudiung gragde 13, but t hubls dld wno neludother grups as Jeuws«orDutdil Retom. iiowever on plllkhlg up tuie Tleugnipa Mlenucay eveunihulig Wý OM iUî< thaat a Jowdsh imeeting he.dd i luludeJemwisihi sciils Mnd Dutudi Reform lu a prcgzam Vo reuceive provilieal àzd. ]Jts a&à1 inVthe way of a pellifflan. Stephen Lewis, NDP Leader, Speaks To Local Members Steplien Lewili, leader a& Vhe Ontaai» New ,Deniocratk ePainty spkeat lengtih o 100 Duurhiam Party anemnbeues et the COmmuaiy liai], !NewcaitAle on Saturdiay ev- H,,-preideted sn electtl. n l Jiune- as hie saiki the Torie~s would noat want te pau'S up Vile noimen- tumn af Vie lideshl onvention. Heu alk the NuDP wes-re shooting for the gevernaient af Ontaio. -Mr. Lewis sai tihat die lelad- eishiip convention of the Toriles inatteored very Ilittle because thelr pblnswere oa i ue Parnty and nae leader ouIud prevent their rcoeulntnulin.g decdtne. -Aisikedi whFfther the equallity in ýducation noveiment speasored îby Vthe OaiholcSaae schaols ,wais goingta becomne a politicaul1 Èlisue Mr. Lewis eepllied, "I hope tuhat it will net. But it is a very "Wffe belelilve- in tueehe aiâaof proý)vincbal add to separate sek'o;pi cidenup to grade 13. lu jhis addre-ssVo tue meeýtiing Mair. v!s LewispointedeuloItthat 24 Oosaser Ie mnrshavceleith- er eaday nmaide it, known Vuiia .hey will not rua lin the next e- ecýboai or wI iake thilis State- ment pii.or Vo Vthe eletion. On the suibject of edudation he said hie' was ired o£ bedsg trup- ped Ï1to diiScusiaienof casts wvhàfst unaMhe to git Vthe govenn- nient to exipoindi ou the quaity mid, piliicph~y of «edUeaTliaiHe deserüibed learndng as bellng con. f ined t» a nýonodeËhiàt tucture. "Why is lt se necesiaSy te ou- strudt suohi huge plants? Why lis se tlile mney a!Luited Vo paie ieoi and eanly levells? Why hais thle svstem soimuch rgilmeunta- ton, "lit is au ýrenairkaible huai- eaucnatie hieradhy. 'Admii4la tîive costs skyrocket yet there is nqîa dhhsae in qualty."> On he suubjedt of pluinMr. Lelssaid, "lu the ]uaws donlt meun a tiz-4unaicss you sare ser- ious about efoc ithena" Hle sgetdta the NDP wol sr~ueheavy ýfinl-eiS for potIIiters and amend tuýe cailuiin- ail code to n-iake persilisItast viola- tiois an idietable oiffesce. lie aisu Salid tuait if tuey were, (Corninued on1p1 eS8 Local News Mir. 0. W. Rodipti is coufîied te bs hbWne due to illneiss. DIES AT 144 Osilaiwl's adestt ciien Mais. jXaaiy Elinabetii Everson,' dïed Fnl.- idua, Janaary 1M t aiMaawood PNuxtdhing Home, Bowznaffdleu lai ber 104ý year. Mrs. Everson, a dewmedasat of me of Oshawiao f ilrtpmioeer dainkldes, was active li hoestat iand churcil warlk toughouut hier She was born Mary Elzibeth exýas Eve, 1867, Vthe yelaai ofcaîn- P'awedtl at limwunny on Ohlist- adillan Oonîedeiatibn. Her parents were Mn. suad M?&s. Arthlur Weldlngton ElaroweiL Mni. A. W. PareweAl wis tue former L. A.R olstf Oronie, a membeur of aanÉythat came te Coaaadua t=r m ent after tue -Aniern Mmi. Renia Wiaddedh and Mai. 0. W. Rolpihiare oMMinsof tue lote Imas. Everson. 