Celebrates 5Oth Anniversary Mnm. E lretýt CaDý,vier, presiîdent, a2the Oroio llonlieultural Sotale- c is shewmn cat-gta Mra3. E. ~amnm on Tuesda3y hast. Mrs. -Hlamm is a charbeir meiber of the Sodiety whimhwas sta-r-ted i jn tue year 1921 Golden Anndiversary! Usually it is oause for. celebrablion for a long married couple but on Thur- sdiay, Januiary 21, 1971 it was for for the Orono I-lortdeiiiltural So- oiiety sbartng the year of ît'is Gold- en Amnhirer'y. Golden centre-piteces cnhanceed the ùables for the deliciçous Pot Lu'ck suipper, including a lovely arrangemnent of munis, donie by M1r3. K. ýSdtlonmakçer for the head table. l'le Society lias, two chartèr memibers, Mrs. E. 1-amm anti Mrs. F. Tamblyn. Mrs. Hainrn was prsntdWRbh a Corsage of yei- lowcnuns ntia paotteti miuin was st o yr. Tamrblyn in hospital. SIrnce thie meetiig Mrs. Tamnblyn's de,&bli llias oecurred. Presidenit Mrs. E. Couvîtr reat the naines of the paisb preeidenbs, a compfled by Mmn. E. Schinid. Six of theie presidents we're able to attend - Mrs. iltanu, Mis. M. H. Staples, Mr. C. BItIngs, Mrs. C. BilisMr. J.Calidwell and Mr. 0. Chiell(ice. Mrs. C. Gamey w'as al'so inatro- dueed as a s-peccia guest. T'Iie 100 guests In attenidiance emnj oyed a, roul-dting sng soing led by Mr. C. TaMblyn wiith, Mrs. J. Low'ery ait the pù(anao. A toc-Lap- piing interlude, nias provýled hy Mr. C. Bilhjnjs and, Mr. C. Tiaý.Ir OnI lb-îe-ýr rTIiou-horganýana-d ioFi wÉi't3-li -rs. L-awery a-s acconipani-st.f M'rs. !,- Ptaiin was the wna of a p-ottLed narcIîssuis, donateti by Mr. G. Buekley, for hjaving a birtlîday elo-sast to theý meetdng. Mrs. G. Buicçkey itroduce4r Mrs. T. H. Smitlh who a,1lon g wthý her h-uslaandt, Rev. Smith of New- oarztle Initted Cliureli, hativisi Japun las't summer, Sdae sbowied sinttes of somne of thre benutiMa Japanese gardens, chdld-ne.n's play- groumdË in thie cfies, Mt. ,Fie through the mi-st, ne plaing, giris diviýn-g for oyst-rs (Mms. Snîilth was lu-cky en-ou-gi to buy on'!e co aii-- wicpearîs), trees; graowiplg 0aY) s-ecp ipe shoig how every inéh of gra-u-jnd is u6sed ,We saw a group of Indulin eh i.d real flI MWiniiiPe,,g who sang at Elxpo, other sce-nes at Expo iru Ooa-ka a-nd vartous pasin Hlong (Continued an page 5) Oirono VOLUME 35, NUTMBER 4, Public Speaking Winner CANJ)Y DOLNY CandY DOlnmY, a grade eight stdeî -f Kirtby Cè-iÎtenul Scholvas tbbcwinn-cr of bbc CIIrke To-wrzAiip Pub-be Speaking On-lef-stWmi i-aswere held IarrI Tuesdey at tIre Oromno'Publie Soo.Miîs-s Dçelny is ais-owinner ,If itac Besb Trophyý for t-be win- nricr pu-le se'kmingcontestant aitbbc- KrbySehol.She xiii 'ewad , tce b urth-ercompeti- b-in ar-l-gas lier subje-et "m-on- ey lrlltr. Cirry Crnisbofthe Or-ono PuleSo-ool pl-accd secon-d in tI'h o-si-- contcsýt iih ber spech on bbe Port Hlope Tele- Otiai-ciute-latswere os fol- lows Jon (arn-bOr-on-o Pub- Il- Sain-i -paki-îgon 'Ga-tic Public Sc>ýîrol -po2[Ir-i g (t-r'T-be W'-oo dci n k'; a-raiina - Bre-aulil, Kir-y ii ti îe Lpse of 'Poilu- titon; Nair-a Grat fron Lct bart's Sh I - ic- inda. S'Polu- MeOn-a iic -i searng Cruse s A ewli I, [da ltar;nr-blben nrotejd lclor A carrun i ca:L io aI tirie r - informa ian ar eon ag ex r i ë ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27h, 1971 Warden Elected -School Movies 11arvey Mal-colm, thre Reeve of Imanwers 7Towarhi-p was, el-ected 1971 W'ardeu oftht-e Umnited Coun- ies Iby a -margina of four votes. His only cIpponenit v'astIre reeve oft Hope Townsylip, H'owramd QutaniiOl. Ttie electiote too-k place