EEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27h 1971- KirbyNews M aid ît Ealgene Touceh burn eeednerguss Ai. andiAiVirP. il Ji.ïn' Sal UrdaY Mr Dn cr an ýuieý( v. 'tcd wit-h lie cterinwh:byon Wedncs-, Mi- Stn Cepian and Mr. Lymi Loery tted thelicWard- ens lrinaid fbanquet In Ca, bor nt"usday. iI.EîQuantrililie4d dlnner. A iiHr.and iNrs3. IJartwýejllLow- Sevralf rni irb)y enjoycA Iha H1 or Icli lial Poit Luo l Sp~ ana ifr. Srilî Necatleshow- cd I)ic!ntýres of Expo, Jempan.ý'l Miss, Donna Cochirane rOaongi «'Ji lî oher Grade 1 3 sudent ii .tJare 1gbschoal toured Queens Uni' v (yFiday. 011r ,Fsktay evcnimng tweny negil)ajirs gaufhrea at tie home Mf Mis. Ken Hen-dergon for a brid- ai sho-war for Miss Mary TenclafrlI. ,Tireliving roiom was Ieautifully decoralcie for the occasdion. Mary Ilhankilie-d evcryone for the manty lovely gfit s. Tirle hàstetms Mary Hjen-derson and Ruthe CalIviHie servai a lovely buffet luneill. We were carry ta hear of the suiden pawli-iing of Fr-ank Ramier. W>Iien Frank fit came fraM Dérilanihbc workcd for Oheirlfre Rutherford. Since thon 'he wark- cd for the Depaprtinent of Lards ~--' F'~ a-i 'nata retlire sa-n. -tewr brifter lkawn as -nr andrnuade his home wth Mr. tad MP3. C('lff Ccop'-ýr. or'narv ftheaie,- yis cxt'i1~d a M. CnsTamhlvn ad D'-. iV-ulîeMill-an the devs a thr p-alierMrs. Fred Mr. ri rs.GuWilson were dl nr gu t- f Mr mcdMrs. LawrenecHa s on -triy e - Kg-ia -a'"r.tI > k"-ivK irer parents Tir. ansi MIansSd Tir. eAid s. aln k Wr.fia as fsjmly a i ' " aid Tirs. r0 vrard an-i Rcrd 000-k4 {nOf GaylrjIde Alli anr.r.and Mirs. Win. Reid. (Continued ro~m page 1) solutiion was to bufitid schooas to k"eOp stu dentùs longer W scihoal and ta teach them a tia4e. "What -we reaI1ly &ld was ta Idde our tinemPiovment in the c4àromani" ihe stâted. At that. tin-ie we spoke cf the tehndlgdii ara of tïnemploy- Col-11ai Midlcton's Confectionesy Stutt's Pharniac,,y Reid's Grocery, I~~ "ACLIP T BOMNNULE and PSERA-NNTVOt a D For asistaae a I indm Far d onor,-,ï- - c Diatrand Euîneý-recy Aid YFýr-t Aid Homre Nursing WVater Safety,, Wom'n-i's W'rk Sewjng ~ad J<itthig) nient but have "ice fbrgotten a- bout It. 11e saiid"Naýw lt iîs roaBjy Mr. Pftman rfrrdto BeI Canda iijse revenuje àn the past ten years hias oeaedby 190 percent xýMie its labour force has imcreiaiged- anly8:.5 percent. The picture glets wase aer the past five years dLurig hfrcAh huime the, OomplanNy has been abde ta, Phase ont.'2000 joboy.. Tlus. lie gaid., fa truc i, 'k dir omn- panâes arroisa the aton 11e quianed if iedudatfaal exPanslion eould agài1n sa(kup the utnemployed. 11e ai i he cost ', ld b stggertng.. Every sec- tor of the educiatioina1 insttitutions would have ,ta exiPand. M1gh sehlloaol P3 Dow gr-afd-uating 85 pýer cent. 0f their students ond within tiwc .ecars 60 percent of these stu- dents wl advlanicer to poist edu- cefion. To ab-orb the groiwing uniempolyunent- we would even have tb set up netw gradutè, schoats. In bilas notes (lie menbined t 25 perent 0ol gh iSdhool stu- dents were now envaoing le Un- iver-dty. "Do, mou as tieaehers re(alty heldeiivehat one fin every four ïls Un»ierLlty niiteniîa1., Ho saw thte day, if we Continue on our pres cnt path, vhen students ,Would rach t(he age af twenyfour before Ilceaývdng sehioaL "This is unreýaiiL*ic", he oedd. "'Suriely we Ca'nnot double or tiplle aur Unidv.ersÊ'ties", he saïd. In 1980 we wil] speind on educ- atilon, ýmaèibaIning thie growth, an ainount equiafitoa i I oer 9ervlices. ln the p-ast aur growth has, as- slsted, iin Efnanding eiducatdonL 1He asaid-thýat th,1s wats now belng