4-H CLUB 'Mondjay n1giht agaln markcd the beglinlig of the mter pr-o- ject of the Onono '4H lub -as elerVesa fias met at the home af Mxs. BI]V Tainblyn. Thi sunii's. pfoed is a jacket dress whieh Yw2l be ddsplîayed at an adihieve- ment day the enid of ApiGlul port Hlope. D-Liscuslosa was bascd on fibres and hiow they ore mnade ite a £abrilc and flly a dress. The offioers were elected wlit Ruth Chater as president; Eveliene Brown as secretary anid Krein Lowery ai,;s revcrt«., . M~eebiags wll bei hdd every Monrtay eveang, eemýnendig agt 7:00. UP AND Dow-N THE BOOK STAçKS SALE - DISCAIUDS- SALE NEW BOOKS Adut- The Spýotted Sprinx, byJ'cy Ad- anson (IVijs'bSîk-, e worthy, successor to "DI4viing ýFree") Boeilout by Don flw4lggiBns (the story of Paacahutiiing and Sky- dling) *Eniraimntl hanie by D. E. Elnlick (focias ona Onaio) The Bandellýisa Preki d by Amne LoTraiane (Romaience> A WIlnter lin the his by John Wkqn (a, novelset in Norith Wai,.s) The dlble Wo'man by Margaret Atwooid (a i»ee) Junor- A Maple Tree Begins by Aidren A. Watson (the growth of a Miapie frum seed lic Adut) Hcow Mrh aid ilow Mlany by Jeàaný Bendlick (tihe story of we;llglhts ani mensures) Let's Go To nPie Unlteif Naions by Joarn Coohnane lngdom of The Elephants by A!lan C. J'eaniks Secret Undler the ÇariTbena by Gordon RI flekgon (excifiug science fictilin) Easy Reading and Picture Books 'The Drç)nàdesit Bee ùun the Ilive by Ansi Jensein Seme Oheese for- Oharles by Helen E. Buckley ljittie Tuppen by Paul Galducue. Olga Beauehasnp S PorIVts The Oroîno Tykes in a 'game *ith Mluubrocuk took a decided 6-2 vlictory. Dousg IHaincok aegis- tEred bis bat tiuick wÈih tlhre'e of Oroini&s shk geals. Thle odiher gul were by Tlonmy Guitar, 1DfaîvV Hutttoai and Rosa Opako. AsSList w,(ýnt ùo Charles Quantriul, John West and Scott West. WAPPORT HOPE Thie Orone Tyke A teenm samnp- ed -Port Hope by, the score ouf 10- 0. Boby vMy'tlie, Way-ne MLean, RcessSuttalnd Preston Long al sdre ar oal.Slngtie couiters wentt OhaleGrn iand Jeuf W csthrok. 'Me OooTyke B ELann vest (on You HeIp? Jamaryls to eaily Vo begün 'ýSpïlnîg eanig', lbut keep in aninid TIhe Clarke Museum', *hen you do begm dotinrg thirough Itlt s hoped- thiat the "C1arke Mseum alnd Archives,, (qoéated on upjier floor of Orono I2Lbrary fBud&dng) wll «pen etar1yv Vhs sununner. The Miemie sdl be "BEarly D.a" in Chutne". If auyone bhas arties wibkid woulid be suit- ,able for a, Wàwhen, parleour, bed- <roOn - prlior to, 1867, if Posfflbe -aînd woulId be wbIâng to, lian or give Vhem Vo the Muiseum for IiLpIias, llease phloine one od the aiiwbers g¶Lven- below. If anyonie wes lto nma4e a 4Idob5on of mey te Vhe M~ius- *eufn.lIt wiRl be gratefuLy re«eived. 