yester-day on the lirst day of the Unite-d Oounrtries ciruneil iliaugur- ai mreetag for 1971 Thre reirilng warden 'w-as Jay Whiltrin)gtori, tbe reeve of Southi Moniaglian. There its au adrernati-ng ar- rangemient -bet-ween bhc 1w-o coun- lies and thits y-e-aril w vasthe turn of Durrafnibi't provi,!de the warden. Re-glionl goern.eînt 'ias CerIt 1w 1iue Uiei(oni- oni Wordeni, Harvey Malcolm, as a top priority matteir for thre cari- ding ye-ar, when lie macle bris n- augurait acdress followng the el- eclion. "Here we isave a soud badiance hetween rural anti urban a1retar3s. «'Iiita utnçt our sze, peoplear elways able Vo approadi their- el- ecte-t retpresen-tatlives, and I hink we ar-e qudte large enougl at present. .1 see 1971 as the cxoss-road-s and 1 cadit for Lil eoýoperat>n, arnongst the menibers of b-Iis council ýas.we work t-oward devis- oCas on thelie a-n57 dàfEcutt qu-esi ions we will face on,,blis subje-et." Red Cross Needs Blood -Donors- Ail pc-rson-s in good bcalth be- tween bho ages of 18 and 65- are urge-t to attend the Volu-ante-er Blooti Donor CIiniic at tre I-ions Cenitre, Bowmntiýie on Wednes- day, Februmary 3rd. QuLified staiff xvii be on h-anti to cf-fcicutiy anti quit kly praccras tire daclrsi. 30 minutes of i-aur imecauli meain tbe dÉIfffereoce bh auIi or datibo soieome. The Cliaru viiha open frQin -0 ta 4:.0 1n11ii -iiooi n id f-onu 6:30 ta .9:00 i i< ii. Trarrsart-U o aianti frorri tire Cli uic ca-o a obýtamiineti hi p1lan- ài 623-9010 o-n t',re duy f tire ASpeiaviîeuetfoi. ('h rag- artive type bloo -ot bs enreceiv- d) tapriovide bîooi fo shcdl si1pples il be niai 1ntaîsied a-t tih- area Blood De-pet. G 1VE LIFE- - GIVE B1,001! Hold lnterest Ferw too-k b-Ie opportunmity bo viiew bbc colour-etifilm showmags by studematsomithbbc Car-ke HIgI Scel lhast F'day at tire Or-o-no Uniteti Gurcli. Tiare-e fums wrihla baibeen dîreoted anti philrmograped by indlvljîidual ste- d;,vss amIthbbc sho-ol titi crera-le somae n-mm-enb anti p-ast cor-uer-- ralmn cwmstriou. Tie frluAsM, as we eidersbaud, We-re cen-retia-bot a tlieme, o-ne oun Lmt" on-e on, "Poalution" anti ene o-f "Piro)Wireoy". Tihe vis- - url scene w&,- augmeuteti by ap- prýoprciarte n og ati mu- ('e Vo leil tire s-torynord I-o p-ut aeroms-2 h pon.Ver 211-e dûioue w-s usý- cd wille reacit tirait catch in- ti&vduewl vi-cer muit cieute, as lie doe.-siiin vrewng ar-t,bi ownl biulitspcrbariining, b tIrie -cen- tral theme. The iýlmi. a-r-e n-t c-oc- umetary fils. The pitgrpyan-cdms-el m-o-s tcases, wias exiceimt ant idt pro-duce tIre effeet d-esliret by the y-oung producers. Seenes- were traken A bb- in Or-orso, Ncwcas-tle andi Torionto. it ils quitte evit-ent, baig spo-ken to a number cd bigla schteol and uuriversdty students eoditoting, Lrst Fnlidîay's slrowl7 g t-b thle nia-king of movites toIre- sent a vâewpoint for school pîro- jects or as a pa'st-tine is gr-owinrg in po-pularity. Mn. Fred Buurtig alun-g witb Mis-s PatricÉa Wuadlrce and tioher urriveiî-.ty stedents are presently ctaînilr-o-g a fil-ru on pov-er-ly, pol- 1-nbion ai-d drugis ailI-hble Iliming bakiog cplace in Toronto. Mr. Rtaaljhr Barnett, Cliaike 11gh Sthool, i-s b star-t a film' on "Drugsý" somnetîmnie Is sutrau-r. Offhers asotrcitheir intere-t in this fieId. PaÎrking-- By-Iaws In Force met witr four delegabes on Mou. dae eve-ni-ag i-n respect wibIr park- ing in bbc Village. The group were informed Irbat parking recg- lallions were in effect on lhe Main Street a-nd oteq7r- treets in the central portion -ofb-he Vil- Iage a'nd