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Orono Weekly Times, 27 Jan 1971, p. 5

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OONO WEEKLY TlIMES, WEDNESDAYý,JANIUABY 27h, -1971 La.' Ne cws Word was rcefived on Tuesday of the death of -Mr. J. W. Rckaby of Teronto. The funeral wil1 be 1LC&yait 1:30 from the Morley BedLioe-d Fuitreal hapel, Egin- ton Ave. wrest, Toronto. ORONO P'UBLIC SCHOOL. NEWS e ~The inkkif being used bv shat-, terations es aild hockey sticks. Skating i.-, no-w a part of P.T. peKodi. Kdds Water are lsWÈ-kang ait noon hour. Mfter school studi.-nts man play hockey on the rin'k. ing A project of fblit hct; been ir uoederaken ,by thbe grade 6, 7 atnd 983-5624 8's. A coitaiittee Uas been set up to organize thte project wilh iii- .volves nrradînrg, wiinmap nvak- CHURCH l ng, d:' '.rKrerbrnents, a d&7, o 1 y ;. -:- I k. Oronio Pastoral Charge Miinister 1ev. B. E. Long SUNDAY, JANUAIRY 3lst CHURCH SCHOOL - 10.00 MORNING SERVICE - 11:15 KLRBY SERVICE: 9:45 A.M. CHURCU SCHOOL 11:00 A.M. ST. SAVIOURS ANGLICAN Estabîlshed 1869 Regullar Sunday Worship Service - 9:30 am. mHoIy Communion- First and Third Sundâys- Noirming Prayer- Second and Fourth Sundays Nloky Baptism by appointmnt with Rector 987-4745 The Bey. IH. Bobert Hayne, B.A., L.Th. W.FRANK REAL ESTATE L IMI 1T ED. Realtor 21 King st. W. Bowmanville 0l3,3393 Toronto 923-9174 Port Hope Office 885-4543 Jfor prompt, courteeu~, effici- Mnt uervice when buyhîg o« ue3ling an~d for the Iargest ni- eCiL of opreperties in the Contaet Orenfl rea ftoWseant4.raa Ivrumu l r --swr Roy Foster WNiliam Tura- (Kendal) R~ay Finnie (Bethany) Dane Found Andy Sutch Ro-y Sr 4-H CLUB NFEWS- WT're expand'Ùng! Twa mo)re membnbç~IJo our groDup Mon- diy, Junmuai-y 251 a-, we once a- galln mat ïit ['Jr. T-mbablyi's. The name ef the clbwas dce-eded oah as "The Scizzar Whllzzers", apd henc-alkî-th 'thI!ý itm-e-s re- inans. The ed- i*u li n wmIyedon lhn-Žh&g fbii.; ad ho-w they look im 'the d, produnet. We al&o dsteus-c-d 011 ~i s npa-teriu W<th a demlonstiation, Next vveek fnhktle first stages of acttallymkrg an ont-, fit. Mrs. Tanbyn seîved a lovc]y lumch whch endcd the meetin1g.ý Meeehvgs yfIll ho h-4 devee-y Mondîay niht cnmrcng at 7:00. STUDENT EDIJCATIONAL CRUISES (Continued from page 1) shiips are ýeqÈpped wîlhJ clasG-l boai-d one Of two slips. These- roomns, teacitrs, d-ctors, nurses,- wfere students from ail over the The fultl o' of the ulo, J>rn by the giuaden3s, ls much lower tiaen Ite normalares. Mr. F. Th>m steted that they woui, ld hve further WrnormnaVie-n amMaialile un these won*thwhilde oruf ses. The Board inddaated their endovsatIon ijo pVÙnýÛPaoI f student participation. The Board dioes no offer anyr rubsdy for anymoe wising Vo attQnd a (Ooutin-ued frein Page 1) KýOng, Mrs. SmlJtJ provided inter- esting 0eom-entbary along with her pietures.. Mrs. Couivier expressed tihe tihuikS of te Society and pre- sented ber wlth a gift. Throughout ie evenig Mr. Edgar James was talvig pk4eures and wil do, so at future Weetbings su thaet our 50-h ye«ar celebratiOns wijll be recorded pittoriallY. Mrs. C. BI!llngs pres;ented tie report of te nomi-nat'ing oommit- 983-5801 tee. Mrs. Couvier wiîll couttnue as pnedident and Mrs. mvG4IIJas itrkasUmrer. Mrs. E. Jaâme$ wii be LSYour new saecreitary and Mrs. E. 983-5420 iTouajvburn Our planiat. AaYmog 27-280 th1 dret1 r are Mrs. F. Zegers gdeHeJunior Gnirdeners. 