98»-188 -MIWS C. Stewart 983-5837 - Mies. E. Sdmlid 983-5479- Mrs. D. Taqràey. go STUDENTS LEAVE^ DURHAM COLLEGE About 50 students wi-thdmiw £rom courses at- Duaihin om flege faifter the Ohristnaas hoflfln. Forty were asked to leeve as a resuit of endigs Qifter Ohrist- mas e mlËùatdlons atnd en-other 10, wiihidr-ew vounùarily. rin Ihgs tu, 80 the total niuiber of students 'Who left -the, coilege ýs4'ne enrolment lin SeP- tember. Thlirty, wdbhdrew before Re&tarH. A. Trconnl saiid he ddýd noîV expect there woulcd be eny sviiaft in. c!bas struc- ,ture or re-a"slganmeot oif teiadhers as ýa resuJît if o4the students wib- daln.Thje dropout rate was SPrenad eveu'ly ýover the courses, he'salid, 59o thiat fore suffe-red amiy getlssof numbers. 'TrhE pmeqeioM- f &%t year stude-ts wnho w6bhdrew 'was-nait kýnýown<, but 74r. ,irkc.onineill oaid lie thult he Imlajon-ity of with- draaIs'wee ffrs't yarstudents. "Nýowthlig lis baslioaflliy wTong with bhe a"dmdsin staidaMrs," lie dom, to deifoait ait tJhe handis of a Bownia±ninvffie squad 6-1. The lueý Oronko goel was seored by ýJohiû PEEWEES DEFEAT B9wMANVILLE 4-3 NickW VaaSeggien seiored two) of Vhe Oieoco gonSbaind mdËIted ona anok.ier for lVhe top, point moan of the ndigMh. Chais PtMEip aMd, JWohaCbrrëlish osnîpIeted tli»scor- ing. Ch-lis Robinoin ndso cMM lu cror two assisis. ALL-STARS TOO MUCU The BeownmawdLtAUt Stars were jlust tco muîeh for thie Orono Ban- ,tains hein they were de&eied biy a score of 74. 'Phe sole Oronî counter came oGE Vhe SU&ik Of Kçelth powell wiltha&ssisitaVSteve Amin ad Lam W&siou ,said. "But 9oiethiuig is mwong wiith rie students' snOtiV)atiîOin?' Le S'aid some firstyCair td ents -%vibhdreýw when thcey find tIe amouit c f work dnvolved l'a a coirrse. 1"They iaiy be surpriised ticfin ouit hey do bave te o rk liard ffld Vhidrikabout thew)iork," 1w, sauid. lie sa.id the Molege was openedý Vto'tratin people for jobs, àithough t appffarTd sMne StUdentS wu there forgiplace. to sha~yeut c the raId. S A totaa of 585 studients enamoli- ed ait the coilege la«t SepteMinabr. A' spokesman for the d~lso of aipPlied arts and teoh.nolo'gy ù4 the -departmenit of educaitionen wi4 itîe dStlpui figure for DuXhiix fat about 14 per cent, abthoumgh l sou'nded tike a large iproportiot-.a of students, wais not unussaly large when eomüpared wlth wHhý- drawal rates for other commei- iiy colleges. "Frein the number of OtIkdenti registered there we wouid ex-pemg a diropouit rate of 10 per cent Ptý or minus Vw'o per cent," lie Sw'd Hie said tihe linstitutes laii a - funbd sdhedule of fees for st-udea*s iwhio, wthadrew in the mdidle of the teni Check Our DISCOUNT PRICES Suggested Price 89e AikaSelter,25s Rail-on 2% Oz. Suggested Pice $2.13 Bon Super Dry 8.25 Oz. Suggested price $1,98 VO 5 Hfair Spray, Suggested price $1.69 Buf fesrin , lOO s for 57C s100, 9 7c LIMITED QUANTITY STUTlT'S PHARMACY ORoN-O, ONTARI-o Good News for Pipe Smokers We are authorized to seil BRIGHAM PIPES Fifters and Smokers Accessories MATTS BILLIARDS and Barbershop Orea. Ont. Phone 935310 Continental Sauna au4 STA31BATIR GENTLEMEN ,. W. bave a Sauna and al Wfi. 9We ready fer your use. DmWeluin n give them a try Gr.up Rates Available UXm,. to Sut. 1 p.m. - 1 a.m. Sua. 8 a.m. -1 i. 14A ONTARIIO STREET 728440 OSHAWA Orme, ont,