ORONO WEEKLY TIMES. WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 2Oth. 1971 -p - r - - mQeen.s Perk Report by Alex Carruthers I.P.P. Durbpi t College of Appled Art-s an Tvholg in woft the eonwitver'sypres- en-tly «î-ningaccunalp a le uer infe-tlhm orm~ationaon the op- criônof elunt ocl-gs o-neiTuaî a îhcianut l in uss ingl th-e e du-ols, but as nMy views- ;,-je " oh ,nei 'o-an-11 n'the v>e7 --",, inspectîon niucl dfi-scu- suis.theiyarc PeirhlaPý îml andin- o; rd-ce. Oli Ille t-ît~nouf the pire-si- den, D. G. E.K kaniCar onm f t111(, -ý ofGovnr, ~Mr> Gordon W. Ji j1 1, 1 bad t1je paiCeeOn .ly n u Kr8i cft v.tngandi inupeckliniu the new pernenet . uP dtXg Of thfe 1DMr- hum Gi o,1leeof ApSeiArts innd Tecinoigy euw îeaingcomple- ion Ilimn Northihwa The bu i gi s tubeeu-aîatox nf sealyecis oft pkýininganil L muis ttods has bLcen erectetI at reasouîbecosit$22.79 péar sq. j-unry 1971. Poisngsome 173,250 sq. feet -o-f sprýe -at a g vs ost oft$5,241<- 6R30 V~i u, -lîgwi1prO-vMde ta- lulities ansi seri ces for an insiheas;- i-n daeu,7 isesre-ti-adning undelr .the Fed er il AManpower ,progivrn, andinî~u-î courges faor re-sidenîvts of the earcia. Bricks an-d mort-arare very im- - -itrequiia4s, andi certalinqly w ,, vbilin ia bhthexccl- lent i-n d'I-ý,itgndas connda tion, but t1be success ,of amy ,seho-ol i-s clpendeint lu large part on, the- ogathbe personnel, zans, i- tube reits obtaind, ansiiin e,1 'uf th esc e-3c en'tdî,ils Durhli iColeige apýýjoans to bave an excel- - ieagneit-o) tii the neesis of t-he cmm-n-ityof wbldh f it i-s a pat hecle-i- pro-gram is de- cuoedi-n cnjuncîtion wfth the xeceonm-iedibti-n an-i vie-ws o-t i- dntaiolbsns andpresin ,l leuin utlie a-ra. An Iaicotiiîon »iaf thbe-suceess' a- i Vi pui-i esu-tsbein-g 1970 DEMONSTRATORS THREE RÉMAIN TO GO AT REAL SAVINGS 1970 Caprice 2 door Hardtop V-8, 3-Speied Automnalui, Radio with built-in Stereo -sys- temi, tufly powered equlpped 1970 Chev. Impala 2 door Hardtop 3,50 V-8 moter, 3-speed automatic, Power Steeing and Power Brakes, Radio, White Wall Tires, Wheel Dises, and other xr. 19770 M".Ionte (Crlo 2 door Hardtop Ver-y low mieg ufiy powerad equippeýd. THIESE CAN B-E PURCHASED AT GREATLY REDUC1IDI PRICES AS 17HE 1971 ARE NOW AVAMLABLE --Due te our recentÈ sales of 1971's we have a good selection of 0Kr' USED CARS1 AUl Satety Cekdte Department ofTrnpt regulations HIGHW'AY No. 2 Local Phone 623-7166 WEST COBOURG -Business 372-3291 obined ei t it ho .colilge can he fcuid i-n the sta-tistics ueateito tuhe 137 stude-xuits co-nprisuing the "l'Ili fui ng ckpss of 1969-70. The sttsti s-Ilt tijse stiuents as ~bigprescuntly oc1pied ns fol- 105 bave pcrinauent jo-bs in thbe if eld for w,4ihidhu they were truaiîned. i aebee'i adurnitted te und- Six t'a Toe cp-rs' C-lie-ge. 