1V ws anounied hat the Tor- 623-965 osat GadenClub Fl-ow-er show P' bc, AeMinflice Royal Ontario Musem tds yar.More partIcu- 983-91L9 lP itr nusicaql trio enitýertafnàed 52 r Il m û are -.,Ltiiiumbers Vo Be tha-ci. hni -g aclseanenJoyable ev- nigfr Hie fr>it me ofg iOur 'Hie Univerity of Western Ontarjo. eotedl on the ha'sdis of trad.nCug, ,nursiznýg experlieiioe aind leader- .shdpti qaàiitieýs, vwit,1h on'sdideaatton hein gven Vto tile plcat'a- Fkilpoeed coaitriuti'on toNusn la OuVtaril. Initere-Sted nurses are a'sked Vo ûconibaet lhe OnddnRed Cro,ýss soedety, AttentLou7 Mrs, E. Erik- sen, 460JrisSte',foronto 5, Onfitatno, for appLýoatlon forms arnd further intforinatdjoii. App'lica- tioui must be subritted before Apiti 1st, 1971. lIJe 1970 Bursary Aw,ýrd, was- Septic Tank Service GENERAL PIUMPING 24 HOUE SERVICE LORNE HARDY Lesard. Ontario Telephone 9835728 or 983-5266 Albert's Texace GENERAL REPAIES Phone 983-5249 Orouie Mid Winter Sale, Men's Jackets- Car Coats Mden'Is, Ties 25% Reduction on Màen's Jackets An assortment of colours and de- and Car Coats. Several styles with good signs iM Men's Ties. Regular value to $2.50' materials and colour choice. Sizes 36 to YOUR CHOICE NOW ONLY iA---- $1.00 46. Don't wait on these bargains. Men's Hydro Parkas Lde~Pn uf Good AiuaMibr Duck COATS wth cieP n ut Wool linIng and detachable'hood. Green Lades' Crimplene, Pant Suits i onlY. Begular price $11M5. sizes 12 to 18. SAVE 25% SALE PRICE NOW ONLY --- - $14.95 Cbildren's Jackets and 10 Day Sale on Snowsuits WiprPnyHs 25% Off any ehild's Jacket or Snow W iprP nyH s Suit. Three top selling styles in 'Whisper' Panty Hose. Popular shades in~ sizes S. Ladies' & ys'Suipr'M n L roàJnay2t oFb ruary 6th only. Odds and ends of Ladies' and Boy's Slippers. VOUR CHOICE per pair .99c Price10 PETER BOOTS Phone 983-5796 Custonm Bulit Furniture anid'Bepair Work Specializing iLiving no-am Bec. Boom Built-h* ,1Bars Wood Carving Free Estimates Bursary A ýBursary, af $1,000-00 la be4,ng offered by the Vo-unteeýr Nurskig Oonîrn!ittee of the Canaditan -Red Croes Suclety to Graduete Nurses registere'd ia Ontario. the an- rwnccemen~t was made Wednes- k«jýt) tb> MlX M nju4z ' Chfadfr- jian lie purpose il he Award ý l enab9- a nurse Tl e OriLo to iacrmae fumtdetT ildies in $uf--rt~g aoe t tgru levkI. The uacuessi~uj eand le w Ij be sel- wlio is presently std5ng toward a masters degree i Nursing at ATTENTION. Snowmobile OWNERS 983-5624 SNOWMOBILE CLINIC PARTS and SERVICE For ail nakes and models 4h Une west 1/4mile from 115, Oronio tli ADULT COUNSELLING SERVICE If you want Vo do soenethlng about ý.ur education probably caft Sec Your Adtx Counà;ênog EVERYWE ESA 7 to 9 p.nL at i..he Guidance Office The service is free - confidenial - and no appointment is necessary. ALOUETTE. SNOWMO )ILES 14 Nf.P. w"th fuflsize SLED ý 20 hp $775.- Wlth Extra Equîinent' 3 30 hp $10 50. :MIE TBACK PR.z2 %NS ,ATING BOB YEOMA PLUMBING AND HI, 24 Hour Service New Installations .Alt Repairs Speclalizlng in Hot1 Heating Forced Air Heath Septic Tank Wor, R.R. 1 Orono. i UNITED Many other sises at IOWý PRICES Wvatson 's Macrime & 'Cycle Orono, Ontario Phone 989-5343

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