flRONfl WEEKLY TEMES, WECDNESDKY, JANUARY 27h, 1971 OROüNOC)W EE' 1KLY TIMES- Second Class Mâail Registrationi Number 0368, Published every Thursday at the office- of publicatior Main Street, Orono, Ontaiio. Phone' 983-5391 congLratul ations, MUe Orono HorticurÈtua Societybas now marked its ftfitetl aanÏVeisary whkiih event took place hi fthe Orono Uniteti<hurdh last Thurisday eveiibng. TMe anniversary ib a noteabe one for ajniy ýoàiety and nUlst denote, in thes case, a kecin interest in thl~s commnlrnty for hoticulture. No àoiety or ogaaftion clan survive for suidh a lenigth, of â~me m4ito'ut a dedileateti response krm tihe comvnmkity and iifs members. We all benefit f rom thSs desticlatien. Meu Society has been a&etiie wth progralms in the coenwmnuây whîch bave 'heId the iiterest oftihe iddvidual as weuIl as the conitniuuty as a wbile. No douyt the Socifety bas had Ïs ups anti down but the pasit deoade bas showN conobdecibleiterest iits aiffafs. Mhe Orono H-Iorticulturial Society bas promoteti beau- tiPoation of the Vuifiage mlith thbe resu tbthe Orono' boasts of many lloraa glrdenis hroughout tihe Village uinder the So- ûiietYýs care. It aIsoio nomotes horticulture edtscatIon, flower shoWs andi sYnos sh1p of the Junior Gardaiers. AUl in aIl the S1;ociety warrants its existane Vo the f act whieh must be born by a eoodlhy number od people whbo support it year altier year. Last year mniâbershiip in the Soéiety numbereti onc hundiretianti sixty-three. To ,l t tioe of tiheý Society and eespuoialiy thoge decil- deto its work we say, "GoCngratutiùns" andi 'Thanlc you" for a job weli clone. BATTLE UNE Altlbougihl no official date bas beeh set for a Pvoviaiý oiial election in Ontario if is ouite evident tibat ai parties are ow reïady for a battle.' The tempo is fast gainilng mlo- mentuftn withhi the Coniervatiiv, Lberpals andi New Dem- MIe New Demnocalats recenibly eniergeti fromn a leader- dhip doiventon, the Liberals. from a polLey convention last weûkàend anticaly in Februiairy the Onevtlchoose thoir new leadtier. We wmoud predfo-t thuat With fuis senti- off thbe miiign of aIl parties Wil be at a peak for the forth coxnnugelect@on. Party workers anti local organiiza- tIons have heen axakeueti anti alerteti by the activIties thiàt bave alréady taken place. There %i no doubt tibat the extension of pulic funds te Sepanafite &bchoos for grades 111, 12 andi 13 wvfhIl be -one of the issues. The fadt reMaidns tiibt fthe majoaity of peoplie do have tieinite viewis on, this issue andi wlih tibis' back- griound there is no way fIxat it can be elfiimnated frora the forthioomting eleetion egpedliaily wiheqx there iappears te be a choýice of poilkiy between tfhe parties. Th Libeiraa andi New Democrts bave corne oufti suýpport ocf extendling publIc funds -for Separaf e Sdulols, grade Il te, 13. They express the condition tibat the îSepair- ate Sdbiool andi fthe Pubte c S "boI uait sare faclitiies ainsi resou'cls to keep éown coste. nusis ahardly wWthth Ie readan od reuaitJty as we aIrelady bave mui dkplideatm là fthe pu>bhIechbool sysem where fthe chanme of -integration s[houmt be ideal. MIffster of Ediudation, Daviïs, a Conservative hopef ai LofS te party eadSeshiip, bas 'tateti that he i nof in fav- eYur cf the extenion of public funids for separate sudbhs. He bas aIso enasedth Ie nMethViat it ib a conisitufional ob- ligatioxn o so extendi those fundas. IfDais speakis for the a3onservaitisres we would baàve a cicar cut policy divx Écn be- tween thxe ConservUa*lves andi the other Vxvo parties. Thils hi Itseff wll place the natter as ene of the major election "sses for the forthcJoning election. Letter T January 22, 1971 Dear ai:- As most ýof your , eaiders wi bie aware, plans are being formu- latedt Vo buili a newsdbol 'to ru- place the preserit public scho)ol bù Orono. t woutd, in my opindion, bu g fine iiesa Vo madnitain siome part of tihe preisent building for lin uMSionbf in eSw structure lamrtag given some tbought te the abovie!dea, ftappeairs fhet the: logicial part of the Milddg to greferve wouad bu the naspe of NmIsKate Poster wbo *as pininctipàal cftihe presient Sibo for forft'. years. I baWe nEf Miss Poser onl