ORO0NO WEEKLY TIMES, WEkNESD$AY., FEBRUAIlY 3rýd,_ 17 SicndClass Mail RüstinNmbr06e P.ublishied every Thursdayr at the office of publcatior Maizi Street, Oruno, Ontai'ý0. Phone e83-5301I Barri ers Exist, WPalVer Pitnian sP«akLbig Vo the CLanke toera last week pol>nted but Éine realiites wt-h fie geneal public ,and eŽipecfiaiy parents biave ùe as yet ffaceS up te>. Mr. RItnan, ine ,a 'miideanner, toek ftbeoehileg pirokss4i&n ta tesk i leadiG&T19ta e beEle! tfýat edîzralion couisi Cure ail Vls ansId c>eedalY the iMs e! uilemplo3,iielt. lGreater cd- ucatiin incias a Mltter p4ay eheque."1 The speaker jiught welllhave induded parents in the saine datogolry as teâcheiis fiihbae ¶aMned a gloious fu- titre for tihe educiatesi. We have bomibarded youth xth. the Ideia fliat fiey ehoui beciomo engieeer.s, dotons, law- yers eté. toe eejoy a ridher ami faller 'ife. iver once cdd we reize thiat oui nation can enly niake use o! so moeny meiugineorse, dioctors or laiwyers ami what chaos we wxould cre- ate il eteryone attaned thiýs degree o! educatioe, Mr. Pltinan Fàpoke o!f te. need for a new attitude towarOs edieaton uoieg fui weill the many deep-raoted barriecrs wiichmust be crumbleS bel-ore chlange taikes plam e. ieques3tdoeld that 75% of those 'noxv enrollesi in uniizeesty werc really undvereJity niatei@lio! the pire sent day standiaed. Otiier recenît reports have clainiesitheic ane fadt. But lt ias ibeconie fas!hMio.naabe, andi we have saisi, neceany thiat everyione 'po5ile ýéobtIain a uniiveliity de- grec. AJi parets, and -iziýn ibly Rlnlihtfuliy so, dreain of the day tiat theii7son or daaightcr adchieethe ultiate in edu- cation. This goal, so te hpeak, s placeS above adl oher humnan triaits. Sunclv themp are o,,ler iattrdibutes that are as reuiard- dng te ieVndv!dtiul. We sio cot profelssto soy fItat thoge with alhbdity shoul fiofet, their higiher educaUlon but let us not lower standards îto thc Point thiat .hbgher. educafion hieomos worthiesis. It ould weil lie fat imy.students today are dniv- e Vo a prni-nt'e! frustration as we'lUlas a waste of time ansi >hunbintalent Mr'. Carruthier's Stand Last week 'Mr. Mex Garruthers MP.P. for Durliamr at a nmee,,'tiug dePort Ilope,seèit Uic records -straighijeneP- gards bis oepiinansi fitoe! ic Cnservathie Peit o- viardis fiue extension o! Provdnedai suipport ilo CathliE SdhoùIs beyond grade ten. He Ds noportesi as stating fiat lie was oppeosesi to any exýtent§ion. We maSI agree with Mr. Carrthiers' stand ansi do support inansy e! bis Viotghtsia arrivd'ng atI Ms dectioe.ii Ie podented üut thiat niany ofier relligieus groupos werte presenitly deplandcl i te rigt te f orna separalte educatïlon syeema and e,ýWressed the iliew thiat thie argument o! suip- port for, the sepainate sifool systean baisesi on fie RNA Aet w.ouIl niot boldS water wfth tbae geeeýrail publie much longer., 31i. Oarruthers stated Fie was conelrnedi Mat tihe breakiiug-up e!f e education sstem weuIlS tend Vo have a dM'ldîlng effect on Canada. He said we shoutS be strivlug for Uuty. laefils nmatter Mr. Carruthers ils on finm grounal for t îs the purpose o! thMs nation Vo strive for unity radier tLhan creatIng poekettacf! diverse groups es,-pecilally wthdn the publjic sector, Editor Dear Mr. Editer: Ftuther Vo tlhe letter o! Janu- arY 22nd subnûited te you, by Mr. Deug MoSattt I shbufld )ke Vo stand tiii>andi be ceuted lM sm4> port Of this letter and tJhe sugges- tieon O o rn lo inie and Scthool Asoilo n tihet thie antkÀpated