'Tw b avelaretuirnesi to Duain CoHlee TWrO have fe travellintrg andi wlia-o-k for weork he th-ey t eel- 10 ciher have no permainent job or -no rerord as to the,ý4r pre- en-t ct v iteare aai1be. Onle iîs -d-e-ceased. The aboaie suannîry ls pmllku- Jona sgniv i a n învie-w of the un-e~ploîmen îsiuotion, (nJithe .su-r"cess adue han ]o")smil part Un tjhe prai-tinOal mpt-h-ods prictis- ,ed int'1'e deve1opirnent ouf pro- grains, and the oolige's ýpubs- e-ph-y o-f mo&iptng sure tihat job op- .pm1n-u-tis nis.boore pr-îgranas atre ciiincd S bae-î o-aae' f Colîlege grdu-ts range trom $4,000. (s~rrcauuia1)to ýa hi-gh of $7,800. (.twilo yeair c'ietno c computer graid)- i-id an îinduieaî'o-nof the value placesi on thýe coUlege pro- grani-s)3thbe fa-t t-hot over 100 conpiisbave a-v-ued thesnselv-, es of the opportunîity to inteirview griaduiot',i g -ci udenits on caftputs. The 1retra-îîing diiv-seion >f the lo-le-ge ian co-operatuion wth Fesi- croitMîaupo-wer plays a leidng roule in fighUingunemploymeit in, the a-ipa. aiad&il provuidîing job iapportunMues requing ulpignas- .ing, trilCulds kIll.At the present urneî1 !wtili e-ne are 14 fil urn' cures nsi four part time cousesbelig f~ee'din tUs div- he oord o-f Governors on wh'hDurhim 'Ca-um'ty is ably u-re-tei y M.r. Al!an Stinike of I3nwervile _M-r. Roy Fenter of J--n,caid Mr, ien Reynolds ot) Por 1Dpe lis thSe p-uciak bdyoif 1th-cige , anidopera-tes thiroug0h a sres - of aiiee j-e~pnsii1eto the Booard. Depend- ciut 'on the ïnature ouf the xvioîrk the commiîceisare re C'e-set-i,Ève ouf seeuosanid coiu4inity service Wjtth îh seig üai1b4e pire-sent potbl aici1tieîý in June oif ýhuis yecvaaud hdofi- l pe-ming ,of t.he niew bultdings, Duurîham ,Ooltiege of Aippiîid Arts a-nd Tedhuodogy nte aa rew andi peirmainnt ,Yeood, -a pevlosi dur- ing Mhi h1 amn sure l1t wlilI play pn nirci înîgl~ important noie in the lite oft e rapidly deîvélop- j'(ng edornmunuty. O#.,P Report Newcastle Detachment 0 'l'le -Ne-wcta-tle Detachment of -the Onilirc Pro-vn;elai -Police froi-- icceber 27, 1970 to Jei-- miary 2, 1971 dinxestigated 13 ýmot- or vehci collisidons-iun whic 5 pc-a- onsreceiivcd-persa-I Injur- -s j an-d , a resuit 4 peronis were ohagdwith trot-fie offenmes. lnv tugate d du-ing tub --am pnsi-of Urne were 70 gencrail 3-cuu-n a -f wlyihhthere wereý à reors1- lirciakEnter rn '11-efti, 1 re-poî t -cfoommon ltt 2 dumage camp5its, 3 dretC (i-iplOil -s,4 d tubai re -port' t-f Fr--u' s, -a 1 I ci-atie driii-g e ui-li ft. waperso-as receuiv(es piirsidrlg nd 2 pe.rsans eiiiirtd ii u up i-li kpÂYiOT and ThlIt , 4d Ian i ro-ot tri thef t, 1 domestùic compladint, 2 d':,hurbatnce eompliaiSVs, i1report of a*aulit, -and 2 erraible drivdig oo'npiaint. ne per.son was ç'h'ger"CA Mitii iixpa&ýred drMig ànsi 38 cnidrànai ehamrges have beqîi Durming the past seven mnontis, fihe Newoastle Detfaohme4t nves~ ÙJigaqed a large ýnutuber of thefts thiroughoiuuit the are«a. Extensiyeý, persmis Wbiing eharged