once but as one of her suecessors I have heatdionly praisce, for the dCecicatiion aid hcnes affort whkch sihepqt intio her teacing 1 Would urge thiat the sugges- tion matie by thec (Ico Home anti -Schîo Aseiinbe follow- et up and Iita gooti, eff»rt be matie Vo convince fIxe Bciard of EtineaLio that the Naite Foster Publc Sdhool shouiti becomje a regaiy. Yeurs, sincevely, Doug Mo feait Port Hope An iavrefrcleage of gais- eous urandera heafluortieaEl- doradoNuiasUF 6 plant re- eently, resuflted in onue mployee ~belig hoitaLizd. G. F. Coborne, geneal n-in ager, saili thafthIiomas Marcous- i, 31, a chemical operator, b in "snilisactiory condition" at Port Hope aniD istrict Hispitaa. Whr>n inhaled, uiraqiur hexa- fluoide affects thie reseinatory sys&tem,, he si but tihe uxtent of Mfr. Mrosa' inhalatIon was >-,i 'I t. He ahso reûeiveti sýIiit acd hurms, whmclh, ,if ne,,t freatuid piomptly can caujse nierve damr- age. Johm Davdis, ýadmnlnistrtor at thie hospIfibal,isai tViat fIxe med- cal staff diecti that there was ne neet to put Mr. Marcosi in, oxygen. "The amnount of inhala- tion was rot as serions as first expecte,"hoie e University The Central OntaMl Joint Planwnng Board wlth headquàrt- ee. m ' nQsbawa approarihedth ue Northumzberlansi anti Durham Bd. cf EdS-aton for support for fthe Weta of a uuiverkUti&bdkudng a regUlona-1 mediual science ceutre aind a f aculty of, transportatîon It wovilsbu pesumned tbt the univrslty would bu locafeti sopie where around si hawa.. The Board of Edition wf v- halti any support unfi a more ap- propriate turne wais seen. S W. Frank lh oni, diector cf edoilS1io mphaL4" edVat sup- port wuulti bei fortihooing from the hoard enV at fthe approiate Wil 15 undversities in Onfuar- ie, man3 of thcm not up te fuie optimum= enrodaient, I dontféfel we, shoulti bei setfing up any more at tbis turne," lie saiti, 'ýat leasit uritil the ethers are brougbit up Vo oalpaicity level."1 Mr. Them sait lie;woultint want Vo see-cekid water fhrown on, the piropüsai but at the ime turne bu would lslke te sec fIxe Planndang Board comling up wàfh stafistie te prlove thaf a universiliy is neeti- cd' in tibia area anti that thc Pop- ulatuon coulsi support onu. A. A. H. Stiike. board chadr- man~, saüi f as amazing thâaithfue plannaïeg board dit net compile a àtatstical report tu support sutih a proposai. The p:animg hDourd, in a re- port, stateti that tac untlvereiy proposae for hs area edcýis w6th the, expresseet evclopmenit pIlcy itent bteprovincial governaient' Design for DeveIop- meint cf the Toronto centreti re-, glon. Oronuo -Hydre Surplus $Z015770 It veas report cd by the Mm- ger, Mr. M. Downs, theat thse Or- ono Hydre systcm bas a financiaIl balance cf ý2O,557.OO. If ussfuir- fb-or state thaIxt thse Ontaoïo Hy- tino uas aloom4eiMg fIxe local com- nÈ"-aSio an amount of arounti $2598.00. ut was also repiorfedti vt Orono resc-fnts dit enjoy onu of the lower hydro rates ithe area. The Orono Wiater accourt abows a balance llo4 $4,215.08. Tule manager reinewed is re- quiest for a iiew hydro truck &ta- tàng that fthe Commission tit have the $20,000 necesary., for suclx a purchase. WE SEL Signs For Your Car or Truck Varions Sies andi Prime Many Colours te Choose Frein Orono Weekly. Orono, Ont. Phone 983-5301 Boxed MATIS BILLIARDS und Barhersh p 0ros Ont. Phone 933-5810 ContinentalSaa andi STEAM BATH GENTLEMEN .. . Wç bave a Sauna andi WhfrI. poel ready for your use. Drop in anti give them a try Group Rates Available Mou. to Sat. 1 p.m. - 1 a.m.I Sun. 8 a.m. - 1 pun. 16A ONTARIO STREET 728-2460 OSHAWA 1971 FIRENZA TUE 1971 FIENZA, a new compact econom autoobile for tihe Caniadian marke, will be intoduedsoon by General Motors 0' Ca'nat a. Tise Pirenlza wiil beavailable in twvo sr jixclul;,ng ai estate wagon and wll be powered by 19 I75 ce oeha~cain, foflr-cylinder eng- lac, The Firenza will have a wheel base of 97 iuches andi will featuru powýïer front disc bra]kes as standard equipment. 1-1-1 1111 Fifteen years ago 7 eut of 10 of todays prescriptions coulti net have been filled. By keeping pace witli medical science, çve help your docter belp you te butter health. STUTT SPHARMACYI (MONO, ONTAIIO PHONE 9833-5009