quies-. tioncid beciausie gnioWth doeis ser- iouisly affect ie ecoloigial struc- ture o'f the coimmunlty. M t hneg abouit neeld for oltiy contrai, wastc dispasal, and ýtrrainiponta- titan which in tc~le cosi mnon!ay. -Mr. Pitman referreld briefly te thé present Consarvative leader- shap raýce àn which ha isiaf cen- diMaates were suddienly amliafng that. they cauld eut tire coists of educatlon aven up ta on e4third. H1e isid this uwa.s ýpassible and tirat the, upzwinIg in coats liad very little tD do w1th buiding. Educatuoni ca ris ore centred miny on hunran pcuonnel . - your sealaries. "Are yau gafng to take, a one-third eut," he quee. tioned. "W*e have beien wstteful 0f aur human baings and we have kept aur chVËdren oui of socictty", he gaùd. lIt was tat thuis point tiret he suggested thaît studoimt edncatdin wauld have ta. be diredted ita oth- -er entres3 of learnàng sudh as in- dutitry iand commerce. "Wliy doies a elerk nced a graide 13 ed- cation, 'tonIy beûatse we have been oayling It ras necessary."1 H1e dasidithe taacihig profesàsin wais ýgloing-ta have ta holp h(hange this atttude and that industry and commierce woulhave ta share in thre educationa process. Hée did rat se that thls wâs go- inig ta, eut costs but viatier it. would put a darper on rosing' costs. 1He said tirat same money wauld àave ta be dirccted froen thýe eduýCat,!onaJinstitution - and parhlapa drectcd tao industry and "Scihoo," li.1 e siaid, lare going te have ta play fa mare restrictive rall in, the educatàfonal 'pracess." Too many diidren are hbowling thaeir tiare Wasted in the cams- room diva (ta aur prafsent day dog- mn. Mr. Piliman ttated>that the pro- fessdon was igoàng to have to akie a giod -look et the curricuu and wAk if ài i really relevant or needd today. Our, present ýsystem was dMdew fran atgrcultural ena and littie lia's ehanfged' 1h aur thinking -over the years. 'Stu- dents are ýbomdbarded .wlih knaw- ledge af the type we teath by TV' pauper hachsanmd other mediâa Whieh was noever amadlai.e, before. "Yugpeople can loarn a lot outedie the coinnes of the sdhaof system," ire said. There, are al kls cf things students eam do m4hidele arning and tihe Speaker thatasssta c culli go ta'ward he1p&ng thune nmifficlhlbairken H1e a-iso >stigcoted assiigwfth the ù,eaehin g of math ini publc scliamoils ani other areüs in social servWces Where boUes are urgent- IVy necded. "We have ta dhlange heidea of whaât e&ucation 3," lie sali, l ointed out timaitwe do mot aflways 'need the profesis lonail answei-c- d atd 4*hat it was miot ncervta b h a s ýi r1o- toar ta take a p5itient's temp'ýra- tut'e. Tire p*ur Peaple c& t6odaif- feor draiK'mly ta thât 0& only a Iaw aiersa aga. Today they ciarTy dipi'OMD) froin grade 12 to a, PhD. He safli, our present systear lias only ralled the-qualhiy c0ftour un- eniplcyed." We have ta overcoe our pro- fessional bang-ufp-san d eive jtot Our own proeiessdion m the teach- Ing prtfatin. "Human devoilop- ment çhrould hec the nmre of the genre," ho sali. b g'neral dicu.siion Mr. Pit- mrn sali ha &d, mot agree wth the computi-aory ega for iedwca- t ,~b s na~-edta sixteen 'This, sl-rnu1d ha lowered," lie .sad. ORONO TYKES- The rat Tyke 'A' te-axp went, dlown ta fatalt11he0ha1nds af Ne wcs,,tlc byý a sco~re of 4-0. Doave Million of the& Newaasttle teani scorci twa coýàls wftitli single' courts ta Snrith anid Foister. Tire Orono Tyke 'B' teain were victars 3fNehein tley met a shmilar squad frain Btewmianrvdleý. Grena taakâ the gaine470. Duaare Major and Tarry Hedcgcts sharei in the saoring wiith1 Wayne MaLean as- siuting on batih