wer-e governet b~y Vl- lage by-laws wMhi-I were approv- cd by bhc Departunenit of _Trans-, port on January 22nd. Il ras furthcr pod-nteti out thal bbce proper sàlgas wo-ld le erecteti withimn a few datys and at tIis loi-n- thi- by -aws wouid bc f ulIy lu effeet. The regela- bions ai-to ban Parking on anfy ilaetIr-cet fro-ar 6 ami. te 8 a-m. turing tIre wdiinter mori#rs o- s exen day a wc-ck barsis. Messs.LenPe&ars anti Fred Graitrainm, ireprescuminjg thie Odd. feJ,1-o-'sHa1,-i 13oard aîsked relax- ilig of bhetwn hiour rsrit os Il-at ou1,of-t-own- , gniaf-n cault use thle hall for aifternoon meetings. They aln u-geie ýhtIrIpa 'ngo0G1 rc1,retb tween Centre aqnti Parrk be o-n Vhe eta-t sie rteythan the west sitte. iMr. 1Damn Haillrepr-escnItin-g bbc Oronio Odeb-rai-s-o ask- cd for the sainequLltegt.iR was5 pointet out-t iat b-e H l iIwas bosLng revenue due 10 bbc park- ngrestrions. Mr. W. Hl. Car-man presen-teti a petition tb bbe Truseecs signeti byv Oro-no bug4el-cmen r-equestitag imilaagle parking be restoret o-n the a-i side of 'Main Street froin AlnsLa-ne bo Centre Street. Mcsb.Wm. EReltia-ad George Car-son, ou bliha-f of t-h-e Orrono FaIÉr Hoiard, absto askedc for relax. iing af parking lime lmit b-o as- sig-t lu accornamodating those at- tb-endirg the Fritlay racàs dur-ing Restrih :tions Lessened s the supmer. Mr. Rcid sated that afite-nidance did drop off sharply when the regiations came lutD efifect. Mr. R. Forrester, tru , tee, stat- cd tidait regulations woold never suit everyone but diid feel trat a compromi-se cu-d be worked oub. lie saiti he favoured e1imin. a!t!nÉ tbe two-hour parking linil on Park Streeit fro-m the ehurck cast aind ailiso on Centre Street froin tbheLîbrary e-ast.lHe aîs* sad e dl-cl favomir angle parkig on the eat si-de o.f the Maiin St. but that the Trustees. If tliey a- greeti to thils, co.uld run into op- pastJion f-rn-m the Uniited Coun4- l-es. 11e s-aid to throw out the by- iaýws wou1,d onily reiturn the buimn. c-m, sec-Lion to a staite of cqiaojs. Mr. Woo-dyard samd he, f ct that the Couuraties would turn Main St. over bo the MuniteIpaik-ty id tht, VCllage rever-ted tû angle par-b Ia a Inter dib3cussiýon, Mr. F. Nicholsoin agreed upon remnoval o-f the twoibo-ur parking restie- imon on e-ast Park amnd C entre sireets wliùh thre r-esuktthat the'se reýgilaQions are Vo be wfthdrawsé, fironi týhese, sectIons of the Vil- lage ro-atls. Mr. Harvey Pairtuer. presenited ithe quiairterly report o-f t-lie Faire Depxarrment, lb wras nited that attendiruce ait a recemt tanker ae.. aideht had cosit the munhiïipad&ty a sUM of $304.50 for men onfiy, Tlhe Trustees set up a poýllicy t-bat su-ch irighway catIs would bc bill- cd to tbc lnsuamce Compainiies wihiich w ouadimacle-de labour cha- ges and truck charges 'of $25.00 for the first hour and,$10.00 an bou theeateter. A speelal orga(nizationial meet, b-ig of tbe Truistees is to be held on Pe-bromary IsI. *,,.. . Waliter Plimaa, spe<aJdn~g to0 boîli Public and fhbihSCehooli eahesof C1arkeý Towns dp con Mcdaditernon at Clarke Hiigh Scholtrew out a ch ee that the presienit system coul'd riot contîiinue fa ýit dId nj,,otit awe mhe amwers 40 the p eosent day Problemns. "We as teadhers hiarvecone Àhe OMino people imb thiik that elduiaitmon ha'd al1 the ansi,- wers to Our priObanims" a1 d We Inow find that we ea ave edi- uChnand a ainai iso llu, tymit. "Wwe we cpart of thie b>1g puton," hie saidi. le referred Io the unemploy- ment probilem iii 1960 hmen the (Continued on page 6) ne Orono Weekly