new school je Ornoe honjaed' af er one o! oui-r leir teücihers. lvEss Kate Fostpr. HIavIig hved a, good part of my, M' elen his conmunity andi as ýa faOriner puplo! MmssFoster 1V is my pleasure to gay Vhit I have always lied a great deMa{« !re- sipeet for eVMs lady, netot niy asa. eadheir but as a person. ,e In er feorty yeors as a toadier and plncedllaio! the Grom >Pub- Ic SdhOo1 she Lu ii er quiet. thon- Ougi andi Cousant dediieted way contiibuted muéh, not enly te ced- udatiion but aisOo t the character 'fnMuJlffing o«f l teýaadiy hundrediý of the youth o! this conimunity. She seemned t o jook upon encli pupil as an indlividual worffhy o! personail attention and consider- atdon. In reminiselng the ena when I rcceived my elemientary ansi sec- ondlary eua in jthuss Chîoe,, then kniowtn as Orono Continua- tion Schoel,sera other per- sonages i ire m,',lycorne Vo ny mmndasaig conùnlhuited mucih' toward eduouatdon in ÇiarkelTown- sihip andi Oronoý. With youir per- mission, Mr. EC,'Lton, I s(hou[bd liike tb mnention a few - Mrs. Bertha Touclibure, a tecler, Mirs. Don- ald Robb, a nusieoand draina toeaiher, Mrfs. Arthur Drunimnsi, Mr. Russell Re<borough, airs. A. Chater, forner princîupals, Mr. A. J. Tanil-Yli nasihooltuStee for ffiany yor nnl finl Mi R. R. Wa4cdel,1 ba e ý ho was al- w0ays keenly iles djeeduaca-. tion anid Whe entr.ibutednhany Vears as; a trufee ani secretary o! the old Oreno BSerd,., InlJokngfo)rwaird 'te the fu- ture niay we mot forgeV those wýFfio have coe before. Olive lMflson OrnoScIoI News Thie gradf &s weint o Cobourg ta see the school boord ini action. The Thursday mneetingsg tarted a- bo.ut 8:30 Vu fite evendug. Weý were 'home by 12:00« The studients were mot asked teo c-ane baiek Vo the shol un til 10:3oQ Ynldly more- ing. Semne thiugihti t wos very in- Sxne studeets werýe lute cin Wednesdiay ansi mined imot ev- en' niaie hbes uîs o! Wetther conditions. Somd o! thle buses- sud mot run, and thers were late. ,Witlh se nvany absenIt studenis the senior ýgrades, had speilling becs andi floîor hockey gaines Somne grade 7 ansi 8 boys are planig Vo go to a Vollleyball tournament in Oobourg, At pie. sent they are, pracing aiter adbool. If tliey betat the grade 7 aMi 8tg'irls tliey Wile ogoingif the boys loose tlhëy wfM net be On FeibnrY I)r th 9fe Seliol Band xifi bo playdng at New.ton,. vfilfie. light mow they are bard at xwork pradtIomg. Piros. ES aak; A4Pres Juin moflat, Ken Ooafiam, Tom Moi- :fat, Anna CosiieigM ami jWmi Howeveu, beffore she gives ïhc Fren-ch oalMrs. CarIsen is ýacý- companDrng her suet aa pliay entitled "tjliamnbre Cent lix" m7Uých s in French and is presenIed at the Li'ndw~ay thea- tre on Felbruary is. Year fuur geognapdy students are selling tickets tils week to raWse, mý-ney for thedr Proposed trip. Fir'st prtize is a fourf4oot red and whfite stuiffed ellephant; second and tblh- x prlse are smxû- ler suffed andimals. CLUBS -The yearbook staff plans to start thelir flrst leyus hswt alrcîloesing the cover deâ1gn £rein their twe4weec ontest. AI- thouCihdbeir ao4vertising oasnpaîgn teliaied cliose Vo $700.0, tihey are flot sa4lffled - lettens bave been sent te comlpanie3s x41ihiln a 30. Mme radus. The Studýent GouncH l nmeeting last week didm't bring out many reps. but the dtscusions were heuted. Plians for a Vaicoltirie DYanice were the mnain tepie and the group,, IGunfthurtujcky' ias been hIred for -the 19th of F'eh- huary. Pnoceedis wËI be dlivided between the yearbook staff aind the