wiiti3 5 inve-s4tjgatlo>n hma resuiltesi un 12 crîmisal ciargs. eocwered prop- erty dn<eluded tlvree ni-tm,5l a min4 lykec, f9mob4lfle trailer, oairs ~igre-tes Y otoTr oil ansi a IILineous'aflQuntofhou'sehold Use of Air Guns and Rifles- Air gunsý, pelle-t gwnas and rý,f1es wrereceiî*edat ,Ohristnies hy 11mslY teenage boys and even samialler- hlren., Marny types of anmvsanibdvds, àmneluduing some rar-e spec6les of bMrdM hav'e been shiot by youths m7h'o 'are onily in- iterested in tai*et praet5o. If every youth owninÎ a rifle eted in this mauaner, lt woul1d result in the e miction of what ittie Grant Ce Wade Insurancte Agency GENERAL INSURANCE Newtonviile, Ontar io Telephone 786-2921 BETTER 7 WAVS Visit Our Showroom Friendiy Sales, Service and Parts Don Colc PONTYPOOL, ONT. Telephone 983-5161 Callyour licensed Plu-mbing& Mechanical Contractor who se lis, instaiis and guar.antees cAAMAN PLUMBING AND HEATING Orono, Ontario Phone 983-5759 Ail Carpentry Work RemodeLling Kitchen Cupboards 'e bnild from the fouadation wild lite tîhere dis le-ft. A parent sboid tuake an int4er e-st M ffhcir chtfld's bebhavic;ur, m tîhat a proper type of target range us set up, 'anid ls-o thaît thbe yu'utk receives ladequate dnretriution rý- gaarding lthe sate use' o-f a fiurdauniý, and Ù%uait lie be suipervissKI qaU, timies. We wouid aiýl, cccli parent t» KrNOW THIE LAW- The Mo torized Sue-w Vehtc1ý Act requqires thsat ail snîowmobileu whetberoir set tîhey are 'operMaed on ýa ptiblà-c rod, mu'st ha reg- istered wËih the Depaetmnein- ci Tilaiisprlrt. The regustratin num-- ber plite miust be altaehed on the front. çyftube cnwm i -na oo- spicuuo-us po-lition, mttst be cie-a ansi rlot nbslrueted by a-ny paît of -the sîwaîbde qwipmient or load lit lis.cîarrydnîg. -Charges -WOI bele aM lby 1th1 police, for A lsnowmoblle iinir-ao. Viocs ouf thbe law. Elmer's Garage TEXACO SERVICE mai St. North, Orono Phone 983-5130 ARCTIC (AT SNOWMOBILES SALES and SERVICE, Donaild Cathcart R.R. 1, Kendal, Ontario Phone 983-5671 DRIVEWAVS to SflOPPING PLAZAS -24 ilour Servie- Season and Hlourly Rates Phone 98-5197 ORONO, ONTARIO WE BUY' AND ET] i 014 Glas$. China, Pinetice Toys and O0lte IF iT'S OLD.. Phone62 53ï2 after pm AT 500 ACRES SKATING * MA-PrKED TRAILS CHIILDREN UNDERf 12 FREE PROPERTY ASSE5SSOR TRI5EE The ssesmen Diisio the cDepartmentiiof Municipal Af- fais hs anumer t AsesorTrai;nce pi3-.tionis available lit Selttd enddats Dilbetrained in alil aspects of real proLry alatonandassmn diitainleading toj aifuilfrme cxeer asa Proerty Asessor Qualificaý,.,ý,tionsý,,t Gradatin frmuIVesIt PARNEcnetadn prefeably n Ecoomieso otial Siece Higwa 3 ad 15 jstnarth n ecstle AThe Most RaonbePrices Any niy per gaI. ~f~- StveOu tou1r 20 Phioaie987î 4215 M"Wlmwm 1 1 leffl qm - IMM MW- ORONO WEEKLYTIMES,'WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20th.ý 1971 Agr