goals. ATOMS WIN- The Orna Atomns downei the Pwf, Hopie Ato-rs by a score of 4-1. Danimi Hutton scorci two of the Orama goals wMhitle aosbisbng on an-othetr. Tonmxy Gusta(r mIsa pàck- cd uip three points an anc geai anmd hreaaisiss. Tie other Or- ana goals were by Oharie-., Quian- trill and (>wen JohnA-n with bath ecfdited with assista. PEEWEES OUT IN FRONT The Orono PeeWees took a 7-2 WIn In a beague gaine with Miil- brook. The Orono goals went, ta Niaky VanSeggler, Ken Huttaon, Jason Lce, Ghris Roilasion, 2, Brett Ncwell and Jol DJoge JolI misao was -cneédited with ithree ýassisi5s, BaTry West, 2, and single assu fjsta John ýCornafli, Allan Gfîdetft and Ken Hutton. BANTAMS DEFEATED MIDGEJTS WIN The Biownranvns.e Bantams won ____ ver Or4,na by a 7-5 count. Rbie He-adarson ntted !two of thue-Or- ana goals wlth the others by K. Powell, Bf Il SIater eind Larry Rani3W a-tabrooke, Steve Coxe Watt son. and Bob Tannant shared in athe Oron,., Midgat ,scoring when Or- ona defeatei Port Hope 3-0. IVEST LIEADS SCOIIING RACE hi 24 paine-s, Stev&n West af ime O-hriwa Cruth-nen, lias seoued 28 go,,all; d ajsl on 47 others far a 75 poinltitoal, 30 podints :.î-iead of Peterborough's Jin Joinston. Crushmenm ciniched second Up And Down The 3 oùkStac(ks> JANUARV 2lst, 1971 AI)ULT-, Psylo4yernetics by %Uxwell MaYz; .DF.I.-C.S -(a new ïbechÉiique fcr ueing yur sub- Sqines de France- by A. L.' Carre. The Year of the Wha1le by Victor place -at C4viisAuddtoriui Satur- day night witla a victory over the CruihmTlare seconda tW& po(J;nts behbnd lA mgue 1eaffinig Pet- erboroug-1h whi'lle Khgto td.Pete bruib has 38 pe 'iis, Osdi.awa 36 ýand KCingston w-But both Peterborough a'nd iCn nhave three games mn band on Oshawa, Grant C. Wade Insurance Agency GENRALINSURANCE Newtonville, Ontarîo Telephone 786-2921 BET'TER 7 WAYS Visit Our Showroom Friendly Sales, Service and Parts POTYPOOýIkjý, ONT. Telephone98-56 Callyour. Iicensed Plumbing& Mechanical Contractor who selis, instalis, 1and guarantees CARKMlâ AN PLUMBING AND HEATING ROY THOMPSON Orono, Ontario Phone 983-'5759 Al Carpentry Work Remodeiing Kitcheu Cupboards -e build from the foundation Up. B. Scireffer (tweive mentira in the life of a, young hale). My Dear Cousin, by Peggy Hoff - man (an historical novel). Vanisqhai by Fletchler Kne bel (a suspense novel). Love &tory by EIih Segal. JUNIOR- Nehru -by Bami Siorter (a Fin- grmp(hy). Let's Go To a (Cty Hall by Lo'us A Ras c.tte for Rayai by Patricia Whtipemrs of tie Wilderness by H. Mortümer Batten. EASýY READING and -PICTURE BOOKS- The Travels af ýBabar b y Jean de Potato -TWk ý.by, Enns Rees. Linda's Air Mail Lettar by Nor- main Bell. Shaupes and Thirgs by Tana Ho. ban. Olga Beauchamp Elmer's Garage TEXACO SERVICE Mill St. North, Orono Phone 983-5130 SNOWMflO.BIp 'LES SALES and SERVICE DonalId Cathcart R.R. 1, Kendal, Ontario Phone, 983-567-1 SNOWPLOWING DRIVEWAYS to SHOPPING PLAZAS -24 Hour Service- Season and Hourly Rates Phone 983-5197 D. ROGERSON ORONO, ONTARIO ANTIQUE, WE BUY AND SEL]. Old Glass. China, Pine Articles Toys and Oddities IF IT'S OLD.. CALL US WE PAY CASH Phone 62t3-5342 after 6 p.m. DX SERVICE STATION Hdighwaiy 35 and 115, just north of Newcastle Featuring: ~ Premium Quality Products -' Ai~ The Most Rteasonable Prices Any quantity per gal., SteeOi at our,,O9 Station20 Phonie 987-4215 Id DISTRICT BRANCH 1CROSS SOCIETY 1VOUR COMMI;NITY ation CALL: IVhs.,W. M. Rudell 987-4261 d Mrs. G. Forsey 623-3909 Mr. H. Luxton 623-3693 Miss M. Crowe 623-3929 MrÉs. F. Griffin 623-3115 Mr. W. Bagneil 623-3585 Mrs. G. Evers 623-2639 Mrs. R. Spry 983-5291 -M 7p