Student~s Couecil. In reèent yeans, Oloike stu- dents hâve suîppoated a foster cbljldnimed Dolýores. ThIis year plans have been moffified te help a chid in a nearby co'untry ra- ther than overseas. SPORTS- On kÎnuýairy 2Bth the Chwake 1Thme Raders deféated Osliawa Cadhelt. g347. .Unfflortu[daibelly, the juior andi baintain baskeftbal teamas were flot as successfull. ' 0magratuljatiiomsto the gtiF's senior Voi1eyblall teiarn wlo se 'ýtnumpantljy be'a' Bownianvilile in tihree straiigt gaines. MISCELLANEOUS 1ogttdat1ofns te Delbbie Bat- tains, agrade 10 stidienlt at Clarke who recently had a Poeei entiti- ed 'Ituning' pubhlthed in the After Four section o!f the Telle- grai. Alex Supports 8111 Davis ,Mex OarruUhers, the Douir MPstates tliat he ffl su:- por WiffiSm DavWsins e is bàd for the leadersilp o e boOntario-pro greskve ConserviaUtve PaTty nt tihe Letadeirslhip Convention e)n Felbnuiry 10 - 12. >SaYý Mr. Qarruthers, "BR !Da- viàs bas liroýVed in the way be bas Nan<iied the lepaiftmenit e! Ediu- cation that Ihe is a mon of great ab&llty, rflhs departrnent là tîhe nost deeManiig and I adindlle tîhe way he lias carried eut.its busi- 'fhéeo las boon inuch tafl<co late about an elâeJeion being held witi the nexit f ew nionIlis, but Mn. Carnthers ,Pointed; eut ,fiat thoére is ne noed florthegevein- ý mentt o eall an election until '72, REGIONAL TEACIIERS' CONFERE NCE ON iJEBAN STUDIES Tlhe Lake Ontario Geograpbyý Teachers' Orgatndlzatdjon xiii beý holdfing ils second annual Winter- Conference at Port Hope Itigh' School on Saturdaïy, Februatry 6, it was announced recently by Mvir Tim IFeidiingt, Pres4ldent of the Orga-nizat:ion and a Geo.graphy teacher at W. L. Mackenie Col- legiate i Norbh York.' The tbcheeof the Conference will be urbani studiles. Mr. Ron'old M. Farrow, Head of the Regiion.a4 Governiment Studfies Sect4-on« o! the Ontaio Department of Muni- cipa4 Affmirs, wtVII délbver the kelmote address on "Là,all Gov- ernmeent Reforrm - Th mp ionts for the CIassroem." Ihe programmé ineludes a vuriety ci speak~ers, diseusaf on panebsý, and flsof vaine in the teachÊng of urboan studlles to elementary and secondary gchool teadhers. Over' one hundred teacihers are expeot-' ed Vo attend, from a]ilparts, of the region froin Kingston- te Oslýhowa and north to Hialiburton. The Lakce Onùa-llo Georgrapby Teadhbers' Organizaiîon lias been ifn exitane 'since 1969 -and, pro- vidies a means for Georgraphy teachers V o assjst each other 'in their -professionia'l.developmrent,. ment, thurouglh field trips Qnd coîfrenes.In April, 1970, the' first Aiinuiaý Wter Conference wa3 ýh(,I at LGyalist College in Bellleivile. MfATITS BILLIARDS and Barbersbsp Oren#, ont. Phono 983-5310 Continental Sauna, an* SîE«Am mIA GENTLEMEN.. W-e have a Sauna and WhfrI.. pool ready for your use. Drop in and glve them a try Group Rates AvatLable Mon. to Sat. 1p.. Iam Sun. 8 a.m. 1pi. 16A ONTARYO STREET %Z8-2460 OSIAWVA Boxed AUl Streets la Orouo. Sigu have now been erected at ail en- tiances te Orono noting no parking on any street in Orono from the heur of 6 A.M. until 8 A:M. Any cOar parked on the street during this, hlour Win heneefoi-th be subjeet te be ticketed. Vour co-operatioin will be appreciated. OronoPolie Trst e The Dii ff reorie Is Inu Your Favour Fifteen years ago 7 out or 10 o! today's prescriptions could net have been fiIed. By keepiang pace withi medical science, wle helP Your dloctor ieilp yon te better health. ORONO, ONTARIO PIIONE 983-5009 - ý -7